The demonization of Donald Trump

For the record, I was no great supporter of Donald Trump. However, I have trouble understanding why he is so hated, and probably more problems with seeing how Progressive icons like FDR are revered as gods.

The press handled FDR's affairs and paralysis very delicately. He was revered mostly by his fellow Dems. Donald would be revered too if he had a 'D' after his name. I have a few Tampa Times newspapers from the 40's and some of the conservatives opinions were scathingly critical.

Let me explain the hatred for the Trumpster. He's brash, he's bold, he's not for sale, he's not establishment, he's not a professional politician and his greatest sin is the 'R' after his name. But hatred for all of those 'faults' pales in comparison to the hatred the left has for itself...because they, along with their media allies, helped elect him.
2016 was supposed to be the watershed year. The first year in which there would never again be a Republican president. Finally, after all these years the contest was over and there would be permanent one party rule.

For almost two years democrats self soothed and convinced themselves of Democrat superiority. They told themselves stories. They phonied up polls. They had all the pundits and experts telling them that another republican president was impossible. Democrats even convinced themselves that demographic changes had already taken red states. Not to worry.

When reality bit them in the ass, it was the loss of the entire world they had so carefully constructed.

If you think 2016 was bad, 2020 will be much worse.
Gee whiz! I just don't understand why the guy who knows nothing, can't control himself, lies every day and treats people like shit is not treated with respect by everyone!

I'm so confused.

Sadly, you've succumbed to Democrat Fake News propaganda. The Swamp Creatures now control you. Very sad.
Gee whiz! I just don't understand why the guy who knows nothing, can't control himself, lies every day and treats people like shit is not treated with respect by everyone!

I'm so confused.

Sadly, you've succumbed to Democrat Fake News propaganda. The Swamp Creatures now control you. Very sad.

Of course. You can point to dozens of examples of me posting false stories on here. I'll wait.
Gee whiz! I just don't understand why the guy who knows nothing, can't control himself, lies every day and treats people like shit is not treated with respect by everyone!

I'm so confused.
Demonization has been used as a major tactic by trump. He has been persistent and malicious with his demonization techniques.
2016 was supposed to be the watershed year. The first year in which there would never again be a Republican president. Finally, after all these years the contest was over and there would be permanent one party rule.

For almost two years democrats self soothed and convinced themselves of Democrat superiority. They told themselves stories. They phonied up polls. They had all the pundits and experts telling them that another republican president was impossible. Democrats even convinced themselves that demographic changes had already taken red states. Not to worry.

When reality bit them in the ass, it was the loss of the entire world they had so carefully constructed.

If you think 2016 was bad, 2020 will be much worse.

Yeah, they're down to just 15 Governorships among the 50 States. They're desperately pushing this 'Russia Conspiracy' shite, but it's only masking the Party's obvious corruption.

Wikileaks showed that Wasserman-Schultz and Clinton did rig the Party's Presidential Nomination process. It's a corrupt catastrophe at this point. They're desperate to blame Trump for their own corruption, but i don't think most are buying that lie. It is a Party in ruins. It is what it is.
Comparing a guy from the 30s with today's standards ?

Do you think FDR would be cheered if he rounded up all muslims (today's version of Japanese ) ?

Really? So we should cut them some slack because racism was rampant during that time?

Why do we never hear this when talking about the Founding Fathers having slaves or those in the Bible having slaves? Why now all of a sudden should we cut people some slack for having views that we find repugnant today?

Oh, that's right, FDR was a commie. My bad.

Here is a thought, let's hold people like Jefferson accountable for not going with his gut and including the slaves into the Declaration of Independence instead of caving to the majority just to accomplish a task? Screw those who compromise by sacrificing the freedoms of others, kinda like those who voted for mandatory health care that the same Congressmen opted out of.

Do we cut the Nazis some slack for being drown in centuries of anti-Semitism that led to the Holocaust? Hell no, we try them and hang them like they deserve.
For the record, I was no great supporter of Donald Trump. However, I have trouble understanding why he is so hated, and probably more problems with seeing how Progressive icons like FDR are revered as gods.

So let's compare the two. Who was a bigger racist, FDR or Trump?

What innocent Americans has Donald Trump locked up because of their skin color? FDR locked up Japanese Americans cuz they have squinty eyes like those that bombed Hawaii.

In 1936, after the Berlin Olympics, FDR invited the athletes who competed for the U.S. to the White House. But Jesse Owens, who had won four gold medals, humiliating Adolph Hitler in the process, did not receive the invitation from the president. No surprise then, that Owens stumped for Roosevelt’s Republican rival, Alf Landon, in the 1936 presidential election. “Hitler didn’t snub me—it was our president who snubbed me,” Owens said during the campaign.

Also, because FDR needed the political support of southern Democrats, FDR did not support anti-lynching laws. Roosevelt placed Jimmy Byrnes, a South Carolina overt racist in the Supreme Court, and almost named him vice-president instead of Truman in 1944, which would have made Byrnes president following FDR’s death. Apologists will argue, with some merit, that FDR’s New Deal programs should speak for him, and in truth, African Americans were widely supportive of him. Still, there is little doubt that FDR failed to transcend his time, and his views on race were not enlightened

How about the Trump travel bans? Obama banned immigration from the same countries once upon a time, but no one questioned him, much like one questioned FDR for locking up innocent Japanese Americans cuz Progs are so damned enlightened. However, when Trump does it he is a racist.

How about the Sherriff Trump pardoned? The sherriff targeted drug dealers as where Obama sought to release as many as he could.

Obama May Grant Clemency to Thousands of Drug Offenders. That’s Not Enough.

Many think that we should release drug dealers. If so, what do you think of Obama releasing those terrorists as Gitmo who were released to go become terrorists once again?

In terms of being a warmonger, what has Trump done to receive such disdain? He is the first President not to overthrow a regime since Clinton. Comparing him to Obama, at least he did not overthrow a regime like Libya, only to have it taken over by ISIS. You also won't see Trump give a terrorist state billions of dollars of cash like Obama did to Iran so they could build nukes like North Korea and continue to foster terrorism throughout the Middle East.

So how about it, to this point how is Trump worse than many Presidents that have already served in office?

I could care less what you think of him personally.


Right, time to take down all the FDR statues.

I agree.

Oh, that's right, we only take down the statues of Robert Lee cuz time does not effect those Progs despise, only those they revere.
2016 was supposed to be the watershed year. The first year in which there would never again be a Republican president. Finally, after all these years the contest was over and there would be permanent one party rule.

For almost two years democrats self soothed and convinced themselves of Democrat superiority. They told themselves stories. They phonied up polls. They had all the pundits and experts telling them that another republican president was impossible. Democrats even convinced themselves that demographic changes had already taken red states. Not to worry.

When reality bit them in the ass, it was the loss of the entire world they had so carefully constructed.

If you think 2016 was bad, 2020 will be much worse.

Yeah, they're down to just 15 Governorships among the 50 States. They're desperately pushing this 'Russia Conspiracy' shite, but it's only masking the Party's obvious corruption.

Wikileaks showed that Wasserman-Schultz and Clinton did rig the Party's Presidential Nomination process. It's a corrupt catastrophe at this point. They're desperate to blame Trump for their own corruption, but i don't think most are buying that lie. It is a Party in ruins. It is what it is.

They have moved on to the racial stuff since it seems to have more effect on the mindless voters.
Comparing a guy from the 30s with today's standards ?

Do you think FDR would be cheered if he rounded up all muslims (today's version of Japanese ) ?
was he cheered when he was a guy from the 30's ? what if they were interred for their own safety ?

Wasn't around back then. I'm guessing that it wasn't a big deal because America was super racist at the time .

So you want to put back up the statue of Robert E Lee?

Is that what you are saying?
He's fighting the Swamp Creatures. He's up against a whole lotta evil. The Republican and Democrat Swamp Creatures have united to destroy him. I feel for the dude. I'll continue to pray for him.

What is funny is, the entire Federal government is against Trump and will refuse to let him accomplish anything.

This will only cause Trump to be one of the greatest Presidents of all time, since all others seem to pass legislation people despise and go to wars people hate.

In short, doing nothing is far superior than being a PROGRESSIVE and torturing people with their utopian theories as if we were nothing more than a bunch of lab rats.
Comparing a guy from the 30s with today's standards ?

Do you think FDR would be cheered if he rounded up all muslims (today's version of Japanese ) ?

So you think it's wrong to hold Robert E. Lee to today's standards?
Going back when Obama was president was different.
Then it was the right demonizing Obama to the max. What goes around comes around.
Cry me a fucking river.
obama was quite correctly demonized for what he did not for what someone 150 years ago did.
Comparing a guy from the 30s with today's standards ?

Do you think FDR would be cheered if he rounded up all muslims (today's version of Japanese ) ?
was he cheered when he was a guy from the 30's ? what if they were interred for their own safety ?

Wasn't around back then. I'm guessing that it wasn't a big deal because America was super racist at the time .

So you want to put back up the statue of Robert E Lee?

Is that what you are saying?

No. Cause it was a dick move then as it would be now .
Comparing a guy from the 30s with today's standards ?

Do you think FDR would be cheered if he rounded up all muslims (today's version of Japanese ) ?

So you think it's wrong to hold Robert E. Lee to today's standards?

He was a traitor then as he is now .

The complaint against Lee is that he's a racist. If we shouldn't judge FDR for being a racist, then why should we judge Lee?

You douche bag hypocrites don't want to go there, I realize.

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