Telling the truth online is now "hate posting".

Not having tuned into the Oscars since sometime before the turn of the century, I can't express any opinion on the event. I am startled that Trump watched it.
Not having tuned into the Oscars since sometime before the turn of the century, I can't express any opinion on the event. I am startled that Trump watched it.
Of course trump watched it. Hes such a child till he thinks the number of people who are willing to watch you on TV has some indication of how credible you are.
This is the same society that says you can't call a man pretending to be a woman a man. If you do then you're transphobic.
He wasn't hate posting. He was just telling it like it is. He's just saying what everyone is thinking.

Jimmy Kimmel took shots at Trump and Trump took shots back.

One gets away with it and the other gets trashed.

It shows a couple of things:

  • At least one presidential candidate doesn't have to wait for permission from his handlers before posting
  • At least one presidential candidate is smart enough to use a cell phone
Jill doesn't let Joe have a phone.
He wasn't hate posting. He was just telling it like it is. He's just saying what everyone is thinking.

Jimmy Kimmel took shots at Trump and Trump took shots back.

One gets away with it and the other gets trashed.

It shows a couple of things:

  • At least one presidential candidate doesn't have to wait for permission from his handlers before posting
  • At least one presidential candidate is smart enough to use a cell phone
Doesn’t listen to his advisors and knows how to use a phone! Those are the criteria for being a good president?!?! :rolleyes-41:
Not having tuned into the Oscars since sometime before the turn of the century, I can't express any opinion on the event. I am startled that Trump watched it.
Some people enjoy watching dumpster fires.
But the primary reason he was watching it is because we must "KNOW THY ENEMY".
KImmel has such a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome that he read some of his posts on the air live.
Liberals cannot resist being classless assholes.
Doesn’t listen to his advisors and knows how to use a phone! Those are the criteria for being a good president?!?! :rolleyes-41:
Trump ends wars and makes us great.

Thread summary:

Trump cultists are feeling wildly butthurt about Jimmy Kimmel.

They don't have to feel butthurt. However, DearLeader told them to feel butthurt, so they must obey, and scream their butthurt to the world.

It must be exhausting to be so butthurt all the time. No wonder Trump cult losers are always so grumpy.

What's funny is that only applies to you
Truth and fact have been declared hateful for a while because they thwart feelings and wishes.

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