Texas : "Socialism save meeeeeee!"

Oh yeah, the governor of Texas declared a statewide disaster already. He's ready for the federal funds to roll in now.
They always hate big government right up until it is the only thing that can't save their hypocritical asses.

What part are you not grasping Texans pay federal income taxes? LOTS of taxes
That's for bullets and bibles, not things people actually need.

Trust me, plenty of both in Texas, go down and piss one off, you'll find out
I live here, bitch. Texans are pussies.

Remember the Alamo? They got slaughtered.

Really? I live here,why dont you take the trip from austin and come see me snowflake.
They always hate big government right up until it is the only thing that can't save their hypocritical asses.

What part are you not grasping Texans pay federal income taxes? LOTS of taxes
That's for bullets and bibles, not things people actually need.

Trust me, plenty of both in Texas, go down and piss one off, you'll find out
I live here, bitch.

And I've been there many times myself as I live in NOLA. She's full of shit. Ignore her.

So you're responsible for Houston's massive crime wave after Katrina.
I wish you ungrateful fucks would go back home,we're tired of supporting your lazy asses.
They always hate big government right up until it is the only thing that can't save their hypocritical asses.

What part are you not grasping Texans pay federal income taxes? LOTS of taxes
That's for bullets and bibles, not things people actually need.

Trust me, plenty of both in Texas, go down and piss one off, you'll find out
I live here, bitch.
Houston or Austin?

Has to be the Montrose area.....
Hey, I'm not making the claim that the 2nd entitles you to a free gun .
But, you are making the argument that just because you have a presumed right to not be denied access to healthcare services, that your neighbor should be ordered to pay for it at the point of a gun (which we used to call robbery).
It's not a presumed right , it's a law . (Thank Reagan for that one .)

Apparently being ordered to pay to fix your uninsured flooded house at the point of a gun is ok with you guys .

That isn't what FEMA does, moron.
Most Dem voters have very limited reasoning power. They are motivated by their hate and fueled by their ignorance. Every time that there is a natural disaster they slither out from under their rocks and start ridiculing the victims.

Should we eliminate FEMA type programs ? Simple yes/ no question .

Why won't any of you answer ?
Timmy, most Democrat voters are angry left wing bigots like you. FEMA is used to help people during natural disasters. No one is against helping people during natural disasters.
Friday, Congress finally approved a $9.7 billion package to pay flood insurance claims from Hurricane Sandy. The measure was supposed to come to a vote earlier in the week, but was tabled by House Speaker John Boehner, drawing much criticism from both Democrats and his fellow Republicans alike.

The measure passed unanimously through the Senate, but 67 members of the House of Representatives voted "no" to assisting people who were left, at best, powerless or homeless by a hurricane in November. All 67 are Republicans:

  • Justin Amash (R-MI)
  • Andy Barr (R-KY)
  • Dan Benishek (R-MI)
  • Kerry Bentivolio (R-MI)
  • Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)
  • Jim Bridenstine (R-OK)
  • Mo Brooks (R-AL)
  • Paul Broun (R-GA)
  • Steve Chabot (R-OH)
  • Doug Collins (R-GA)
  • Mike Conaway (R-TX)
  • Tom Cotton (R-AR)
  • Steve Daines (R-MT)
  • Ron DeSantis (R-FL)
  • Scott DesJarlais (R-TN)
  • Sean Duffy (R-WI)
  • Jeff Duncan (R-SC)
  • Jimmy Duncan (R-TN)
  • Stephen Fincher (R-TN)
  • John Fleming (R-LA)
  • Bill Flores (R-TX)
  • Virginia Foxx (R-NC)
  • Trent Franks (R-AZ)
  • Louie Gohmert (R-TX)
  • Bob Goodlatte (R-VA)
  • Paul Gosar (R-AZ)
  • Trey Gowdy (R-SC)
  • Tom Graves (R-GA)
  • Sam Graves (R-MO)
  • Andrew Harris (R-MD)
  • George Holding (R-NC)
  • Richard Hudson (R-NC)
  • Tim Huelskamp (R-KS)
  • Randy Hultgren (R-IL)
  • Lynn Jenkins (R-KS)
  • Jim Jordan (R-OH)
  • Doug Lamborn (R-CO)
  • Kenny Marchant (R-TX)
  • Thomas Massie (R-KY)
  • Tom McClintock (R-CA)
  • Mark Meadows (R-NC)
  • Markwayne Mullin (R-OK)
  • Mick Mulvaney (R-SC)
  • Randy Neugebauer (R-TX)
  • Steven Palazzo (R-MS)
  • Steve Pearce (R-NM)
  • Scott Perry (R-PA)
  • Tom Petri (R-WI)
  • Mike Pompeo (R-KS)
  • Tom Price (R-GA)
  • Phil Roe (R-TN)
  • Todd Rokita (R-IN)
  • Keith Rothfus (R-PA)
  • Ed Royce (R-CA)
  • Paul Ryan (R-WI)
  • Matt Salmon (R-AZ)
  • David Schweikert (R-AZ)
  • Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI)
  • Marlin Stutzman (R-IN)
  • Mac Thornberry (R-TX)
  • Randy Weber (R-TX)
  • Brad Wenstrup (R-OH)
  • Roger Williams (R-TX)
  • Joe Wilson (R-SC)
  • Rob Woodall (R-GA)
  • Kevin Yoder (R-KS)
  • Ted Yoho (R-FL)
Here Are the Republicans Who Voted 'No' on Hurricane Sandy Relief Funds

Good for them. They're the only ones with a scruple.
Don't send help? Why? Do you hate black people?

It's the Hispanic population.

He don like refried beans.

Actually it's bearing down on Houston. Given Houston is left loon land this may turn out well for Texas

No, it's heading straight for Corpus Christi which is 250 miles from Houston. Jesus, and you guys complain about "fake news" but seems that's all you can get your hands on.

Hey, dumb fuck, Houston is in the crosshairs of the storm.......you really are stupid. I have been following this storm since it was a low pressure zone evolving into a tropical storm that was being fed by stratospheric aerosol injection spraying and ionospheric heaters used to steer it.

Hurricane Harvey keeps gaining strength - CNN

Read your article. The only mention of Houston is that they will close their schools on Monday.
The rest of the information is about Corpus Christi and Port Aransas.
Here's a map, stupid. Houston and the Port of Houston are located on Galveston Bay, which is located above the "da" in "Saturday 1:00 AM CDT" line.
The eye of the storm is hitting 250 miles southwest of Houston.

We're in Kemah, Texas right now. Right above Galveston and on the Bay. I think I know what I'm talking about.

So wait a minute...you say you're in Kema?
Thats about 45 miles Southeast of where I sit now and I actually know what I'm talking about.
So are you going to give us storm updates?
With hurricane Harvey being sent by God to
Punish the right wing state of Texas , FEMA is already in position to help.

I say stop! We don't want to offend our anti socialist Texans now do we . Obviously they can take care of themselves . If they don't have flood insurance , well that's personal responsibility now is it?

FEMA sending supplies to South Texas ahead of Harvey: NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

I may be flooded in for a few days, will likely lose power for a week or so, I don't need a damn thing from the government. Just send that crap on down to the folks that voted for the bitch.

lol whatever dude.

I was without power for 16 days after Ike, had many trees blown down. I ran 2 generators 24/7 to run refrigeration, the well, the RV for the wife and mother in law so they had AC and took care of the downed trees myself. I'm in better shape now, I have a propane whole home generator and unless a tornado spawned by the storm destroys my house, I'm good to go. If that happens I have good insurance no need for uncle sugar, it's called being prepar

And what if a natural disaster in the future extended your blackout by a few months instead? What if you only had enough resources for a month?
Don't send help? Why? Do you hate black people?

It's the Hispanic population.

He don like refried beans.

Actually it's bearing down on Houston. Given Houston is left loon land this may turn out well for Texas

No, it's heading straight for Corpus Christi which is 250 miles from Houston. Jesus, and you guys complain about "fake news" but seems that's all you can get your hands on.

You obviously know zilch about hurricanes.
With hurricane Harvey being sent by God to
Punish the right wing state of Texas , FEMA is already in position to help.

I say stop! We don't want to offend our anti socialist Texans now do we . Obviously they can take care of themselves . If they don't have flood insurance , well that's personal responsibility now is it?

FEMA sending supplies to South Texas ahead of Harvey: NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

I may be flooded in for a few days, will likely lose power for a week or so, I don't need a damn thing from the government. Just send that crap on down to the folks that voted for the bitch.

lol whatever dude.

I was without power for 16 days after Ike, had many trees blown down. I ran 2 generators 24/7 to run refrigeration, the well, the RV for the wife and mother in law so they had AC and took care of the downed trees myself. I'm in better shape now, I have a propane whole home generator and unless a tornado spawned by the storm destroys my house, I'm good to go. If that happens I have good insurance no need for uncle sugar, it's called being prepar

And what if a natural disaster in the future extended your blackout by a few months instead? What if you only had enough resources for a month?

That's what insurance is for.

Texas has the resources to not need the feds. Looks to me from reading this forum all liberals do is cry about things and lie.

No, actually TX does not.

Educate yourself. If you really do live in deepest darkest Texasss, your ignorance is expected but if you don't - get a clue.

Start with how much aid TX gets from federal sources.

And please do it without your usual whining.

Thx ~

We need to shut the flow of gas off to your state.
With hurricane Harvey being sent by God to
Punish the right wing state of Texas , FEMA is already in position to help.

I say stop! We don't want to offend our anti socialist Texans now do we . Obviously they can take care of themselves . If they don't have flood insurance , well that's personal responsibility now is it?

FEMA sending supplies to South Texas ahead of Harvey: NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

I may be flooded in for a few days, will likely lose power for a week or so, I don't need a damn thing from the government. Just send that crap on down to the folks that voted for the bitch.

lol whatever dude.

I was without power for 16 days after Ike, had many trees blown down. I ran 2 generators 24/7 to run refrigeration, the well, the RV for the wife and mother in law so they had AC and took care of the downed trees myself. I'm in better shape now, I have a propane whole home generator and unless a tornado spawned by the storm destroys my house, I'm good to go. If that happens I have good insurance no need for uncle sugar, it's called being prepar

And what if a natural disaster in the future extended your blackout by a few months instead? What if you only had enough resources for a month?

That's what insurance is for.

Insurance would mean dick if your no one could assess your claim while youre in peril.

Okay let me put it like this: a family with multiple children have a cut-rate insurance plan, or maybe they don't have one at all because they can't afford it. What about those kids who don't have any power in their parents' financial decisions? What happens to them and 10s of thousand other children in poor families? Do we just let them suffer because their parents couldn't afford adequate insurance?
I may be flooded in for a few days, will likely lose power for a week or so, I don't need a damn thing from the government. Just send that crap on down to the folks that voted for the bitch.

lol whatever dude.

I was without power for 16 days after Ike, had many trees blown down. I ran 2 generators 24/7 to run refrigeration, the well, the RV for the wife and mother in law so they had AC and took care of the downed trees myself. I'm in better shape now, I have a propane whole home generator and unless a tornado spawned by the storm destroys my house, I'm good to go. If that happens I have good insurance no need for uncle sugar, it's called being prepar

And what if a natural disaster in the future extended your blackout by a few months instead? What if you only had enough resources for a month?

That's what insurance is for.

Okay let me put it like this: a family with multiple children have a cut-rate insurance plan, or maybe they don't have one at all because they can't afford it. What about those kids who don't have any power in their parents' financial decisions? What happens to them and 10s of thousand other children in poor families? Do we just let them suffer because their parents couldn't afford adequate insurance?

Do you think the federal government should buy them all new bicycles if their parents can't afford it? A swimming pool? Orthodontia?
Most Dem voters have very limited reasoning power. They are motivated by their hate and fueled by their ignorance. Every time that there is a natural disaster they slither out from under their rocks and start ridiculing the victims.

Should we eliminate FEMA type programs ? Simple yes/ no question .

Why won't any of you answer ?

I'm all for it.
Next time Calipornia gets hit with the big one we can tell em they're on their own.
What happens to them and 10s of thousand other children in poor families? Do we just let them suffer because their parents couldn't afford adequate insurance?


They can all die. I don't give a shit. There is no hell. Religion is the longest running scam. I don't feel any moral obligation to worry about some dumbass worthless loser's gak waste. The only people who really mourn the loss of children are the idiots who had them and couldn't protect them.

No fucking guilt or remorse whatsoever. Die babies, die. Zero fucks given.

With hurricane Harvey being sent by God to
Punish the right wing state of Texas , FEMA is already in position to help.

I say stop! We don't want to offend our anti socialist Texans now do we . Obviously they can take care of themselves . If they don't have flood insurance , well that's personal responsibility now is it?

FEMA sending supplies to South Texas ahead of Harvey: NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

I may be flooded in for a few days, will likely lose power for a week or so, I don't need a damn thing from the government. Just send that crap on down to the folks that voted for the bitch.

lol whatever dude.

I was without power for 16 days after Ike, had many trees blown down. I ran 2 generators 24/7 to run refrigeration, the well, the RV for the wife and mother in law so they had AC and took care of the downed trees myself. I'm in better shape now, I have a propane whole home generator and unless a tornado spawned by the storm destroys my house, I'm good to go. If that happens I have good insurance no need for uncle sugar, it's called being prepared.

Luckily, we're a civilized, united, intelligent socialist (with ACA) country that help the unfortunate. Not everyone has an RV etc. Just the basics for help.

TX has a multi-billion dollar rainy day fund, that should be exhausted first. It's a State responsibility. I guess you regressives don't think the State should be responsible for its people, even though the founders said that's exactly how it should be.

Feq the states! It's a conspiracy against freedom...
Most Dem voters have very limited reasoning power. They are motivated by their hate and fueled by their ignorance. Every time that there is a natural disaster they slither out from under their rocks and start ridiculing the victims.

Should we eliminate FEMA type programs ? Simple yes/ no question .

Why won't any of you answer ?
Timmy, most Democrat voters are angry left wing bigots like you. FEMA is used to help people during natural disasters. No one is against helping people during natural disasters.

So free money to fix some guys flooded mancave is cool, but helping wh someone's health emergencies is not ?

Helping cities that help the US economically is a good idea.
Helping dead beats is a losing proposition.
What happens to them and 10s of thousand other children in poor families? Do we just let them suffer because their parents couldn't afford adequate insurance?


They can all die. I don't give a shit. There is no hell. Religion is the longest running scam. I don't feel any moral obligation to worry about some dumbass worthless loser's gak waste. The only people who really mourn the loss of children are the idiots who had them and couldn't protect them.

No fucking guilt or remorse whatsoever. Die babies, die. Zero fucks given.

But you're not deplorabe LOL
Most Dem voters have very limited reasoning power. They are motivated by their hate and fueled by their ignorance. Every time that there is a natural disaster they slither out from under their rocks and start ridiculing the victims.

Should we eliminate FEMA type programs ? Simple yes/ no question .

Why won't any of you answer ?
Timmy, most Democrat voters are angry left wing bigots like you. FEMA is used to help people during natural disasters. No one is against helping people during natural disasters.

So free money to fix some guys flooded mancave is cool, but helping wh someone's health emergencies is not ?

Spot on, Timmy.

Agreeing with Timmy is the true path to ignorance......enjoy your journey.
So free money to fix some guys flooded mancave is cool, but helping wh someone's health emergencies is not ?
Emergency rooms do not turn people away for lack of payment. What world do you live in?

When a natural disaster approaches, and there is little to nothing any private citizen can do to prevent their pending lack of immediate water, food, or shelter, regardless of their insurance coverage or other responsible and reasonable preparation. This is like the emergency room. It is NOT like when a person who earns enough money to NOT qualify for medicaid, sits on his ass and refuses to protect himself against potential/likely future medical expenses and demands that the government rob his neighbor and make his neighbor pay for it because neighbor is responsible and more productive.

Regardless, healthcare is a non-enumerated, presumed constitutional right, but having a neighbor pay for it is not.

The the right to keep and bear arms is a specifically enumerated constitutional right.


And where is my religion? Where is my press? Where is my pulpit from which to speak? GIVE ME MY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS AND PAY FOR THEM TOO!!!

Join the militia (military ) and they'll give you a free gun!

wow....thats brilliant timothy.....

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