The Democrat Party Just Slit Their Own Wrist

The majority of Americans view the fascist Drumpfisti unfavorably.

Well his favorability just went up, like I said, feel free to attack all the republican rallies, it will cost you.

Ok so first of this is a quote from Trump about the incident '"Our businesses are being taken away from us, our businesses are being moved out of the country," Trump said on Fox News. "This is a demonstration against economic conditions on both sides." So he claims it wasn't directed at him. Wich is like so often just a bold face lie. Of course it was about disrupting the rally. Second this is what the police said.But Chicago police said they had sufficient manpower on scene to handle the situation and did not recommended Trump cancel the rally. That decision was made "independently" by the campaign, said police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi. So he basicly is like you said using the fact that he's divisive as for political gain. Now why do you feel a person like that would make a good president? How will being like that 'make America great again?'
you make a great point, Trump backed down and altered his plans due to the animals.
This backing down and letting the negros act like animals in Baltimore, and then having the police not only stand down at the riots, but in the communities after the fact only created a situation that allowed crime to rise at a rapid rate.
When these things happen, those BLM (Big Lips Moving) antagonists need to not only be disbanded at once, but as many as possible should be arrested and explain to a judge the justification for acting as they did.
All republicans have are lies – the lie that democrats are 'responsible' for the violence just being the most recent.
The Donald's success is the result of most Americans realizing the only "facism" comes from democrats and their MSM and their accomplice the establishment GOP. The democrat savages jumping up and down and assaulting people at The Donald's event definitely exposes the nature of Bernie and Hillary supporters for everyone to see.
OMG, study political history.
Trump is a disaster for the GOP. He is tearlng the party yo pieces, exactly what he would do to the country, if given the chance.
Then why are you trying to stop him, dummy?

No stopping Phrump. He has the GOP by the short hairs.....and Mitch by his chinny chin chin....all three of them. LOVE. IT

I agree totally. let Phrump continue as he is. He is demoralizing the GOP and preparing to embarrass the once proud party as never before. LEAVE HIM ALONE!
What happened in Chicago is the equivalent of the Dems slitting a wrist, now it up to the leadership to determine if they're going to slit the other one and bleed out, or remedy the situation. The vast majority of the regressives on this board are crowing about shutting down an opposition rally, well get ready for the boomerang effect. If it happens again, you will see independents and moderate dims leaving the party in droves. The majority of Americans won't view this kind of behavior positively, the way the far left loons do. So you find yourselves at a cross roads, which path will you chose? Take the wrong one and you WILL lose this election and all the down ballot races as well. Please, feel free to keep it up.

you are butt backwards in every single word you post.

i can't imagine you're enjoying your life in opposite world... perhaps you should try reality for a change.

using language properly might be a helpful start. :idiota.
Soros paid every one of those lib "protesters".

Of course the only "Proof" you have is a right wing rag. I don't think Soros or are running for President. But Phrump is....

Did Soros also may this woman?

Reporter who says she was manhandled by Trump campaign manager resigns from Breitbart

Naw, Phrump is b*stard who is dragging the GOP into a bottomless pit. Just sad for the GOP.

this is the new thing they're making up. i find it amusing that the donald encourages his people to beat on protesters, (particularly black ones), more protesters show up.... his people let them in intentionally, and then trump lies and says the police told him to shut down his rally (which they didn't) in order to create violence and the morons talk about the protesters causing the violence.

the level of stupid among trumpeters is extraordinary.

normal people should be nauseated by the kkk thugs populating trump's rallies. but nah... the loons make up things because they need a boogie man.

but then again, it's not like they're smart enough to analyze actual fact
The Phrump supporters to someone to blame for the violence that Donald continue to encourage at his. so called, rallies.

Have you ever really listened to him? All he does is talk about building a wall, blocking Muslim's, deporting illegals and, oh year. HOW GREAT, AND RICH AND MARVELOUS THAT HE IS!

"I have the greatest plans!" No one has actually seen or heard them, but they are great....?
Soros paid every one of those lib "protesters".

Of course the only "Proof" you have is a right wing rag. I don't think Soros or are running for President. But Phrump is....

Did Soros also may this woman?

Reporter who says she was manhandled by Trump campaign manager resigns from Breitbart

Naw, Phrump is b*stard who is dragging the GOP into a bottomless pit. Just sad for the GOP.

this is the new thing they're making up. i find it amusing that the donald encourages his people to beat on protesters, (particularly black ones), more protesters show up.... his people let them in intentionally, and then trump lies and says the police told him to shut down his rally (which they didn't) in order to create violence and the morons talk about the protesters causing the violence.

the level of stupid among trumpeters is extraordinary.

normal people should be nauseated by the kkk thugs populating trump's rallies. but nah... the loons make up things because they need a boogie man.

but then again, it's not like they're smart enough to analyze actual fact

You are the one believing in the made up things by the left.
The Phrump supporters to someone to blame for the violence that Donald continue to encourage at his. so called, rallies.

Have you ever really listened to him? All he does is talk about building a wall, blocking Muslim's, deporting illegals and, oh year. HOW GREAT, AND RICH AND MARVELOUS THAT HE IS!

"I have the greatest plans!" No one has actually seen or heard them, but they are great....?

The ones who support him have actually looked into his plans at his website and have read his book.
The Phrump supporters to someone to blame for the violence that Donald continue to encourage at his. so called, rallies.

Have you ever really listened to him? All he does is talk about building a wall, blocking Muslim's, deporting illegals and, oh year. HOW GREAT, AND RICH AND MARVELOUS THAT HE IS!

"I have the greatest plans!" No one has actually seen or heard them, but they are great....?

but the dum dumb don't care. i've said for eight years that all the wingers care about is who the most vitriolic and nasty and ugly candidate. well, they got what they wanted. they'll implode the GOP and hopefully go on into the sunset.

The Phrump supporters to someone to blame for the violence that Donald continue to encourage at his. so called, rallies.

Have you ever really listened to him? All he does is talk about building a wall, blocking Muslim's, deporting illegals and, oh year. HOW GREAT, AND RICH AND MARVELOUS THAT HE IS!

"I have the greatest plans!" No one has actually seen or heard them, but they are great....?

The ones who support him have actually looked into his plans at his website and have read his book.

i've read his book. he's bankrupted four corporations and hung his investors out to dry.

and you were saying?

i suppose people who aren't very bright buy into his garbage. it's why he loves the uneducated.
Soros paid every one of those lib "protesters".

Of course the only "Proof" you have is a right wing rag. I don't think Soros or are running for President. But Phrump is....

Did Soros also may this woman?

Reporter who says she was manhandled by Trump campaign manager resigns from Breitbart

Naw, Phrump is b*stard who is dragging the GOP into a bottomless pit. Just sad for the GOP.

this is the new thing they're making up. i find it amusing that the donald encourages his people to beat on protesters, (particularly black ones), more protesters show up.... his people let them in intentionally, and then trump lies and says the police told him to shut down his rally (which they didn't) in order to create violence and the morons talk about the protesters causing the violence.

the level of stupid among trumpeters is extraordinary.

normal people should be nauseated by the kkk thugs populating trump's rallies. but nah... the loons make up things because they need a boogie man.

but then again, it's not like they're smart enough to analyze actual fact

Is there a video link to Trump telling people to beat on protesters particularly black ones?
The Phrump supporters to someone to blame for the violence that Donald continue to encourage at his. so called, rallies.

Have you ever really listened to him? All he does is talk about building a wall, blocking Muslim's, deporting illegals and, oh year. HOW GREAT, AND RICH AND MARVELOUS THAT HE IS!

"I have the greatest plans!" No one has actually seen or heard them, but they are great....?

The ones who support him have actually looked into his plans at his website and have read his book.

i've read his book. he's bankrupted four corporations and hung his investors out to dry.

and you were saying?

i suppose people who aren't very bright buy into his garbage. it's why he loves the uneducated.

The law is there for the companies to restructure how the company should be run to get them out of the red and back into the black numbers.
The law was also intended to help that company so that many of their workers can keep their jobs.
It does not always work out and that is when the company has to close.
Don't beat up all of the business people who use this law to help keep their company afloat.
If the majority of the people in this country does not like the bankruptcy law then they should tell their congressmen and women to get rid of the law, but don't blame Trump for using the law like all of the other businesses in this country does.
Soros paid every one of those lib "protesters".

Of course the only "Proof" you have is a right wing rag. I don't think Soros or are running for President. But Phrump is....

Did Soros also may this woman?

Reporter who says she was manhandled by Trump campaign manager resigns from Breitbart

Naw, Phrump is b*stard who is dragging the GOP into a bottomless pit. Just sad for the GOP.

this is the new thing they're making up. i find it amusing that the donald encourages his people to beat on protesters, (particularly black ones), more protesters show up.... his people let them in intentionally, and then trump lies and says the police told him to shut down his rally (which they didn't) in order to create violence and the morons talk about the protesters causing the violence.

the level of stupid among trumpeters is extraordinary.

normal people should be nauseated by the kkk thugs populating trump's rallies. but nah... the loons make up things because they need a boogie man.

but then again, it's not like they're smart enough to analyze actual fact

Is there a video link to Trump telling people to beat on protesters particularly black ones?

I'm not going to educate you. He tells people to tough up protestors at every rally. He says "try not to hurt them. But if you do, don't worry. I'll cover your legal bills". Then he calls peaceful protestors "thugs" while revving up his kkk'ers.

If your question was serious you should probably make yourself more informed. There is no excuse for that level of ignorance.
Soros paid every one of those lib "protesters".

Of course the only "Proof" you have is a right wing rag. I don't think Soros or are running for President. But Phrump is....

Did Soros also may this woman?

Reporter who says she was manhandled by Trump campaign manager resigns from Breitbart

Naw, Phrump is b*stard who is dragging the GOP into a bottomless pit. Just sad for the GOP.

this is the new thing they're making up. i find it amusing that the donald encourages his people to beat on protesters, (particularly black ones), more protesters show up.... his people let them in intentionally, and then trump lies and says the police told him to shut down his rally (which they didn't) in order to create violence and the morons talk about the protesters causing the violence.

the level of stupid among trumpeters is extraordinary.

normal people should be nauseated by the kkk thugs populating trump's rallies. but nah... the loons make up things because they need a boogie man.

but then again, it's not like they're smart enough to analyze actual fact

Is there a video link to Trump telling people to beat on protesters particularly black ones?

I'm not going to educate you. He tells people to tough up protestors at every rally. He says "try not to hurt them. But if you do, don't worry. I'll cover your legal bills". Then he calls peaceful protestors "thugs" while revving up his kkk'ers.

If your question was serious you should probably make yourself more informed. There is no excuse for that level of ignorance.

Easy solution. Don't go to Trump rallies if you don't want ejected

I wil vote for Cruz but have no issue with Trump since he has the machine spooled up


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