The Deal has Been Made

it's turned in to Survivor ...

the GOP tells Cruz if he gives up his seat in Congress they'll support him ... he does

tribal council .. they blindside him and support Trump.

Cruz is gone, Trump loses to Clinton.

the GOP establishment brand Survives.
No, that is not a scenario where the GOP brand survives at all.
Just another example of our bureaucracy thinking they know whats better for us than we do.

well, "the people" who support trump aren't exactly known for their intellect. they are known for beating up on protesters....usually with dark skin.

but I will point out that the "we" who support trump are fewer than those who oppose him. his people are just more cohesive.

trump would be disasterous. and most people in this country realize it. that said, why on earth would you believe this conspiracy theory nonsense?
My first post I said I would need more confirmation.

A fuckin lefty grouping MILLIONS of people into one racist category. How quaint.

you're funny.... I wouldn't support someone who looked and sounded like George Wallace on the stump and whose supporters are encouraged not to hurt people but if they do the candidate will "pay their legal bills".

sorry, any pretense that his entire populist BS isn't racist is deluding yourself.
lol ok

these are your compadres.... be proud, babe.

You Have Awoken A Sleeping Giant

and I love this rightwing thing where when you can't respond to a point you do the lol thing. :thup:

Libtards like you rarely answer our questions, so too bad.
The plan to stop Trump has been executed.

In short Cruz is pulling out of Florida and Ohio, Rubios spoxs says Rubio supporters should vote for John Kasich in Ohio, Rubio plants himself in Florida and Kasich does the same in Ohio. National Review will be endorsing Cruz.

Will this backfire or will it work? Grab the popcorn come Tuesday.

To see all the details click [HERE]
I predict backfire.

I am not the biggest fan of Trump and was planning on voting for Kasich or Rubio, but after the Romney speech and this douche baggery I am voting for Trump in a state that now matters IL. Usu when we get to this point one candidate has emerged.
Even if I hated trump, I would vote for him in the primary. Just because of THIS!
The PEOPLE are voting for him. NOT you elite gangsters!

The ONLY reason Trump is leading is that the votes against him are split 3 ways. The vast majority of the party want's nothing to do with the old swindler...nada, nope, nyet.
well, "the people" who support trump aren't exactly known for their intellect. they are known for beating up on protesters....usually with dark skin.

but I will point out that the "we" who support trump are fewer than those who oppose him. his people are just more cohesive.

trump would be disasterous. and most people in this country realize it. that said, why on earth would you believe this conspiracy theory nonsense?
My first post I said I would need more confirmation.

A fuckin lefty grouping MILLIONS of people into one racist category. How quaint.

you're funny.... I wouldn't support someone who looked and sounded like George Wallace on the stump and whose supporters are encouraged not to hurt people but if they do the candidate will "pay their legal bills".

sorry, any pretense that his entire populist BS isn't racist is deluding yourself.
lol ok

these are your compadres.... be proud, babe.

You Have Awoken A Sleeping Giant

and I love this rightwing thing where when you can't respond to a point you do the lol thing. :thup:

Libtards like you rarely answer our questions, so too bad.

that doesn't make sense....

I'm sorry teatards like you have reading comprehension issues. *shrug*

now hit the laugh button. it's pretty much what you're good at.
Even if I hated trump, I would vote for him in the primary. Just because of THIS!
The PEOPLE are voting for him. NOT you elite gangsters!

The ONLY reason Trump is leading is that the votes against him are split 3 ways. The vast majority of the party want's nothing to do with the old swindler...nada, nope, nyet.
That is bullshit pushed by the establishment using faked up survey groups and similar crap. The polls have been all over the board on this and are as useless as teets on a boar hog..
That is bullshit pushed by the establishment using faked up survey groups and similar crap. The polls have been all over the board on this and are as useless as teets on a boar hog..

it's turned in to Survivor ...

the GOP tells Cruz if he gives up his seat in Congress they'll support him ... he does

tribal council .. they blindside him and support Trump.

Cruz is gone, Trump loses to Clinton.

the GOP establishment brand Survives.
No, that is not a scenario where the GOP brand survives at all.
He's actually right Jim. The GOPe has already said they will vote for Clinton over Trump. All they care about is keeping their little club intact. They don't care if they lose the election, don't be fooled. Americans (those voting against Clinton) care very much, but the GOPe does not. Actions tell the whole story. You needn't dig very deep.
The plan to stop Trump has been executed.

In short Cruz is pulling out of Florida and Ohio, Rubios spoxs says Rubio supporters should vote for John Kasich in Ohio, Rubio plants himself in Florida and Kasich does the same in Ohio. National Review will be endorsing Cruz.

Will this backfire or will it work? Grab the popcorn come Tuesday.

To see all the details click [HERE]

I think we are hearing tin hats now. The only thing that would even come close to substantiating this theory, is Rubio spokes people suggesting that his supporters vote Kasich in Ohio, besides that, it is a bunch of innuendo.


Can Cruz win Florida? Not a chance. Can Rubio win Ohio, or for that matter Cruz by the polls? No way. Can Kasich have any chance, to win anything but Ohio? Not unless you are smoking something that is not tobacco on Tuesday. So what is the point?

Now, if someone said they were REMOVING their names for consideration from the ballot, well then maybe. But because they are exiting a winner take all set of states they obviously have no chance of winning, I don't think so.

To think that 4 days before the primary in Florida that everything can be re-aligned by these 3 guys is ridiculous political thinking. Now in Ohio, I always expected Kasich to win, so I see no change there, and if he doesn't win, then Trump is the nominee.

And seriously, and with all due respect-----------> If Trump can't win one of the two against 2 totally different people who are polling at next to NOTHING, then why should we believe he should win the nomination, even if it is their home state? (especially since Florida is basically considered his surrogate home state) I mean honestly, you are putting the power of Trump up against 1 man in each race. If his appeal is that weak, then maybe we should start rethinking, wouldn't you say!
Trump's supporters greatly outnumber the supporters of any one candidate. How many actual supporters do you think Romney had?

This is just a childish attempt to stop the only guy actually winning anything and it proves that Rubio and Kasich are at least as unprincipled as they accuse Trump of being, if not more.
Even if I hated trump, I would vote for him in the primary. Just because of THIS!
The PEOPLE are voting for him. NOT you elite gangsters!

The ONLY reason Trump is leading is that the votes against him are split 3 ways. The vast majority of the party want's nothing to do with the old swindler...nada, nope, nyet.
That is bullshit pushed by the establishment using faked up survey groups and similar crap. The polls have been all over the board on this and are as useless as teets on a boar hog..
The votes don't lie. Trump is not getting over 50%. The reason why it's possible for the other candidates to swing this thing to Cruz is that as despicable a human being Cruz is, he is still a Republican and Donald is not. He's talking about not cutting middle class entitlements and raising taxes on the 1%. That's heresy.

Now his actual tax plan doesn't do that, and his actual policy statements are pure crap, but what he's saying is something no goper ever thought they'd hear. It may be a winning strategy, but it's apostasy
He's actually right Jim. The GOPe has already said they will vote for Clinton over Trump. All they care about is keeping their little club intact. They don't care if they lose the election, don't be fooled. Americans (those voting against Clinton) care very much, but the GOPe does not. Actions tell the whole story. You needn't dig very deep.
And they will trash their 'brand' in the minds of voters whether they realize it or not.

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