The Best Part

What does it mean when they call Trump a pussy grabber?

It's means he's not a cocksucker like Obamf.
I remember similar predictions of long-term republican supremacy in 2000, then they went and reminded America why they cannot be trusted to look after the best interests of the people. They have not changed, they are more determined than ever to legitimize plutocracy as the American way.
What are you talking about? The rich do better with Democrats in office.
This is correct, everyone does better because democrats are not in love with trickle down voodoo. There is more than just money involved here though. When you already have more wealth than you could ever spend all that is left to acquire is political power and immunity from the law. This is what republicans offer, One-stop shopping for influence and voters who are not offended by it. You people demand your politicians be "business friendly" so they go to Washington and sell themselves like cheap whores to anyone who can hire lobbyists.
Democrats made up the term trickle down. Because they are dishonest and need to attack success to make their agenda look better. The facts are GDP went way up, you guys come here and lie everyday expecting repetition to turn your spin into fact. Hillary was very much more aligned with the donor class than Trump. Not even close.

The bigger government gets the better it gets for the few.
Republicans have never promised the working class a damned thing, until now. Your man ran on a bunch of economic justice rhetoric he hijacked from the left. We all knew he was bullshitting America, I wonder if you will ever come to the same conclusion? In any case, his actions to further the plutocracy and beat down the working class will energize the left like no democratic president ever could. The left is never so dangerous to the status quo as when they have been pronounced dead.
You know nothing. Reagan promised AND delivered. We prospered quite well during the Bush years until the end when the housing market sent the economy into freefall.

Trump borrowed from the left? Which policy? Closed borders? Immigration crack down? Lower taxes? Lower regulations? Common Core gone? Obamacare gone? Better trade deals?
I remember similar predictions of long-term republican supremacy in 2000, then they went and reminded America why they cannot be trusted to look after the best interests of the people. They have not changed, they are more determined than ever to legitimize plutocracy as the American way.
What are you talking about? The rich do better with Democrats in office.
This is correct, everyone does better because democrats are not in love with trickle down voodoo. There is more than just money involved here though. When you already have more wealth than you could ever spend all that is left to acquire is political power and immunity from the law. This is what republicans offer, One-stop shopping for influence and voters who are not offended by it. You people demand your politicians be "business friendly" so they go to Washington and sell themselves like cheap whores to anyone who can hire lobbyists.
Democrats made up the term trickle down. Because they are dishonest and need to attack success to make their agenda look better. The facts are GDP went way up, you guys come here and lie everyday expecting repetition to turn your spin into fact. Hillary was very much more aligned with the donor class than Trump. Not even close.

The bigger government gets the better it gets for the few.
Republicans have never promised the working class a damned thing, until now. Your man ran on a bunch of economic justice rhetoric he hijacked from the left. We all knew he was bullshitting America, I wonder if you will ever come to the same conclusion? In any case, his actions to further the plutocracy and beat down the working class will energize the left like no democratic president ever could. The left is never so dangerous to the status quo as when they have been pronounced dead.
Trump never ran on economic justice.
Yes he did and it had great popular appeal, too bad it was all bullshit.
The liberal trolls on this board are busily authoring countless threads with the subject of A) apocalyptic predictions B) some conspiracy theory to explain why Clinton lost or C) some masterbatorial thread intended to elicit approval by other leftist trolls and anger from conservatives.

I love it!! I can't get enough. The delusion, the hysteria, the stupidity. The scenes from Clinton's campaign headquarters of crying, shock, disbelief--but that isn't the best part.

Every single one of Trump's cabinet positions are going to be rubber stamped, with no possibility of anything Democrats can do, not shit. Why? Because Harry Reid and the Democrats changed the Senate rules. To see that backfire so brilliantly, so quickly!!! But that is not the best part.

The Supreme Court is going to have a solid conservative majority for ANOTHER generation. The left's best hope to ever get the most radical parts of their agenda passed disappeared with Trump victory. But that even isn't the best part.

The democrat party has no national influence at all. The lowest number of governorships and state legislatures since the 50's. All their talk about diversity, and the leadership of the DNC is comprised entirely of white people aged 70+. They are a regional party. The best part? They do not have a fucking clue how it happened. They are double down, doing no introspection.

I know it is presumptuous, but I think now that democrat strong hold states have turned red for Trump of all people, a complete repudiation of Liberalism, Democrats may be relegated to a regional party for a generation. There aren't any red states, despite billions of dollars, not one have gone blue.

When you see all that happened despite of:
  • Media shilled for her,
  • Hollywood shilled for her
  • corporations shilled for her,
  • online shills were paid millions to promote and lie for her,
  • Muslim nation gave her millions,
  • internet companies supported her,
  • big banks supported her
  • Soros supported her,
  • FBI and DOJ conspired for her,
  • DNC rigged the primaries for her,
  • feminazis supported her,
  • BLM supported her,
  • #NeverTrump supported her
  • leaders of foreign nations supported her,
  • GOP establishment supported her,
  • Bernie shilled for her,
  • Barry shilled for her,
  • living presidents supported her,
  • people were murdered on her behalf,
  • they rigged debates for her,
  • they used election fraud for her,
  • polls were always in her favor,
  • they spent $1.3 billion on her campaign,

And they still lost. It can't be any sweeter.
Oh, and the best part...

I remember similar predictions of long-term republican supremacy in 2000, then they went and reminded America why they cannot be trusted to look after the best interests of the people. They have not changed, they are more determined than ever to legitimize plutocracy as the American way.
What are you talking about? The rich do better with Democrats in office.
This is correct, everyone does better because democrats are not in love with trickle down voodoo. There is more than just money involved here though. When you already have more wealth than you could ever spend all that is left to acquire is political power and immunity from the law. This is what republicans offer, One-stop shopping for influence and voters who are not offended by it. You people demand your politicians be "business friendly" so they go to Washington and sell themselves like cheap whores to anyone who can hire lobbyists.
Democrats made up the term trickle down. Because they are dishonest and need to attack success to make their agenda look better. The facts are GDP went way up, you guys come here and lie everyday expecting repetition to turn your spin into fact. Hillary was very much more aligned with the donor class than Trump. Not even close.

The bigger government gets the better it gets for the few.
Republicans have never promised the working class a damned thing, until now. Your man ran on a bunch of economic justice rhetoric he hijacked from the left. We all knew he was bullshitting America, I wonder if you will ever come to the same conclusion? In any case, his actions to further the plutocracy and beat down the working class will energize the left like no democratic president ever could. The left is never so dangerous to the status quo as when they have been pronounced dead.
You know nothing. Reagan promised AND delivered. We prospered quite well during the Bush years until the end when the housing market sent the economy into freefall.

Trump borrowed from the left? Which policy? Closed borders? Immigration crack down? Lower taxes? Lower regulations? Common Core gone? Obamacare gone? Better trade deals?
Bringing back and protecting American jobs as well as government creating millions more good jobs. Remember that shit? Republicans used to have conniption fits at the mere whisper of protectionism or government economic stimulus. Congress is never going to vote for anything like that but they will further remove big business from accountability for their actions and put the taxpayer back on the hook for the recklessness of the big banks while gutting labor laws and anything else that helps the working class.
Bringing back and protecting American jobs as well as government creating millions more good jobs. Remember that shit? Republicans used to have conniption fits at the mere whisper of protectionism or government economic stimulus. Congress is never going to vote for anything like that but they will further remove big business from accountability for their actions and put the taxpayer back on the hook for the recklessness of the big banks while gutting labor laws and anything else that helps the working class.
That's just leftist rhetoric. Fair trade isn't protectionism. If they don't tariff us there's no reason to tariff them. Fact is what libs have done to this country isn't working. Business is the engine of the economy, hurt your engine and your car doesn't run so well.
Bringing back and protecting American jobs as well as government creating millions more good jobs. Remember that shit? Republicans used to have conniption fits at the mere whisper of protectionism or government economic stimulus. Congress is never going to vote for anything like that but they will further remove big business from accountability for their actions and put the taxpayer back on the hook for the recklessness of the big banks while gutting labor laws and anything else that helps the working class.
That's just leftist rhetoric. Fair trade isn't protectionism. If they don't tariff us there's no reason to tariff them. Fact is what libs have done to this country isn't working. Business is the engine of the economy, hurt your engine and your car doesn't run so well.
Other counties manage to have strong economies without making everything into a stark choice between protecting the working class and protecting the profits of big business. It has long been the policy of the republican party that socialism for big business and the billionaires trickles down to prosperity for all yet after thirty years of ass kissing their answer is that we have not kissed their asses nearly enough.
Bringing back and protecting American jobs as well as government creating millions more good jobs. Remember that shit? Republicans used to have conniption fits at the mere whisper of protectionism or government economic stimulus. Congress is never going to vote for anything like that but they will further remove big business from accountability for their actions and put the taxpayer back on the hook for the recklessness of the big banks while gutting labor laws and anything else that helps the working class.
That's just leftist rhetoric. Fair trade isn't protectionism. If they don't tariff us there's no reason to tariff them. Fact is what libs have done to this country isn't working. Business is the engine of the economy, hurt your engine and your car doesn't run so well.
Other counties manage to have strong economies without making everything into a stark choice between protecting the working class and protecting the profits of big business. It has long been the policy of the republican party that socialism for big business and the billionaires trickles down to prosperity for all yet after thirty years of ass kissing their answer is that we have not kissed their asses nearly enough.

Tax cuts have always led to economic growth and increase tax revenue. The solution, which is simply beyond your simplistic worldview, is to allow people to keep their own money. In your worldview wealth is the property of the government, and allowing individuals (which includes corporations) to keep their own wealth in your mind is a government expenditure and is the cause of social injustice.

You think not taxing corporations is socialism. You are a fucking idiot.
Bringing back and protecting American jobs as well as government creating millions more good jobs. Remember that shit? Republicans used to have conniption fits at the mere whisper of protectionism or government economic stimulus. Congress is never going to vote for anything like that but they will further remove big business from accountability for their actions and put the taxpayer back on the hook for the recklessness of the big banks while gutting labor laws and anything else that helps the working class.
That's just leftist rhetoric. Fair trade isn't protectionism. If they don't tariff us there's no reason to tariff them. Fact is what libs have done to this country isn't working. Business is the engine of the economy, hurt your engine and your car doesn't run so well.
Other counties manage to have strong economies without making everything into a stark choice between protecting the working class and protecting the profits of big business. It has long been the policy of the republican party that socialism for big business and the billionaires trickles down to prosperity for all yet after thirty years of ass kissing their answer is that we have not kissed their asses nearly enough.
Big business did better with obama so your theory needs work. We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world, the big boys can get around it, smaller business not so much. That makes it hard to compete, along with massive regulations.

Other countries tax goods coming in and going out (VAT, which libs would LOVE). Gas prices sky high since long ago. Taxes on personal income quite high. Few Europeans have three and four car garages and 3,000sf homes.

But again, you need to ignore reality and the results of lowering taxes and supply side economics to hold your views. Hating all things Republican is a poor substitute for information.
The liberal trolls on this board are busily authoring countless threads with the subject of A) apocalyptic predictions B) some conspiracy theory to explain why Clinton lost or C) some masterbatorial thread intended to elicit approval by other leftist trolls and anger from conservatives.

I love it!! I can't get enough. The delusion, the hysteria, the stupidity. The scenes from Clinton's campaign headquarters of crying, shock, disbelief--but that isn't the best part.

Every single one of Trump's cabinet positions are going to be rubber stamped, with no possibility of anything Democrats can do, not shit. Why? Because Harry Reid and the Democrats changed the Senate rules. To see that backfire so brilliantly, so quickly!!! But that is not the best part.

The Supreme Court is going to have a solid conservative majority for ANOTHER generation. The left's best hope to ever get the most radical parts of their agenda passed disappeared with Trump victory. But that even isn't the best part.

The democrat party has no national influence at all. The lowest number of governorships and state legislatures since the 50's. All their talk about diversity, and the leadership of the DNC is comprised entirely of white people aged 70+. They are a regional party. The best part? They do not have a fucking clue how it happened. They are double down, doing no introspection.

I know it is presumptuous, but I think now that democrat strong hold states have turned red for Trump of all people, a complete repudiation of Liberalism, Democrats may be relegated to a regional party for a generation. There aren't any red states, despite billions of dollars, not one have gone blue.
Well, we'll see.

The ball is now entirely in the court of the GOP, and at the top is a guy who could be easily characterized as "unpredictable".

My guess is that we'll know one way or the other about the "repudiation" of liberalism within two years.

And remember, there's a difference between the crazies who have taken over the Democratic Party (the Regressive Left) and regular liberals.
As long as Pelosi holds the keys to the vault she'll control the DNC.
The old bitch gets loonier every day.
She recently said after the extreme asskicking the DEMs received that the DEM party doesn't want/need any changes.
THAT is a prescription for the end of the DEM party.


What they don't know by now.... is best they never do.
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I remember similar predictions of long-term republican supremacy in 2000, then they went and reminded America why they cannot be trusted to look after the best interests of the people. They have not changed, they are more determined than ever to legitimize plutocracy as the American way.
What are you talking about? The rich do better with Democrats in office.
This is correct, everyone does better because democrats are not in love with trickle down voodoo. There is more than just money involved here though. When you already have more wealth than you could ever spend all that is left to acquire is political power and immunity from the law. This is what republicans offer, One-stop shopping for influence and voters who are not offended by it. You people demand your politicians be "business friendly" so they go to Washington and sell themselves like cheap whores to anyone who can hire lobbyists.
Democrats made up the term trickle down. Because they are dishonest and need to attack success to make their agenda look better. The facts are GDP went way up, you guys come here and lie everyday expecting repetition to turn your spin into fact. Hillary was very much more aligned with the donor class than Trump. Not even close.

The bigger government gets the better it gets for the few.
Republicans have never promised the working class a damned thing, until now. Your man ran on a bunch of economic justice rhetoric he hijacked from the left. We all knew he was bullshitting America, I wonder if you will ever come to the same conclusion? In any case, his actions to further the plutocracy and beat down the working class will energize the left like no democratic president ever could. The left is never so dangerous to the status quo as when they have been pronounced dead.
Nancy is doing a wonderful job writing the DEM's OBIT.
She says the DEM party "doesn't want to or need to change".
I think YOU should listen to what your leader is telling you.
The DEM's gave Hillary (The Rightful Heir To The Throne') 2.2 BILLION dollars to defeat an "orange clown".
The skank bull dyke and her fag manager Robby Mook didn't bother to find out where Wisconsin was on the map.
I remember similar predictions of long-term republican supremacy in 2000, then they went and reminded America why they cannot be trusted to look after the best interests of the people. They have not changed, they are more determined than ever to legitimize plutocracy as the American way.
And I remember James Chester Carville ranting after Barry's '08 election that Republicans would be irrelevant for a generations to come. Except hope and change changed all that.
I remember similar predictions of long-term republican supremacy in 2000, then they went and reminded America why they cannot be trusted to look after the best interests of the people. They have not changed, they are more determined than ever to legitimize plutocracy as the American way.
And I remember James Chester Carville ranting after Barry's '08 election that Republicans would be irrelevant for a generations to come. Except hope and change changed all that.
Watch Carville's reaction when the DEMs got their asses handed to them in 2002.

I wonder what he did when Trump won?
The liberal trolls on this board are busily authoring countless threads with the subject of A) apocalyptic predictions B) some conspiracy theory to explain why Clinton lost or C) some masterbatorial thread intended to elicit approval by other leftist trolls and anger from conservatives.

I love it!! I can't get enough. The delusion, the hysteria, the stupidity. The scenes from Clinton's campaign headquarters of crying, shock, disbelief--but that isn't the best part.

Every single one of Trump's cabinet positions are going to be rubber stamped, with no possibility of anything Democrats can do, not shit. Why? Because Harry Reid and the Democrats changed the Senate rules. To see that backfire so brilliantly, so quickly!!! But that is not the best part.

The Supreme Court is going to have a solid conservative majority for ANOTHER generation. The left's best hope to ever get the most radical parts of their agenda passed disappeared with Trump victory. But that even isn't the best part.

The democrat party has no national influence at all. The lowest number of governorships and state legislatures since the 50's. All their talk about diversity, and the leadership of the DNC is comprised entirely of white people aged 70+. They are a regional party. The best part? They do not have a fucking clue how it happened. They are double down, doing no introspection.

I know it is presumptuous, but I think now that democrat strong hold states have turned red for Trump of all people, a complete repudiation of Liberalism, Democrats may be relegated to a regional party for a generation. There aren't any red states, despite billions of dollars, not one have gone blue.

You are in for so many surprises.

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