Tennessee store owner puts no gays allowed sign back up

Wait until Jewish deli owners are forced to serve BLT's with delicious bacon.

You'll learn what makes America great.
Listen, idiot. IF you provide a service, you have to provide it to everyone equally. No one says you have to bake wedding cakes or serve bacon. That is your choice. If you DO sell bacon, you have to serve it to everyone equally.

And if you make same sex wedding cakes you either make them for same sex homosexuals and same sex heterosexuals or you don't sell them at all.

Oh wait............
What is a same sex heterosexual?

You realize that it is indeed legal now for Same Sex Heterosexuals to Marry, Right? The law does not distinguish between sexuality's.
How would a same sex marriage consummate a marriage? But, I am asking for a definition of what a heterosexual marriage is. Can you define it or point to an example where it has ever occurred?

Can't define either. The laws in most States allows the Couple to define what the marriage is. As per the SCOTUS ruling in Windsor, the marriage does not require anything, and in Windsor, the financial benefit of a marriage is enough to make one valid.
America is a great country. One has so many 'rights'! It is wonderful to be 'free'. Of course, 'free' in a democracy and its subset republic has innate responsibility. It is, thus, bewildering that so few Americans avail themselves of the right to use their intelligence and recognize the extent of their responsibility.
Let them point themselves out and let society take care of it.
We dont need big brother to do it.

I wonder if his sales are going down, or going up?
Its hard to say. Im not for sure what kind of county Grainger is but i know its rural.
I believe the backlash could very well still hit the smallest of towns/counties.. but who knows

I have a feeling he ain't gonna lose much business.
He might not. Only half the state supports same sex marriage but this is different. I know i wouldnt go there.
So why aren't you yelling at Pop? HE doesn't think people in TN will boycott, either. Let's not be a hypocrite, TN.
Me and pop havent had a convo where he states that all people in TN are racists that ride around in their piece of shit mud trucks with rebel flags dragging ******* behind them at 55 mph. me and you have. I know where your opinion comes from.
Tennessee store puts 'No Gays Allowed' sign back up after Supreme Court cake ruling

Good for him! His business he should be allowed to say who he serves!
Ten bucks says he`s gay. Why else would he spend so much time thinking about them?

Not this lame shit again
He’s definitely a closeted faggot. Yanking his stub to gay boys on the internet while his wife is in bed. Then hating himself after he nuts into a sock. Fucking fags! Why do they make me do this?!
I hope this bigoted piece of shit gets his store bombarded by gay people. Call the police on them, you fucking asshole!

You must be a Homophobe because you sure think about them a lot.
Tennessee store puts 'No Gays Allowed' sign back up after Supreme Court cake ruling

Good for him! His business he should be allowed to say who he serves!
Ten bucks says he`s gay. Why else would he spend so much time thinking about them?

Not this lame shit again
He’s definitely a closeted faggot. Yanking his stub to gay boys on the internet while his wife is in bed. Then hating himself after he nuts into a sock. Fucking fags! Why do they make me do this?!

I didn't think this sit could get lamer. I was wrong
Tennessee store puts 'No Gays Allowed' sign back up after Supreme Court cake ruling

Good for him! His business he should be allowed to say who he serves!
Ten bucks says he`s gay. Why else would he spend so much time thinking about them?

Not this lame shit again
He’s definitely a closeted faggot. Yanking his stub to gay boys on the internet while his wife is in bed. Then hating himself after he nuts into a sock. Fucking fags! Why do they make me do this?!

I didn't think this sit could get lamer. I was wrong
Sounds like it’s close to home for you
I have a feeling in Tennessee not many people would be boycotting a business for discriminating. That's the general feeling I get.
I have a feeling that every person in maine has syphilis. Thats the general feeling i get.
Yeah, well, you be a prick about it, but I'm basing it on the posters here from the great South that seem to line up behind you on this.
Im being the prick? Lol....
Ahhh basing real life on anonymous people on the internet. Excellent.
I don't know anyone from TN except someone who moved there from CT, so they don't count.
YOU base plenty of statements on what people on this board say. You are constantly at what libs say here. And don't say you don't.
There are like 3 libs here.
Fair is as fair does, and you're not being a sterling example today.
Tennessee store puts 'No Gays Allowed' sign back up after Supreme Court cake ruling

Good for him! His business he should be allowed to say who he serves!
Ten bucks says he`s gay. Why else would he spend so much time thinking about them?

Not this lame shit again
He’s definitely a closeted faggot. Yanking his stub to gay boys on the internet while his wife is in bed. Then hating himself after he nuts into a sock. Fucking fags! Why do they make me do this?!

I didn't think this sit could get lamer. I was wrong
Sounds like it’s close to home for you

Snappy comeback lil fella
I hope this bigoted piece of shit gets his store bombarded by gay people. Call the police on them, you fucking asshole!

You must be a Homophobe because you sure think about them a lot.
You must be a dumb ass

And you sure think about ass a lot. Does that make you one?
Did you think of that all on your own? How precious.

No, I really didn't, that shit came from your side.

Which can dish it out, but sure as hell can't take it!
Ten bucks says he`s gay. Why else would he spend so much time thinking about them?

Not this lame shit again
He’s definitely a closeted faggot. Yanking his stub to gay boys on the internet while his wife is in bed. Then hating himself after he nuts into a sock. Fucking fags! Why do they make me do this?!

I didn't think this sit could get lamer. I was wrong
Sounds like it’s close to home for you

Snappy comeback lil fella
You must have a little fella since you talk about them a lot
I hope this bigoted piece of shit gets his store bombarded by gay people. Call the police on them, you fucking asshole!

You must be a Homophobe because you sure think about them a lot.
You must be a dumb ass

And you sure think about ass a lot. Does that make you one?
Did you think of that all on your own? How precious.

No, I really didn't, that shit came from your side.

Which can dish it out, but sure as hell can't take it!
Not this lame shit again
He’s definitely a closeted faggot. Yanking his stub to gay boys on the internet while his wife is in bed. Then hating himself after he nuts into a sock. Fucking fags! Why do they make me do this?!

I didn't think this sit could get lamer. I was wrong
Sounds like it’s close to home for you

Snappy comeback lil fella
You must have a little fella since you talk about them a lot

I guess, for an elephant it's pretty small.
I like the idea of these signs. Makes boycotting the bigots easier.
Let them point themselves out and let society take care of it.
We dont need big brother to do it.
I have a feeling in Tennessee not many people would be boycotting a business for discriminating. That's the general feeling I get.

Then you know nothing about the State and should visit it before commenting...

I have been there many times and like Texas it is warm and fun... Sure you have your idiots but less today than let say the 1960's.

I expect that type of stupidity from the Store Owner in Kentucky or Illinois and not in Tennessee...
Stupid people can be found anywhere.

True, Kali has it share!

Hell get into those mountains near Shasta and you will realize how stupidity can be anywhere...

Better yet drive through Sweet Home, Oregon and you realize the South is civil to outsiders!!!
Haven't been to those places in decades, but I do remember feeling like I was in the reddest neck area of the deep south when I was near a place called Moscow, Idaho. I was in a National Forest if I remember right and the folks were pretty cool about tuning me onto the best outdoors areas for exploring fishing and .22 mag poaching, eh, plinking.
You must be a Homophobe because you sure think about them a lot.
You must be a dumb ass

And you sure think about ass a lot. Does that make you one?
Did you think of that all on your own? How precious.

No, I really didn't, that shit came from your side.

Which can dish it out, but sure as hell can't take it!

So you can wipe that shit off you're chin?

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