The Despicable Conduct Of Democrats Since Ted Cruz Announced He Was Running

Yet compromise to a Democrat is essentially capitulation.

There is no compromise when it comes to Barack Obama and his cohorts.

Manufacturing lies about Obama and slandering his family is not honorable and is not the Right way.

This is something you tards have never gotten through your heads. The truth was much more than sufficient to sink Obama, but you chose instead to invent straw men and throw punches at imaginary shadows as he skated across the finish line virtually unscathed.


I think they do that to create confusion.

Look at the GOP talking about income inequality. There policies are re-enforcing that. GOP is finding themselves on the wrong side of issues in polls and exploiting low information voters.

Look at fiscal responsibility issue.
The GOP love to show that they will cut billions from educational programs (which yields 9 to 1 return in tax revenue) while spending trillions on wars and unnecessary defense contracts. Same with scientific research, how many times do they post the cost of studies without posting the possible benefits while totally ignoring the corporate welfare the prop up..
The net effect is that Democratic Presidents have a far better record at cutting deficits. A GOP President hasn't reduced a deficit in close to 85 years. But the way they talk Democrats are the free spenders.
It's just fine to have a Far Left President but completely crazy to have a Far Right President.
Why do you want Big Federal Government Control and very few State Rights with special interests in control and less freedom? - Obama
But you don't want Less Government Control and more State Rights with the people in power and more freedom? - Cruz

RINO is a textbook No True Scotsman Fallacy.

Nope, a RHINO is clearly defined chiefly because it is an acronym. Republican in name only.

Nuff said.

In the same thread they try to accuse people in the GOP as RINOS. They accuse this of anyone in their party that wants compromise and is willing to work for the betterment of America over partisan politics.

And then accuse the Democrats of Group think.

The hypocrisy is great!

Yet compromise to a Democrat is essentially capitulation.

There is no compromise when it comes to Barack Obama and his cohorts.

You mean the democratically elected President?

So you are you against Democracy or just when you don't get your own way?

Compromising principles and the Democratic process are not the same.

In a real democracy mob rule wins.

So you don't agree with democratic principles where the government should be run by elected leaders (like Obama)?
It's just fine to have a Far Left President but completely crazy to have a Far Right President.
Why do you want Big Federal Government Control and very few State Rights with special interests in control and less freedom? - Obama
But you don't want Less Government Control and more State Rights with the people in power and more freedom? - Cruz

Again saying Obama is Far Left just shows your ignorance and tells us nothing about Obama.

But does make you too stupid to discuss with.
Yet compromise to a Democrat is essentially capitulation.

There is no compromise when it comes to Barack Obama and his cohorts.

Manufacturing lies about Obama and slandering his family is not honorable and is not the Right way.

This is something you tards have never gotten through your heads. The truth was much more than sufficient to sink Obama, but you chose instead to invent straw men and throw punches at imaginary shadows as he skated across the finish line virtually unscathed.

We don't have to invent lies. That's the liberal media's forte.

There are so many crimes this president has committed it's breathtaking, but we'll have wait until he leaves office and nolonger controls the Justice Department.
Nope, a RHINO is clearly defined chiefly because it is an acronym. Republican in name only.

Nuff said.

In the same thread they try to accuse people in the GOP as RINOS. They accuse this of anyone in their party that wants compromise and is willing to work for the betterment of America over partisan politics.

And then accuse the Democrats of Group think.

The hypocrisy is great!

Yet compromise to a Democrat is essentially capitulation.

There is no compromise when it comes to Barack Obama and his cohorts.

You mean the democratically elected President?

So you are you against Democracy or just when you don't get your own way?

Compromising principles and the Democratic process are not the same.

In a real democracy mob rule wins.

So you don't agree with democratic principles where the government should be run by elected leaders (like Obama)?

I believe a well-informed electorate is essential in any Democracy, and as long as the media is controlled by a despotic regime that's impossible.
Yet compromise to a Democrat is essentially capitulation.

There is no compromise when it comes to Barack Obama and his cohorts.

Manufacturing lies about Obama and slandering his family is not honorable and is not the Right way.

This is something you tards have never gotten through your heads. The truth was much more than sufficient to sink Obama, but you chose instead to invent straw men and throw punches at imaginary shadows as he skated across the finish line virtually unscathed.


I think they do that to create confusion.

Look at the GOP talking about income inequality. There policies are re-enforcing that. GOP is finding themselves on the wrong side of issues in polls and exploiting low information voters.

Look at fiscal responsibility issue.
The GOP love to show that they will cut billions from educational programs (which yields 9 to 1 return in tax revenue) while spending trillions on wars and unnecessary defense contracts. Same with scientific research, how many times do they post the cost of studies without posting the possible benefits while totally ignoring the corporate welfare the prop up..
The net effect is that Democratic Presidents have a far better record at cutting deficits. A GOP President hasn't reduced a deficit in close to 85 years. But the way they talk Democrats are the free spenders.
Income-inequality is totally insane. It's a Marxist argument.

Nobody truly expects total income equality. It's unattainable.
Yet compromise to a Democrat is essentially capitulation.

There is no compromise when it comes to Barack Obama and his cohorts.

Manufacturing lies about Obama and slandering his family is not honorable and is not the Right way.

This is something you tards have never gotten through your heads. The truth was much more than sufficient to sink Obama, but you chose instead to invent straw men and throw punches at imaginary shadows as he skated across the finish line virtually unscathed.


I think they do that to create confusion.

Look at the GOP talking about income inequality. There policies are re-enforcing that. GOP is finding themselves on the wrong side of issues in polls and exploiting low information voters.

Look at fiscal responsibility issue.
The GOP love to show that they will cut billions from educational programs (which yields 9 to 1 return in tax revenue) while spending trillions on wars and unnecessary defense contracts. Same with scientific research, how many times do they post the cost of studies without posting the possible benefits while totally ignoring the corporate welfare the prop up..
The net effect is that Democratic Presidents have a far better record at cutting deficits. A GOP President hasn't reduced a deficit in close to 85 years. But the way they talk Democrats are the free spenders.

You fail to mention that Democrats controlled the congress under those GOP Presidents.
It was a Republican Controlled congress that forced the cutting of the deficit under Clinton.
Same as under Obama.
If the Dems controlled everything they would not even mention the deficit, let alone the debt. All they want is more taxes and more government programs.
It is the Debt that needs to be tackled and only some of the Republicans are trying to do so while none of Democrats are.
Yet compromise to a Democrat is essentially capitulation.

There is no compromise when it comes to Barack Obama and his cohorts.

Manufacturing lies about Obama and slandering his family is not honorable and is not the Right way.

This is something you tards have never gotten through your heads. The truth was much more than sufficient to sink Obama, but you chose instead to invent straw men and throw punches at imaginary shadows as he skated across the finish line virtually unscathed.


I think they do that to create confusion.

Look at the GOP talking about income inequality. There policies are re-enforcing that. GOP is finding themselves on the wrong side of issues in polls and exploiting low information voters.

Look at fiscal responsibility issue.
The GOP love to show that they will cut billions from educational programs (which yields 9 to 1 return in tax revenue) while spending trillions on wars and unnecessary defense contracts. Same with scientific research, how many times do they post the cost of studies without posting the possible benefits while totally ignoring the corporate welfare the prop up..
The net effect is that Democratic Presidents have a far better record at cutting deficits. A GOP President hasn't reduced a deficit in close to 85 years. But the way they talk Democrats are the free spenders.

You fail to mention that Democrats controlled the congress under those GOP Presidents.
It was a Republican Controlled congress that forced the cutting of the deficit under Clinton.
Same as under Obama.
If the Dems controlled everything they would not even mention the deficit, let alone the debt. All they want is more taxes and more government programs.
It is the Debt that needs to be tackled and only some of the Republicans are trying to do so while none of Democrats are.
Democrats feel calling for spending cuts is akin to terrorism.
Is this despicable?

Fact-checking Ted Cruz

From the LINK:

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz became the first major Republican candidate to declare himself officially in the 2016 presidential race. In announcing his presidential ambition Monday, Cruz repeated a number of dubious claims we have heard before, and a few we haven't.

Some highlights:

• Cruz railed against a "government … that seeks to ban our ammunition." The Obama administration sought to ban a certain type of armor-piercing bullet, not all types of ammunition. The proposal has since been postponed.

• Cruz claimed that as a result of the Affordable Care Act "millions … have lost their health insurance." In fact, about 10 million people on net gained insurance between September 2013 and December 2014, according to the Urban Institute.

• Cruz also claimed that as a result of the law "millions [have been] forced into part-time work." There's no solid figure on how many may have had their hours cut to part time, but one analysis of monthly labor surveys said the number was "likely" a few hundred thousand.

Now, compared to the lies and personal attacks by right wing jerks on the Obama family, this link has a zero despicable rating. The OP author ought to look in the mirror if he wants to see a despicable partisan hack.

Fact: Obama tried to ban ammo

Fact: Millions lost their insurance because of Obamacare regulations

Fact: Group plans would have dropped 10 times as many according to the National Register if Obama had not pushed back implementing new regulations till after 2016

Fact: Underemployment has skyrocketed under Obama because of provisions in Obamacare
Is this despicable?

Fact-checking Ted Cruz

From the LINK:

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz became the first major Republican candidate to declare himself officially in the 2016 presidential race. In announcing his presidential ambition Monday, Cruz repeated a number of dubious claims we have heard before, and a few we haven't.

Some highlights:

• Cruz railed against a "government … that seeks to ban our ammunition." The Obama administration sought to ban a certain type of armor-piercing bullet, not all types of ammunition. The proposal has since been postponed.

• Cruz claimed that as a result of the Affordable Care Act "millions … have lost their health insurance." In fact, about 10 million people on net gained insurance between September 2013 and December 2014, according to the Urban Institute.

• Cruz also claimed that as a result of the law "millions [have been] forced into part-time work." There's no solid figure on how many may have had their hours cut to part time, but one analysis of monthly labor surveys said the number was "likely" a few hundred thousand.

Now, compared to the lies and personal attacks by right wing jerks on the Obama family, this link has a zero despicable rating. The OP author ought to look in the mirror if he wants to see a despicable partisan hack.

Fact: Obama tried to ban ammo

Fact: Millions lost their insurance because of Obamacare regulations

Fact: Group plans would have dropped 10 times as many according to the National Register if Obama had not pushed back implementing new regulations till after 2016

Fact: Underemployment has skyrocketed under Obama because of provisions in Obamacare
Is this despicable?

Fact-checking Ted Cruz

From the LINK:

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz became the first major Republican candidate to declare himself officially in the 2016 presidential race. In announcing his presidential ambition Monday, Cruz repeated a number of dubious claims we have heard before, and a few we haven't.

Some highlights:

• Cruz railed against a "government … that seeks to ban our ammunition." The Obama administration sought to ban a certain type of armor-piercing bullet, not all types of ammunition. The proposal has since been postponed.

• Cruz claimed that as a result of the Affordable Care Act "millions … have lost their health insurance." In fact, about 10 million people on net gained insurance between September 2013 and December 2014, according to the Urban Institute.

• Cruz also claimed that as a result of the law "millions [have been] forced into part-time work." There's no solid figure on how many may have had their hours cut to part time, but one analysis of monthly labor surveys said the number was "likely" a few hundred thousand.

Now, compared to the lies and personal attacks by right wing jerks on the Obama family, this link has a zero despicable rating. The OP author ought to look in the mirror if he wants to see a despicable partisan hack.

Fact: Obama tried to ban ammo

Fact: Millions lost their insurance because of Obamacare regulations

Fact: Group plans would have dropped 10 times as many according to the National Register if Obama had not pushed back implementing new regulations till after 2016

Fact: Underemployment has skyrocketed under Obama because of provisions in Obamacare

Fact, there is no evidence to prove your allegation, and your word is worthless.

Ted "Calgary Cruzard" Cruz...first Cuban Canadian candidate for POTUS....
Is this despicable?

Fact-checking Ted Cruz

From the LINK:

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz became the first major Republican candidate to declare himself officially in the 2016 presidential race. In announcing his presidential ambition Monday, Cruz repeated a number of dubious claims we have heard before, and a few we haven't.

Some highlights:

• Cruz railed against a "government … that seeks to ban our ammunition." The Obama administration sought to ban a certain type of armor-piercing bullet, not all types of ammunition. The proposal has since been postponed.

• Cruz claimed that as a result of the Affordable Care Act "millions … have lost their health insurance." In fact, about 10 million people on net gained insurance between September 2013 and December 2014, according to the Urban Institute.

• Cruz also claimed that as a result of the law "millions [have been] forced into part-time work." There's no solid figure on how many may have had their hours cut to part time, but one analysis of monthly labor surveys said the number was "likely" a few hundred thousand.

Now, compared to the lies and personal attacks by right wing jerks on the Obama family, this link has a zero despicable rating. The OP author ought to look in the mirror if he wants to see a despicable partisan hack.

Fact: Obama tried to ban ammo

Fact: Millions lost their insurance because of Obamacare regulations

Fact: Group plans would have dropped 10 times as many according to the National Register if Obama had not pushed back implementing new regulations till after 2016

Fact: Underemployment has skyrocketed under Obama because of provisions in Obamacare
Is this despicable?

Fact-checking Ted Cruz

From the LINK:

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz became the first major Republican candidate to declare himself officially in the 2016 presidential race. In announcing his presidential ambition Monday, Cruz repeated a number of dubious claims we have heard before, and a few we haven't.

Some highlights:

• Cruz railed against a "government … that seeks to ban our ammunition." The Obama administration sought to ban a certain type of armor-piercing bullet, not all types of ammunition. The proposal has since been postponed.

• Cruz claimed that as a result of the Affordable Care Act "millions … have lost their health insurance." In fact, about 10 million people on net gained insurance between September 2013 and December 2014, according to the Urban Institute.

• Cruz also claimed that as a result of the law "millions [have been] forced into part-time work." There's no solid figure on how many may have had their hours cut to part time, but one analysis of monthly labor surveys said the number was "likely" a few hundred thousand.

Now, compared to the lies and personal attacks by right wing jerks on the Obama family, this link has a zero despicable rating. The OP author ought to look in the mirror if he wants to see a despicable partisan hack.

Fact: Obama tried to ban ammo

Fact: Millions lost their insurance because of Obamacare regulations

Fact: Group plans would have dropped 10 times as many according to the National Register if Obama had not pushed back implementing new regulations till after 2016

Fact: Underemployment has skyrocketed under Obama because of provisions in Obamacare
Is this despicable?

Fact-checking Ted Cruz

From the LINK:

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz became the first major Republican candidate to declare himself officially in the 2016 presidential race. In announcing his presidential ambition Monday, Cruz repeated a number of dubious claims we have heard before, and a few we haven't.

Some highlights:

• Cruz railed against a "government … that seeks to ban our ammunition." The Obama administration sought to ban a certain type of armor-piercing bullet, not all types of ammunition. The proposal has since been postponed.

• Cruz claimed that as a result of the Affordable Care Act "millions … have lost their health insurance." In fact, about 10 million people on net gained insurance between September 2013 and December 2014, according to the Urban Institute.

• Cruz also claimed that as a result of the law "millions [have been] forced into part-time work." There's no solid figure on how many may have had their hours cut to part time, but one analysis of monthly labor surveys said the number was "likely" a few hundred thousand.

Now, compared to the lies and personal attacks by right wing jerks on the Obama family, this link has a zero despicable rating. The OP author ought to look in the mirror if he wants to see a despicable partisan hack.

Fact: Obama tried to ban ammo

Fact: Millions lost their insurance because of Obamacare regulations

Fact: Group plans would have dropped 10 times as many according to the National Register if Obama had not pushed back implementing new regulations till after 2016

Fact: Underemployment has skyrocketed under Obama because of provisions in Obamacare

Fact, there is no evidence to prove your allegation, and your word is worthless.
Yeah, and you smell......
Nope, a RHINO is clearly defined chiefly because it is an acronym. Republican in name only.

Nuff said.

In the same thread they try to accuse people in the GOP as RINOS. They accuse this of anyone in their party that wants compromise and is willing to work for the betterment of America over partisan politics.

And then accuse the Democrats of Group think.

The hypocrisy is great!

Yet compromise to a Democrat is essentially capitulation.

There is no compromise when it comes to Barack Obama and his cohorts.

You mean the democratically elected President?

So you are you against Democracy or just when you don't get your own way?

Compromising principles and the Democratic process are not the same.

In a real democracy mob rule wins.

So you don't agree with democratic principles where the government should be run by elected leaders (like Obama)?
lame approach.

The government is run by 3 branches....and all three branches have a role so none of those three branches can "do it its way or the highway.

What has happened (long before Obama), the judicial branch is no longer used by the President to ensure the executive branch is working within the constitution. Instead, it aligns itself with the executive branch and uses its resources and authority to find ways for the executive branch to do bypass the it loopholes, or intentional misinterpretation.

But we still have the legislative branch in tact to ensure the President follows the constitution.

However, when the President is able to use "executive privilege" and "executive order" to bypass the oversight of congress, we have an issue.

Now, unlike other presidents who have used executive order to rename a street in D.C.....or to decide when flags fly at half mast.....THIS President has opted to use executive order to change laws (ACA...and more recently, to personally END a social debate that is ongoing and deeply divided....referring to immigration.

And now he is threatening to NOT seek senate ratification on a treaty and, instead, allow the UN to make decisions.

That is not a democratic system as it was planned. It is capitalizing on loopholes that threaten the democratic system.
Yet compromise to a Democrat is essentially capitulation.

There is no compromise when it comes to Barack Obama and his cohorts.

Manufacturing lies about Obama and slandering his family is not honorable and is not the Right way.

This is something you tards have never gotten through your heads. The truth was much more than sufficient to sink Obama, but you chose instead to invent straw men and throw punches at imaginary shadows as he skated across the finish line virtually unscathed.


I think they do that to create confusion.

Look at the GOP talking about income inequality. There policies are re-enforcing that. GOP is finding themselves on the wrong side of issues in polls and exploiting low information voters.

Look at fiscal responsibility issue.
The GOP love to show that they will cut billions from educational programs (which yields 9 to 1 return in tax revenue) while spending trillions on wars and unnecessary defense contracts. Same with scientific research, how many times do they post the cost of studies without posting the possible benefits while totally ignoring the corporate welfare the prop up..
The net effect is that Democratic Presidents have a far better record at cutting deficits. A GOP President hasn't reduced a deficit in close to 85 years. But the way they talk Democrats are the free spenders.

You fail to mention that Democrats controlled the congress under those GOP Presidents.
It was a Republican Controlled congress that forced the cutting of the deficit under Clinton.
Same as under Obama.
If the Dems controlled everything they would not even mention the deficit, let alone the debt. All they want is more taxes and more government programs.
It is the Debt that needs to be tackled and only some of the Republicans are trying to do so while none of Democrats are.
Democrats feel calling for spending cuts is akin to terrorism.

I remember one Liberal Democrat saying in 2011 that if the Republicans cut the utilities assistance funding that they would freeze to death, even though they had that government hand out for only 2 years. They did not freeze before they got that assistance, but reasoning & logic does not go well with the far left ideology. :)
In the same thread they try to accuse people in the GOP as RINOS. They accuse this of anyone in their party that wants compromise and is willing to work for the betterment of America over partisan politics.

And then accuse the Democrats of Group think.

The hypocrisy is great!

Yet compromise to a Democrat is essentially capitulation.

There is no compromise when it comes to Barack Obama and his cohorts.

You mean the democratically elected President?

So you are you against Democracy or just when you don't get your own way?

Compromising principles and the Democratic process are not the same.

In a real democracy mob rule wins.

So you don't agree with democratic principles where the government should be run by elected leaders (like Obama)?
lame approach.

The government is run by 3 branches....and all three branches have a role so none of those three branches can "do it its way or the highway.

What has happened (long before Obama), the judicial branch is no longer used by the President to ensure the executive branch is working within the constitution. Instead, it aligns itself with the executive branch and uses its resources and authority to find ways for the executive branch to do bypass the it loopholes, or intentional misinterpretation.

But we still have the legislative branch in tact to ensure the President follows the constitution.

However, when the President is able to use "executive privilege" and "executive order" to bypass the oversight of congress, we have an issue.

Now, unlike other presidents who have used executive order to rename a street in D.C.....or to decide when flags fly at half mast.....THIS President has opted to use executive order to change laws (ACA...and more recently, to personally END a social debate that is ongoing and deeply divided....referring to immigration.

And now he is threatening to NOT seek senate ratification on a treaty and, instead, allow the UN to make decisions.

That is not a democratic system as it was planned. It is capitalizing on loopholes that threaten the democratic system.
I guess there's no specific law that says a president can't water down the vote by letting in millions of illegal Democrats.

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