The actual Trump indictment in NY text

Project much?

Not even a little bit.

I am the one going "lets let it play out since I do not know enough about NY law to make an informed opinion"

Yet, none of you are willing to do that.

Because you all are just amazing legal experts I suppose.
Bragg said he falsified business records with intent to conceal a serious crime. WHAT is the crime?
The indictment doesn’t have to say. So far, Bragg seems unable to state what he (and the GJ) had in mind. And assuming that the prosecution eventually does come up with an underlying crime, I wonder if it will be the same alleged underlying crime for each count?

Or will they make the mistake of making it a grab bag? :dunno:
Not even a little bit.

I am the one going "lets let it play out since I do not know enough about NY law to make an informed opinion"

Yet, none of you are willing to do that.

Because you all are just amazing legal experts I suppose.
I’m here for you pal.
There isn’t one. Trump is allowed to give anyone he wants some of his money, as long as it’s part of a legal transaction. An NDA is perfectly legal.
Bragg even said that these payments were to cover up another crime and never said what the other crime was.
You can only be charged for the same crime once. :dunno:
Multiple counts for separate dates is not double jeopardy. Double jeopardy is the rule that prohibits trying anyone a second time for the same crime.

That’s not what’s going on in this absurd indictment, though.
They have, too bad you have no fucking clue what it means.
I don't? Fuck off with that, you stolen valor POS.

"The Double Jeopardy Clause in the Fifth Amendment to the US Constitution prohibits anyone from being prosecuted twice for substantially the same crime. The relevant part of the Fifth Amendment states, "No person shall . . . be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb . . . . "

This dumbshit Bragg has charged Trump 34x for the same crime.


Amendment V​

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

That Bragg guy went all kinds of past twice. :wtf:
Actually all of the checks purportedly business records are from the Trump Revocable Trust. What business was the Revocable Trust engaged in?

It appears to allow trustees to give Trump his own money for certain purposes. Trump is one of the trustees himself as is (or was) the now convicted Allen Weisselberg.
It wasn't about the porn star payoff.
That was just the red flag that led to uncovering an entire mafia-like syndicate of illegal business practices up to and including felony tax evasion.
That will be coming around on the guitar soon as well.
If it was good enough for Al Capone it is certainly good enough for Trump.

Uh huh. Whatever you say. I see seven years of a Party that has tried a fake Russian Collusion, two fake Impeachments, a manufactured break-in of the Capitol, IRS audits, non-stop bashing from Democrat Media etc. etc. And now I see this stooge DA pull 34 rabbits out of the hat. :th_smiley_emoticons_gaehn: But hey, whatever gets you through the day
You can only be charged for the same crime once. :dunno:

Ok, let’s say someone was a bank robber. He robbed banks. When he was finally caught, he was charged with Seven counts of Bank Robbery. That wouldn’t be double jeopardy. That would be multiple instances of the same crime being committed.

Double Jeopardy would be if. Oh lets say that they tried the Bank Robber for a robbery that took place at Great American Bank and Trust located on the corner of 7th Avenue and 15th Street that took place on or about 2:15 PM on Thursday the 14th of February. The baddie was found not guilty by a jury. Then if they charged him again for that same crime at the same place at the same time, yes. That would be double jeopardy.

Otherwise Serial Rapists couldn’t be charged with multiple rapes. Career criminals would face a single charge of the crime they committed habitually.

It appears to allow trustees to give Trump his own money for certain purposes. Trump is one of the trustees himself as is (or was) the now convicted Allen Weisselberg.
A Revocable Trust is a very common estate planning tool. Many people who own property have a Trust.
Maybe you should be more concern with how Bragg can make his case. So far he's failing

Failing in the RW insane conspiracy theory websites. Already convicted trump in the insane Left Wing CT websites. Has begun the process to hold a trial to anyone not a wacko extremist fringe type.

I posted this once earlier. Let me post it again.

That is the narrative of what the prosecution thinks happened. It is not the explanation of all thirty four charges. It is nothing but the summary of the case from the point of view of the prosecution.

I don’t know if they can prove it. You don’t know if they can. We don’t know. If you weren’t in the Grand Jury Room. If you were not in the conference rooms at the DA’s office to see and hear the evidence. You don’t know either.
You didn’t write anything. You linked to a lib source.

The only link I have provided was to a PDF of the statement of facts submitted by the DA. Nothing else in this thread.

What I wrote was I was no lawyer. I would be interested to read and hear the arguments put forth by the Trump team during the motions.

I think you are so wound up with outrage you are confusing things. I suggest you take a step back and listen to some soft music.
Uh huh. Whatever you say. I see seven years of a Party that has tried a fake Russian Collusion, two fake Impeachments, a manufactured break-in of the Capitol, IRS audits, non-stop bashing from Democrat Media etc. etc. And now I see this stooge DA pull 34 rabbits out of the hat. :th_smiley_emoticons_gaehn: But hey, whatever gets you through the day
Fake news much?
The only link I have provided was to a PDF of the statement of facts submitted by the DA. Nothing else in this thread.

What I wrote was I was no lawyer. I would be interested to read and hear the arguments put forth by the Trump team during the motions.

I think you are so wound up with outrage you are confusing things. I suggest you take a step back and listen to some soft music.
Yes, I’m outraged that leftists have sunken so low that a DA would charge Trump with “a scheme to suppress information” when such is a perfectly legal NDA. When a DA starts off with such a politically-driven LIE, I need read no further.

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