The Dangerous Lie That ‘Bush Lied’

It never ceases to amaze me at the vitriolic hatred the left has for a moral man who did his best to uphold his oath of office - the defend and uphold the constitution.

You can point out truth after truth and they simply will not - no can not - accept it. It is beyond the concrete limits of their abilities.

So sad. :(
Why are we still arguing about Iraq? It was the wrong decision to invade in 2003 and that's how it will be written in the history books.
Yeah, because we're really going to believe the Foreign Minister of a Hostile Country about what he says regarding their weapons.

German intelligence officials responsible for one of the most important informants on Saddam Hussein's suspected weapons of mass destruction say that the Bush administration and the CIA repeatedly exaggerated his claims during the run-up to the war in Iraq.

Five senior officials from Germany's Federal Intelligence Service, or BND, said in interviews with The Times that they warned U.S. intelligence authorities that the source, an Iraqi defector code-named Curveball, never claimed to produce germ weapons and never saw anyone else do so.

According to the Germans, President Bush mischaracterized Curveball's information when he warned before the war that Iraq had at least seven mobile factories brewing biological poisons. Then-Secretary of State Colin L. Powell also misstated Curveball's accounts in his prewar presentation to the United Nations on Feb. 5, 2003, the Germans said.

Curveball's German handlers for the last six years said his information was often vague, mostly secondhand and impossible to confirm.

"This was not substantial evidence," said a senior German intelligence official. "We made clear we could not verify the things he said."

How U.S. Fell Under the Spell of apos Curveball apos - LA Times

Look at how the far left goes right to their far left blog sites and spams the propaganda.

Transcript President Clinton explains Iraq strike - December 16 1998 - Clinton defends successor s push for war - Jun 19 2004

In your first link, where does President Clinton proclaim that Saddam had WMD?

From your second:

"I have repeatedly defended President Bush against the left on Iraq, even though I think he should have waited until the U.N. inspections were over,"

Notice how the far left ignores the facts and rewrites history..

From the first link

Earlier today, I ordered America's armed forces to strike military and security targets in Iraq. They are joined by British forces. Their mission is to attack Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors.

From the second link:

"That's why I supported the Iraq thing. There was a lot of stuff unaccounted for," Clinton said in reference to Iraq and the fact that U.N. weapons inspectors left the country in 1998.

However the far left drones will still continue to spam the far left religious propaganda at all costs.

Remember these are the people that believe the history of Iraq started in 2003 and led to 9/11..
The lie of course is that President Bush didn't lie. Here's the top two. - Top Ten Bush Lies

2. "We found the weapons of mass destruction." Bush issued this triumphant remark in late May 2003, while being interviewed by a Polish television reporter. He was referring to two tractor-trailers obtained by U.S. forces in Iraq. The CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency had concluded these vehicles were mobile bio-weapons plants. Yet they had found not a trace of biological agents on either. (And no bio-weapon facility could be scrubbed completely clean.) In subsequent weeks, it turned out that State Department analysts and even DIA engineering experts—as well as outside experts—did not accept the CIA and DIA conclusion, and some of these doubters believed the explanation of Iraqis who claimed the trucks were built to produce hydrogen for weather balloons. Whichever side might be ultimately right about the trailers, this all-important piece of evidence was hotly contested. It was hardly solid enough to support Bush’s we-found-them declaration or to justify a war.

1. "It’s time to restore honor and dignity to the White House." Bush said that many a time during the 2000 presidential campaign, and in at least one ad pledged to "return honor and integrity" to the Oval Office.
They did find WMD. Poison gas.
He did restore honor. Did anyone ever claim BUsh got a blowjob from an intern in the Oval Office?
Wow. Conservatives can never admit they were 100% wrong on Iraq. Pathetic.
We werent 100% wrong. When libs claim Bush lied they are 100% wrong. Was the war wrong? I dont think so. But there are plenty of legitimate opinions on the topic. Did Bush lie? No. And there no legitimate opinions that say he did.
Where are the nuclear weapons?

Read the fucking OP scumbag.

Nobody is saying the Intelligence was accurate, you STEAMING PILE OF FUCKING SHIT.

We're saying that all Bush had to go on was faulty Intelligence.

That he didn't lie.

And if you had three working brain cells, you'd know that Saddam's own Generals were shocked when they asked him to release the WMDs to them near the end.....


This isn't about whether or not there were WMDs/ There weren't. This thread is about lying scumbag, slime-sucking dimocraps continuing to lie about something.

Which..... ALL dimocraps do is lie. It's all you've got. You have to.

If Americans ever catch on to what you really are, they'll eliminate you from the Body Politic like the parasitic scum you are

Good thing you attended the cabinet meetings when those decisions were made, otherwise we'd never know the real truth.
Fucking moron. READ THE ARTICLE. It was written by someone who made extensive examination of the topic, read the minutes of those meetings, talked to people who were there. That was his conclusion. There were no lies.

People can make an honest argument(which leaves you out) for President Bush making straightforward decisions based on faulty intelligence. It would be considerably more difficult to argue that the decision to invade Iraq was a good choice.
Do you support Obama?

On which issues? Simple question.
How he ended the iraq war?

It isn't over yet. One thing is for sure, the Maliki government had to go because their policies were creating the conditions for civil war no matter what we did. So for me it then becomes a question of whether or not we would suffer more casualties recovering the situation than we would being in the middle of someone else's civil war.

Jalal Talabani was the president of Iraq at the time, see how the far left will rewrite history...

Fuad Masum was elected president of Iraq in July of 2014..

And? How do these biographies change anything?

It shows that you posted another far left lie!
Do you support Obama?

On which issues? Simple question.
How he ended the iraq war?

It isn't over yet. One thing is for sure, the Maliki government had to go because their policies were creating the conditions for civil war no matter what we did. So for me it then becomes a question of whether or not we would suffer more casualties recovering the situation than we would being in the middle of someone else's civil war.
Obama cut and ran, we should've let a small brigade in iraq to make sure the peace was kept. Now we are gonna have to bomb the crap out of them. Which I don't think Obama is willing to do.

A small brigade wouldn't get the job done.
Yes it would, it would show the terrorists we wouldn't cut and run the way we did.
Wow. Conservatives can never admit they were 100% wrong on Iraq. Pathetic.
We werent 100% wrong. When libs claim Bush lied they are 100% wrong. Was the war wrong? I dont think so. But there are plenty of legitimate opinions on the topic. Did Bush lie? No. And there no legitimate opinions that say he did.

The Bush administration lied. At the absolute least they presented as fact claims they did not, could not, know to be facts. That is lying.
On which issues? Simple question.
How he ended the iraq war?

It isn't over yet. One thing is for sure, the Maliki government had to go because their policies were creating the conditions for civil war no matter what we did. So for me it then becomes a question of whether or not we would suffer more casualties recovering the situation than we would being in the middle of someone else's civil war.
Obama cut and ran, we should've let a small brigade in iraq to make sure the peace was kept. Now we are gonna have to bomb the crap out of them. Which I don't think Obama is willing to do.

A small brigade wouldn't get the job done.
Yes it would, it would show the terrorists we wouldn't cut and run the way we did.

Childish nonsense.
Do you support Obama?

On which issues? Simple question.
How he ended the iraq war?

It isn't over yet. One thing is for sure, the Maliki government had to go because their policies were creating the conditions for civil war no matter what we did. So for me it then becomes a question of whether or not we would suffer more casualties recovering the situation than we would being in the middle of someone else's civil war.
Obama cut and ran, we should've let a small brigade in iraq to make sure the peace was kept. Now we are gonna have to bomb the crap out of them. Which I don't think Obama is willing to do.

A small brigade wouldn't get the job done.

Wrong! But the far left will continue to support the failed policies of the far left Obama at all costs.

More proof that the far left would much rather watch the world burn than admit they were wrong.
On which issues? Simple question.
How he ended the iraq war?

It isn't over yet. One thing is for sure, the Maliki government had to go because their policies were creating the conditions for civil war no matter what we did. So for me it then becomes a question of whether or not we would suffer more casualties recovering the situation than we would being in the middle of someone else's civil war.

Jalal Talabani was the president of Iraq at the time, see how the far left will rewrite history...

Fuad Masum was elected president of Iraq in July of 2014..

And? How do these biographies change anything?

It shows that you posted another far left lie!

Please elaborate.
Wow. Conservatives can never admit they were 100% wrong on Iraq. Pathetic.
We werent 100% wrong. When libs claim Bush lied they are 100% wrong. Was the war wrong? I dont think so. But there are plenty of legitimate opinions on the topic. Did Bush lie? No. And there no legitimate opinions that say he did.

The Bush administration lied. At the absolute least they presented as fact claims they did not, could not, know to be facts. That is lying.

Says the far left drone that supports Obama's illegal wars..
The lie of course is that President Bush didn't lie. Here's the top two. - Top Ten Bush Lies

2. "We found the weapons of mass destruction." Bush issued this triumphant remark in late May 2003, while being interviewed by a Polish television reporter. He was referring to two tractor-trailers obtained by U.S. forces in Iraq. The CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency had concluded these vehicles were mobile bio-weapons plants. Yet they had found not a trace of biological agents on either. (And no bio-weapon facility could be scrubbed completely clean.) In subsequent weeks, it turned out that State Department analysts and even DIA engineering experts—as well as outside experts—did not accept the CIA and DIA conclusion, and some of these doubters believed the explanation of Iraqis who claimed the trucks were built to produce hydrogen for weather balloons. Whichever side might be ultimately right about the trailers, this all-important piece of evidence was hotly contested. It was hardly solid enough to support Bush’s we-found-them declaration or to justify a war.

1. "It’s time to restore honor and dignity to the White House." Bush said that many a time during the 2000 presidential campaign, and in at least one ad pledged to "return honor and integrity" to the Oval Office.
They did find WMD. Poison gas.
He did restore honor. Did anyone ever claim BUsh got a blowjob from an intern in the Oval Office?

The claim by the Bush Administration was that Iraq was actively producing and stockpiling new weapons. All they ever found were old, probably lost, stashes of unused ordinance from the 1980's.

Nothing honorable about lying the country into a strategic blunder of epic proportion.
On which issues? Simple question.
How he ended the iraq war?

It isn't over yet. One thing is for sure, the Maliki government had to go because their policies were creating the conditions for civil war no matter what we did. So for me it then becomes a question of whether or not we would suffer more casualties recovering the situation than we would being in the middle of someone else's civil war.
Obama cut and ran, we should've let a small brigade in iraq to make sure the peace was kept. Now we are gonna have to bomb the crap out of them. Which I don't think Obama is willing to do.

A small brigade wouldn't get the job done.

Wrong! But the far left will continue to support the failed policies of the far left Obama at all costs.

More proof that the far left would much rather watch the world burn than admit they were wrong.

I'm sure you'd know more about the far left than I would.
How he ended the iraq war?

It isn't over yet. One thing is for sure, the Maliki government had to go because their policies were creating the conditions for civil war no matter what we did. So for me it then becomes a question of whether or not we would suffer more casualties recovering the situation than we would being in the middle of someone else's civil war.
Obama cut and ran, we should've let a small brigade in iraq to make sure the peace was kept. Now we are gonna have to bomb the crap out of them. Which I don't think Obama is willing to do.

A small brigade wouldn't get the job done.
Yes it would, it would show the terrorists we wouldn't cut and run the way we did.

Childish nonsense.

Yes that is what the far left posts!
The lie of course is that President Bush didn't lie. Here's the top two. - Top Ten Bush Lies

2. "We found the weapons of mass destruction." Bush issued this triumphant remark in late May 2003, while being interviewed by a Polish television reporter. He was referring to two tractor-trailers obtained by U.S. forces in Iraq. The CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency had concluded these vehicles were mobile bio-weapons plants. Yet they had found not a trace of biological agents on either. (And no bio-weapon facility could be scrubbed completely clean.) In subsequent weeks, it turned out that State Department analysts and even DIA engineering experts—as well as outside experts—did not accept the CIA and DIA conclusion, and some of these doubters believed the explanation of Iraqis who claimed the trucks were built to produce hydrogen for weather balloons. Whichever side might be ultimately right about the trailers, this all-important piece of evidence was hotly contested. It was hardly solid enough to support Bush’s we-found-them declaration or to justify a war.

1. "It’s time to restore honor and dignity to the White House." Bush said that many a time during the 2000 presidential campaign, and in at least one ad pledged to "return honor and integrity" to the Oval Office.
They did find WMD. Poison gas.
He did restore honor. Did anyone ever claim BUsh got a blowjob from an intern in the Oval Office?

Given that almost 3 out 4 Americans now believe the Iraq war was a mistake, I think it's fair to say Bush's war was a colossal blunder.
How he ended the iraq war?

It isn't over yet. One thing is for sure, the Maliki government had to go because their policies were creating the conditions for civil war no matter what we did. So for me it then becomes a question of whether or not we would suffer more casualties recovering the situation than we would being in the middle of someone else's civil war.

Jalal Talabani was the president of Iraq at the time, see how the far left will rewrite history...

Fuad Masum was elected president of Iraq in July of 2014..

And? How do these biographies change anything?

It shows that you posted another far left lie!

Please elaborate.

Your words: "the Maliki government"

I posted who the president of Iraq was that shoots down your far left propaganda.
How he ended the iraq war?

It isn't over yet. One thing is for sure, the Maliki government had to go because their policies were creating the conditions for civil war no matter what we did. So for me it then becomes a question of whether or not we would suffer more casualties recovering the situation than we would being in the middle of someone else's civil war.
Obama cut and ran, we should've let a small brigade in iraq to make sure the peace was kept. Now we are gonna have to bomb the crap out of them. Which I don't think Obama is willing to do.

A small brigade wouldn't get the job done.
Yes it would, it would show the terrorists we wouldn't cut and run the way we did.

Childish nonsense.
Bullshit, we cut and ran showing the terrorists we had enough and let them get a hold on Iraq. Now if we want to straighten it out. We might have to put boots on the ground again. Thanks Obama.

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