The Democratic Party, Otto Warmbier and white privilege.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
It’s difficult to fathom the Democratic Party and its lack of empathy or sympathy for Otto Warmbier, the 22-year-old American student from the University of Virginia who was murdered by the Republic of North Korea. Warmbier’s sad fate has been virtually ignored by the Democratic Party, a party that encourages young people to take to the streets attacking police and destroying property in protest of discrimination against blacks.

Otto Warmbier is white and part Jewish so he already had two strikes against him in the eyes of the Democratic Party that sees white males, Jews and Asians as obstacles to black advancement because they predominate in scholastic achievement without the benefit of affirmative action programs. There is nothing more hated in the Democratic Party than white males and this is evident in the recent comments of a University of Delaware professor who said on Facebook that Warmbier got what he deserved because he was rich, white, privileged and clueless.

Most reasonable Americans know full well that if a black college student had suffered the same fate the Black Lives Matter movement would be outside the United Nations with torches threatening to burn it down if North Korea wasn’t held accountable. They would be blaming the president and marching in the streets in every city in the US. Not so for Otto Warmbier. He’s just an example of white privilege that deserved to be wasted. You really have to work hard to fathom the Democratic Party and what it has become.
Most reasonable Americans know full well that if a black college student had suffered the same fate the Black Lives Matter movement would be outside the United Nations with torches threatening to burn it down

Good grief stop being such a victim :rolleyes:

People, don't let your friends or family go to North Korea.
While the situation with Otto Warmbier is tragic, what kind of idiot travels to North Korea? At what point does Warmbier bear responsibility for his own actions?
While the situation with Otto Warmbier is tragic, what kind of idiot travels to North Korea? At what point does Warmbier bear responsibility for his own actions?

Travel to NK AND commit a crime...but kids are stupid at that age he didn't deserve what NK did to him. I'd bomb those evil scum right off planet Earth.
While the situation with Otto Warmbier is tragic, what kind of idiot travels to North Korea? At what point does Warmbier bear responsibility for his own actions?

He was stupid, but in fairness if the penalty for stupid was death it would be a lonely planet.
Yeah, Democrats are generally hypocrite nutbags. So I do have to agree with the OP for the most part. If the man were African American or Hispanic, most Democrats would be out there ranting & raving, pretending to care. It's the whole 'White Liberal Cuckold' effect. It's prevalent among white Liberals. It's like how they treat Muslims very differently than they treat Christians and Jews. They hate those 'Evil Christians', but just love those Muslim folk. It's a weird disingenuous white cuckold thing. But who really gets White Liberals? I don't even want to.

However, all that being said, this guy had no business being in North Korea. Obviously the North Korean Government would view him as a spy. And he might have been a spy. Why was he there? It's like those Americans who end up in Iran. Why are they there? The US is considered an enemy. Americans have no business being there. I really do feel for this guy's family, but he just shouldn't have been there. It is what it is.
Suppose Dennis Rodman went on a drunken karaoke party binge with Kim Jong-UN and ended up coming home in a coma. Do you think the response of the party would be different?
Otto Warmbier's father: 'He was on his deathbed when he came home to us'...

'He was on his deathbed when he came home to us' - Otto Warmbier's father
Tue September 26, 2017 - It has taken nearly three months for Cindy and Fred Warmbier to reveal specific details surrounding their son's final days in the United States.
But having begun the grieving process, Otto Warmbier's parents are now ready to talk. And they are not mincing words. "We're here to tell you, as witnesses to the terror of their regime, North Korea is not a victim. We felt it was time to tell the truth about the condition that Otto was in." Fred Warmbier's statement came during a live interview with Brooke Baldwin, one that -- for the first time -- helped answer many questions. For starters, in what condition did the Warmbiers find their son when the family was reunited upon his return from North Korea? "Using the term coma for Otto's condition is completely unfair," said Fred Warmbier. "Otto had severe brain damage. Otto was systematically tortured and intentionally injured by Kim Jong [Un] ... Kim, and his regime. This was no accident."

Otto Warmbier was a University of Virginia student when he was detained in Pyongyang airport on the final day of a five-day tour of North Korea in January 2016. He was accused of sneaking on to a restricted floor of his hotel and attempting to steal a political poster. He later admitted to the crime and pleaded to be released. Instead, he was sentenced to 15 years hard labor. It's not known whether his confession was voluntary. In total, Otto Warmbier spent 17 months in North Korea before being released. He was taken by a medical aircraft to the US. After his arrival, doctors at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center said his condition was severe, and that he suffered extensive loss of tissue in all regions of his brain. The North Korean government initially attributed Warmbier's condition to botulism.

However, when the Warmbiers met Otto at the airport in Ohio, they found their child suffering from something inconsistent with a toxin-fueled illness. "Halfway up the stairs [to Otto's airplane] we hear this loud, guttural, howling, inhuman sound," Fred Warmbier said, as his wife sat to his right. Cindy Warmbier said she initially hoped a return to the United States and treatment via "good, American health care," might help improve her son's condition. But such optimism was crushed upon hearing Otto's wails, and upon first laying eyes on his sickly figure. She had to retreat down the steps. "He's strapped to the stretcher," recalled Fred Warmbier, who continued into the aircraft. "He's moving around, and jerking violently, making these howling and inhuman sounds."

Admitting that they simply weren't prepared to find their son this way, the Warmbiers shared further details with a stunned Baldwin. "He has a shaved head. His eyes are darting around ... they're as big as saucers," Fred Warmbier continued. "He's blind, he's deaf, he's got a feeding tube." Fred Warmbier was joined by his other son, Austin, during this first visit with Otto, and the pair desperately tried to connect with the family member who'd been missing from their lives for 17 months. But it was a lost cause. "He's a complete vegetable," Fred Warmbier explained. "There was no comforting Otto." Two days after his return to the United States, Otto Warmbier's fever spiked, and four days after that, he was gone.

North of the demilitarized zone near the 38th Parallel the world is a bizarre pace. It's a locked society infested with paranoia. It has existed since 1953 and continues its isolated existence with oppression raised to the level of absolutism. Generations of its people live under the yoke of fear second by second, minute by minute hour by hour, day by day, year by year. The people live almost in a robotic state and most never intentionally step out of line. The slightest aberration in behavior can land them in a concentration camp along with their relatives whose innocence in of no consequence to the delusional, phobic, despotic leadership.

This is not a place for anyone to visit. The fact that nuclear weapons are being developed there along with a delivery system should scare the hell out of any reasonable person.

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