The Dangerous Lie That ‘Bush Lied’

Yes, it is dangerous. But for dimocraps it's a convenient lie. A lie that Republicans are tired of fighting.

But it's time you realized that's what it is -- Just another lie from the party of lies --

From today's WSJ. I'd post a link, but you'll just run into a subscription wall

The Dangerous Lie That ‘Bush Lied’
Some journalists still peddle this canard as if it were fact. This is defamatory and could end up hurting the country.

President George W. Bush
Feb. 8, 2015 6:25 p.m. ET

In recent weeks, I have heard former Associated Press reporter Ron Fournier on Fox News twice asserting, quite offhandedly, that President George W. Bush “lied us into war in Iraq.”

I found this shocking. I took a leave of absence from the bench in 2004-05 to serve as co-chairman of the Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction—a bipartisan body, sometimes referred to as the Robb-Silberman Commission. It was directed in 2004 to evaluate the intelligence community’s determination that Saddam Hussein possessed WMD—I am, therefore, keenly aware of both the intelligence provided to President Bush and his reliance on that intelligence as his primary casus belli. It is astonishing to see the “Bush lied” allegation evolve from antiwar slogan to journalistic fact.

The intelligence community’s 2002 National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) stated, in a formal presentation to President Bush and to Congress, its view that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction—a belief in which the NIE said it held a 90% level of confidence. That is about as certain as the intelligence community gets on any subject.

Recall that the head of the intelligence community, Central Intelligence Agency Director George Tenet, famously told the president that the proposition that Iraq possessed WMD was “a slam dunk.” Our WMD commission carefully examined the interrelationships between the Bush administration and the intelligence community and found no indication that anyone in the administration sought to pressure the intelligence community into its findings. As our commission reported, presidential daily briefs from the CIA dating back to the Clinton administration were, if anything, more alarmist about Iraq’s WMD than the 2002 National Intelligence Estimate.

Saddam had manifested sharp hostility toward America, including firing at U.S. planes patrolling the no-fly zone set up by the armistice agreement ending the first Iraq war. Saddam had also attempted to assassinate former President George H.W. Bush —a car-bombing plot was foiled—during Mr. Bush’s visit to Kuwait in 1993. But President George W. Bush based his decision to go to war on information about Saddam’s WMD. Accordingly, when Secretary of State Colin Powell formally presented the U.S. case to the United Nations, Mr. Powell relied entirely on that aspect of the threat from Iraq.

Our WMD commission ultimately determined that the intelligence community was “dead wrong” about Saddam’s weapons. But as I recall, no one in Washington political circles offered significant disagreement with the intelligence community before the invasion. The National Intelligence Estimate was persuasive—to the president, to Congress and to the media.

Granted, there were those who disagreed with waging war against Saddam even if he did possess WMD. Some in Congress joined Brent Scowcroft, a retired Air Force lieutenant general and former national security adviser, in publicly doubting the wisdom of invading Iraq. It is worth noting, however, that when Saddam was captured and interrogated, he told his interrogators that he had intended to seek revenge on Kuwait for its cooperation with the U.S. by invading again at a propitious time. This leads me to speculate that if the Bush administration had not gone to war in 2003 and Saddam had remained in power, the U.S. might have felt compelled to do so once Iraq again invaded Kuwait.

In any event, it is one thing to assert, then or now, that the Iraq war was ill-advised. It is quite another to make the horrendous charge that President Bush lied to or deceived the American people about the threat from Saddam.

I recently wrote to Ron Fournier protesting his accusation. His response, in an email, was to reiterate that “an objective reading of the events leads to only one conclusion: the administration . . . misinterpreted, distorted and in some cases lied about intelligence.” Although Mr. Fournier referred to “evidence” supporting his view, he did not cite any—and I do not believe there is any.

He did say correctly that “intelligence is never dispositive; it requires analysis and judgment, with the final call and responsibility resting with the president.” It is thus certainly possible to criticize President Bush for having believed what the CIA told him, although it seems to me that any president would have credited such confident assertions by the intelligence community. But to accuse the president of lying us into war must be seen as not only false, but as dangerously defamatory.

The charge is dangerous because it can take on the air of historical fact—with potentially dire consequences. I am reminded of a similarly baseless accusation that helped the Nazis come to power in Germany: that the German army had not really lost World War I, that the soldiers instead had been “stabbed in the back” by politicians.

Sometime in the future, perhaps long after most of us are gone, an American president may need to rely publicly on intelligence reports to support military action. It would be tragic if, at such a critical moment, the president’s credibility were undermined by memories of a false charge peddled by the likes of Ron Fournier.

Mr. Silberman, a senior federal judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, was co-chairman of the Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction.
:rolleyes: Silberman is a right wing whore.
Let's see what someone who knows has to say about it.

And does not prove the far left propaganda!

However does prove the OP!

Good for the far left drones..

Amazing how you were able to watch a 22 minute video in five minutes. You really are a quick study.

Seen the video many times here as the far left has tried many times to use it to justify their religious propaganda..

Uh-huh, sure you have.

So you think you are the only one to ever post this on this board?

WOW see how the far left drones think that they are the first to post anything.

Yet still the video does not support the far left propaganda being spammed on this board/thread, but does back the OP.

Powell's remarks don't exactly sound like a ringing endorsement for the decision to invade Iraq.
So lets just set the facts straight Bush lied?
Thousands of US soldiers died
Hundreds of thousands Iraqis died
Trillions in war debt build up
Democracy was shown to be anarchy
The ground work for ISIS was set
Gave breeding ground for terrorists...

The Bush Administration created the 'with them or against us' statements. Remember 'Freedom Fries'.

Now the Conservatives are trying to walk this back over the dead American bodies... Could at least own your own stink... Now you are just at the point of being sick fucking animals... Haven't the backbone to own up to your own crap... They were right in calling ye chickenhawks, it takes a special type of scum to say ye didn't do this...

Your biggest problem at the moment is how do you blame Iraq on Obama.
Jesus fucking Christ, you're still trying to sell this "bad intelligence" bullshit? Move the fuck on with life already!
TRANSLATION: I can't refute anything the OP said. So I'll curse and swear, bluster and scream, and try to keep you from examining the truth instead.

There is nothing to refute in the OP. That the Bush administration's claims about Iraq were "exaggerated" at best is already well established. Iraq did not have WMD. They had no nuclear program. They were not making biological or chemical weapons. It wasn't so, and that fact is not in dispute by anyone other than blathering partisan idiots.

Also not in dispute is the fact that the Bush administration intentionally made a case that did not represent the facts. Reports to Congress were doctored to make hypothetical possibilities look like certain eventualities. Intelligence that was known to be unverified was put into State of the Union addresses. There was, without a doubt, dishonesty involved.

But you know what? It's in the past, isn't it? It's done, it's over. People who want to suck on Bush's dick because they hate Obama are no better than liberals who suck Obama's dick because they hate Bush :)muahaha:). Either way, you're still just being a cock-sucking faggot.
And does not prove the far left propaganda!

However does prove the OP!

Good for the far left drones..

Amazing how you were able to watch a 22 minute video in five minutes. You really are a quick study.

Seen the video many times here as the far left has tried many times to use it to justify their religious propaganda..

Uh-huh, sure you have.

So you think you are the only one to ever post this on this board?

WOW see how the far left drones think that they are the first to post anything.

Yet still the video does not support the far left propaganda being spammed on this board/thread, but does back the OP.

Powell's remarks don't exactly sound like a ringing endorsement for the decision to invade Iraq.

Yet does NOT support the far left propaganda being posted..

However does support the OP..

See how the far left will watch the world burn than admit they are wrong!
Jesus fucking Christ, you're still trying to sell this "bad intelligence" bullshit? Move the fuck on with life already!
TRANSLATION: I can't refute anything the OP said. So I'll curse and swear, bluster and scream, and try to keep you from examining the truth instead.
Dumbest post in this thread and that's saying something as there are a large number of posts from Kosh.
Let's see what someone who knows has to say about it.

And does not prove the far left propaganda!

However does prove the OP!

Good for the far left drones..

Amazing how you were able to watch a 22 minute video in five minutes. You really are a quick study.

They NEVER click on the videos or articles posted by lefties. You have to copy and paste the most salient part of an article, raise the font to 5 or 6, bold the copy and change the color to red. And even then they won't read it.
Regardless of overwhelming facts, numerous exposes and yes congressional and senate investigations the facts speak for themselves. The irreparable damage inflicted on the CIA's intelligence gathering capabilities in the late 70's, the agency and intelligence community relied on secondary sources. The intelligence information received during the Clinton administration indicated, confirmed, that indeed Iraq was involved in manufacturing and accumulation of materials known as WMD's, the Kurds, were in fact gassed, and yes even the UN held the position that the non- cooperative behavior of Saddam and Iraq served to further warrant the suspicion that Iraq possessed WMD's. Only after the fact did we truly comprehend the failure of the intelligence community and fact that if WMD's did exist they were moved, sold, to another country, possibly destroyed by air strikes.
But heck, the liberal pacifists needed a chant, slogan, something to hang their hat on, revitalize their pathetic beliefs.
Hindsight is marvelous, and for the sake of those that stood in harms way in defense of the free world, thank God they didn't exist or were used.
I have a friend who said in 2004 that all we were doing in Iraq was creating a bigger monster. That friend was/is a Navy commander who had a great job in the Pentagon at the time. He's retired now. Seems he was spot on.
Let's see what someone who knows has to say about it.

And does not prove the far left propaganda!

However does prove the OP!

Good for the far left drones..

Amazing how you were able to watch a 22 minute video in five minutes. You really are a quick study.

They NEVER click on the videos or articles posted by lefties. You have to copy and paste the most salient part of an article, raise the font to 5 or 6, bold the copy and change the color to red. And even then they won't read it.

Says the irony impaired far left drone that will not read anything that is not far left approved.

And still the video does not prove the far left propaganda and it DOES support the OP..

Goes to show the far left uses videos that have certain keywords and they will never watch it..
Edget 10719856
He did say correctly that “intelligence is never dispositive; it requires analysis and judgment, with the final call and responsibility resting with the president.”

Bush didn't lie about intelligence gathered through November 2002 - Bush lied on March 17, 2003 when he claimed to have specific intelligence that he must have acquired after March 10, 2003 that the Baathist regime was concealing the most lethal weapons ever devised from Dr Blix and Dr el Beradai and their 200 strong team of UNSC inspection teams.

If such intelligence existed in order to make that claim they would have had to know where those most lethal weapons were being hidden and what they were.

Your author wrote "it requires analysis and judgment," by the president to start a war based upon such intelligence. Bush was obligated as signatory to UNSC Resolution 1441 to provide that sort of location based intelligence to the UN inspectors. They in turn could have checked it out. And of course they would have embarrassed Bush and his intelligence officers but no one dies in that scenario.

Bush lied also because on March 8 2003 Bush and Blair were offering in writing that Hussein could stay in power. How did Bush and Blair make that offer if they had verifiable solid intelligence of actual lethal weapons being hidden by Hussein from 200 UN inspectors.

Bush lied. War was avoidable with a minor amount of sound judgment.

Think about it.
Edget 10719856
He did say correctly that “intelligence is never dispositive; it requires analysis and judgment, with the final call and responsibility resting with the president.”

Bush didn't lie about intelligence gathered through November 2002 - Bush lied on March 17, 2003 when he claimed to have specific intelligence that he must have acquired after March 10, 2003 that the Baathist regime was concealing the most lethal weapons ever devised from Dr Blix and Dr el Beradai and their 200 strong team of UNSC inspection teams.

If such intelligence existed in order to make that claim they would have had to know where those most lethal weapons were being hidden and what they were.

Your author wrote "it requires analysis and judgment," by the president to start a war based upon such intelligence. Bush was obligated as signatory to UNSC Resolution 1441 to provide that sort of location based intelligence to the UN inspectors. They in turn could have checked it out. And of course they would have embarrassed Bush and his intelligence officers but no one dies in that scenario.

Bush lied also because on March 8 2003 Bush and Blair were offering in writing that Hussein could stay in power. How did Bush and Blair make that offer if they had verifiable solid intelligence of actual lethal weapons being hidden by Hussein from 200 UN inspectors.

Bush lied. War was avoidable with a minor amount of sound judgment.

Think about it.

See how the far left propaganda works!

The history of Iraq starts in 2003 and thus caused 9/11..

Also you will notice how none of these far left drones speak out against Obama's illegal wars..
Jesus fucking Christ, you're still trying to sell this "bad intelligence" bullshit? Move the fuck on with life already!
TRANSLATION: I can't refute anything the OP said. So I'll curse and swear, bluster and scream, and try to keep you from examining the truth instead.

There is nothing to refute in the OP. That the Bush administration's claims about Iraq were "exaggerated" at best is already well established. Iraq did not have WMD. They had no nuclear program. They were not making biological or chemical weapons. It wasn't so, and that fact is not in dispute by anyone other than blathering partisan idiots.

Also not in dispute is the fact that the Bush administration intentionally made a case that did not represent the facts. Reports to Congress were doctored to make hypothetical possibilities look like certain eventualities. Intelligence that was known to be unverified was put into State of the Union addresses. There was, without a doubt, dishonesty involved.

But you know what? It's in the past, isn't it? It's done, it's over. People who want to suck on Bush's dick because they hate Obama are no better than liberals who suck Obama's dick because they hate Bush :)muahaha:). Either way, you're still just being a cock-sucking faggot.
You didnt bother to read the article.
Bush went according to the intelligence info he had at the time. Every president does just that. That the intelligence was wrong did not make him a liar.
Your claims about Bush exaggerating etc are simply made up.
I have a friend who said in 2004 that all we were doing in Iraq was creating a bigger monster. That friend was/is a Navy commander who had a great job in the Pentagon at the time. He's retired now. Seems he was spot on.

I doubt that!

Just more far left propaganda to push..

So you're saying a bigger, meaner monster was not created, or that I'm just making this up?
Jesus fucking Christ, you're still trying to sell this "bad intelligence" bullshit? Move the fuck on with life already!
TRANSLATION: I can't refute anything the OP said. So I'll curse and swear, bluster and scream, and try to keep you from examining the truth instead.

There is nothing to refute in the OP. That the Bush administration's claims about Iraq were "exaggerated" at best is already well established. Iraq did not have WMD. They had no nuclear program. They were not making biological or chemical weapons. It wasn't so, and that fact is not in dispute by anyone other than blathering partisan idiots.

Also not in dispute is the fact that the Bush administration intentionally made a case that did not represent the facts. Reports to Congress were doctored to make hypothetical possibilities look like certain eventualities. Intelligence that was known to be unverified was put into State of the Union addresses. There was, without a doubt, dishonesty involved.

But you know what? It's in the past, isn't it? It's done, it's over. People who want to suck on Bush's dick because they hate Obama are no better than liberals who suck Obama's dick because they hate Bush :)muahaha:). Either way, you're still just being a cock-sucking faggot.


Lets have a bit of balance... The right had kittens over Benghazi and every small thing that could some how be warped to make look like Obama fault...

The Bush administration told lie after lie, cover evidence and the result was hundreds or thousands of dead and trillions of debt...

In a court of law there would be very little evidence of Obama guilty of misdemeanor while Bush is a lock for Murder....

The Bush administration was could be the worst administration in American History, it should be on everyones short list.

Obama has done well enough, repaired a lot and got the country somewhat back on its feet.

I think in the fullness of time the GOP is coming out on the worse side... Dems won't covered in glory but they will do better.
Jesus fucking Christ, you're still trying to sell this "bad intelligence" bullshit? Move the fuck on with life already!
TRANSLATION: I can't refute anything the OP said. So I'll curse and swear, bluster and scream, and try to keep you from examining the truth instead.

There is nothing to refute in the OP. That the Bush administration's claims about Iraq were "exaggerated" at best is already well established. Iraq did not have WMD. They had no nuclear program. They were not making biological or chemical weapons. It wasn't so, and that fact is not in dispute by anyone other than blathering partisan idiots.

Also not in dispute is the fact that the Bush administration intentionally made a case that did not represent the facts. Reports to Congress were doctored to make hypothetical possibilities look like certain eventualities. Intelligence that was known to be unverified was put into State of the Union addresses. There was, without a doubt, dishonesty involved.

But you know what? It's in the past, isn't it? It's done, it's over. People who want to suck on Bush's dick because they hate Obama are no better than liberals who suck Obama's dick because they hate Bush :)muahaha:). Either way, you're still just being a cock-sucking faggot.
You didnt bother to read the article.
Bush went according to the intelligence info he had at the time. Every president does just that. That the intelligence was wrong did not make him a liar.
Your claims about Bush exaggerating etc are simply made up.

Richard Clarke came out early and hard about Bush's wanting and looking for a reason to invade Iraq, because "...he [Saddam] tried to kill my dad".

Clarke's bio: In 1992, President George H.W. Bush appointed him to chair theCounter-terrorism Security Group and to a seat on the United States National Security Council. President Bill Clinton retained Clarke and in 1998 promoted him to be the National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection, and Counter-terrorism, the chief counter-terrorism adviser on theNational Security Council. Under President George W. Bush, Clarke initially continued in the same position, but the position was no longer given cabinet-level access. He later became the Special Advisor to the President on cybersecurity. Clarke left the Bush administration in 2003.
We're saying that all Bush had to go on was faulty Intelligence.

Nope. Facts that didn't fit the narrative were ignored. For example:

On Sept. 18, 2002, CIA director George Tenet briefed President Bush in the Oval Office on top-secret intelligence that Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction, according to two former senior CIA officers. Bush dismissed as worthless this information from the Iraqi foreign minister, a member of Saddam’s inner circle, although it turned out to be accurate in every detail. Tenet never brought it up again.

Nor was the intelligence included in the National Intelligence Estimate of October 2002, which stated categorically that Iraq possessed WMD. No one in Congress was aware of the secret intelligence that Saddam had no WMD as the House of Representatives and the Senate voted, a week after the submission of the NIE, on the Authorization for Use of Military Force in Iraq.

Bush knew Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction -

And the far left drones rush to their far left blog sites for their "facts"..

Arrghh, attacked by a loonie message-board spam-bot.

On April 23, 2006, CBS’s “60 Minutes” interviewed Tyler Drumheller, the former CIA chief of clandestine operations for Europe, who disclosed that the agency had received documentary intelligence from Naji Sabri, Saddam’s foreign minister, that Saddam did not have WMD. “We continued to validate him the whole way through,” said Drumheller. “The policy was set. The war in Iraq was coming, and they were looking for intelligence to fit into the policy, to justify the policy.”
Saddam men telling the world that they didn't have any WMD???!!!
do you think before you post.
Fucking assholes like edgy claim Obama lies about the sun coming up in the east. But that does no harm cause it's Republicans lying about Obama.

But let someone point out the truth that Bush lied us into a war, and all of a sudden that could have negative consequences.

Stupid Republican fuckers.
We liberated a country.View attachment 36642

Looks to me like they were tearing down a statue.

In the meantime, I believe that ISIS is in Iraq???? Would you call that liberation?
Well lets count the years between the two ,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10......................
You call that a point?

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