The Dangerous Lie That ‘Bush Lied’

Wow. Conservatives can never admit they were 100% wrong on Iraq. Pathetic.
We werent 100% wrong. When libs claim Bush lied they are 100% wrong. Was the war wrong? I dont think so. But there are plenty of legitimate opinions on the topic. Did Bush lie? No. And there no legitimate opinions that say he did.

The Bush administration lied. At the absolute least they presented as fact claims they did not, could not, know to be facts. That is lying.

Says the far left drone that supports Obama's illegal wars..
We have not been involved in a single illegal war since Obama took office. Not a single one. Not even close.
The lie of course is that President Bush didn't lie. Here's the top two. - Top Ten Bush Lies

2. "We found the weapons of mass destruction." Bush issued this triumphant remark in late May 2003, while being interviewed by a Polish television reporter. He was referring to two tractor-trailers obtained by U.S. forces in Iraq. The CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency had concluded these vehicles were mobile bio-weapons plants. Yet they had found not a trace of biological agents on either. (And no bio-weapon facility could be scrubbed completely clean.) In subsequent weeks, it turned out that State Department analysts and even DIA engineering experts—as well as outside experts—did not accept the CIA and DIA conclusion, and some of these doubters believed the explanation of Iraqis who claimed the trucks were built to produce hydrogen for weather balloons. Whichever side might be ultimately right about the trailers, this all-important piece of evidence was hotly contested. It was hardly solid enough to support Bush’s we-found-them declaration or to justify a war.

1. "It’s time to restore honor and dignity to the White House." Bush said that many a time during the 2000 presidential campaign, and in at least one ad pledged to "return honor and integrity" to the Oval Office.
They did find WMD. Poison gas.
He did restore honor. Did anyone ever claim BUsh got a blowjob from an intern in the Oval Office?

Given that almost 3 out 4 Americans now believe the Iraq war was a mistake, I think it's fair to say Bush's war was a colossal blunder.

Wrong again! But leave it to the far left to lie about that..
How he ended the iraq war?

It isn't over yet. One thing is for sure, the Maliki government had to go because their policies were creating the conditions for civil war no matter what we did. So for me it then becomes a question of whether or not we would suffer more casualties recovering the situation than we would being in the middle of someone else's civil war.
Obama cut and ran, we should've let a small brigade in iraq to make sure the peace was kept. Now we are gonna have to bomb the crap out of them. Which I don't think Obama is willing to do.

A small brigade wouldn't get the job done.

Wrong! But the far left will continue to support the failed policies of the far left Obama at all costs.

More proof that the far left would much rather watch the world burn than admit they were wrong.

I'm sure you'd know more about the far left than I would.

Of course because the far left will always deny being far left..
The lie of course is that President Bush didn't lie. Here's the top two. - Top Ten Bush Lies

2. "We found the weapons of mass destruction." Bush issued this triumphant remark in late May 2003, while being interviewed by a Polish television reporter. He was referring to two tractor-trailers obtained by U.S. forces in Iraq. The CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency had concluded these vehicles were mobile bio-weapons plants. Yet they had found not a trace of biological agents on either. (And no bio-weapon facility could be scrubbed completely clean.) In subsequent weeks, it turned out that State Department analysts and even DIA engineering experts—as well as outside experts—did not accept the CIA and DIA conclusion, and some of these doubters believed the explanation of Iraqis who claimed the trucks were built to produce hydrogen for weather balloons. Whichever side might be ultimately right about the trailers, this all-important piece of evidence was hotly contested. It was hardly solid enough to support Bush’s we-found-them declaration or to justify a war.

1. "It’s time to restore honor and dignity to the White House." Bush said that many a time during the 2000 presidential campaign, and in at least one ad pledged to "return honor and integrity" to the Oval Office.
They did find WMD. Poison gas.
He did restore honor. Did anyone ever claim BUsh got a blowjob from an intern in the Oval Office?

Given that almost 3 out 4 Americans now believe the Iraq war was a mistake, I think it's fair to say Bush's war was a colossal blunder.
Link? Or is it how Obama ended the war?
The lie of course is that President Bush didn't lie. Here's the top two. - Top Ten Bush Lies

2. "We found the weapons of mass destruction." Bush issued this triumphant remark in late May 2003, while being interviewed by a Polish television reporter. He was referring to two tractor-trailers obtained by U.S. forces in Iraq. The CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency had concluded these vehicles were mobile bio-weapons plants. Yet they had found not a trace of biological agents on either. (And no bio-weapon facility could be scrubbed completely clean.) In subsequent weeks, it turned out that State Department analysts and even DIA engineering experts—as well as outside experts—did not accept the CIA and DIA conclusion, and some of these doubters believed the explanation of Iraqis who claimed the trucks were built to produce hydrogen for weather balloons. Whichever side might be ultimately right about the trailers, this all-important piece of evidence was hotly contested. It was hardly solid enough to support Bush’s we-found-them declaration or to justify a war.

1. "It’s time to restore honor and dignity to the White House." Bush said that many a time during the 2000 presidential campaign, and in at least one ad pledged to "return honor and integrity" to the Oval Office.
They did find WMD. Poison gas.
He did restore honor. Did anyone ever claim BUsh got a blowjob from an intern in the Oval Office?

The claim by the Bush Administration was that Iraq was actively producing and stockpiling new weapons. All they ever found were old, probably lost, stashes of unused ordinance from the 1980's.

Nothing honorable about lying the country into a strategic blunder of epic proportion.

Even Clinton backed Bush!

So why are you going to vote for Hilary in 2016?
It isn't over yet. One thing is for sure, the Maliki government had to go because their policies were creating the conditions for civil war no matter what we did. So for me it then becomes a question of whether or not we would suffer more casualties recovering the situation than we would being in the middle of someone else's civil war.

Jalal Talabani was the president of Iraq at the time, see how the far left will rewrite history...

Fuad Masum was elected president of Iraq in July of 2014..

And? How do these biographies change anything?

It shows that you posted another far left lie!

Please elaborate.

Your words: "the Maliki government"

I posted who the president of Iraq was that shoots down your far left propaganda.
The chief executive of Iraq is the Prime Minister. The President has very little authority. It is mostly an honorary position.
The lie of course is that President Bush didn't lie. Here's the top two. - Top Ten Bush Lies

2. "We found the weapons of mass destruction." Bush issued this triumphant remark in late May 2003, while being interviewed by a Polish television reporter. He was referring to two tractor-trailers obtained by U.S. forces in Iraq. The CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency had concluded these vehicles were mobile bio-weapons plants. Yet they had found not a trace of biological agents on either. (And no bio-weapon facility could be scrubbed completely clean.) In subsequent weeks, it turned out that State Department analysts and even DIA engineering experts—as well as outside experts—did not accept the CIA and DIA conclusion, and some of these doubters believed the explanation of Iraqis who claimed the trucks were built to produce hydrogen for weather balloons. Whichever side might be ultimately right about the trailers, this all-important piece of evidence was hotly contested. It was hardly solid enough to support Bush’s we-found-them declaration or to justify a war.

1. "It’s time to restore honor and dignity to the White House." Bush said that many a time during the 2000 presidential campaign, and in at least one ad pledged to "return honor and integrity" to the Oval Office.
They did find WMD. Poison gas.
He did restore honor. Did anyone ever claim BUsh got a blowjob from an intern in the Oval Office?

Given that almost 3 out 4 Americans now believe the Iraq war was a mistake, I think it's fair to say Bush's war was a colossal blunder.
Link? Or is it how Obama ended the war?

Link to common knowledge? Are you living in a cave?
It isn't over yet. One thing is for sure, the Maliki government had to go because their policies were creating the conditions for civil war no matter what we did. So for me it then becomes a question of whether or not we would suffer more casualties recovering the situation than we would being in the middle of someone else's civil war.
Obama cut and ran, we should've let a small brigade in iraq to make sure the peace was kept. Now we are gonna have to bomb the crap out of them. Which I don't think Obama is willing to do.

A small brigade wouldn't get the job done.
Yes it would, it would show the terrorists we wouldn't cut and run the way we did.

Childish nonsense.
Bullshit, we cut and ran showing the terrorists we had enough and let them get a hold on Iraq. Now if we want to straighten it out. We might have to put boots on the ground again. Thanks Obama.

Maybe you just didn't realize that the fighting never stopped in the first place. A single brigade wouldn't be capable of changing the tactical situation to any significant degree.
Jalal Talabani was the president of Iraq at the time, see how the far left will rewrite history...

Fuad Masum was elected president of Iraq in July of 2014..

And? How do these biographies change anything?

It shows that you posted another far left lie!

Please elaborate.

Your words: "the Maliki government"

I posted who the president of Iraq was that shoots down your far left propaganda.
The chief executive of Iraq is the Prime Minister. The President has very little authority. It is mostly an honorary position.

And the far left continues to rewrite history..
It isn't over yet. One thing is for sure, the Maliki government had to go because their policies were creating the conditions for civil war no matter what we did. So for me it then becomes a question of whether or not we would suffer more casualties recovering the situation than we would being in the middle of someone else's civil war.

Jalal Talabani was the president of Iraq at the time, see how the far left will rewrite history...

Fuad Masum was elected president of Iraq in July of 2014..

And? How do these biographies change anything?

It shows that you posted another far left lie!

Please elaborate.

Your words: "the Maliki government"

I posted who the president of Iraq was that shoots down your far left propaganda.

You still haven't provided any details. What are you talking about?
Jalal Talabani was the president of Iraq at the time, see how the far left will rewrite history...

Fuad Masum was elected president of Iraq in July of 2014..

And? How do these biographies change anything?

It shows that you posted another far left lie!

Please elaborate.

Your words: "the Maliki government"

I posted who the president of Iraq was that shoots down your far left propaganda.

You still haven't provided any details. What are you talking about?

See how the far left shows they do not understand anything beyond their religious propaganda..

Who was the president of Iraq at that time?
If the far left has their way at rewriting history, then yes.. News Article Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria Official Says

I don't recall President Bush announcing that he suspected Saddam has stashes of old dilapidated weapons from the 80's as a reason to invade and occupy that nation.

They claim as WMD's weapons and material that had already been accounted for by the inspectors before the war.

Wow! The far left continues to rewrite the history to fit their narrative..

Yep! They believe Saddam never lied!
And? How do these biographies change anything?

It shows that you posted another far left lie!

Please elaborate.

Your words: "the Maliki government"

I posted who the president of Iraq was that shoots down your far left propaganda.

You still haven't provided any details. What are you talking about?

See how the far left shows they do not understand anything beyond their religious propaganda..

Who was the president of Iraq at that time?

By which time? I'd be interested in seeing your version of a time line of events.
Not only did Bush 43 lie us into Iraq - his daddy, Bush 41 lied us into the First Gulf War by suckering Saddam into invading Kuwait. The Bushes cost America much prestige, blood and treasure.

Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait by giving him the "green light" via April Glaspie.

It is now more than fifteen years since that fateful meeting on July 25, 1990 between then-US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie and President Saddam Hussein that the Iraqi leader interpreted as a green light from Washington for his invasion of Kuwait eight days later.

TRANSCRIPT: Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

Bush 43 conjured up lies to invade Iraq a 2nd time. He was planning to invade Iraq before 9/11.

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It shows that you posted another far left lie!

Please elaborate.

Your words: "the Maliki government"

I posted who the president of Iraq was that shoots down your far left propaganda.

You still haven't provided any details. What are you talking about?

See how the far left shows they do not understand anything beyond their religious propaganda..

Who was the president of Iraq at that time?

By which time? I'd be interested in seeing your version of a time line of events.

So are you still pushing that Maliki was president of Iraq?

Going to watch the world burn than admit you are wrong?

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