The cisalpine is not italy


VIP Member
Mar 28, 2014
If you want to open the pdf to view photographic images of Celtic houses, write on google " case celtiche in liguria 1 pdf " and you'll find the link right.

Many of those who have occupied houses Celtic have failed to address the question of origins; others have tried, perhaps focusing on the history of its territory, to formulate the hypothesis that in almost all recognize the matrix in Northern Europe.
However, these assumptions differ the "inventors" and the ages of introduction of this new construction system; later you will enter into this debate by examining the various areas of the Cisalpine

In our country as well as abroad , the spread of Celtic houses is not uniform but affects areas sometimes even of modest size :

In Belluno there is a significant presence of these buildings , in particular, in the basin of Alpago , in the foothills near Belluno trespassing in Friuli in the Vajont valley . As elsewhere these buildings (called huts ) find their habitat in mountainous areas such as temporary settlements related to the pasture Among those who have dealt with most of their study recall in particular Vedana3 Mauro believes that these houses have been introduced by the Germanic migrations of the V- VIII century, including the Lombards and the Franks ; Claudio Fasolo is critical Celtic and Germanic origin , prefers to think of a kind of " evolutionary theory " then you would see different cultures of faraway places but shared the same problems give rise to identical products.

Modena Apennines :

particularly in the Upper Frignano to St. Andrew Pelago and Fiumalbo ) . Baptist Minghelli6 believes that just go to the Celts recognized this invention by introducing it in the Po Valley with the migrations of the fourth - the first century . a. C. Of the same opinion is that Mestriner A. Benassi , speaking of the Celtic houses in the same area ( here are called huts) , states that the etymology derives from the Ligurian tribe Frignano Friniates from the Po Valley in the third century . B.C. as driven by the Etruscans and Gauls ; with them then they would have brought this construction technique learned from the Celtic tribes of the plains.

Valli Monregalesi :

The Corsaglia Val , and Val Ellero and Val Maudagna have a high concentration of " houses enclosed roof ."
While not dealing directly with these buildings , Giuseppe Rosso9 notes how important is the work of the monks in the twelfth century the monasteries of Casotto and Pesio for the reorganization of rural communities in all parts and therefore also that of the construction or reconstruction of housing ( a few years before these areas were devastated by the Saracens ) . It seems therefore legitimate to assume that these houses have been introduced by them (the argument will be taken up later for other locations ) .
But critics in this regard is the opinion of Arnaldo Colombatto10 that , after a thorough analysis
land monregalese , notes the lack of Celtic houses in their areas closest to the work of the monks , and also "the fact that in the Occitan area cisalpina the roof is totally enclosed non-existent may support the hypothesis of a foreign origin and prior to Occitan culture and suggest derivation from ancient Celtic building forms . "
Another scholar believes the archaic of these buildings is Louis Dematteis but his convictions has already been said . A more critical is that of A. Molino which recognizes that this type of construction is present in almost all the area but the Celtic-Ligurian archaism of this type is to be demonstrated ; also notes that , despite considerable spatial discontinuity is present throughout Europe. Especially for the wide panoramic image of Celtic homes still in an excellent state of preservation must be mentioned the work of Luigi Massimo .

In the program of territorial reorganization monks bobbiensi not only dedicated to evangelization and the formation of one of the most important libraries in Italy , but it was found that spread , among other things, new agricultural practices ; also took care of reclamation and medicine. Exemplary in this regard the recommendation of the abbot Wala made ​​his monks : " The master carpenter ensures that all the masters of wood and stone , except those which are assigned to another task, or rather make barrels and barrels libraries or mills, homes and even walls . " Wala , whose name is of Celtic origin and means health, was a native of Corbie in Picardy ( Somme department ) , was a relative of Charlemagne in 833 and s'installò Bobbio to die three years later.
A Bobbio continued to arrive monks of northern European origin ; to replace Columba, who died in 615, came from the Abbey of Luxeuil Abbot Merovingian Attala ; this influx of people from distant lands carrying a continuous enrichment of the material and spiritual culture .

After these considerations , the idea that may have been precisely these monks to have introduced this new architectural form and therefore advocates the French and Ligurian stand beside this new hypothesis that would place the birth of the Celtic house in the High Middle Ages and the monks would see its speakers , and probably inventors, and that he had better luck in the civil rather than religious ; the source area might just be the north of Europe , where, in fact, windy climate and abundant rainfall snowfall would also stimulated the search for a construction technique targeted and where there is definitely a greater spread with large and forms processed.
The apparent randomness and discontinuity of the areas in which they found the presence would therefore be explained by the work of the monks who worked within the territory of their relevance to the logistical limitations dictated by the opportunity to introduce such a technique and then necessarily in that group someone must have knowledge.
Also supports this hypothesis and Giovanni Ferrero in its precise historical analysis of the Val Trebbia has retrieved two documents , respectively in 1736 and 1533 (see Appendix 7.3) which speak of " a house covered with straw " and can refer to a home Celtic is a very concrete.

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