The damaging case against James Comey

Well, the last President who claimed it was shot down by Federal Judges: Special Report: Clinton Accused
This not about executive privilege it's about violation of policy for employees.

Oh, I’m sorry.

So the conversations were not privileged.

Why would you dream up that it was “classified”?
You have never held a security clearance, that much is obvious.
That illegal requests have no such privilege or classification is also obvious when you’re talking to the nations’ top cop.
Comey does not have immunity... What an ignorant fool..

Yeah I agree. Only a “fool” would think I ever said something. You shouldn’t be that hard on yourself though. I’m sure it’s not easy being a Trump knob polisher.:itsok:
So, when are those charges going to be filed?

Answer: Never.

The Trump team won't file any actual charges, because, being Comey did nothing wrong or illegal, they know filing fake charges would leave them wide open to Abuse of Power complaints, which might get them disbarred.

That is, you Trumptards fell hard for a scam, like you always do. Everyone else but you sees it, which is why we're all laughing.
They are already preparing a legal case.
Who is? Do you have a link?
Trump’s personal lawyer threatens legal action against Comey

Yeah, I heard about that. It's what trump always does. Just a lot of posturing.

Don't hold your breath.

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The damaging case against James Comey

1. After calling Comey a “showboat” and poor director, Comey proceeded to commit an unethical and unprofessional act in leaking damaging memos against Trump.

2. Comey described a series of ethical challenges during his term as FBI director. Yet, he almost uniformly avoided taking a firm stand in support of the professional standards of the FBI.

3, Trump allegedly asked for Comey to drop the investigation of Michael Flynn or pledge loyalty, Comey did not tell the president that he was engaging in wildly inappropriate conduct. He instead wrote a memo to file and told close aides. He now says that he wishes he had the courage or foresight to have taken a stand with the president.

4.However, the clearest violation came in the days following his termination. Comey admits that he gave the damaging memos to a friend at Columbia Law School with the full knowledge that the information would be given to the media. It was a particularly curious moment for a former director who was asked by the president to fight the leakers in the government. He proceeded in becoming one of the most consequential leakers against Trump.

. 5.He did not confer with the FBI or the Justice Department. He did not ask for any classification review despite one of the parties described being the president of the United States. He simply sent the memos to a law professor to serve as a conduit to the media.

6. Comey asked why Trump would ask everyone to leave the Oval Office to speak with Comey unless he was doing something improper. Yet, Trump could ask why Comey would use a third party to leak these memos if they were his property and there was nothing improper in their public release.

7. (Comey) is suggesting that any federal employee effectively owns documents created during federal employment in relation to an ongoing investigation so long as they address the information to themselves. FBI agents routinely write such memos in investigations. They are called 302s to memorialize field interviews or fact acquisitions. They are treated as FBI information.

8.The Justice Department routinely claims such memos as privileged and covered by the deliberative process privilege and other privileges.

He just woke up in the middle of night upset about Trump’s name calling and released the damaging information. In doing so, he used these memos not as a shield but a sword.

9. Besides being subject to nondisclosure agreements, Comey falls under federal laws governing the disclosure of classified and unclassified information. Assuming that the memos were not classified (though it seems odd that it would not be classified even on the confidential level), there is 18 U.S.C. § 641

10. When Comey released the information, he knew that he was going to be called to Congress where he could disclose this information properly after giving the White House a chance to claim privilege. Instead, he decided to release the information early. Why?

11. The fact is that the leaking of the memos worked to the advantage of James Comey, not Robert Mueller. Comey was able to take over the narrative and news cycle after Trump had publicly belittled him and his record.

12. (Trump) was able to bait Comey with his tweets and cause Comey to diminish his own credibility. If the comments of Trump were grossly inappropriate, Comey’s response to those comments were equally

OPINION: The damaging case against James Comey

This puts the entire narrative in the proper perspective. When trying to attack Trump in a "he said - he said situation," Comey has put himself in a dubious position which actually makes you wonder about his integrity and ability to overcome the fight for revenge when following the rules and laws put before him as an agent of the government.
He may very well put himself in jeopardy more that he put Trump.

He is in jeopardy only in your dreams. The fact is that Trump is a congenital liar who would have gotten away with it gad it not been for Comey. Your points are a bunch of bullshit as only a Trump Davidian could come up with.
Isn't it interesting that I can provide links and you cannot? Bullshit = no credibility...No link = no credibility.
All meetings with the POTUS are deemed "born classified" so are Comey's contemporaneous notes made on a government computer and in relation to his official duties..

LOL.. The ignorance of our security protocols and laws is stunning..


"A federal judge has ruled that President Clinton cannot use the power of his office to block prosecutors from questioning his senior aides, rejecting Clinton's assertion of executive privilege in the Monica S. Lewinsky investigation, lawyers familiar with the decision said yesterday.” Special Report: Clinton Accused

The question was settled 20 years ago when Clinton tried to maintain privilege.
I will trust federal prosecutors I know personally over the Washington Compost..

Whatever gets you through the night there short stack. Meanwhile, claiming privilege after the fact is a no-go.
laughable ignorance.... you got it down pat..

Whatever….meanwhile claiming privilege after the fact is a no-go. Per the federal bench.
It was about an ongoing investigation....Comey leaked...big trouble for him.
The damaging case against James Comey

1. After calling Comey a “showboat” and poor director, Comey proceeded to commit an unethical and unprofessional act in leaking damaging memos against Trump.

2. Comey described a series of ethical challenges during his term as FBI director. Yet, he almost uniformly avoided taking a firm stand in support of the professional standards of the FBI.

3, Trump allegedly asked for Comey to drop the investigation of Michael Flynn or pledge loyalty, Comey did not tell the president that he was engaging in wildly inappropriate conduct. He instead wrote a memo to file and told close aides. He now says that he wishes he had the courage or foresight to have taken a stand with the president.

4.However, the clearest violation came in the days following his termination. Comey admits that he gave the damaging memos to a friend at Columbia Law School with the full knowledge that the information would be given to the media. It was a particularly curious moment for a former director who was asked by the president to fight the leakers in the government. He proceeded in becoming one of the most consequential leakers against Trump.

. 5.He did not confer with the FBI or the Justice Department. He did not ask for any classification review despite one of the parties described being the president of the United States. He simply sent the memos to a law professor to serve as a conduit to the media.

6. Comey asked why Trump would ask everyone to leave the Oval Office to speak with Comey unless he was doing something improper. Yet, Trump could ask why Comey would use a third party to leak these memos if they were his property and there was nothing improper in their public release.

7. (Comey) is suggesting that any federal employee effectively owns documents created during federal employment in relation to an ongoing investigation so long as they address the information to themselves. FBI agents routinely write such memos in investigations. They are called 302s to memorialize field interviews or fact acquisitions. They are treated as FBI information.

8.The Justice Department routinely claims such memos as privileged and covered by the deliberative process privilege and other privileges.

He just woke up in the middle of night upset about Trump’s name calling and released the damaging information. In doing so, he used these memos not as a shield but a sword.

9. Besides being subject to nondisclosure agreements, Comey falls under federal laws governing the disclosure of classified and unclassified information. Assuming that the memos were not classified (though it seems odd that it would not be classified even on the confidential level), there is 18 U.S.C. § 641

10. When Comey released the information, he knew that he was going to be called to Congress where he could disclose this information properly after giving the White House a chance to claim privilege. Instead, he decided to release the information early. Why?

11. The fact is that the leaking of the memos worked to the advantage of James Comey, not Robert Mueller. Comey was able to take over the narrative and news cycle after Trump had publicly belittled him and his record.

12. (Trump) was able to bait Comey with his tweets and cause Comey to diminish his own credibility. If the comments of Trump were grossly inappropriate, Comey’s response to those comments were equally

OPINION: The damaging case against James Comey

This puts the entire narrative in the proper perspective. When trying to attack Trump in a "he said - he said situation," Comey has put himself in a dubious position which actually makes you wonder about his integrity and ability to overcome the fight for revenge when following the rules and laws put before him as an agent of the government.
He may very well put himself in jeopardy more that he put Trump.

He is in jeopardy only in your dreams. The fact is that Trump is a congenital liar who would have gotten away with it gad it not been for Comey. Your points are a bunch of bullshit as only a Trump Davidian could come up with.
Isn't it interesting that I can provide links and you cannot? Bullshit = no credibility...No link = no credibility.

Your link is to an opinion piece….

"A federal judge has ruled that President Clinton cannot use the power of his office to block prosecutors from questioning his senior aides, rejecting Clinton's assertion of executive privilege in the Monica S. Lewinsky investigation, lawyers familiar with the decision said yesterday.” Special Report: Clinton Accused

The question was settled 20 years ago when Clinton tried to maintain privilege.
I will trust federal prosecutors I know personally over the Washington Compost..

Whatever gets you through the night there short stack. Meanwhile, claiming privilege after the fact is a no-go.
laughable ignorance.... you got it down pat..

Whatever….meanwhile claiming privilege after the fact is a no-go. Per the federal bench.
It was about an ongoing investigation....Comey leaked...big trouble for him.

As it was with Mr. Clinton. Federal judge said Clinton couldn’t claim privilege after the fact. Not looking good for your messiah.

As for Comey’s leaks..they were never classified. Sorry.
So, when are those charges going to be filed?

Answer: Never.

The Trump team won't file any actual charges, because, being Comey did nothing wrong or illegal, they know filing fake charges would leave them wide open to Abuse of Power complaints, which might get them disbarred.

That is, you Trumptards fell hard for a scam, like you always do. Everyone else but you sees it, which is why we're all laughing.
They are already preparing a legal case.
Who is? Do you have a link?
Trump’s personal lawyer threatens legal action against Comey
Means absolutely nothing. Trump sues everyone. He has 5,000 open lawsuits at the moment. When the whiny little bitch doesn't get his way, he sues.
He even sued Bill Maher when Bill accused his mother of being an orangutan. He wanted to see Trump's birth certificate. LolTrump backed down. Bill won. He'll back down against Comey too.

Won't have to. Comey got his money so he ran off.
Where does the article on Comey being pursued for a book deal, does it say that Comey ACCEPTED A BOOK DEAL....???

Put up or shut up.....please link to comey accepting a book deal for boo-coos of money?

there is a HUGE DIFFERENCE, ya know?

"A federal judge has ruled that President Clinton cannot use the power of his office to block prosecutors from questioning his senior aides, rejecting Clinton's assertion of executive privilege in the Monica S. Lewinsky investigation, lawyers familiar with the decision said yesterday.” Special Report: Clinton Accused

The question was settled 20 years ago when Clinton tried to maintain privilege.
I will trust federal prosecutors I know personally over the Washington Compost..

Whatever gets you through the night there short stack. Meanwhile, claiming privilege after the fact is a no-go.
laughable ignorance.... you got it down pat..

Whatever….meanwhile claiming privilege after the fact is a no-go. Per the federal bench.
It was about an ongoing investigation....Comey leaked...big trouble for him.
Mueller is pissed! Mueller gave him the ok to release it in the hearing, Mueller did not give him permission to leak the information meaning it was still classified at time of release/leak.
I will trust federal prosecutors I know personally over the Washington Compost..

Whatever gets you through the night there short stack. Meanwhile, claiming privilege after the fact is a no-go.
laughable ignorance.... you got it down pat..

Whatever….meanwhile claiming privilege after the fact is a no-go. Per the federal bench.
It was about an ongoing investigation....Comey leaked...big trouble for him.
Mueller is pissed! Mueller gave him the ok to release it in the hearing, Mueller did not give him permission to leak the information meaning it was still classified at time of release/leak.

It (Comey’s notes/memos etc….) were never classified at all; ever. Period.
Means absolutely nothing. Trump sues everyone. He has 5,000 open lawsuits at the moment. When the whiny little bitch doesn't get his way, he sues.
He even sued Bill Maher when Bill accused his mother of being an orangutan. He wanted to see Trump's birth certificate. LolTrump backed down. Bill won. He'll back down against Comey too.

Won't have to. Comey got his money so he ran off.
Where does the article on Comey being pursued for a book deal, does it say that Comey ACCEPTED A BOOK DEAL....???

Put up or shut up.....please link to comey accepting a book deal for boo-coos of money?

there is a HUGE DIFFERENCE, ya know?

Yes. USA Today, CNN, NBC all of them have mention of it. I have linked it all over in many threads if you want to see it google it or read all accounts in other threads. Comey is a sell out.
Means absolutely nothing. Trump sues everyone. He has 5,000 open lawsuits at the moment. When the whiny little bitch doesn't get his way, he sues.
He even sued Bill Maher when Bill accused his mother of being an orangutan. He wanted to see Trump's birth certificate. LolTrump backed down. Bill won. He'll back down against Comey too.

Won't have to. Comey got his money so he ran off.
Where does the article on Comey being pursued for a book deal, does it say that Comey ACCEPTED A BOOK DEAL....???

Put up or shut up.....please link to comey accepting a book deal for boo-coos of money?

there is a HUGE DIFFERENCE, ya know?
Just the possibility of getting millions is wrong when its a republican but actually getting millions of dollars (like the clintons did) is OK....

Fucking hypocrites...
I will trust federal prosecutors I know personally over the Washington Compost..

Whatever gets you through the night there short stack. Meanwhile, claiming privilege after the fact is a no-go.
laughable ignorance.... you got it down pat..

Whatever….meanwhile claiming privilege after the fact is a no-go. Per the federal bench.
It was about an ongoing investigation....Comey leaked...big trouble for him.

As it was with Mr. Clinton. Federal judge said Clinton couldn’t claim privilege after the fact. Not looking good for your messiah.

As for Comey’s leaks..they were never classified. Sorry.
Clinton had already testified under oath. This is in now way about executive priveledge.Comey violated federal policy with his leak.
I will trust federal prosecutors I know personally over the Washington Compost..

Whatever gets you through the night there short stack. Meanwhile, claiming privilege after the fact is a no-go.
laughable ignorance.... you got it down pat..

Whatever….meanwhile claiming privilege after the fact is a no-go. Per the federal bench.
It was about an ongoing investigation....Comey leaked...big trouble for him.
Mueller is pissed! Mueller gave him the ok to release it in the hearing, Mueller did not give him permission to leak the information meaning it was still classified at time of release/leak.
Whatever gets you through the night there short stack. Meanwhile, claiming privilege after the fact is a no-go.
laughable ignorance.... you got it down pat..

Whatever….meanwhile claiming privilege after the fact is a no-go. Per the federal bench.
It was about an ongoing investigation....Comey leaked...big trouble for him.
Mueller is pissed! Mueller gave him the ok to release it in the hearing, Mueller did not give him permission to leak the information meaning it was still classified at time of release/leak.

It (Comey’s notes/memos etc….) were never classified at all; ever. Period.

Go to the FBI website. Click on employee hand book. You will see they did not need to be classified. They were taken on government time on government devices. It's right there from the FBI's mouth.
Means absolutely nothing. Trump sues everyone. He has 5,000 open lawsuits at the moment. When the whiny little bitch doesn't get his way, he sues.
He even sued Bill Maher when Bill accused his mother of being an orangutan. He wanted to see Trump's birth certificate. LolTrump backed down. Bill won. He'll back down against Comey too.

Won't have to. Comey got his money so he ran off.
Where does the article on Comey being pursued for a book deal, does it say that Comey ACCEPTED A BOOK DEAL....???

Put up or shut up.....please link to comey accepting a book deal for boo-coos of money?

there is a HUGE DIFFERENCE, ya know?
Just the possibility of getting millions is wrong when its a republican but actually getting millions of dollars (like the clintons did) is OK....

Fucking hypocrites...

Need a safe space snowflake???
Means absolutely nothing. Trump sues everyone. He has 5,000 open lawsuits at the moment. When the whiny little bitch doesn't get his way, he sues.
He even sued Bill Maher when Bill accused his mother of being an orangutan. He wanted to see Trump's birth certificate. LolTrump backed down. Bill won. He'll back down against Comey too.

Won't have to. Comey got his money so he ran off.
Where does the article on Comey being pursued for a book deal, does it say that Comey ACCEPTED A BOOK DEAL....???

Put up or shut up.....please link to comey accepting a book deal for boo-coos of money?

there is a HUGE DIFFERENCE, ya know?
Just the possibility of getting millions is wrong when its a republican but actually getting millions of dollars (like the clintons did) is OK....

Fucking hypocrites...

bust Obamas ass, suck Trump's ass ..

fucking hypocrites
Whatever gets you through the night there short stack. Meanwhile, claiming privilege after the fact is a no-go.
laughable ignorance.... you got it down pat..

Whatever….meanwhile claiming privilege after the fact is a no-go. Per the federal bench.
It was about an ongoing investigation....Comey leaked...big trouble for him.
Mueller is pissed! Mueller gave him the ok to release it in the hearing, Mueller did not give him permission to leak the information meaning it was still classified at time of release/leak.

I provided a few from Cornell and the FBI. You won't read them because you if you did, you would see how sad you all look. Your defending a lie.
laughable ignorance.... you got it down pat..

Whatever….meanwhile claiming privilege after the fact is a no-go. Per the federal bench.
It was about an ongoing investigation....Comey leaked...big trouble for him.
Mueller is pissed! Mueller gave him the ok to release it in the hearing, Mueller did not give him permission to leak the information meaning it was still classified at time of release/leak.

It (Comey’s notes/memos etc….) were never classified at all; ever. Period.

Go to the FBI website. Click on employee hand book. You will see they did not need to be classified. They were taken on government time on government devices. It's right there from the FBI's mouth.

So if the FBI Cafeteria prints out a sign and tapes it in the window saying “no soup today” it’s classified? Hilarious. At any rate, Do you have any proof that the documents that Comey gave to his friend at Columbia were written on a government laptop?
laughable ignorance.... you got it down pat..

Whatever….meanwhile claiming privilege after the fact is a no-go. Per the federal bench.
It was about an ongoing investigation....Comey leaked...big trouble for him.
Mueller is pissed! Mueller gave him the ok to release it in the hearing, Mueller did not give him permission to leak the information meaning it was still classified at time of release/leak.

I provided a few from Cornell and the FBI. You won't read them because you if you did, you would see how sad you all look. Your defending a lie.

Well, the link request was for Billy Bob. Is he your sock puppet?

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