THANK YOU Libertarians for electing Biden!! Free college soon

Tough election for sure but Im ecstatic Biden is gonna win and free college/student debt forgiveness is coming. THANK YOU LIBERTARIANS it seems the Libertarian vote drew just enough away from Republicans to secure a Biden win!

Less people voted libertarian this election. They had little to no influence and have more in common with democrats than republicans. Nice troll job tho
Libertarians are cool. Now when it comes to projecting my wishes upon them, it would be for them to concentrate their efforts on winning state and county offices which control the handling of elections. I don't trust either major party with this responsibility and who knows, for them it might be a springboard to governorships and eventually the presidency.
Tough election for sure but Im ecstatic Biden is gonna win and free college/student debt forgiveness is coming. THANK YOU LIBERTARIANS it seems the Libertarian vote drew just enough away from Republicans to secure a Biden win!
You ain't getting free anything....LOL
Tough election for sure but Im ecstatic Biden is gonna win and free college/student debt forgiveness is coming. THANK YOU LIBERTARIANS it seems the Libertarian vote drew just enough away from Republicans to secure a Biden win!

There is no such thing as "FREE" college, Jerk. Someone still has to pay for it, and I'll laugh when Biden's free college actually comes around to bite you in the ass in ways you never dreamed!

Dems are out to screw you to the wall and you're stupid enough to actually believe you're getting something "free."
Tough election for sure but Im ecstatic Biden is gonna win and free college/student debt forgiveness is coming. THANK YOU LIBERTARIANS it seems the Libertarian vote drew just enough away from Republicans to secure a Biden win!
The Senate will not pass free college or socialized medicine.

You seem quite uninformed and should stop posting.

If the GOP can hold on to the Senate, sure, that would eliminate the risk of a lot of problems, including the confirmation of extremist judges. But is that certain yet?
THANK YOU LIBERTARIANS it seems the Libertarian vote drew just enough away from Republicans to secure a Biden win!
You're welcome, I guess.

To perfectly honest though, I would NEVER vote for a Republican or a Democrat anyways; in fact if I was given a choice between voting for a candidate from either of the two major political crime families and hemlock, I'd pick the hemlock, after all I have my own conscience to answer to.

Enjoy your "celebration".
Trump would be ahead in the following states and would be in a commanding position to win IF Libertarians had voted for him instead of wasting their votes on Jo Jorgensen:


Also, if Libertarians had voted for Trump, Trump would have a much larger lead in Georgia and North Carolina.

In the crucial state of Pennsylvania, Jorgensen is getting 1.1% of the vote and 63,277 votes. Those wasted votes could prove to be decisive in helping Biden to win the state.

So, if Joe Biden wins, he can thank the puritanical, self-destructive Libertarians. It is beyond me how the Libertarian Party chose to even run a candidate in this election when the alternative to Donald Trump was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
Trump would be ahead in the following states and would be in a commanding position to win IF Libertarians had voted for him instead of wasting their votes on Jo Jorgensen:


Also, if Libertarians had voted for Trump, Trump would have a much larger lead in Georgia and North Carolina.

So, if Joe Biden wins, he can thank the puritanical, self-destructive Libertarians. It is beyond me how the Libertarian Party chose to even run a candidate in this election when the alternative to Donald Trump was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
Thanks libtards
Trump would be ahead in the following states and would be in a commanding position to win IF Libertarians had voted for him instead of wasting their votes on Jo Jorgensen:


Also, if Libertarians had voted for Trump, Trump would have a much larger lead in Georgia and North Carolina.

So, if Joe Biden wins, he can thank the puritanical, self-destructive Libertarians. It is beyond me how the Libertarian Party chose to even run a candidate in this election when the alternative to Donald Trump was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
You can't blame people for voting for their best candidate.

The Republicans don't deserve someone's vote simply for the fact that the other guys are worse.

I am fucking sick of that bullshit reasoning.
I voted Jorgensen. Under no scenario would I have voted Trump instead. If there were no other options I would have wrote in Vermin Supreme again.
Libertarians probably voted for the libertarian, not biden. So why should he thank them? :dunno:

The line, I believe, is that they would have voted for trump over the Socialist Ticket had they not voted third ticket with no chance of winning.
Libertarians probably voted for the libertarian, not biden. So why should he thank them? :dunno:

Because it was IDIOTIC to vote for Jorgensen when they knew that in doing so they were helping Joe Biden. Just how much of their agenda do they think Biden and Harris would give them? At least with Trump we have gotten massive deregulation, a huge personal income tax cut, a huge corporate income tax cut, and constitutionalist judges on the Supreme Court.

It was pure IDIOCY for anyone who believes in conservative principles to have voted Libertarian in this election.
Libertarians probably voted for the libertarian, not biden. So why should he thank them? :dunno:

The line, I believe, is that they would have voted for trump over the Socialist Ticket had they not voted third ticket with no chance of winning.
And these are the same assholes who don't want rank-choice voting.

Now you see the VERY strong argument for rank – choice voting.
Trump would be ahead in the following states and would be in a commanding position to win IF Libertarians had voted for him instead of wasting their votes on Jo Jorgensen:


Also, if Libertarians had voted for Trump, Trump would have a much larger lead in Georgia and North Carolina.

In the crucial state of Pennsylvania, Jorgensen is getting 1.1% of the vote and 63,277 votes. Those wasted votes could prove to be decisive in helping Biden to win the state.

So, if Joe Biden wins, he can thank the puritanical, self-destructive Libertarians. It is beyond me how the Libertarian Party chose to even run a candidate in this election when the alternative to Donald Trump was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

I don't know why a libertarian would vote for Trump. The "Unitary Executive" and the common libertarian conceptions of governance don't have much to do with each other.

Plus, most libertarians don't believe in the criminalization of abortion. Which Trump's appointees are likely to enact.

Finally, Trump is a fairly petty, loathsome person. I can see that turning off plenty of men and women of principle.

No one is 'owed' a vote. They have to earn it. We all learned that in 2000 with Nadar voters. Trump clearly failed to earn the votes of the Libertarians that voted for Jorgensen.
Libertarians probably voted for the libertarian, not biden. So why should he thank them? :dunno:

Because it was IDIOTIC to vote for Jorgensen when they knew that in doing so they were helping Joe Biden. Just how much of their agenda do they think Biden and Harris would give them? At least with Trump we have gotten massive deregulation, a huge personal income tax cut, a huge corporate income tax cut, and constitutionalist judges on the Supreme Court.

It was pure IDIOCY for anyone who believes in conservative principles to have voted Libertarian in this election.
Then tell your Republican guys to be better.

Most Americans are libertarian anyway. We've been given the false choice by the duopoly to accept authoritarian left or authoritarian right. When given a true option, most Americans will choose liberty.
Trump would be ahead in the following states and would be in a commanding position to win IF Libertarians had voted for him instead of wasting their votes on Jo Jorgensen:


Also, if Libertarians had voted for Trump, Trump would have a much larger lead in Georgia and North Carolina.

In the crucial state of Pennsylvania, Jorgensen is getting 1.1% of the vote and 63,277 votes. Those wasted votes could prove to be decisive in helping Biden to win the state.

So, if Joe Biden wins, he can thank the puritanical, self-destructive Libertarians. It is beyond me how the Libertarian Party chose to even run a candidate in this election when the alternative to Donald Trump was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

No, he can thank the Neo-Con, China First, Never Trumper sobs, and, the overnight vote count.

I was up all night, what I saw when 5 states stopped counting votes at the same time, is something out of an old Soviet thriller novel.

Trump should be asking 1000 questions and not accepting it. If people encourage him to NOT take it to court, there is something to hide.
Trump would be ahead in the following states and would be in a commanding position to win IF Libertarians had voted for him instead of wasting their votes on Jo Jorgensen:


Also, if Libertarians had voted for Trump, Trump would have a much larger lead in Georgia and North Carolina.

In the crucial state of Pennsylvania, Jorgensen is getting 1.1% of the vote and 63,277 votes. Those wasted votes could prove to be decisive in helping Biden to win the state.

So, if Joe Biden wins, he can thank the puritanical, self-destructive Libertarians. It is beyond me how the Libertarian Party chose to even run a candidate in this election when the alternative to Donald Trump was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Because they are ignorant about how we elect Presidents and who is actually eligible.

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