The Despicable Conduct Of Democrats Since Ted Cruz Announced He Was Running

Should have just titled it " The despicable acts of Ted Cruz"
Yet you can't name any.....

Shut down debacle. Endless loops of green eggs and ham from the serious,crusading Senator.
and the reason he did that pan out for you and the rest of the country?

Seems he was the only one who had the guts to stop an over reaching president......alas, he failed and now the rest of us have to deal with the consequences.

I like your idea....lets vote in the same old same old./


He accomplished nothing but further humiliation for himself and the Repubs.
depends on your ideology.

For those that prefer the status quo...and don't mind a power grab by a president of their was a waste of time.

For those that do not see it appropriate that a president pretty much make all the was a valiant effort....and he should be applauded by it.

Of course there were career politicians like McCain who could not help himself and opted to say "that young'un is out of line"

Is that what we want in congress? Those that say someone who does not go with the status quo is out of line?

Sure....sounds like a plan.
Should have just titled it " The despicable acts of Ted Cruz"
Yet you can't name any.....

Shut down debacle. Endless loops of green eggs and ham from the serious,crusading Senator.
and the reason he did that pan out for you and the rest of the country?

Seems he was the only one who had the guts to stop an over reaching president......alas, he failed and now the rest of us have to deal with the consequences.

I like your idea....lets vote in the same old same old./


He accomplished nothing but further humiliation for himself and the Repubs.

He got more Dems to vote against the new Health Care bill.
You guys seem to be having a misunderstanding here. The next 20 months is going to be brutal. If you think it's bad now you're wrong, it hasn't even begun. By the time we're done with Wetback Ted we'll be all the way to down to why he's a bad parent because his little girls still wet the bed. Fasten your seat-belts kiddos, this is going to be a long and bloody battle, with one winner who went though the meat grinder, several times.

For example:

Unlike Wetback Canada Ted, these guys are doing work that actually matters.
What kind of fun name can be made out of "Heidi" that is on par with "Moochelle"?

"Hildebeest" is already taken.

Heidi should be enough:

"Football fans were outraged when the made-for-TV movie “Heidi” interrupted an exciting game between the Oakland Raiders and New York Jets. With 65 seconds left to play, NBC dropped the game to broadcast the children’s movie “Heidi.” The Jets were up 32-29 when the network made the switch, but while football fans were stuck watching the opening of “Heidi,” the Raiders came back, scored two touchdowns in nine seconds and won the game 43-32. Later the NFL amended TV broadcast contracts requiring that a game be shown in its entirety in their home markets."
What stupid post this is too. It is about as stupid as the original. Almost!
But to get to the point you are trying to make is what a coward you really are for real.
Your ad hominem only drives the nail in further.

This thread and the comments about cruz coming from someone like you.
You are joking? Right!
Examine your conscience before making this hilarious statement.


Liberal gun reference targeting Ted Cruz

You can tell a political party has no good ideas when they feel they have to start flinging insults the moment a candidate announces he will be running for president. With Ted Cruz it began with silly accusations about scaring 3 year olds.

The wailing by Democrats is deafening. Calling Ted Cruz crazy, scary, dangerous, you name it. I think he's the right guy for the job. Nothing causes liberals to lose their minds like a genuine candidate that scares the shit out of them, meaning somebody that is a real conservative, not a fake conservative that can be manipulated. I figure they're going to be Palinizing him for the next year or so. They even have their bought and paid for Spanish station Univision trashing Cruz. Chris Matthews called him a hijacker, alluding to his Cuban ancestry, a Cruise missile aimed at the U.S. Capital. This insanity is a direct reflection of Democrats that feel they need to trash their opposition rather than give voters a reason to vote for their shitty candidate of choice, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

It's absolutely priceless some of the accusations they're using.

  1. He's not qualified because he doesn't have a valid birth certificate
  2. He's never accomplished anything
  3. He's inexperienced
  4. His ideas on Global Warming are crazy

Jesus......this sounds just like Barack H. Obama.


Donny Deutsch Attacks Scary Dangerous Slimy Ted Cruz
On Day Cruz Announces for President Hardball s Matthews Spends Much of Program Blasting Him As Latter-Day McCarthy
Satirist Andy Borowitz Blogger Charles Pierce Welcome Disturbed Extremist Fanatic Ted Cruz to Presidential Race
From the Get-Go Univision Hammers Cruz
Crushing Cruz The Media s Worst Attacks on the GOP Presidential Candidate

Eat shit creep!!!

Only boilermakers I knew in a the Navy that supported a fag agenda like the Democrats' same-sex horseshit were polesmokers.
Thanks for the input, pillow-muncher..
What kind of fun name can be made out of "Heidi" that is on par with "Moochelle"?

"Hildebeest" is already taken.

Heidi should be enough:

"Football fans were outraged when the made-for-TV movie “Heidi” interrupted an exciting game between the Oakland Raiders and New York Jets. With 65 seconds left to play, NBC dropped the game to broadcast the children’s movie “Heidi.” The Jets were up 32-29 when the network made the switch, but while football fans were stuck watching the opening of “Heidi,” the Raiders came back, scored two touchdowns in nine seconds and won the game 43-32. Later the NFL amended TV broadcast contracts requiring that a game be shown in its entirety in their home markets."
The Heidi reference was a bit obscure.
What kind of fun name can be made out of "Heidi" that is on par with "Moochelle"?

"Hildebeest" is already taken.
Why stoop to their level?

Leftists are stupid - it's the reason you are leftists.

Do none of you grasp the distinction between what some troll on a message board posts, and what is printed on the front page of the New York Times, the official propaganda outlet of the filthy and shameful demagogue party?
What kind of fun name can be made out of "Heidi" that is on par with "Moochelle"?

"Hildebeest" is already taken.
Why stoop to their level?

Leftists are stupid - it's the reason you are leftists.

Do none of you grasp the distinction between what some troll on a message board posts, and what is printed on the front page of the New York Times, the official propaganda outlet of the filthy and shameful demagogue party?
Does this mean you think we should stoop to your level?
You can tell a Democrat has died when:

1. It's not rolling on the floor kicking its heels in angst over something.

2. It stops spewing hate.

3. The froth on the lts lips turns pink.

4. It votes.
What kind of fun name can be made out of "Heidi" that is on par with "Moochelle"?

"Hildebeest" is already taken.
Why stoop to their level?
You need an elevator to get to their level....since you're in the basement.
That puts you in the rocks under the basement. You can crawl back now.
Fuck you.

I see you've joined the rest of the Lemmings and decided to be a clown.

Liberal gun reference targeting Ted Cruz

You can tell a political party has no good ideas when they feel they have to start flinging insults the moment a candidate announces he will be running for president. With Ted Cruz it began with silly accusations about scaring 3 year olds.

The wailing by Democrats is deafening. Calling Ted Cruz crazy, scary, dangerous, you name it. I think he's the right guy for the job. Nothing causes liberals to lose their minds like a genuine candidate that scares the shit out of them, meaning somebody that is a real conservative, not a fake conservative that can be manipulated. I figure they're going to be Palinizing him for the next year or so. They even have their bought and paid for Spanish station Univision trashing Cruz. Chris Matthews called him a hijacker, alluding to his Cuban ancestry, a Cruise missile aimed at the U.S. Capital. This insanity is a direct reflection of Democrats that feel they need to trash their opposition rather than give voters a reason to vote for their shitty candidate of choice, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

It's absolutely priceless some of the accusations they're using.

  1. He's not qualified because he doesn't have a valid birth certificate
  2. He's never accomplished anything
  3. He's inexperienced
  4. His ideas on Global Warming are crazy

Jesus......this sounds just like Barack H. Obama.


Donny Deutsch Attacks Scary Dangerous Slimy Ted Cruz
On Day Cruz Announces for President Hardball s Matthews Spends Much of Program Blasting Him As Latter-Day McCarthy
Satirist Andy Borowitz Blogger Charles Pierce Welcome Disturbed Extremist Fanatic Ted Cruz to Presidential Race
From the Get-Go Univision Hammers Cruz
Crushing Cruz The Media s Worst Attacks on the GOP Presidential Candidate
Despicable...but expected. LIBTARDS have nothing else. They voted in an idiot. They can't defend the idiot. So they lash out with lies, insults and fantasy. Meanwhile they will nominate and defend another idiot.

Liberal gun reference targeting Ted Cruz

You can tell a political party has no good ideas when they feel they have to start flinging insults the moment a candidate announces he will be running for president. With Ted Cruz it began with silly accusations about scaring 3 year olds.

The wailing by Democrats is deafening. Calling Ted Cruz crazy, scary, dangerous, you name it. I think he's the right guy for the job. Nothing causes liberals to lose their minds like a genuine candidate that scares the shit out of them, meaning somebody that is a real conservative, not a fake conservative that can be manipulated. I figure they're going to be Palinizing him for the next year or so. They even have their bought and paid for Spanish station Univision trashing Cruz. Chris Matthews called him a hijacker, alluding to his Cuban ancestry, a Cruise missile aimed at the U.S. Capital. This insanity is a direct reflection of Democrats that feel they need to trash their opposition rather than give voters a reason to vote for their shitty candidate of choice, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

It's absolutely priceless some of the accusations they're using.

  1. He's not qualified because he doesn't have a valid birth certificate
  2. He's never accomplished anything
  3. He's inexperienced
  4. His ideas on Global Warming are crazy

Jesus......this sounds just like Barack H. Obama.


Donny Deutsch Attacks Scary Dangerous Slimy Ted Cruz
On Day Cruz Announces for President Hardball s Matthews Spends Much of Program Blasting Him As Latter-Day McCarthy
Satirist Andy Borowitz Blogger Charles Pierce Welcome Disturbed Extremist Fanatic Ted Cruz to Presidential Race
From the Get-Go Univision Hammers Cruz
Crushing Cruz The Media s Worst Attacks on the GOP Presidential Candidate
Despicable...but expected. LIBTARDS have nothing else. They voted in an idiot. They can't defend the idiot. So they lash out with lies, insults and fantasy. Meanwhile they will nominate and defend another idiot.
With Wetback and Wacky Wife running, you are going to have a very long 20 months.

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