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The best thing libertarians can do right now is support Republicans

Yes, let's vote in another reality TV personality because that's worked well for you.
I didn't vote for Trump. Try again- and READ my signature doofus. It isn't there for decoration.

You're posting in favour of voting to keep the authoritarian wanna be in office.
I had to go back and look. I couldn't find that post. Can you quote it?

You have consistently denigrated the only via alternative to Donald Trump without offering anything in return, but more chaos, and less goverance, at a time when the nation cries out for leadership. You haven't even named your candidate for President, and kaz just posted that libertarians would end all Medicare and Medicaid and government programs which are necessary for the health and freedom to obtain decent health care that is needed in a pandemic.

Don't pour gasoline on flames without bringing a solution to the current fire, which is the pandemic.
You confuse "well regulated capitalism" with communism.
Fighting over definitions is boring. So let's dispense with the existing terminology and just characterize it all as "government economic intervention". Government shouldn't have the power to dictate our economic decisions.

Show me the economic model, which libertarianism proposes to run the country under.
There is none. Libertarians don't propose to "run" the economy with government. That's sort of the whole point.
Yes, let's vote in another reality TV personality because that's worked well for you.
I didn't vote for Trump. Try again- and READ my signature doofus. It isn't there for decoration.

You're posting in favour of voting to keep the authoritarian wanna be in office.
I had to go back and look. I couldn't find that post. Can you quote it?

You have consistently denigrated the only via alternative to Donald Trump without ...

Not sure what you're talking about. You claimed that Gdjjr is "posting in favour of voting to keep the authoritarian wanna be in office." I saw no so post. What are you getting at?
You think one moronic, ignorant comment ends the thread? LOL, of course you do, creep.

BTW, one Democrat after another has said that lame DNC talking point. You do ever come up with your own material or just keep parroting what other Democrats say?

LOL, just kidding, I know you only keep parroting what other Democrats say ...

You don't actually know what a libertarian is, do you? Be honest

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Government has done nothing but screw up health care. And the worse they make it, the more the leftists want government to take more control over it. They aren't people that learn

Uh, buddy, most people on Medicare are pleased with it. So pleased, some of you inbreds don't even realize it's a government program.

Why do you want Trump in charge of your health insurance?
If I don’t have healthcare at all is that better?

"Have" healthcare? What do you mean?

Seriously though - you guys seem to go completely deaf and blind when I bring this up. But if you make health care a government concern. Every. Single. Fucking. Election. will be a fight to the death (maybe literally) over healthcare. Your health care will depend on your ability to control the government, and when you're not in control of government you'll be getting fucked. Is that really what you want?
Well I am relying on getting Medicare when I retire.

without it even I will never be able to retire and I’m able to save a lot. I’ll have to work another 5 years to be able to afford private healthcare for a 70 year old man.

Are you against medicare?

All welfare, including social security and medicare, should be ended. Particularly at the Federal level
Which is why i love it when other ignorant republicans say they don’t think republicans want to end those programs. Sure they do.

Bull shit. Libertarians want to end those programs, not Republicans. No Republicans advocate that. It's one of the reasons we aren't Republicans.

This is how lame you are:

1) Libertarians are really Republicans

2) See, libertarians want this, that means Republicans want it.

It's the moronic logic you use to get to your contrived views. Name Republicans who want to end social security and medicare. Anyone? Most libertarians want to end them.

Did you ever figure out what school is on the other side of 23 from where you went to college?
No, the Republican haven't done anything to merit support. I'm not even going to try. But:

Democrats are

- No longer just a lesser evil. They are actual evil. They have taken race whoring to epic proportions. Race relations have done nothing but go down and it's been a clear Democrat strategy to accomplish that to get blacks to the polls to vote blue. That while they ramp up the electronic lynching of any black who tries not to be a Democrat to send a message to the rest of the blacks what will happen to them if they do the same

- Pushing the green new deal to get Marxism. The reality is we aren't technologically advanced enough yet to get off fossil fuels. Yet they want to spend trillions. And it's just a shallow marketing cover for Marxism. They are seriously pushing things like minimum income as "green"

- Turning our inner cities into violent turf. You can't even walk the streets anymore. Note too how even though there are NO Republicans involved in these inner city issues, Democrats try to use their own failures to draw votes

- Are just pushing endless Marxism, and for real. Not like the old days where they just ran as Marxists. They want single payer and government control over energy, financial services just to start

That while the Libertarian Party is now just a gag party

- Bob Barr, Gary Johnson and Gary Johnson? Three candidates in a row that weren't even libertarian

- Finally in 2020, we got Jo Jorgensen who is at least libertarian, but the Libertarian Party again had to prove it's just a gag party by picking Spike Cohen, the anarchist running mate of Vermin, a performance artist who wears a shoe as a hat and isn't even libertarian. The party can't be taken seriously at this point

I argued since circa 1990 thirty years ago that it really didn't matter if you didn't listen to the words and just looked at what they actually did. Now it matters. Not because the Republican have gotten any better, they haven't. But the Democrats have gone off the deep end. No more sticking our heads in the sand and pretending the parties are the same, they are not. And Democrats are to a point like despots and dictators that the have to be stopped.

Frankly if you can't vote Republican, at least vote for another third party until the Libertarian Party pulls its head out of its ass. Gone were the days of Harry Browne where we could vote for an actual libertarian. Badnarik wasn't bad either. But since then, it's sad
Libertarians are just republicans who are embarrassed to admit it anyway.


You think one moronic, ignorant comment ends the thread? LOL, of course you do, creep.

BTW, one Democrat after another has said that lame DNC talking point. You do ever come up with your own material or just keep parroting what other Democrats say?

LOL, just kidding, I know you only keep parroting what other Democrats say ...

You don't actually know what a libertarian is, do you? Be honest
It's true, and it invalidates your OP completely.

Well, no, it's not true. You're just equivocating. Libertarians are libertarians. Republicans are Republicans. Libertarians who vote Republican are just confused.
Real libertarians are about as common as Bigfoot and unicorns.

There's plenty of people who are, could be, would be, libertarians if they weren't hypnotized by the LO2E exploit. I've seen this, over and over again. When polled outside the context of an election we'd routinely see 15%-20% of eligible voters describe themselves as libertarian. On an issue by issue basis, they're right there with us. But when an election rolls around, most of them are frightened into voting for one of the majors. Kinda like what's going on with this thread.

The problem with libertarianism is that it implies that people will always do the right thing, and make choices that serve both their own interests and that of the public - don't shit where you eat stuff, but there are far too many people who are selfish and greedy, and quite frankly, don't give a shit, and that is why we, as a society, have to protect ourselves from these people.

LOL, you have that bass ackwards.

Libertarian assumes no such thing, you completely pulled that out of your ass. We're not anarchists, brainiac. We believe in police, military, civil and criminal courts. That we're trusting anyone to do the right thing is just more of the stupid shit you made up.

Now leftists assume others will do the right thing. And not even the extreme leftists who are your parties elite follow your stupid agenda themselves, and none of you sheep voting for them care

You confuse "well regulated capitalism" with communism. The countries which are faring best, economically, are those with a fairer distribution of income, where the top 20% do very well, the middle class do well, and the working class have a decent quality of life. These are countries where workers have health care, paid vacations, and a social safety net to protect them in times of recession or negative growth, which are characteristics of a capitalist society.

Show me the economic model, which libertarianism proposes to run the country under. Because I have yet to set one which is viable. Canadians have the same cold opinion of Bay Street Lawyers and Bay Street Bankers as Americans have of Wall Street bankers and lawyers, and I am both a Bay Street banker, and I spent 15 years clerking in Bay Street law firms, fact checking every aspect of big money real estate and commercial deals.

So you think Karl Marx was not a communist, he was a "well regulated capitalist?" ???

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What you advocate is straight out of the Communist Manifesto
The Democratic Party is no longer the party of JFK, and it hasn’t been for a long time.

Now, they are the Party of Lee Harvey Oswald. Radical, unhinged, deranged, delusional, violent Marxists that hate our President for not bowing to Communists.
Absolute garbage propaganda and misinformed hate. 40 years of giveaway to the rich under the GOP has given us the worst inequality and upward mobility ever and anywhere in the modern world. Everything you know is wrong. No one outside Rupert Murdoch world believes any of that crap.....
Oh please. Pelosi loaded up and presented a 9.5 billion dollar give away for all her buddies at the universities in the COVID stimulus.

You are high if you think the Democratic Party isn’t all about lining the pockets of their elite friends.
Democrats want social security, Medicare and Obamacare for middle class and poor people. You guys claim democrats want free stuff. Now you say we are the party for elites?
Democratic governors are currently in the process of putting the working class and small businesses out of work ( intentionally). Democrats are not the party of the working class or poor.

They did offer up a several huge gifts to their elite buddies via the COVID stimulus though.
Actually Democrats are trying to get a big deal that will help regular people while GOP give away to the rich and giant corporations continues. Great job on the coronavirus!
You confuse "well regulated capitalism" with communism.
Fighting over definitions is boring. So let's dispense with the existing terminology and just characterize it all as "government economic intervention". Government shouldn't have the power to dictate our economic decisions.

Show me the economic model, which libertarianism proposes to run the country under.
There is none. Libertarians don't propose to "run" the economy with government. That's sort of the whole point.
libertarians are just another brainwashed bunch of functional morons who just vote Republican. They are just another type of Republican ignoramus.
You confuse "well regulated capitalism" with communism.
Fighting over definitions is boring. So let's dispense with the existing terminology and just characterize it all as "government economic intervention". Government shouldn't have the power to dictate our economic decisions.

Show me the economic model, which libertarianism proposes to run the country under.
There is none. Libertarians don't propose to "run" the economy with government. That's sort of the whole point.
libertarians are just another brainwashed bunch of functional morons who just vote Republican. They are just another type of Republican ignoramus.

Another informative, insightful post. Thanks!
You confuse "well regulated capitalism" with communism.
Fighting over definitions is boring. So let's dispense with the existing terminology and just characterize it all as "government economic intervention". Government shouldn't have the power to dictate our economic decisions.

Show me the economic model, which libertarianism proposes to run the country under.
There is none. Libertarians don't propose to "run" the economy with government. That's sort of the whole point.

Exactly, and that is why this system of government will never work in a country of more than 300,000,000 people and enough firepower to blow up the world many times over.

The reason why the Roman Republican lasted for 1000 years was that the elites in control of Rome understood that the Head Count - the working Romans, needed to be well fed, and entertained - hence the term "bread and circuses". Every Roman was entitled to a measure of wheat, from the Senate and the Consuls. Poor Romans who served in the legions and survived, were promised a shared in his Consul's booty, and an acre of land when he retired.

You can't even run a village by libertarian principles, much less an entire nation.
4.5 million people voted for Gary Johnson and proved what a lying idiot right winger is. I was one of them
So was I. I don't know if I qualify as a Libertarian though... I'm closer to Libertarian than Democrat or Republican for absolute sure though.
4.5 million people voted for Gary Johnson and proved what a lying idiot right winger is. I was one of them
So was I. I don't know if I qualify as a Libertarian though... I'm closer to Libertarian than Democrat or Republican for absolute sure though.

Yes, I consider myself libertarian, not Libertarian. But I have voted for the party four times for President. I voted Republican once in the last seven elections. The other two I voted for Perot and Nader. They were just protest votes for "none of the above"
You confuse "well regulated capitalism" with communism.
Fighting over definitions is boring. So let's dispense with the existing terminology and just characterize it all as "government economic intervention". Government shouldn't have the power to dictate our economic decisions.

Show me the economic model, which libertarianism proposes to run the country under.
There is none. Libertarians don't propose to "run" the economy with government. That's sort of the whole point.

Exactly, and that is why this system of government will never work in a country of more than 300,000,000 people and enough firepower to blow up the world many times over.

Why do you think government needs to, or should, run the economy? I think that's a dangerous centralization of power.

The reason why the Roman Republican lasted for 1000 years was that the elites in control of Rome understood that the Head Count - the working Romans, needed to be well fed, and entertained - hence the term "bread and circuses". Every Roman was entitled to a measure of wheat, from the Senate and the Consuls. Poor Romans who served in the legions and survived, were promised a shared in his Consul's booty, and an acre of land when he retired.

Sure. If you goal is to placate the plebes, to keep them fat, dumb and happy (and working for cheap), you might have a point. That's not the kind of government I want.

You can't even run a village by libertarian principles, much less an entire nation.

Now your getting it! Libertarians don't believe the role of the government is to "run" society. We believe that government is there to keep the peace and protect our rights, so that we, the people, can run society voluntarily and collaboratively. We don't need a centralized authority dictating things.
You confuse "well regulated capitalism" with communism.
Fighting over definitions is boring. So let's dispense with the existing terminology and just characterize it all as "government economic intervention". Government shouldn't have the power to dictate our economic decisions.

Show me the economic model, which libertarianism proposes to run the country under.
There is none. Libertarians don't propose to "run" the economy with government. That's sort of the whole point.

Exactly, and that is why this system of government will never work in a country of more than 300,000,000 people and enough firepower to blow up the world many times over.

Why do you think government needs to, or should, run the economy? I think that's a dangerous centralization of power.

The reason why the Roman Republican lasted for 1000 years was that the elites in control of Rome understood that the Head Count - the working Romans, needed to be well fed, and entertained - hence the term "bread and circuses". Every Roman was entitled to a measure of wheat, from the Senate and the Consuls. Poor Romans who served in the legions and survived, were promised a shared in his Consul's booty, and an acre of land when he retired.

Sure. If you goal is to placate the plebes, to keep them fat, dumb and happy (and working for cheap), you might have a point. That's not the kind of government I want.

You can't even run a village by libertarian principles, much less an entire nation.

Now your getting it! Libertarians don't believe the role of the government is to "run" society. We believe that government is there to keep the peace and protect our rights, so that we, the people, can run society voluntarily and collaboratively. We don't need a centralized authority dictating things.

The nations with the standards of living, the highest levels of education, and the highest levels of personal freedom, are the most regulated capitalist/socialist democracies.

And what determines the level of freedom in these countries, is the income levels of their frontline workers.

The USA is the only country in the first world where average life expectancy is declining, and pockets of poverty in poor rural areas like Appalachia, and inner city slums, where average life expectancy is similar to that of some Third World countries.

Toronto, a city with a 45% white population, experienced none of the racial differences in death rates between white and non-white Covid19 patients. That’s because we have universal tax funded health care for all citizens.

No premiums, no co-pays no “extra billing”, means anybody who feels sick, gets “point of care“ (doctor’s office), tested immediately, and gets results the next day. No lining yo for hours and waiting weeks.

Those who are sick or quarantined get $2000 a employment insurance sick benefits per/month until they recover. $2000 a month is less than minimum wage in Canada.

Toronto never shut their transit system down, and yet Toronto has one of the lowest big city death rates in the world. Lessons we learned in 2003 with SARS world very well, except in the “for profit” nursing homes.

In Canada, these homes who killed their residents are being shut down, and losing their licenses. In the USA, these companies are being given bailouts and allowed to stay open.
You confuse "well regulated capitalism" with communism.
Fighting over definitions is boring. So let's dispense with the existing terminology and just characterize it all as "government economic intervention". Government shouldn't have the power to dictate our economic decisions.

Show me the economic model, which libertarianism proposes to run the country under.
There is none. Libertarians don't propose to "run" the economy with government. That's sort of the whole point.

Exactly, and that is why this system of government will never work in a country of more than 300,000,000 people and enough firepower to blow up the world many times over.

Why do you think government needs to, or should, run the economy? I think that's a dangerous centralization of power.

The reason why the Roman Republican lasted for 1000 years was that the elites in control of Rome understood that the Head Count - the working Romans, needed to be well fed, and entertained - hence the term "bread and circuses". Every Roman was entitled to a measure of wheat, from the Senate and the Consuls. Poor Romans who served in the legions and survived, were promised a shared in his Consul's booty, and an acre of land when he retired.

Sure. If you goal is to placate the plebes, to keep them fat, dumb and happy (and working for cheap), you might have a point. That's not the kind of government I want.

You can't even run a village by libertarian principles, much less an entire nation.

Now your getting it! Libertarians don't believe the role of the government is to "run" society. We believe that government is there to keep the peace and protect our rights, so that we, the people, can run society voluntarily and collaboratively. We don't need a centralized authority dictating things.

The nations with the standards of living, the highest levels of education, and the highest levels of personal freedom, are the most regulated capitalist/socialist democracies.

Not really buying that, but I don't care. I'd rather have freedom that someone else's idea of a "standard of living".

And what determines the level of freedom in these countries, is the income levels of their frontline workers.

Don't buy that either. What determines the level of freedom is the extent to which laws interfere with a person's life.

So clearly you don't agree, but do you at least understand why "show me the economic model, which libertarianism proposes to run the country under" is a gross misunderstanding of what libertarians are about?

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