That's right AR15

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We do not need sticking guns and then a kid shows why we need them in Texas...

Personally I use a shotgun but I do not really care what others use to kill feral hogs or run off wild animals with...

Also I live about ten miles from Fulshear...

Gonna kill a 400# hog at what 250 yards with a shotgun?
Only couch killers who saw it on JewTube.
A 400 lB hog that's riled, is a tough kill at 50 feet. I can drop a pissed bull at about 150 feet with 00 in a Moss 500, no problem at 350 feet ya better be on target
A boar is tougher than a bull, in general.OH ! I know. No links. OH. Hard being the real deal. The cops left after seeing the video...
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Nothing wrong with buck or slugs but over 100 yards forget it. In Africa going in the bush after wounded dangerous game it a 12ga but that's up close and personal!
Around here, you won't get close enough to a Muley to get the kill with your 223. And it's illegal to boot for that reason. Smaller critters, the 223 can handle but you start hitting either heavy game or long shots and the 223 becomes a liability. I've wounded a Muley even with an Ought 6 and had to track it down and finish the job. And that was from a well placed initial shot. But most of the time, that old 06 does the job the first time out to at least 400 yds. And I've made more than a few 400 yd shots with and without a scope in my younger days when I hunted. There is no way in hell that any 223 can do that job. And you may be in that situation on any given day when out here in the Rockies. There is a reason that calibers like the 223 are limited to the game they can be used for.

Most real hunters know that. But there are some idgits out there!
"They" want to use the AR for everything. Shoot one of our Brown or Griz with an AR 30 times and you get to on the lunch menu. And then us locals will have to go out in a group and take it down using portable canons. I don't understand why some animals, once wounded, takes so much to kill them after that but you should never bring a knife to a gunfight. And when going after an aggressive animal that will fight back, better take something big enough to do it on the first shot. You may not get a second shot or even a 15th. You may actually get the kill with an AR but there is a better chance for you to leave a wounded aggressive dangerous animal with the scent of a Human running around loose in great pain. If you are lucky enough not to be on the Blue Plate Special yourself, someone else may not be so lucky like someone child. A Shotgun, whether it's double ought or slug can do the job and so can a 458 Winchester with a single shot. Many use the ought 6, 308 and 7mm and can do the job if the shot is place well on that Hog. But I don't suggest anything smaller than that.

Anyone tries a AR on a griz needs to be eated!
With this ballistics gel performance, I would have no problem using it on a grizzly at short range:
If you shoot something enough times, you might bring it down. But then again, you might not. And a wounded Hog is not something you want running about the countryside.

It is unethical to wound an animal and leave it. Guess what, I have had to track deer for miles that have been wounded by all manner of "big game" calibers.

Shot placement is everything. I don't care if you are shooting a .600 Nitro Express. If you don't put the bullet where it needs to go, you ain't going to kill it cleanly.

That is why the AR is so popular. It is light recoiling, extremely accurate, and the bullets penetrate deeply enough to kill.

You are quite adept at parroting pseudo hunter rhetoric, but it is obvious you have no idea what you are talking about.

The AR is popular because it reached cult status. We broke the cult status around here without banning the AR. Show up for almost any shoot with an AR as your primary weapon and there will be a lot of laughter at your expense. The primary use of the AR is still battlefield. And there are much better rifles out there for meat and sport shooting.

It's popular because it's EFFECTIVE. Only a jackass would call hunters using an effective weapon a cult.

To coin a phrase, "We need a bigger Boat".

To coin a phrase, you hate the fact that people hunt better than you with pip squeak rifles.

Oh, really now. My favorite varmint rifle was a Mauser Shavetail Single Shot 22LR. The others were using larger, more powerful rounds. I got my varmints in one shot. It just took longer and more patience AND skill. So don't give me this crap. Yes, a 22.250 or a 243 would do a better job for you. But that wasn't sport to me. Sport was one well placed shot through an ear or an eye socket. But that was against varmints who aren't aggressive and dangerous. Would I use the same rifle against something like a Wild Boar? Never. Would I use it with a Deer? Never. Would I even use it for a Coyote? Never. But against Ground Hogs and the like, it was a real sport to make that single shot count thee first time every time. But at my age, the nerves are not there anymore and I can't lay in one sport unmoving waiting for that perfect shot. And yes, the Military figured that out early on and I got to qualify on a Military Version of the Remington model 741A 300H&H at severe long range. When I was 19, I had the skills of a sniper but I didn't have the mental makeup to be one. Everyone thinks they can be a sniper. Only a handful out of 100 shooters have the makeup to be a sniper. Raise you hand if you think you have what it takes. I don't.
257 Roberts//// as to the Africa question

Nope. The hunters name is W.D.M. Bell. He hunted EVERYTHING in Africa with either his trusty 6.5 or 7mm Mauser.
It is unethical to wound an animal and leave it. Guess what, I have had to track deer for miles that have been wounded by all manner of "big game" calibers.

Shot placement is everything. I don't care if you are shooting a .600 Nitro Express. If you don't put the bullet where it needs to go, you ain't going to kill it cleanly.

That is why the AR is so popular. It is light recoiling, extremely accurate, and the bullets penetrate deeply enough to kill.

You are quite adept at parroting pseudo hunter rhetoric, but it is obvious you have no idea what you are talking about.

The AR is popular because it reached cult status. We broke the cult status around here without banning the AR. Show up for almost any shoot with an AR as your primary weapon and there will be a lot of laughter at your expense. The primary use of the AR is still battlefield. And there are much better rifles out there for meat and sport shooting.

It's popular because it's EFFECTIVE. Only a jackass would call hunters using an effective weapon a cult.

To coin a phrase, "We need a bigger Boat".

To coin a phrase, you hate the fact that people hunt better than you with pip squeak rifles.

Oh, really now. My favorite varmint rifle was a Mauser Shavetail Single Shot 22LR. The others were using larger, more powerful rounds. I got my varmints in one shot. It just took longer and more patience AND skill. So don't give me this crap. Yes, a 22.250 or a 243 would do a better job for you. But that wasn't sport to me. Sport was one well placed shot through an ear or an eye socket. But that was against varmints who aren't aggressive and dangerous. Would I use the same rifle against something like a Wild Boar? Never. Would I use it with a Deer? Never. Would I even use it for a Coyote? Never. But against Ground Hogs and the like, it was a real sport to make that single shot count thee first time every time. But at my age, the nerves are not there anymore and I can't lay in one sport unmoving waiting for that perfect shot. And yes, the Military figured that out early on and I got to qualify on a Military Version of the Remington model 741A 300H&H at severe long range. When I was 19, I had the skills of a sniper but I didn't have the mental makeup to be one. Everyone thinks they can be a sniper. Only a handful out of 100 shooters have the makeup to be a sniper. Raise you hand if you think you have what it takes. I don't.

Yeah, really now. You are a terrible liar dude. First off there is no such thing as a "military 741A". Hell, there IS no Model 741A period. There is a Model 720 Military. They were purchased by the Dept. of the Navy in 1942 and used for trophies. They have the crossed cannon proofs and were very limited. 100 were chambered in .270 Win, less than 20 in .257 Roberts, and around 500 in .30-06.

The closest you can get to your imaginary rifle is the Remington Model 721A Magnum which was chambered in .300 H&H (a great caliber I might add, I own a Winchester Model 70 manufactured in 1953) and .264 Win Mag which is a rare chambering for a Remington product.
It is unethical to wound an animal and leave it. Guess what, I have had to track deer for miles that have been wounded by all manner of "big game" calibers.

Shot placement is everything. I don't care if you are shooting a .600 Nitro Express. If you don't put the bullet where it needs to go, you ain't going to kill it cleanly.

That is why the AR is so popular. It is light recoiling, extremely accurate, and the bullets penetrate deeply enough to kill.

You are quite adept at parroting pseudo hunter rhetoric, but it is obvious you have no idea what you are talking about.

The AR is popular because it reached cult status. We broke the cult status around here without banning the AR. Show up for almost any shoot with an AR as your primary weapon and there will be a lot of laughter at your expense. The primary use of the AR is still battlefield. And there are much better rifles out there for meat and sport shooting.

It's popular because it's EFFECTIVE. Only a jackass would call hunters using an effective weapon a cult.

To coin a phrase, "We need a bigger Boat".

To coin a phrase, you hate the fact that people hunt better than you with pip squeak rifles.

Oh, really now. My favorite varmint rifle was a Mauser Shavetail Single Shot 22LR. The others were using larger, more powerful rounds. I got my varmints in one shot. It just took longer and more patience AND skill. So don't give me this crap. Yes, a 22.250 or a 243 would do a better job for you. But that wasn't sport to me. Sport was one well placed shot through an ear or an eye socket. But that was against varmints who aren't aggressive and dangerous. Would I use the same rifle against something like a Wild Boar? Never. Would I use it with a Deer? Never. Would I even use it for a Coyote? Never. But against Ground Hogs and the like, it was a real sport to make that single shot count thee first time every time. But at my age, the nerves are not there anymore and I can't lay in one sport unmoving waiting for that perfect shot. And yes, the Military figured that out early on and I got to qualify on a Military Version of the Remington model 741A 300H&H at severe long range. When I was 19, I had the skills of a sniper but I didn't have the mental makeup to be one. Everyone thinks they can be a sniper. Only a handful out of 100 shooters have the makeup to be a sniper. Raise you hand if you think you have what it takes. I don't.
It takes a shit ton of mental/emotional stability, patience, and discipline.

At 19, I was in excellent physical shape and could circumcise a gnat at 500 yards, but had none of those qualities. I was young, dumb, and full of cum.

Now? At 45, I have the mental makeup and since I started cycling, I am in better shape than ever. I just have a touch if degenerative far-sightedness.

So, why is the cutoff at 40? Makes no sense. The job is perfect for a middle-age guy in good shape.

Oh, really now. My favorite varmint rifle was a Mauser Shavetail Single Shot 22LR. The others were using larger, more powerful rounds. I got my varmints in one shot. It just took longer and more patience AND skill. So don't give me this crap. Yes, a 22.250 or a 243 would do a better job for you. But that wasn't sport to me. Sport was one well placed shot through an ear or an eye socket. But that was against varmints who aren't aggressive and dangerous. Would I use the same rifle against something like a Wild Boar? Never. Would I use it with a Deer? Never. Would I even use it for a Coyote? Never. But against Ground Hogs and the like, it was a real sport to make that single shot count thee first time every time. But at my age, the nerves are not there anymore and I can't lay in one sport unmoving waiting for that perfect shot. And yes, the Military figured that out early on and I got to qualify on a Military Version of the Remington model 741A 300H&H at severe long range. When I was 19, I had the skills of a sniper but I didn't have the mental makeup to be one. Everyone thinks they can be a sniper. Only a handful out of 100 shooters have the makeup to be a sniper. Raise you hand if you think you have what it takes. I don't.

Some good points Daryl, very few could be a sniper.
257 Roberts//// as to the Africa question

Nope. The hunters name is W.D.M. Bell. He hunted EVERYTHING in Africa with either his trusty 6.5 or 7mm Mauser.

257 wasn't my answer to your post but thank you for the info. Didn't know! Had 6.5 Sweed, many 7mm. Good stuff. 7mm especially. Sure, place it right either will do it. Don't need a 458 but i had one since im a bit eccentric!
257 Roberts//// as to the Africa question

Nope. The hunters name is W.D.M. Bell. He hunted EVERYTHING in Africa with either his trusty 6.5 or 7mm Mauser.

257 wasn't my answer to your post but thank you for the info. Didn't know! Had 6.5 Sweed, many 7mm. Good stuff. 7mm especially. Sure, place it right either will do it. Don't need a 458 but i had one since im a bit eccentric!

He used the military rifles because even though they were pop guns, they ALWAYS went bang. And the bullets were good solid projectiles that wouldn't break apart when they hit the hard bones.
It takes a shit ton of mental/emotional stability, patience, and discipline.

At 19, I was in excellent physical shape and could circumcise a gnat at 500 yards, but had none of those qualities. I was young, dumb, and full of cum.

Now? At 45, I have the mental makeup and since I started cycling, I am in better shape than ever. I just have a touch if degenerative far-sightedness.

So, why is the cutoff at 40? Makes no sense. The job is perfect for a middle-age guy in good shape.


Don't know why a cutoff. Pisses me off too. I'm 65 and could still serve (did serve) I can shoot the nutz off a fly at 1000 yards but the dicipline to be a sniper? No way.

Used to be a great read on why old people should still serve. See if I can find it. Not just funny as hell but MADE SENSE
It takes a shit ton of mental/emotional stability, patience, and discipline.

At 19, I was in excellent physical shape and could circumcise a gnat at 500 yards, but had none of those qualities. I was young, dumb, and full of cum.

Now? At 45, I have the mental makeup and since I started cycling, I am in better shape than ever. I just have a touch if degenerative far-sightedness.

So, why is the cutoff at 40? Makes no sense. The job is perfect for a middle-age guy in good shape.


Don't know why a cutoff. Pisses me off too. I'm 65 and could still serve (did serve) I can shoot the nutz off a fly at 1000 yards but the dicipline to be a sniper? No way.

Used to be a great read on why old people should still serve. See if I can find it. Not just funny as hell but MADE SENSE

daryl doesn't know what he's talking about. There is no age limit for scout sniper positions. There is only a "can you do the job" requirement.
daryl doesn't know what he's talking about. There is no age limit for scout sniper positions. There is only a "can you do the job" requirement.

But who wants to be the "scout" sniper. Ain't that the aide? I wanna pull the trigger, turn their fukin heads into red mist! :)

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