Tell me why i shouldn't feel this way...

My world is coming unglued? Your blob became a Pokemon character and with it's campaign for presidency has become a punchline. Your dickless existence is at an all time low.

Your shit is weak, my flat-chested post-menopausal beer-bellied ratbag. Your President is an utter failure, your party is circling the drain, and your pundits are having their asses handed to them on a platter on Twitter.

BTW, why do you always giggle at a post before you respond? It that a nervous habit or something?

Maybe I should call you "Little Miss Giggles."
So, is it good or bad?

What reasons are good enough to be suspended? List please.
inciting violence, definately! And making threats or stalking, I would suppose.... And I'm fine with Russian disinformation or any foreign malfeasance being banned by them if they do identify it....

I've learned recently that banning American s from anything American just ends up ten folding the circulation....

as example, I just read that banning the NYPOST article of the laptop, gave the New York Post 54 million views of the article the 7 days following the banning.... The most viewings of an article in their recent history, if not ever!I

So banning the article, just left viewers searching for the article, and more people read it, many more people read it, than would have if they had not banned it!!
Your shit is weak, my flat-chested post-menopausal beer-bellied ratbag. Your President is an utter failure, your party is circling the drain, and your pundits are having their asses handed to them on a platter on Twitter.

BTW, why do you always giggle at a post before you respond? It that a nervous habit or something?

Maybe I should call you "Little Miss Giggles."
Ahh, poor dickless....

Joe's approval ratings are rising, the midterms were a success for the Democrats, the leader of the GOP has reduced himself to a Pokemon character and all you can do is lash out at your your superiors.
Ahh, poor dickless....

Joe's approval ratings are rising, the midterms were a success for the Democrats, the leader of the GOP has reduced himself to a Pokemon character and all you can do is lash out at your your superiors.

20 seconds between the giggle and the response.

Like I said, you're too stupid to see how your little liberal world is falling apart.

Or possibly too much of a coward to admit it to yourself.
I've felt equally unmoved when one group or another got banned from Twitter.

As for the question about smiling, what the Germans term as schadenfreude (enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others) is just human nature.
So, this suspension is legit then.
If true, if they did purposely reveal his plane or family's whereabouts, then yes, absolutely!

If not true, it's still legit, because he owns the joint, and can do as he pleases, regardless of my or your opinion, he spent a lot, and I mean a real lot of money to buy twitter, so to me, it's his to do what he wants....his decisions will decide if he sinks or swims.
Your shit is weak, my flat-chested post-menopausal beer-bellied ratbag. Your President is an utter failure, your party is circling the drain, and your pundits are having their asses handed to them on a platter on Twitter.

BTW, why do you always giggle at a post before you respond? It that a nervous habit or something?

Maybe I should call you "Little Miss Giggles."

Sadly, miserable people like candycorn never genuinely laugh. Their souls are so bitter and polluted they think mocking laughter is all there is. And hey, it has it's place. But some of us laugh genuinely many times a day. And some haven't in years.

It's clear who is who.
If true, if they did purposely reveal his plane or family's whereabouts, then yes, absolutely!

If not true, it's still legit, because he owns the joint, and can do as he pleases, regardless of my or your opinion, he spent a lot, and I mean a real lot of money to buy twitter, so to me, it's his to do what he wants....his decisions will decide if he sinks or swims.

I agree.

Where the egregious comes in is the FBI regular, frequent meetings. That's disgusting. And every American should be disgusted.
I agree.

Where the egregious comes in is the FBI regular, frequent meetings. That's disgusting. And every American should be disgusted.
80 agents to police social media is nuts.

Combine that with the ones policing parents and the ones trapping idiots in illegal schemes and you have a Federal Department of Corruption

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