Ted Cruz mocks Joe Biden one day before Biden's son is to be buried.

Joe Biden made himself a target long before Beau died. While I agree, the attacks should be tempered during a time of grief, but Joe Biden didn't make things easy on himself with his numerous political gaffes. With that being said, lay off. I don't really give a half a damn what he's done.

My old Sunday school teacher's son was involved in an automobile accident on Monday. They took him off life support last night. So, it doesn't matter if you're an idiot or a saint, when you lose someone close to you, it hurts like hell. So back off.
Look how you are blaming Biden for Cruzy's rude comments.

And they say liberals are apologists....Just another hypocrite from the right wing slime ditch.
Well at least Cruz didn't turn Biden's funeral into a political rally. Like liberals did at Paul Wellstone's funeral.
Aren't you with that church that pickets dead soldiers funerals?
Lol, is that all you got?
I guess that's a confirmation.
No actually I could kill one of those bastards at a funeral, and I wouldn't feel bad for doing it, but we do have the first amendment. So they actually have the right to do what they do.

Wow, sounds like a threat. Maybe the FBI needs to do some checking on you. I'll refer your post to them now. USMB will have to surrender your identity if requested. Good luck.
Well at least Cruz didn't turn Biden's funeral into a political rally. Like liberals did at Paul Wellstone's funeral.
Aren't you with that church that pickets dead soldiers funerals?
Lol, is that all you got?
I guess that's a confirmation.
No actually I could kill one of those bastards at a funeral, and I wouldn't feel bad for doing it, but we do have the first amendment. So they actually have the right to do what they do.

Wow, sounds like a threat. Maybe the FBI needs to do some checking on you. I'll refer your post to them now. USMB will have to surrender your identity if requested. Good luck.
Dumbass I said I could, not that I would. I note your concern for them, which shows how you hate our soldiers. Do you not get tired of proving that you are stupid on here daily?
Why bash Biden? He isn't even in the running. I think it was stupid

Not just stupid but repulsive, disgusting and callous. Cruz is obviously not someone who should be in the White House. If he can make such an extremely bad mistake or judgment call, what kind of such mistakes and misjudgments could he make as president?

Of course you thought that the shithead Obama was one to be in the White House when he attended a hate church for 20 years where hate against Whites and Jews and even the US was preached from the pulpit.

A tiny bit of campaign rhetoric and then an apology by Cruz was nothing. We have riots, looting and dead policemen that are the indirect result of Obama's Black ghetto racism.
:cuckoo:You are absolutely nuts. Your thinking isn't even worth responding to: you don't live in the real world. You are just repeating sound bites from your vile, loud mouth heroes like Limbaugh. Obama did not attend a 'hate church,' he does not hate Jews or anyone else, and he is certainly not responsible for anything happening on the streets of America between blacks and the police or anyone else. Only a fool who does not know how to think would believe such nonsense.
Only a fool believes he is the most respected leader in the world.
Your response has nothing to do with anything said here. If you are suggesting I've said that, you would be wrong. Which makes you look like a fool....nothing new.
You're acting like it......so it's a fair assumption.
Ted Cruz has already done enough to show what a POS he is so we can just add this to the list.

-When someone shows you who they are, believe them-
If Ted Cruz is a piece of shit then Obama is the maggot that eats off of that piece of shit.

And Hillary is the fly tha stays away from that shit (or at least claims to)......and instead talks a bunch of shit about everyone else.

Ted Cruz believes in kicking someone when they are down. That's about as low as one can go. So whatever is lowlier than a maggot, that's Cruz.
Then again......the op clearly stated in the article that Cruz didn't know about Bo Biden dying when he made the comment in question.

So your self-righteous rant is unwarranted.
Ted Cruz has already done enough to show what a POS he is so we can just add this to the list.

-When someone shows you who they are, believe them-
If Ted Cruz is a piece of shit then Obama is the maggot that eats off of that piece of shit.

And Hillary is the fly tha stays away from that shit (or at least claims to)......and instead talks a bunch of shit about everyone else.

Ted Cruz believes in kicking someone when they are down. That's about as low as one can go. So whatever is lowlier than a maggot, that's Cruz.
Then again......the op clearly stated in the article that Cruz didn't know about Bo Biden dying when he made the comment in question.

So your self-righteous rant is unwarranted.

they don't care.
lying and dishonesty is ok if it's for their dirty politics
Four days after Beau Biden died and one day before his burial Ted Cruz mocked Joe Biden while on the campaign trial. This is the man who also uses Jesus and his alleged Christian faith on the campaign trial.
His joke; “Vice President Joe Biden,” Cruz said. “You know the nice thing? You don’t need a punch line.”
“I promise you it works,” he continued. “The next party you’re at, just walk up to someone and say, ‘Vice President Joe Biden and just close your mouth. They will crack up laughing.”
Ted Cruz mocks Joe Biden days after son s death offers weak apology - Salon.com
He later apologized.
Was Cruz unaware of Biden's personal tragedy or did he make the joke knowing full well that Biden had just lost his son who hadn't even been buried yet to make brownie points with the hardcore haters of the far right?
Whatever the case, it will hurt Cruz on the big stage and endear him with the hate crowd.

Wow. That is up there with telling a man confined to a wheelchair to stand up. Biden has received condolences....including Republicans. You bust Cruz's balls because he mocks Biden's policies? How about a Senator or Vice President that mocks Indian and Asian accents?
Four days after Beau Biden died and one day before his burial Ted Cruz mocked Joe Biden while on the campaign trial. This is the man who also uses Jesus and his alleged Christian faith on the campaign trial.
His joke; “Vice President Joe Biden,” Cruz said. “You know the nice thing? You don’t need a punch line.”
“I promise you it works,” he continued. “The next party you’re at, just walk up to someone and say, ‘Vice President Joe Biden and just close your mouth. They will crack up laughing.”
Ted Cruz mocks Joe Biden days after son s death offers weak apology - Salon.com
He later apologized.
Was Cruz unaware of Biden's personal tragedy or did he make the joke knowing full well that Biden had just lost his son who hadn't even been buried yet to make brownie points with the hardcore haters of the far right?
Whatever the case, it will hurt Cruz on the big stage and endear him with the hate crowd.

Wow. That is up there with telling a man confined to a wheelchair to stand up. Biden has received condolences....including Republicans. You bust Cruz's balls because he mocks Biden's policies? How about a Senator or Vice President that mocks Indian and Asian accents?

Yes, I know Biden received condolences from Republicans. What you obviously don't get is that Biden hadn't even buried his son yet and Cruz attacks the guy while he is in obvious mourning. Now Cruz has proclaimed he is running for Christians. Yet his attack of Biden, who at this time is NOT a candidate and in mourning was far from Christian. Even if Biden was running, Cruz's timing would still be totally insensitive and in very poor taste, particularly for a presidential candidate.
The news of Biden loss of his son was in all the media, it was a major story. So why would Cruz do that?
Now if you still don't get it, well then you just either aren't too bright or you lack basic moral values.
Oh and by the way, I have never supported or ever voted for Joe Biden. Anyone who has read my posts over almost five years, know that I am not in love with either the Dems or the GOP.
Very bad timing. Yes, Cruz apologized, but I'm surprised that he would even think to joke about a man who had just lost his son. That's just poor taste. I'm glad Cruz realized this and apologized, but it never should have happened in the first place.

That said, I have to question the Left's excessive whining on this issue, given their history of vicious personal attacks on conservative politicians, such as their numerous jokes about Sarah Palin's down-syndrome child. So it strikes me as crocodile tears to be crying so loudly about Cruz's admittedly tasteless joke.

This episode speaks to how poisoned our political dialogue has become, and the Democrats are much more to blame than the Republicans for this state of affairs.
good grief, how could he even think to joke about a man who just lost his son

Note to Republicans: you need to not say anything because it just might offend the sensitive sensibilities of a few. Or some leftwing hate site will use Biden's DEAD son for their dirty politics of hate

take your pick
That said, I have to question the Left's excessive whining on this issue, given their history of vicious personal attacks on conservative politicians, such as their numerous jokes about Sarah Palin's down-syndrome child.

which numerous jokes are those, guy?

Come on, give us a list of all the "leftists' who made jokes about Sarah Palin's son.

Just curious: How many liberals here posted messages condemning the liberal jokes about Sarah Palin's down-syndrome child? Just curious.
That said, I have to question the Left's excessive whining on this issue, given their history of vicious personal attacks on conservative politicians, such as their numerous jokes about Sarah Palin's down-syndrome child.

which numerous jokes are those, guy?

Come on, give us a list of all the "leftists' who made jokes about Sarah Palin's son.


You're kidding, right?

Google them.
Four days after Beau Biden died and one day before his burial Ted Cruz mocked Joe Biden while on the campaign trial. This is the man who also uses Jesus and his alleged Christian faith on the campaign trial.
His joke; “Vice President Joe Biden,” Cruz said. “You know the nice thing? You don’t need a punch line.”
“I promise you it works,” he continued. “The next party you’re at, just walk up to someone and say, ‘Vice President Joe Biden and just close your mouth. They will crack up laughing.”
Ted Cruz mocks Joe Biden days after son s death offers weak apology - Salon.com
He later apologized.
Was Cruz unaware of Biden's personal tragedy or did he make the joke knowing full well that Biden had just lost his son who hadn't even been buried yet to make brownie points with the hardcore haters of the far right?
Whatever the case, it will hurt Cruz on the big stage and endear him with the hate crowd.

Wow. That is up there with telling a man confined to a wheelchair to stand up. Biden has received condolences....including Republicans. You bust Cruz's balls because he mocks Biden's policies? How about a Senator or Vice President that mocks Indian and Asian accents?

Yes, I know Biden received condolences from Republicans. What you obviously don't get is that Biden hadn't even buried his son yet and Cruz attacks the guy while he is in obvious mourning. Now Cruz has proclaimed he is running for Christians. Yet his attack of Biden, who at this time is NOT a candidate and in mourning was far from Christian. Even if Biden was running, Cruz's timing would still be totally insensitive and in very poor taste, particularly for a presidential candidate.
The news of Biden loss of his son was in all the media, it was a major story. So why would Cruz do that?
Now if you still don't get it, well then you just either aren't too bright or you lack basic moral values.
Oh and by the way, I have never supported or ever voted for Joe Biden. Anyone who has read my posts over almost five years, know that I am not in love with either the Dems or the GOP.

I am not defending Cruz. I am pointing out that Biden mocks people all the time; intentionally and unintentionally through his gaffes.
That said, I have to question the Left's excessive whining on this issue, given their history of vicious personal attacks on conservative politicians, such as their numerous jokes about Sarah Palin's down-syndrome child.

which numerous jokes are those, guy?

Come on, give us a list of all the "leftists' who made jokes about Sarah Palin's son.


You're kidding, right?

Google them.

You made an assertion that a lot of "liberals" made bad comments about Sarah Palin's child.

Please list them. Don't tell us to do your work for you.

Just for fun, I did google "Trig Palin mocked"....

And only found TWO instances. Neither was from a Senator or Politician.

One was a blogger, the other was a comedian.

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