The Best Part of Electric Vehicles

Let me guess, you are so stupid you don't know that these bikes can be ridden in three ways, you providing total power, 1/2 by the electric motor, 1/2 by you, or totally electric. Yes, I have one, and love it.
What’s that babbling have to do with e bikes exploding and blowing your little balls off?
I’m just trying to explain why these bikes are so great. Out of shape 50 year old riding 70 miles on a Saturday? I’m hooked.

Oh, and currently I’ll admit these batteries suck. The technology needs to get better. It would be great if riding my bike charged my battery. I hear some do this. Mine doesn’t. And it’s about the size of a loaf of bread. And one battery only goes 30 miles give or take depending on ho much help you use. So we all had to buy an extra battery because 30 miles aint shit. $500 for a spare battery.

Ebikes are the reason batteries will get better. It’s a billion dollar industry. You republicans should love a new industry. You only hate it because your oil and coal lobbyist loving politicians are paid to deny global warming.
There are some after market batteries available with a lot more kw/hr's and at a much lesser price than the OEM batteries. Have not seen any ratings on them, but I am sure that this market will expand and improve.
Enjoy your house burning down.
If you can ever get your EV charged.
Some people just enjoy lying. You are certainly one of those.

"So, we don’t have definitive data. We have a global number from Tesla and some U.S. numbers compiled for the NHTSA by Battelle. We also have a challenge by none other than Elon Musk who declares its EVs 11-to-1 less likely to catch fire. Steven Risser for Battelle states that EVs are probably less likely to catch fire and probably safer, but still says that more data is required.

For Tesla, with 10 billion miles, it appears that time and data are tracking in their favor. When legacy manufacturers reach a point where their profits depend on EV sales, then maybe we will get the rest of the data that EV enthusiasts already suspect: that this narrative has been a false one or “fake news” right from the start."
Hey, stupid fuck, a gas, CO2, while not destroying the planet, is making it a lot harder for many humans at present, and it will get worse in the future.
Who brainwashed your low IQ feeble mind into believing that, dumbass?

You're an idiot.
Not one of your combustion cars listed spontaneously combusts like EV’s do.

Well ... no ... they spontaneously combust in other ways ... very little liquid hydrocarbon content in EVs ... very little lithium in regular cars ...

If your electricity comes from burning coal or natural gas ... there's no practical reason to buy an EV ... it's more of a status symbol ... like cell phones ... and this is important to many people ... like buying an F-150, strictly for looks, the pissy Tacoma hauls the same amount of material ...

Stay focused ... if regular cars work for you, don't let any jackwagon on the web tell you any different ... EVs work best here where we have an oversupply of renewables ... coal-fired power plants are illegal in Oregon, and in a few years utility companies will be prevented from buying coal-power on the wholesale market ... wind/solar/hydro is much cheaper here, EVs are the economical option ...

Do homeowner insurance premiums increased if we own an EV? ... no? ... if EVs are a bigger risk, then insurance companies are losing money ... yeah, right, like that will ever happen ...
LOL Link to where this has happened? There is a certain type of dumb fuck that cannot stand anything that is new or better. The e-bikes, e-motorcycles, and EV's will soon dominate the market.

This friend brought a girl over to my house and we started talking about my ebike and how it's not exercise. I said, "you can put it in 7th gear and only use 1 level of help rather than 2 or 3. So I let her ride it. You should have seen the smile on her face. That was on level 1. Of course it was smooth flat ground she was riding on. If she was going up hill she would probably lower the gear or up the help.

We rode from my town to a town 2 towns over like it was nothing the other day. It's actually fun. Feels like what it must be like for Captain America to ride a bike. I told my friend that when we sat down in Milford, MI for drinks he would probably only be half way there. You got that right it's better than a traditional bike. And if you want to exercise turn the thing off and ride. It feels like quicksand after you get used to the assist.

I'll keep saying it. If I only use 1 level of help I can get over 40 miles on one battery. I have 2 batteries so I can potentially go 80 miles in a day. No regular biker is doing that. If they are they are on a 21 speed bike and they have their nose down and they are pumping those legs hard especially up hill. I have no business riding 80 miles. That's how great these bikes are. They allow the average person to ride further/longer/faster. And if that upsets traditional bikers, great. I love it that it pisses them off.

And if any of them have speed boats I insist they trade them in for a row boat. They are cheating.
Well ... no ... they spontaneously combust in other ways ... very little liquid hydrocarbon content in EVs ... very little lithium in regular cars ...

If your electricity comes from burning coal or natural gas ... there's no practical reason to buy an EV ... it's more of a status symbol ... like cell phones ... and this is important to many people ... like buying an F-150, strictly for looks, the pissy Tacoma hauls the same amount of material ...

Stay focused ... if regular cars work for you, don't let any jackwagon on the web tell you any different ... EVs work best here where we have an oversupply of renewables ... coal-fired power plants are illegal in Oregon, and in a few years utility companies will be prevented from buying coal-power on the wholesale market ... wind/solar/hydro is much cheaper here, EVs are the economical option ...

Do homeowner insurance premiums increased if we own an EV? ... no? ... if EVs are a bigger risk, then insurance companies are losing money ... yeah, right, like that will ever happen ...
Even in nations that get there electricity almost 100% from a mixture of coal and natural gas, an EV produces less carbon than an ICE.
Well ... no ... they spontaneously combust in other ways ... very little liquid hydrocarbon content in EVs ... very little lithium in regular cars ...

If your electricity comes from burning coal or natural gas ... there's no practical reason to buy an EV ... it's more of a status symbol ... like cell phones ... and this is important to many people ... like buying an F-150, strictly for looks, the pissy Tacoma hauls the same amount of material ...

Stay focused ... if regular cars work for you, don't let any jackwagon on the web tell you any different ... EVs work best here where we have an oversupply of renewables ... coal-fired power plants are illegal in Oregon, and in a few years utility companies will be prevented from buying coal-power on the wholesale market ... wind/solar/hydro is much cheaper here, EVs are the economical option ...

Do homeowner insurance premiums increased if we own an EV? ... no? ... if EVs are a bigger risk, then insurance companies are losing money ... yeah, right, like that will ever happen ...
EV's are more costly to repair. But passengers in a Tesla EV are far less likely to suffer injuries than in most ICE's. And Tesla may be building their own insurance company. So it is a mixed bag at present. Here is information;
This friend brought a girl over to my house and we started talking about my ebike and how it's not exercise. I said, "you can put it in 7th gear and only use 1 level of help rather than 2 or 3. So I let her ride it. You should have seen the smile on her face. That was on level 1. Of course it was smooth flat ground she was riding on. If she was going up hill she would probably lower the gear or up the help.

We rode from my town to a town 2 towns over like it was nothing the other day. It's actually fun. Feels like what it must be like for Captain America to ride a bike. I told my friend that when we sat down in Milford, MI for drinks he would probably only be half way there. You got that right it's better than a traditional bike. And if you want to exercise turn the thing off and ride. It feels like quicksand after you get used to the assist.

I'll keep saying it. If I only use 1 level of help I can get over 40 miles on one battery. I have 2 batteries so I can potentially go 80 miles in a day. No regular biker is doing that. If they are they are on a 21 speed bike and they have their nose down and they are pumping those legs hard especially up hill. I have no business riding 80 miles. That's how great these bikes are. They allow the average person to ride further/longer/faster. And if that upsets traditional bikers, great. I love it that it pisses them off.

And if any of them have speed boats I insist they trade them in for a row boat. They are cheating.
I have a Radwagon. 26" wheels, a long wheel base, 75 lbs, a bit clumsy. But when I was working at a facility near me,. I would ride that bike, and in the 1/2 mile that was on a four lane, 40 mph street, maintain 18 to 20 mph. And I can load it with sieves, pan, hammer, chisels, and metal detector, and ride in rough country. There are now many good e-bikes out there, with a variation suited to almost anyone's needs. Oh yes, when I was doing that, I was a bit younger, only 75.
I have a Radwagon. 26" wheels, a long wheel base, 75 lbs, a bit clumsy. But when I was working at a facility near me,. I would ride that bike, and in the 1/2 mile that was on a four lane, 40 mph street, maintain 18 to 20 mph. And I can load it with sieves, pan, hammer, chisels, and metal detector, and ride in rough country. There are now many good e-bikes out there, with a variation suited to almost anyone's needs. Oh yes, when I was doing that, I was a bit younger, only 75.
I do love my bike. Cheapest bike you could get at the store near me but a great starter bike. No throttle so I have to peddle but when it’s on power 3 boy is it easy. Even the biggest hill I put it on three and gear down to 4 from 7 and it’s like I’m floating. Best way to describe it is if captain America rode a bike. Lol.

Yesterday from my town we went to west Bloomfield to novi to wixom then back home yesterday. Just exploring. Lots of great bike paths and sidewalks.
EV's are more costly to repair. But passengers in a Tesla EV are far less likely to suffer injuries than in most ICE's. And Tesla may be building their own insurance company. So it is a mixed bag at present. Here is information;

There, ya see, EVs burning down garages is on par with regular cars ...

EVs are a great answer ... too bad it's the wrong question it answers ... the problem isn't what powers our vehicles, it's having too damn many vehicles ... we need to add in the carbon footprint of manufacture, and here the clear winner is bicycles ... or walking ... especially for y'all flatlanding city-slickers ... CCC Solution #2: Reduce passenger vehicles by 90% ... (lazy shits)
There, ya see, EVs burning down garages is on par with regular cars ...

EVs are a great answer ... too bad it's the wrong question it answers ... the problem isn't what powers our vehicles, it's having too damn many vehicles ... we need to add in the carbon footprint of manufacture, and here the clear winner is bicycles ... or walking ... especially for y'all flatlanding city-slickers ... CCC Solution #2: Reduce passenger vehicles by 90% ... (lazy shits)
My buddies and I could have went out and purchased motorcycles but then we would be limited to the roads. You wouldn't believe how many trails are surrounding you so that you can use a bike to go anywhere and hardly ever have to get on the road and ride with cars. The only problem is most people can only go about 20 miles round trip on a regular bike. I can go up to 80 miles on my ebike because I have a spare battery. So for a lot of people, riding a bike into work isn't an option. For me it is. Not only can I go farther, it's a piece of cake. So when I get to work I'm not sweating.

So my ebike isn't burning gas like a motorcycle or car. I will probably get 500 charges to each battery. So in all that riding around, I'm not burning fossil fuels like motorcycles and cars. I hear motorcycles put up even worse fumes than cars do?

Sure a regular bike is more green but I don't want to go ride for 20 miles. I want to see 80 miles. And I don't want a noisy engine that isn't allowed on the bike trails anyways. What state do you live in?


It will take me 31 trips to cover all 2500 miles. It will take you 124.
Is you can charge them in your garage while your family is sleeping.

Wow, look at the thickness of those charging cables! There is some real CURRENT there. And of course, since these cars must sit so long, no one was around to move the others out of the area so one fire took out at least three vehicles.

I used to have something that took a small, $200 lithium battery for portability that I didn't use much anymore so I threw the battery away, I didn't want it in the house anymore worrying about it catching on fire in its discharged state.

So these EV cars need some sort of complex sensing circuit to detect excess current or other battery problems and cut the current draw off as soon as detected, then some sort of fire suppression system underneath. Insurance companies will charge a premium for storing and charging EV cars in house and require or offer discounts for having a fire suppression system in your garage. Sleep well.

Can you imagine the environmental mess of cleaning up after the fire in the video? Can you imagine the toxins released in that fire? All kinds of tasty things go into making lithium batteries including an agent used in the making of nerve gas.

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