The actual Trump indictment in NY text

I’m no lawyer. I will be interested to see what the motions from Trump’s attorney will be and how they are argued. I don’t know what the precedents are in the law. I don’t know what the exceptions are. I’m going to wait, and learn more from the motions, filings, and possibly even trial. All I did was read the statement of facts from the Prosecutors office. I don’t know a lot right now.
Maybe you should be more concern with how Bragg can make his case. So far he's failing
Good extend this tradition down the line. What did George Bush know about 9/11 and when did he know it? When did Clinton first meet Eppstein and how many Kilos came through Mena Airport. How much did Bush know about Iran Contra and Nugen-Hand Bank? When did Regan know of the October Suprise?
Your triggered desperation is showing.
I assume you know how to READ....and exercise deductive reasoning.
And generalize/synthesize information.
Trump is now facing 34 very REAL and yes.....serious felony charges, each potentially carrying four years in prison.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Other felony cases are being put together against him in Washington D.C. and Georgia.

The MAGAt Trumptard cultist days of deflection, denial, and whataboutism are done.

Desperately clinging to any defense of your orange cat turd king at this point just makes you look even more unhinged and sad.

Take the hint dude.

The jig is up.
Trump is facing a bullshit phony ass case and it’s more than likely that if the judge treats it with valid legal reasoning, it will get dismissed.

I can’t help it that you’re completely clueless. 😎
Trump is facing a bullshit phony ass case and it’s more than likely that if the judge treats it with valid legal reasoning, it will get dismissed.

I can’t help it that you’re completely clueless. 😎
Hide and watch Skippy. :auiqs.jpg:
I’m no lawyer. I will be interested to see what the motions from Trump’s attorney will be and how they are argued. I don’t know what the precedents are in the law. I don’t know what the exceptions are. I’m going to wait, and learn more from the motions, filings, and possibly even trial. All I did was read the statement of facts from the Prosecutors office. I don’t know a lot right now.

The lawyers will have to show the charges have no basis in fact, and the grand jury came to the wrong conclusion based upon the evidence presented to them.

Good luck with that.
Thirty four counts of “falsifying business records in the first degree.”

It’s ridiculous. It is unnecessarily duplicative. The underlying alleged crime doesn’t even exist.

Turley predicted that they'd STACK their cowpies!! :cow::cow::cow:
The Grand Jury, and the judge disagree with you Perry Mason.

Don't quit your day job.

If you have a job.
No, you drooling retard. You’re wrong. The claim is still not that he falsified records to coverup falsifying records. You derp.

The Grand Jury charged no such thing. And no judge has said they did or that that’s what the indictment said.

Go play in heavy traffic.
It wasn't about the porn star payoff.
That was just the red flag that led to uncovering an entire mafia-like syndicate of illegal business practices up to and including felony tax evasion.
That will be coming around on the guitar soon as well.
If it was good enough for Al Capone it is certainly good enough for Trump.

Were Fredo to deny everything, while being aggressively waterboarded, I might be persuaded to take a second look.

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