The actual Trump indictment in NY text

It's not but as much as I hate to admit it, this is probably the weakest form of criminal jeopardy he's facing, at least relative to the other investigations in Georgia and DC, which involve more serious alleged conduct/charges and probably a lot stronger evidence.

From what I am gathering so far it seems like a mountain constructed out of technicalities, and I'm wondering if a juror or two or three would just say fuck this shit.

Georgia is also pure bullshit.
But burglary in the third degree is itself a crime. So the crime is knowingly entering or remaining unlawfully. Such has always been a crime since the common law.

§ 140.20 Burglary in the third degree.​
A person is guilty of burglary in the third degree when he knowingly​
enters or remains unlawfully in a building with intent to commit a crime

I know. And the phrase that pays is “with
Intent to commit a crime therein.”​
Trump Perp Walk!!! :mm:

Trump Perp Walk.jpg
Again, the indictment alleges a specific violation of a specific statute and it doesn't match the charges.

§ 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree.​
A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree
when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second
degree ...​

The prosecution will have to provide a bill of particulars. They best spell things out their “particulars” a damn sight better in that filing.
Trump and his lawyers know exactly what he's being charged with. They've been notified by the court

Here's the indictment.

In every instance the donut indicates that ''The defendant, in the County of New York and elsewhere.... with intent to defraud and intent to commit another crime and aid and conceal the commission thereof...''

No place does the donut indicate what the other crime actually is.

The defendant has a right to know what the is being charged with.
Here's the indictment.

In every instance the donut indicates that ''The defendant, in the County of New York and elsewhere.... with intent to defraud and intent to commit another crime and aid and conceal the commission thereof...''

No place does the donut indicate what the other crime actually is.

The defendant has a right to know what the is being charged with.

Now we can all look at the facts. It looks like Trump and his lawyers know exactly what he's being charged with.
You're already repeating misinformation...

FIRST you need to prove the records were false. NEXT you will need to prove it was intentional. THEN you will have to prove there is evidence that those records are directly a part of the campaign in 2016.

The burden of proof lies on the prosecutor, and it has to be beyond the shadow of a doubt.

Correct. I did not say anything to the contrary.

Today was the 2nd step in that process.

There are many more to happen.
You have already made up your mind.

I am indeed more than skeptical about this prosecution.

Now that I’ve seen the indictment, I believe more than ever that this is a very thin case. It is politicized nonsense.

Yes, I have made up my mind that Trump has been charged with 34 crimes.

That is the only fact my mind knows at this point.

Unlike you all, I am not an expert on the legal system and laws of New York state so I will wait for the process to play out.

Oh, in what states are you licensed to practice law?
Here's the indictment.

In every instance the donut indicates that ''The defendant, in the County of New York and elsewhere.... with intent to defraud and intent to commit another crime and aid and conceal the commission thereof...''

No place does the donut indicate what the other crime actually is.

The defendant has a right to know what the is being charged with.

Weird that Trump's own lawyers do not seem as confused as you.

Maybe because they are lawyers and you are a hack on the internet.

Just a guess

So now we no longer have to speculate.

Bragg got the GJ to charge 34 counts.

It’s all alleging a “scheme” to “conceal” alleged negative information about Trump as the illegal purpose for falsifying business records.

As predicted. It’s bullshit.
Even as the mainstream media in conjunction with the f.b.i. has been scheming for years to conceal information about the Biden Family selling influence - an ACTUAL crime, and a treasonous one, at that.
It’s all alleging a “scheme” to “conceal” alleged negative information about Trump as the illegal purpose for falsifying business records.
  • Whatever happened to the alleged scheme to extort $130,000 from Trump right before his run for the WH for an unproven 2013 affair, then go public with it anyway?

  • Whatever happened to the alleged scheme to make up a fake dossier then lie to a FISA court by Hillary Clinton in order to try to derail Trump's campaign as a "russian operative" to effect her win into the WH?

  • Whatever happened to the numerous affairs and payoffs to the many twinkies that Bill Clinton had affairs with in order to keep his run for the WH clean?

What is the "negative information" being concealed here? That Trump dated someone between marriages? That one of his dates tried to extort money from him? That the affair is not even known to have actually happened? Or that when Trump's business keepers recorded the payment to her to make her go away, the right amount was recorded in the book under a clerical labeling error of calling a payment made to attorney Cohen a legal expense?

And who and what kind of person will want to run for office now that NY state has shown that anyone can be charged with 130 years in prison for any reason if they make the slightest mistake is a book-keeping record from a decade earlier?

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