Texas Ted Is Getting Slammed By Texas Lawmakers


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
  • Lawmakers and other public officials in Texas are calling for Sen. Ted Cruz to resign over his role in fomenting the baseless conspiracy theories about the 2020 election being stolen from President Donald Trump, which culminated in the storming of Capitol Hill on Wednesday.
Ted is complicit for siding with Trump and other Republicans for his role in trying to steal the election from US voters.
Good luck in your efforts to survive another Senate run.

  • Cruz's former opponent, Beto O'Rourke, said in part: "There must be consequences for Cruz's role in the insurrection and his cynical, self serving sedition which inspired the terrorists and coup plotters who stormed the halls of our nation's government."

Texas lawmakers call on Sen. Ted Cruz to resign following his push to contest the election results (msn.com)
  • Lawmakers and other public officials in Texas are calling for Sen. Ted Cruz to resign over his role in fomenting the baseless conspiracy theories about the 2020 election being stolen from President Donald Trump, which culminated in the storming of Capitol Hill on Wednesday.
Ted is complicit for siding with Trump and other Republicans for his role in trying to steal the election from US voters.
Good luck in your efforts to survive another Senate run.

  • Cruz's former opponent, Beto O'Rourke, said in part: "There must be consequences for Cruz's role in the insurrection and his cynical, self serving sedition which inspired the terrorists and coup plotters who stormed the halls of our nation's government."

Texas lawmakers call on Sen. Ted Cruz to resign following his push to contest the election results (msn.com)
So Democrats want Ted Cruz out?

Color me shocked.
Yeah, he shot his bolt on this one. Besides, Trump cucked him four years ago and then he went to kiss the ring. He gambled and lost. And in the process, shot the last of his Presidential hopes out on the altar of the man who forced him to his knees....rather appropriate I think.
Yeah, he shot his bolt on this one. Besides, Trump cucked him four years ago and then he went to kiss the ring. He gambled and lost. And in the process, shot the last of his Presidential hopes out on the altar of the man who forced him to his knees....rather appropriate I think.

I kind of think both Cruz and Hawley shot their aspirations in the ass, especially Hawley his major donor is no longer backing him.
Cruz is even worse than Pence in my book.

Pence enabled the buffoon for four years, but at least he found his balls on Wednesday.

Trump insulted Ted's WIFE and FATHER, and Cruz STILL sucks up to him.

Blind ambition clearly robs people of their self respect.

I really do not understand Cruz allowing Trump say about his wife what he did. Maybe behind closed doors Trump apologized but it makes Cruz look really weak.
Liddle Teddy just FUBARed his political career.

And I couldn't be happier about it.

What a sniveling, little, son-of-a-bitch.
When your Prog government comes into full power do yo really believe they are going to spend endless amounts of money in the poorer areas? It will start nice then deteriate as the money from taxes and workers slowly tumbles. Everything will be cut from deflation or inflation. Depending on what the government wants to to do to accept a massive depression.
  • Lawmakers and other public officials in Texas are calling for Sen. Ted Cruz to resign over his role in fomenting the baseless conspiracy theories about the 2020 election being stolen from President Donald Trump, which culminated in the storming of Capitol Hill on Wednesday.
Ted is complicit for siding with Trump and other Republicans for his role in trying to steal the election from US voters.
Good luck in your efforts to survive another Senate run.

  • Cruz's former opponent, Beto O'Rourke, said in part: "There must be consequences for Cruz's role in the insurrection and his cynical, self serving sedition which inspired the terrorists and coup plotters who stormed the halls of our nation's government."

Texas lawmakers call on Sen. Ted Cruz to resign following his push to contest the election results (msn.com)
Of course Democrats are going to make these demands.
But they can demand all they want.
It's no more than a mouse fart in a hurricane.
Cruz is even worse than Pence in my book.

Pence enabled the buffoon for four years, but at least he found his balls on Wednesday.

Trump insulted Ted's WIFE and FATHER, and Cruz STILL sucks up to him.

Blind ambition clearly robs people of their self respect.

I really do not understand Cruz allowing Trump say about his wife what he did. Maybe behind closed doors Trump apologized but it makes Cruz look really weak.
Thanks for the useless input, Turd.
  • Lawmakers and other public officials in Texas are calling for Sen. Ted Cruz to resign over his role in fomenting the baseless conspiracy theories about the 2020 election being stolen from President Donald Trump, which culminated in the storming of Capitol Hill on Wednesday.
Ted is complicit for siding with Trump and other Republicans for his role in trying to steal the election from US voters.
Good luck in your efforts to survive another Senate run.

  • Cruz's former opponent, Beto O'Rourke, said in part: "There must be consequences for Cruz's role in the insurrection and his cynical, self serving sedition which inspired the terrorists and coup plotters who stormed the halls of our nation's government."

Texas lawmakers call on Sen. Ted Cruz to resign following his push to contest the election results (msn.com)
So dems including the male gigalo O'rourke are claiming shit that the rest of the state doesn't support?
One can expect this from O'Rourke but I predict that Cruz has won his last election. He hooked up to the Trump train and it's derailed.
No, he is probably safe.

Cornyn on the other hand....

We will see.
The state and local political hounds are sensing weakness in Cornyn. He has been mostly silent. He will likely get a serious primary challenger, but that is 6 years away.

In the next election for Cruz in 2024, I expect to see him win by a comfortable margin.

There are many reasons for that, the most important being the stance taken by the current Texas AG.
Is Texas next to go 100% mail in ballots so the Democrats can win?
Fuck no. We rejected dominion and had no mail-in ballots. The AG is taking any fraud very seriously.

MIRACULOUSLY, Starr County went from being a border county Democrat stronghold to the most red county south of Austin. IT'S A MIRICLE!!!
Liddle Teddy just FUBARed his political career.

And I couldn't be happier about it.

What a sniveling, little, son-of-a-bitch.
When your Prog government comes into full power do yo really believe they are going to spend endless amounts of money in the poorer areas? It will start nice then deteriate as the money from taxes and workers slowly tumbles. Everything will be cut from deflation or inflation. Depending on what the government wants to to do to accept a massive depression.
Poor areas concern you. I see.
Is Texas next to go 100% mail in ballots so the Democrats can win?
Fuck no. We rejected dominion and had no mail-in ballots. The AG is taking any fraud very seriously.

MIRACULOUSLY, Star County went from being a border county Democrat stronghold to the most red county south of Austin. IT'S A MIRICLE!!!
Case in point of why many are questioning the results of this election

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