Ted Cruz Pledges Support For Constitutional Amendment Banning Birth Control

Personhood based on life beginning at conception would make any birth control method that was designed to affect the fertilized egg in any way effectively murder.

Anything that affects a fertilized egg is not really contraception, but abortion, and birth control has traditionally only been considered contraceptives.
Personhood based on life beginning at conception would make any birth control method that was designed to affect the fertilized egg in any way effectively murder.

Anything that affects a fertilized egg is not really contraception, but abortion, and birth control has traditionally only been considered contraceptives.

One of the effects of the standard birth control pill is to alter the lining of the womb which adversely affects implantation if in fact the other effects of the pill have not worked.
Personhood based on life beginning at conception would make any birth control method that was designed to affect the fertilized egg in any way effectively murder.

Anything that affects a fertilized egg is not really contraception, but abortion, and birth control has traditionally only been considered contraceptives.

One of the effects of the standard birth control pill is to alter the lining of the womb which adversely affects implantation if in fact the other effects of the pill have not worked.

That goes counter to what abortion rights advocates have been saying for decades.

Much Ado About Nothing Pro-Life Misconceptions About Contraception
Personhood based on life beginning at conception would make any birth control method that was designed to affect the fertilized egg in any way effectively murder.

Anything that affects a fertilized egg is not really contraception, but abortion, and birth control has traditionally only been considered contraceptives.

One of the effects of the standard birth control pill is to alter the lining of the womb which adversely affects implantation if in fact the other effects of the pill have not worked.

That goes counter to what abortion rights advocates have been saying for decades.

Much Ado About Nothing Pro-Life Misconceptions About Contraception

I'm merely explaining that a personhood amendment could ultimately make the use of the pill the crime of murder.

Try to get 3/4's of the states to pass that amendment, lol.
Personhood based on life beginning at conception would make any birth control method that was designed to affect the fertilized egg in any way effectively murder.

Anything that affects a fertilized egg is not really contraception, but abortion, and birth control has traditionally only been considered contraceptives.

One of the effects of the standard birth control pill is to alter the lining of the womb which adversely affects implantation if in fact the other effects of the pill have not worked.

That goes counter to what abortion rights advocates have been saying for decades.

Much Ado About Nothing Pro-Life Misconceptions About Contraception

Might also make you wonder why Hobby Lobby didn't object to the Pill when they came up with their list of birth control methods they considered abortifacients.
Personhood based on life beginning at conception would make any birth control method that was designed to affect the fertilized egg in any way effectively murder.

Anything that affects a fertilized egg is not really contraception, but abortion, and birth control has traditionally only been considered contraceptives.

One of the effects of the standard birth control pill is to alter the lining of the womb which adversely affects implantation if in fact the other effects of the pill have not worked.

That goes counter to what abortion rights advocates have been saying for decades.

Much Ado About Nothing Pro-Life Misconceptions About Contraception

I'm merely explaining that a personhood amendment could ultimately make the use of the pill the crime of murder.

Try to get 3/4's of the states to pass that amendment, lol.

"Could" doesn't mean "can"

If we get to the point 3/4 of the states support it, your side would be screwed anyway.
Personhood based on life beginning at conception would make any birth control method that was designed to affect the fertilized egg in any way effectively murder.

Anything that affects a fertilized egg is not really contraception, but abortion, and birth control has traditionally only been considered contraceptives.

One of the effects of the standard birth control pill is to alter the lining of the womb which adversely affects implantation if in fact the other effects of the pill have not worked.

That goes counter to what abortion rights advocates have been saying for decades.

Much Ado About Nothing Pro-Life Misconceptions About Contraception

Might also make you wonder why Hobby Lobby didn't object to the Pill when they came up with their list of birth control methods they considered abortifacients.

It still makes your last statement unsupported by any scientific evidence.

I suggest you withdraw it.
Personhood based on life beginning at conception would make any birth control method that was designed to affect the fertilized egg in any way effectively murder.

Anything that affects a fertilized egg is not really contraception, but abortion, and birth control has traditionally only been considered contraceptives.

One of the effects of the standard birth control pill is to alter the lining of the womb which adversely affects implantation if in fact the other effects of the pill have not worked.

That goes counter to what abortion rights advocates have been saying for decades.

Much Ado About Nothing Pro-Life Misconceptions About Contraception

Might also make you wonder why Hobby Lobby didn't object to the Pill when they came up with their list of birth control methods they considered abortifacients.

It still makes your last statement unsupported by any scientific evidence.

I suggest you withdraw it.

How do you know it's unsupported by any scientific evidence?
Anything that affects a fertilized egg is not really contraception, but abortion, and birth control has traditionally only been considered contraceptives.

One of the effects of the standard birth control pill is to alter the lining of the womb which adversely affects implantation if in fact the other effects of the pill have not worked.

That goes counter to what abortion rights advocates have been saying for decades.

Much Ado About Nothing Pro-Life Misconceptions About Contraception

Might also make you wonder why Hobby Lobby didn't object to the Pill when they came up with their list of birth control methods they considered abortifacients.

It still makes your last statement unsupported by any scientific evidence.

I suggest you withdraw it.

How do you know it's unsupported by any scientific evidence?

Google searches on the topic.
One of the effects of the standard birth control pill is to alter the lining of the womb which adversely affects implantation if in fact the other effects of the pill have not worked.

That goes counter to what abortion rights advocates have been saying for decades.

Much Ado About Nothing Pro-Life Misconceptions About Contraception

Might also make you wonder why Hobby Lobby didn't object to the Pill when they came up with their list of birth control methods they considered abortifacients.

It still makes your last statement unsupported by any scientific evidence.

I suggest you withdraw it.

How do you know it's unsupported by any scientific evidence?

Google searches on the topic.

Now you're just lying.

The Polycarp Research Institute TPRI How Do The Pill And Other Contraceptives Work
What a fucking idiot.
While everyone is still transfixed by the outrage reality show that is the Trump campaign, other candidates like Ted Cruz have been scrambling behind the scenes trying to gather support wherever they can. When the Trump bubble finally pops and the whole thing goes down in flames, the most likely people to court his current supporters are Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz. (Bobby Jindal may even be further right than those two, but despite all of his desperate attempts to outdo Donald Trump and get attention, he is less popular than Hillary Clinton, in his own state of Louisiana.) The biggest prize for 2016 GOP presidential candidates is the evangelical conservatives who are adamantly against abortion for any reason, as well as some popular forms of birth control like the IUD which they also consider to be abortion. They believe that once a sperm fertilizes an egg, anything that prevents that egg from turning into a fetus, is the same thing as abortion. I know this sounds strange to some of us, but this is actually what they think, and I can confirm that the anti-choice activists in my family subscribe to this mindset. So that’s where Ted Cruz comes in. Cruz pledged last week to the extreme anti-choice Georgia Right to Life group that he would support a personhood amendment that would declare fertilized eggs to be human beings. Georgia Right to Life, one of the most outspoken proponents of the movement to grant legal “personhood” to fertilized eggs and fetuses, has endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz for president after he signed their candidate pledge promising to “support a personhood amendment to the U.S. Constitution.” GRTL’s pledge, which the group says Cruz signed, asks candidates to affirm that “a continuum of human life and personhood begins at the moment of fertilization” and promise to protect “the civil rights of the pre-born at an embryonic or fetal level.” In practice, personhood would not only criminalize all abortions, it could also endanger some common forms of birth control and put women who have suffered miscarriages at risk of prosecution. The Georgia group’s advocacy of sweeping personhood measures to ban abortion is so radical that it caused it to split from the National Right to Life Committee. (Source) Yes, these people were too radical for the already extreme National Right to Life Committee, and that was just fine with Ted Cruz. Not content just to defund Planned Parenthood or place serious restrictions on a woman’s right to choose, they also want to ban certain types of birth control which would prevent the need for an abortion in the first place.
Ted Cruz Pledges Support For Constitutional Amendment Banning Birth Control
Please quote the portion of the pledge that mentions birth control
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This is the kind of dishonesty that the left/democrat/lib spread around. If someone didn't know any better they would believe something like this . it's slimy dirty politics

they don't have to be right they just make something up and their tools spreads it around. all for freaking Politics. this is lowdown stuff
This is the kind of dishonesty that the left/democrat/lib spread around. If someone didn't know any better they would believe something like this . it's slimy dirty politics

they don't have to be right they just make something up and their tools spreads it around. all for freaking Politics. this is lowdown stuff

Whack a doodle, left wing site, nothing was even hinted he wants to ban birth control. Good grief
Bullshit, I love how you right wingers constantly attack the website when it BACKS UP what it's talking about from other sources.
Ted Cruz Ignites 2016 Race to the Bottom on Abortion and Women s Health - US News
"Cruz, like Akin, opposes abortion for victims of rape and incest. He also labels forms of contraception such as Plan B “abortifacients”, which isn’t scientifically or medically correct. At the Value Voters Summit last fall, Cruz repeatedly referred to contraception as “abortion-inducing drugs.”"
He supports passing "fetal personhood" from the moment of conception, which would effectively make morning after pills/etc all illegal and murder.

Your entire thread is bullshit, Cruz never endorsed it
You're an idiot then. He is insane, and I can't believe anyone would try to defend him. The facts don't lie. Keep hiding, fucker.

GFY and stop lying, it's unbecoming even for a moon bat such as yourself
Ah..that RW greeting again, little girl.
Bullshit, I love how you right wingers constantly attack the website when it BACKS UP what it's talking about from other sources.
Ted Cruz Ignites 2016 Race to the Bottom on Abortion and Women s Health - US News
"Cruz, like Akin, opposes abortion for victims of rape and incest. He also labels forms of contraception such as Plan B “abortifacients”, which isn’t scientifically or medically correct. At the Value Voters Summit last fall, Cruz repeatedly referred to contraception as “abortion-inducing drugs.”"
He supports passing "fetal personhood" from the moment of conception, which would effectively make morning after pills/etc all illegal and murder.

Your entire thread is bullshit, Cruz never endorsed it
You're an idiot then. He is insane, and I can't believe anyone would try to defend him. The facts don't lie. Keep hiding, fucker.

GFY and stop lying, it's unbecoming even for a moon bat such as yourself
I'm not lying! Jesus christ, how delusional are you? Do you want me to explain to you what "fetal personhood" means? What calling contraceptives "abortifacients" represents? What the pledge for the pac is? Grow up.

I repeat, GFY. How's that? :)
Ah...the little girl gives the RW greeting again.
I think the question should be...do the posters on this thread attacking the OP support what T. Cruz said and pledged....or not? Yes or no.
That goes counter to what abortion rights advocates have been saying for decades.

Much Ado About Nothing Pro-Life Misconceptions About Contraception

Might also make you wonder why Hobby Lobby didn't object to the Pill when they came up with their list of birth control methods they considered abortifacients.

It still makes your last statement unsupported by any scientific evidence.

I suggest you withdraw it.

How do you know it's unsupported by any scientific evidence?

Google searches on the topic.

Now you're just lying.

The Polycarp Research Institute TPRI How Do The Pill And Other Contraceptives Work

Did you read their mission statement?

The Polycarp Research Institute is a non-profit organization (501 C3) dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of high-quality research designed to enhance the physical, psychological and spiritual condition of mankind. TPRI will help researchers with projects that are designed to reveal the truths contained within Nature's laws. TPRI will support research efforts that improve the spiritual condition of men and women, and will not promote methods or intentions that are inconsistent with the ethical and moral guidelines of the Catholic Church;
They believe that once a sperm fertilizes an egg, anything that prevents that egg from turning into a fetus, is the same thing as abortion. I know this sounds strange to some of us...

Yes, the writer of the piece is so far gone it sounds strange to him that many people believe life begins at conception.

...it could also endanger some common forms of birth control and put women who have suffered miscarriages at risk of prosecution.

Women who suffer miscarriages would be at risk of prosecution? This is unmitigated bullshit and I can't believe you aren't embarrassed to be seen in public after regurgitating this hyperbolic disinformation.

What special kind of retard does it take to make such a claim, and what special kind of parroting rube does it take to give this asshole any credence whatsoever?
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