The Dark World Of Jeffrey Epstein


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This scumbag was a well known pedophile in 2008 and yet he still was accepted in the highest social circles of our oligarchs. Some, like Donald J Trump, cut the man off and banned him from his properties.

But others did not and continued to seek his approval and financial support, and dare I say enabled the bastard by their refusal to shun this cretin?

A Running List of Jeffrey Epstein’s Rich, Powerful, and Presidential Friends

As you go through the list above, it is pertinent to note who had contact with him prior to 2008 and who was merely connected to him through legal ties. I don't think that being the lawyer of a pervert makes you also a pervert. But flying with him on his jet plane over two dozen times probably does.

New evidence related to this girls rape at the age of 14 is driving the new charges, as I understand it.

New Jeffrey Epstein accuser: He raped me when I was 15

Acosta claimed in testimony before Congress that he was told to back off of Epstein because the pervert 'belonged to intelligence'. But whose intelligence operation? Ours? MI6? Mossad? Who?

Some further digging
The Jeffrey Epstein Rabbit Hole Goes a Lot Deeper Than You Think

Epstein is not the odd ball among our nations social elite; he is TYPICAL of them, and that is why even after it was well known that he was a pedo, the nations social elites still celebrated this monster.

But now he is being cast as a 'friend of Trump's'

I'm ready to let the shit fall where it may, even if it includes Trump.
I'm ready to let the shit fall where it may, even if it includes Trump.
I like the job Trump has done so far as POTUS, but if he didled any young girls, hang his ass high is h ow I feel about it.
I don't think you're going to find that. Trump seems to prefer adult company, plus he cares for his children. He also saw the light when the presidential duties fell to him in an election that had constant lies hurled at him and a dozen intentionally wrong if not phony polls claiming Hillary was far ahead of him, then just comfortably ahead. In the end, Hillary quilt campaigning so she could get ready for her coronation, with an insurance policy aka the Steel Dossier that would smother Trump if he won.
I'm ready to let the shit fall where it may, even if it includes Trump.
I like the job Trump has done so far as POTUS, but if he didled any young girls, hang his ass high is h ow I feel about it.
I don't think you're going to find that. Trump seems to prefer adult company, plus he cares for his children. He also saw the light when the presidential duties fell to him in an election that had constant lies hurled at him and a dozen intentionally wrong if not phony polls claiming Hillary was far ahead of him, then just comfortably ahead. In the end, Hillary quilt campaigning so she could get ready for her coronation, with an insurance policy aka the Steel Dossier that would smother Trump if he won.
I would put the odds at 9:1 Trump had no relations with them young girlies, but you never know for certain when it comes to public personalities.
I'm ready to let the shit fall where it may, even if it includes Trump.
I like the job Trump has done so far as POTUS, but if he didled any young girls, hang his ass high is h ow I feel about it.
I don't think you're going to find that. Trump seems to prefer adult company, plus he cares for his children. He also saw the light when the presidential duties fell to him in an election that had constant lies hurled at him and a dozen intentionally wrong if not phony polls claiming Hillary was far ahead of him, then just comfortably ahead. In the end, Hillary quilt campaigning so she could get ready for her coronation, with an insurance policy aka the Steel Dossier that would smother Trump if he won.
I would put the odds at 9:1 Trump had no relations with them young girlies, but you never know for certain when it comes to public personalities.

Like I said before, you don't ban someone from your property if they got something on you. Especially if you're a public figure.
It just doesn't make sense.
I'm ready to let the shit fall where it may, even if it includes Trump.
I like the job Trump has done so far as POTUS, but if he didled any young girls, hang his ass high is h ow I feel about it.
I don't think you're going to find that. Trump seems to prefer adult company, plus he cares for his children. He also saw the light when the presidential duties fell to him in an election that had constant lies hurled at him and a dozen intentionally wrong if not phony polls claiming Hillary was far ahead of him, then just comfortably ahead. In the end, Hillary quilt campaigning so she could get ready for her coronation, with an insurance policy aka the Steel Dossier that would smother Trump if he won.
I would put the odds at 9:1 Trump had no relations with them young girlies, but you never know for certain when it comes to public personalities.
It's okay, Jim. I owned my own profitless business that kept its doors open because I worked hard keeping the bills paid which kept the doors open until we had a 2-year bout with an employee who decided to embezzle more cash than the business brought in. I know the worry that goes along with the question "Why can't I pay the bills this month? It's not like my business to not pay its bills." We finally caught the culprit on an eight-dollar return that was squirrely as a three dollar bill. Our accountant friend showed us how to track the sales the days that employee worked and compare them to past sales. You can track the one who is doing the damages if you know these techniques. She walked away with a tax-free $40,000.00 in 2 years time. That was way more than the measly profit my business was pulling, plus the business was disabled from paying its bills, so my husband sold some of his stocks to keep me afloat for the immediate time, and borrowed the rest. I had to pay the borrowed money back and it took me 5 years.

The moral of this little sad story, is that a person who owns a business in order to keep himself right with the rest of the world has to show charitable works (and we could), work 80 hour weeks, and there was zero time for any mischief, trust me. I KNEW President Trump did very little of what he was accused of, and as it turns out, he did NONE of it. It was a pack of lies. At least I didn't have too much problem with politics other than never seeing a Democrat face. I didn't even know it, but even back in the 80s and 90s, Democrats don't do business in Republicans who start businesses, and in fact, the person who stole from my business' best friend was wife of the Democrat Party's top cat in local politics. I couldn't imagine that being much of a political hit back then, and I'm not going to go there now. But now that I see what the creeps did to President Trump, I know that it's easy to take down an innocent person who works hard and never knew what hit them. Maybe they let me survive because I spent months on end making quilts for soldiers who lost limbs to IEDs during Bush's term when we were dealing with the aftermath of 9/11. It took me a year of my spare time quilting 36 quilts for wounded warriors and inspired others to join or make their own purple heart quilts in the community. We did all we could do, losses and all.God's blessings fell on me because of the good man I married, not because of my flailing little small business that I spent 80 hours a week for zero pay, for 23 years. In addition to wounded soldier quilts, I made baby quilts for handicapped kids, squad car quilts for shock victims, hospice quilts for the dying, and a few for victims of lost homes due to fire. I had zero time left over.

If you ever looked at Trumps work for his community, he did what he could financially to help other people including gifts to charity if he won a golf game against an opponent in which the winner had to give to charity in the tens of thousands of dollars. lol. You think the Democrats didn't have a great time calling his charity gifts phony and related to golf games. You only got a fraction of the story, and President Trump doesn't do much bragging or chest thumping when he does secret good works. And he did just what the Bible says something to the effect of "don't make public on your good works."

Oh, have to go. Lost my purse last week and a proprietor called and has it in safe keeping. I am blessing the Good Lord for that. "Thansk for a nice chat.
Can you imagine the obscene amount of money that is going to exchange hands in an effort to cleanse all the treasonous bastards who subverted our DOJ-FBI? Ditto for this Epstein POS. So many rich people - so many crimes. It's high time we weed out the establishment hierarchy.
What year did he ban him?
Hasn't been clarified yet, I am guessing late 90's-early 2000's. He was convicted in that first case in 2008.

Your guessing.

On Saturday, Trump biographer Tim O’Brien tweeted this 2002 quote by the future president, taken from a New York Magazine profile: “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”

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