The Despicable Conduct Of Democrats Since Ted Cruz Announced He Was Running

Questions about Cruz's eligibility have everything to do with interpretation of the law; the questions about Obama's eligibility had everything to do with a dispute over the underlying facts — more specifically, conspiracy theories about whether the president was actually born in the United States, as he claimed, and whether he somehow forged a birth certificate that said he was born in Hawaii.

In Cruz's case, nobody is disputing the underlying facts of the case — that Cruz was born in Canada to a Cuban father and a mother who was a United States citizen. As we wrote back in March (2013), that makes him a U.S. citizen himself, but it's not 100 percent clear that that is the same thing as a "natural born citizen" — the requirement for becoming president.

Everything you need to know about the Ted Cruz birther movement - The Washington Post
I remember one Liberal Democrat saying in 2011 that if the Republicans cut the utilities assistance funding that they would freeze to death, even though they had that government hand out for only 2 years. They did not freeze before they got that assistance, but reasoning & logic does not go well with the far left ideology. :)
I recall a warning about the smoking gun being a mushroom cloud......
That is not a democratic system as it was planned. It is capitalizing on loopholes that threaten the democratic system.
I guess there's no specific law that says a president can't water down the vote by letting in millions of illegal Democrats.[/QUOTE]

there there someone will burp you anon

Dopey McDopestein -

Let me help you out muddy.

1. He's not qualified because he doesn't have a valid birth certificate

We're not serious, we're just goofing on the birthers, pointing out the irony of someone who wasn't born in the U.S. running for Prez right after all the b.s. with the birthers and Trump. It's just funny, that's all.

We're fucking with you. No serious person cares about Cruz's birth certificate or where he was born.

2. He's never accomplished anything

He really hasn't done anything of note in the Senate except to be a trollish loud mouth, a hyper-partisan hack who annoys even his own party members.

As far as pre-Senate. Don't know much about the man. Except that he went to Ivy League schools. Which is somewhat confounding because that means he goes to great length to portray a less educated person when speaking in public. We know Sarah Palin didn't go to any academically competitive colleges or Universities and therefore are not surprised by her lack of knowledge on public policy, economics, geography, history… But Cruz must be playing to the lowest common denominator of the Conservative Base when he speaks
publicly. That or he sustained a head injury after graduating law school. How else do you explain the dumb and insane things he says.

This just speaks to his integrity as a human being. All politicians play to their audience somewhat. Obama will change his manner of speaking when addressing an urban crowd. But what Cruz does says more about how he sees the people he's speaking to. He must hold them in contempt, must really hate them. Because he uses all the tired and old dog whistles and anti-Obama, anti-dem ginning up shit. He makes no effort at an original criticism of Obama, original ideas about policy, or original vision. It's just tired, dumbed down Bachmann-Palin-Gohmert puke.

3. He's inexperienced

Haven't heard that argument made. But he still does come off as a newbie or a rube with regard to his time as a Senator. He's tried desperately to come out of the gate guns a blazin', making all kinds of speeches designed to get peoples attention--get on TV, get replayed over and over, and discussed by "serious" people. The attention he's gotten has been mostly negative -- like a carnival barker, or clown.

So, he's definitely inexperienced with regard to using the media to frame his own message.

4. His ideas on Global Warming are crazy

Crazy. Dumb. The entire GOP has a problem with science and consensus on man-made global warming and climate change. They hide behind straw men and non-peer-reviewed "science" provided to them by lobbyists and industry shills.

Given how serious the insurance industry and farming industry and academics, and NASA and public safety sector thinks global warming and climate change is -- the GOP's science B.S. is just getting old.
It's just fine to have a Far Left President but completely crazy to have a Far Right President.
Why do you want Big Federal Government Control and very few State Rights with special interests in control and less freedom? - Obama
But you don't want Less Government Control and more State Rights with the people in power and more freedom? - Cruz

Again saying Obama is Far Left just shows your ignorance and tells us nothing about Obama.

But does make you too stupid to discuss with.

I would say using Executive Orders to write laws is very far left.
Continuing to expand Government is far left.
Siding with Muslim terrorists is very far left.
Voting for partial birth abortion's as a Senator is far left.
Look at all these rugged conservatives whining like little bitches. It's embarrassing.
They are real cry babies LOL its fun to watch them writhe and gnash teeth...Goops spent 5 years in a racially motivated "birther" freak out and can't take it now...suffer bioshes
Dopey McDopestein -

Let me help you out muddy.

1. He's not qualified because he doesn't have a valid birth certificate

We're not serious, we're just goofing on the birthers, pointing out the irony of someone who wasn't born in the U.S. running for Prez right after all the b.s. with the birthers and Trump. It's just funny, that's all.

We're fucking with you. No serious person cares about Cruz's birth certificate or where he was born.

2. He's never accomplished anything

He really hasn't done anything of note in the Senate except to be a trollish loud mouth, a hyper-partisan hack who annoys even his own party members.

As far as pre-Senate. Don't know much about the man. Except that he went to Ivy League schools. Which is somewhat confounding because that means he goes to great length to portray a less educated person when speaking in public. We know Sarah Palin didn't go to any academically competitive colleges or Universities and therefore are not surprised by her lack of knowledge on public policy, economics, geography, history… But Cruz must be playing to the lowest common denominator of the Conservative Base when he speaks
publicly. That or he sustained a head injury after graduating law school. How else do you explain the dumb and insane things he says.

This just speaks to his integrity as a human being. All politicians play to their audience somewhat. Obama will change his manner of speaking when addressing an urban crowd. But what Cruz does says more about how he sees the people he's speaking to. He must hold them in contempt, must really hate them. Because he uses all the tired and old dog whistles and anti-Obama, anti-dem ginning up shit. He makes no effort at an original criticism of Obama, original ideas about policy, or original vision. It's just tired, dumbed down Bachmann-Palin-Gohmert puke.

3. He's inexperienced

Haven't heard that argument made. But he still does come off as a newbie or a rube with regard to his time as a Senator. He's tried desperately to come out of the gate guns a blazin', making all kinds of speeches designed to get peoples attention--get on TV, get replayed over and over, and discussed by "serious" people. The attention he's gotten has been mostly negative -- like a carnival barker, or clown.

So, he's definitely inexperienced with regard to using the media to frame his own message.

4. His ideas on Global Warming are crazy

Crazy. Dumb. The entire GOP has a problem with science and consensus on man-made global warming and climate change. They hide behind straw men and non-peer-reviewed "science" provided to them by lobbyists and industry shills.

Given how serious the insurance industry and farming industry and academics, and NASA and public safety sector thinks global warming and climate change is -- the GOP's science B.S. is just getting old.

He has a valid bc, which is more than Obama can say. Being born on American soil isn't a requirement for citizenship. Being born to citizens is. So basically you don't know your fucken head from your ass on the subject.

If doing something or experience was a requirement for running then Obozo would be SOL. According to the Constitution even being a felon isn't an impediment. You can run for president but don't you dare try to vote asshole. And Global Warming is total horseshit dreamed up just to rip is off. Nothing more.
I remember one Liberal Democrat saying in 2011 that if the Republicans cut the utilities assistance funding that they would freeze to death, even though they had that government hand out for only 2 years. They did not freeze before they got that assistance, but reasoning & logic does not go well with the far left ideology. :)
I recall a warning about the smoking gun being a mushroom cloud......

Yep Lyndon Johnson.
I would say using Executive Orders to write laws is very far left.
Continuing to expand Government is far left.
Siding with Muslim terrorists is very far left.
Voting for partial birth abortion's as a Senator is far left.

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It is not about the numbers.
It about making a new law.
Liberals post because we have something to say you all post just to say something.....its about the hysteria caused by the POTUS black hoe the line on that
Should have just titled it " The despicable acts of Ted Cruz"
Yet you can't name any.....

Shut down debacle. Endless loops of green eggs and ham from the serious,crusading Senator.

Being read to his 2 kids.
Better than a Dem reading the phone book.

You're right. Reading to his kids is so endearing and it only cost the economy 24 billion dollars for him to do it.

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