Texas : "Socialism save meeeeeee!"

So free money to fix some guys flooded mancave is cool, but helping wh someone's health emergencies is not ?
Emergency rooms do not turn people away for lack of payment. What world do you live in?

When a natural disaster approaches, and there is little to nothing any private citizen can do to prevent their pending lack of immediate water, food, or shelter, regardless of their insurance coverage or other responsible and reasonable preparation. This is like the emergency room. It is NOT like when a person who earns enough money to NOT qualify for medicaid, sits on his ass and refuses to protect himself against potential/likely future medical expenses and demands that the government rob his neighbor and make his neighbor pay for it because neighbor is responsible and more productive.

Regardless, healthcare is a non-enumerated, presumed constitutional right, but having a neighbor pay for it is not.

The the right to keep and bear arms is a specifically enumerated constitutional right.


And where is my religion? Where is my press? Where is my pulpit from which to speak? GIVE ME MY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS AND PAY FOR THEM TOO!!!

Join the militia (military ) and they'll give you a free gun!

It's not yours to keep, derp
So free money to fix some guys flooded mancave is cool, but helping wh someone's health emergencies is not ?
Emergency rooms do not turn people away for lack of payment. What world do you live in?

When a natural disaster approaches, and there is little to nothing any private citizen can do to prevent their pending lack of immediate water, food, or shelter, regardless of their insurance coverage or other responsible and reasonable preparation. This is like the emergency room. It is NOT like when a person who earns enough money to NOT qualify for medicaid, sits on his ass and refuses to protect himself against potential/likely future medical expenses and demands that the government rob his neighbor and make his neighbor pay for it because neighbor is responsible and more productive.

Regardless, healthcare is a non-enumerated, presumed constitutional right, but having a neighbor pay for it is not.

The the right to keep and bear arms is a specifically enumerated constitutional right.


And where is my religion? Where is my press? Where is my pulpit from which to speak? GIVE ME MY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS AND PAY FOR THEM TOO!!!

Join the militia (military ) and they'll give you a free gun!

It's not yours to keep, derp

As long as you are in the militia ? Like the 2nd says ?
So free money to fix some guys flooded mancave is cool, but helping wh someone's health emergencies is not ?
Emergency rooms do not turn people away for lack of payment. What world do you live in?

When a natural disaster approaches, and there is little to nothing any private citizen can do to prevent their pending lack of immediate water, food, or shelter, regardless of their insurance coverage or other responsible and reasonable preparation. This is like the emergency room. It is NOT like when a person who earns enough money to NOT qualify for medicaid, sits on his ass and refuses to protect himself against potential/likely future medical expenses and demands that the government rob his neighbor and make his neighbor pay for it because neighbor is responsible and more productive.

Regardless, healthcare is a non-enumerated, presumed constitutional right, but having a neighbor pay for it is not.

The the right to keep and bear arms is a specifically enumerated constitutional right.


And where is my religion? Where is my press? Where is my pulpit from which to speak? GIVE ME MY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS AND PAY FOR THEM TOO!!!

Join the militia (military ) and they'll give you a free gun!

It's not yours to keep, derp

As long as you are in the militia ? Like the 2nd says ?

Good grief...
Texas has the resources to not need the feds. Looks to me from reading this forum all liberals do is cry about things and lie.

Who are you kidding . Texas will be begging for fed funds in a hot minute .

You righties post anti socialism threads 24/7 . What am I lying about . Socialist programs like FEMA are just the type of thing you want to eliminate .

Y'all talk big , but when push comes to shove you'll have your welfare hand out for help.
Texans pay taxes. Why aren't they entitled to benefit from the programs they have already paid for? If you want to refund all the tax money I have paid to support these programs, I'll be happy to forgo the benefits.
Hey, I'm not making the claim that the 2nd entitles you to a free gun .
But, you are making the argument that just because you have a presumed right to not be denied access to healthcare services, that your neighbor should be ordered to pay for it at the point of a gun (which we used to call robbery).
Texans pay taxes. Why aren't they entitled to benefit from the programs they have already paid for? If you want to refund all the tax money I have paid to support these programs, I'll be happy to forgo the benefits.
Or don't, and we'll keep all the military stuff. Hell, the F-22 was built here, over at Lockheed Martin, and we still have that technology for the taking. That ALONE should about cover the refund and further fund our new nation long enough to get things working.
Oh yeah, the governor of Texas declared a statewide disaster already. He's ready for the federal funds to roll in now.
They always hate big government right up until it is the only thing that can't save their hypocritical asses.

What part are you not grasping Texans pay federal income taxes? LOTS of taxes
That's for bullets and bibles, not things people actually need.

Trust me, plenty of both in Texas, go down and piss one off, you'll find out
I live here, bitch. Texans are pussies.

Remember the Alamo? They got slaughtered.
1800 vs aprox 200......and the texans were the pussies?....
Oh yeah, the governor of Texas declared a statewide disaster already. He's ready for the federal funds to roll in now.
They always hate big government right up until it is the only thing that can't save their hypocritical asses.

What part are you not grasping Texans pay federal income taxes? LOTS of taxes

Please ! Is there a big city in Texas that DOESNT rely on sucking off some large military base. !?

Why do you start threads about shit you're obviously clueless about?

Why don't you answer my question. ?
why did you not reply to what i said in the beginning timmy?....was i right?....
Hey, I'm not making the claim that the 2nd entitles you to a free gun .
But, you are making the argument that just because you have a presumed right to not be denied access to healthcare services, that your neighbor should be ordered to pay for it at the point of a gun (which we used to call robbery).
It's not a presumed right , it's a law . (Thank Reagan for that one .)

Apparently being ordered to pay to fix your uninsured flooded house at the point of a gun is ok with you guys .
They always hate big government right up until it is the only thing that can't save their hypocritical asses.

What part are you not grasping Texans pay federal income taxes? LOTS of taxes
That's for bullets and bibles, not things people actually need.

Trust me, plenty of both in Texas, go down and piss one off, you'll find out
I live here, bitch. Texans are pussies.

Remember the Alamo? They got slaughtered.
1800 vs aprox 200......and the texans were the pussies?....
Losers. No statues for losers.
They always hate big government right up until it is the only thing that can't save their hypocritical asses.

What part are you not grasping Texans pay federal income taxes? LOTS of taxes

Please ! Is there a big city in Texas that DOESNT rely on sucking off some large military base. !?

Why do you start threads about shit you're obviously clueless about?

Why don't you answer my question. ?
why did you not reply to what i said in the beginning timmy?....was i right?....

What was that? Texans paying taxes ? What's that got to do with anything ? Everyone pays taxes .
Apparently being ordered to pay to fix your uninsured flooded house at the point of a gun is ok with you guys .
Maybe I haven't read up on FEMA like I should have, but I didn't see where Jimmy Carter's executive order creating FEMA also called for free flood insurance. Could you point me to the law/order/whatever you are referring to? If you are correct, yes, I do have a problem with the free flood coverage bullshit.

This whole discussion was about emergency first response for people who have been displaced because of disaster. Now we've shifted to this uninsured flood insurance issue.

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