The Despicable Conduct Of Democrats Since Ted Cruz Announced He Was Running

ABC News distorted his remarks in their "news cast" last night. Is it any wonder many on the Left are terribly uninformed and propagandized?

ABC anchor David Muir: “Off and running. The first major candidate announcing he's running for president. Promising no abortion, no gay marriage, no gun control, no IRS.” - See more at: Networks Cruz Campaign Could Face Some Rough Sledding Wants No Abortion or Gun Control
What is untrue about any of that?
Read his remarks. He did not promise no abortion, gay marriage, gun control, or IRS.
Pretty much.

He said imagine it.....
according to most democrats, none of the GOP nominees have a birth certificate, they are all from either Canada, Cuba, or Mars.

Since many Democrats want to make America more like Canada - except with worse beer - and I don't why that would be a bad thing.

If you mean dropping the average temperature 20 - 30 degrees and getting rid of all of the Mexicans and blacks, that's racist.
So a RINO is like...whatever you want it to be.

RINO is a textbook No True Scotsman Fallacy.

Nope, a RHINO is clearly defined chiefly because it is an acronym. Republican in name only.

Nuff said.

An acronym and a definition are 2 different thing retard
Not in this case shitforbrains.....

In every case fucktard

Nope, asswipe, this acronym spells out the definition.

It's not like liberal acronyms like the ACA or Affordable Care Act. It actually means what it says.
ABC News distorted his remarks in their "news cast" last night. Is it any wonder many on the Left are terribly uninformed and propagandized?

ABC anchor David Muir: “Off and running. The first major candidate announcing he's running for president. Promising no abortion, no gay marriage, no gun control, no IRS.” - See more at: Networks Cruz Campaign Could Face Some Rough Sledding Wants No Abortion or Gun Control
What is untrue about any of that?
Read his remarks. He did not promise no abortion, gay marriage, gun control, or IRS.

Instead of a federal government that works to undermine our values, imagine a federal government that works to defend the sanctity of human life...

... and to uphold the sacrament of marriage.

... imagine a federal government that protects the right to keep and bear arms of all law-abiding Americans.

Imagine abolishing the IRS.

Transcript Ted Cruz s speech at Liberty University - The Washington Post
why in the hell would we want to be like canada...dont get me wrong....i love the country and vacationing there but yall have a lot of fucking problems.....lets discuss the taxes to pay down the much of that debt did the taxes go to....o yall have a lot in common with the us..

like how non violent yall are...bullshit....motor clubs...hang people...after they cut their balls off and stuff them down their throats and leave them hanging in parks etc...but we dont hear about that shit now do we?

just pass gas town is one of the worse slums i have ever seen and honey hush i have seen some damn dives.....the number of addicts openly using....was amazing..

o and the drug trade everyone thinks is just smoke..pharm are flowing down from up north.....

so toro...dont bs about how we want to be least i dont....i want to be holland...i like tulips
Just wait, it will get as bad as the unforgivable treatment of Palin before it is over with.

LMAO. It will get much worse than Palin. You ever read or write some of the crazy lies written about the current President?

You ain't seen nothing yet. Your kind asked for this and I got a feeling you ain't gonna like it when your sides tactics are used against you.

Hell, you all are whining about it already. And it's just started. LMAO.

ODS continues.

When did the GOP because some weeping pussies? I mean, a presidential candidate faces *criticism* and they start to shit their collective panties at the indignity of it. As if anything but the most obsequious praise were a brutal attack.

Um, ladies...a presidential campaign is gloves off politics. If you're already starting to snivel at how hard it is after only a few days, you're clearly not ready for the actual campaigns.
ABC News distorted his remarks in their "news cast" last night. Is it any wonder many on the Left are terribly uninformed and propagandized?

ABC anchor David Muir: “Off and running. The first major candidate announcing he's running for president. Promising no abortion, no gay marriage, no gun control, no IRS.” - See more at: Networks Cruz Campaign Could Face Some Rough Sledding Wants No Abortion or Gun Control
What is untrue about any of that?
Read his remarks. He did not promise no abortion, gay marriage, gun control, or IRS.

Instead of a federal government that works to undermine our values, imagine a federal government that works to defend the sanctity of human life...

... and to uphold the sacrament of marriage.

... imagine a federal government that protects the right to keep and bear arms of all law-abiding Americans.

Imagine abolishing the IRS.

Transcript Ted Cruz s speech at Liberty University - The Washington Post

Yeah, imagine it.

Now point out where he said he would eliminate them.
why in the hell would we want to be like canada...dont get me wrong....i love the country and vacationing there but yall have a lot of fucking problems.....lets discuss the taxes to pay down the much of that debt did the taxes go to....o yall have a lot in common with the us..

like how non violent yall are...bullshit....motor clubs...hang people...after they cut their balls off and stuff them down their throats and leave them hanging in parks etc...but we dont hear about that shit now do we?

just pass gas town is one of the worse slums i have ever seen and honey hush i have seen some damn dives.....the number of addicts openly using....was amazing..

o and the drug trade everyone thinks is just smoke..pharm are flowing down from up north.....

so toro...dont bs about how we want to be least i dont....i want to be holland...i like tulips

Of course you do! You're just in denial. You'd LOVE Saltspring Island!

To answer your question and taxes and the debt, the debt was paid down with 15% tax increases and 85% spending cuts.
I am all for making any candidate with ties to Goldman Sacks, ineligible. The problem which might arise is it is likely most of the criminals who inhabit Congress, would then be ineligible. Not a bad thing mind you.
why in the hell would we want to be like canada...dont get me wrong....i love the country and vacationing there but yall have a lot of fucking problems.....lets discuss the taxes to pay down the much of that debt did the taxes go to....o yall have a lot in common with the us..

like how non violent yall are...bullshit....motor clubs...hang people...after they cut their balls off and stuff them down their throats and leave them hanging in parks etc...but we dont hear about that shit now do we?

just pass gas town is one of the worse slums i have ever seen and honey hush i have seen some damn dives.....the number of addicts openly using....was amazing..

o and the drug trade everyone thinks is just smoke..pharm are flowing down from up north.....

so toro...dont bs about how we want to be least i dont....i want to be holland...i like tulips

I don't think you know anything aboot it....
Going after his wife, as some liberals have here, is pretty bad.
Yeah. Only Moochelle should be picked on!
If the bitch were to shut the fuck up and be a first lady maybe it would stop.

Instead she forces schools to feed kids shitty lunches.

So its not dispicable then? lol

This is why no one believes your cry wolf routine.

And you speak for everyone now?

Going after his wife, as some liberals have here, is pretty bad.
Yeah. Only Moochelle should be picked on!
If the bitch were to shut the fuck up and be a first lady maybe it would stop.

Instead she forces schools to feed kids shitty lunches.

So its not dispicable then? lol

This is why no one believes your cry wolf routine.

And you speak for everyone now?


Yes and no one believes your cries for better treatment when you excuse others for the same

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