The Despicable Conduct Of Democrats Since Ted Cruz Announced He Was Running

Going after his wife, as some liberals have here, is pretty bad.
Yeah. Only Moochelle should be picked on!
If the bitch were to shut the fuck up and be a first lady maybe it would stop.

Instead she forces schools to feed kids shitty lunches.

So its not dispicable then? lol

This is why no one believes your cry wolf routine.

And you speak for everyone now?


Yes and no one believes your cries for better treatment when you excuse others for the same
Quit whining and provide a fucking link to it and let me read and decide for myself....

Liberal gun reference targeting Ted Cruz

You can tell a political party has no good ideas when they feel they have to start flinging insults the moment a candidate announces he will be running for president. With Ted Cruz it began with silly accusations about scaring 3 year olds.

The wailing by Democrats is deafening. Calling Ted Cruz crazy, scary, dangerous, you name it. I think he's the right guy for the job. Nothing causes liberals to lose their minds like a genuine candidate that scares the shit out of them, meaning somebody that is a real conservative, not a fake conservative that can be manipulated. I figure they're going to be Palinizing him for the next year or so. They even have their bought and paid for Spanish station Univision trashing Cruz. Chris Matthews called him a hijacker, alluding to his Cuban ancestry, a Cruise missile aimed at the U.S. Capital. This insanity is a direct reflection of Democrats that feel they need to trash their opposition rather than give voters a reason to vote for their shitty candidate of choice, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

It's absolutely priceless some of the accusations they're using.

  1. He's not qualified because he doesn't have a valid birth certificate
  2. He's never accomplished anything
  3. He's inexperienced
  4. His ideas on Global Warming are crazy

Jesus......this sounds just like Barack H. Obama.


Donny Deutsch Attacks Scary Dangerous Slimy Ted Cruz
On Day Cruz Announces for President Hardball s Matthews Spends Much of Program Blasting Him As Latter-Day McCarthy
Satirist Andy Borowitz Blogger Charles Pierce Welcome Disturbed Extremist Fanatic Ted Cruz to Presidential Race
From the Get-Go Univision Hammers Cruz
Crushing Cruz The Media s Worst Attacks on the GOP Presidential Candidate

Both sides play these games, it is nothing new. They already are going after his wife, just like the Republicans did with Obama.

It because you don't have faith in your candidate that you have to tear down the other side.

Proof that anyone democratic is involved with anything.

The laugh is how thin skinned they are about Cruz while saying vile stuff about every Democrat for the last 6 years.

The things said about Obama on this board by the Hard Right is shameful.

Now here is the Democratic position on Cruz:


The guy in our opinion will guarantee Clinton in the White House. We can disagree with our opinion but this guy is our dream candidate from the GOP Primaries. So no one from Democrats would bother slagging him off, it is a no win for Dems.

I know some Hard Right are going to be upset by this, but we genuinely want him in the race actually we want Palin too.
The folks you hate the most you claim you want us to vote for.

But not really......

From a political strategy it makes sense for Democrats.

If the GOP want to keep their prize stallion in the stable during the race.... Cruz is not the GOP prize stallion...

WATEVER. go vote for your all old mares (Clinton, Warren) and then shoot your all high hoses afterwards. You all have broken their backs

That's the point. We are not interested in your GOP Primary. The Democrats would like to see this candidate come through... Why would Democrats criticize...
Democrats given the opportunity would pick Cruz
So a RINO is like...whatever you want it to be.

RINO is a textbook No True Scotsman Fallacy.

Nope, a RHINO is clearly defined chiefly because it is an acronym. Republican in name only.

Nuff said.

In the same thread they try to accuse people in the GOP as RINOS. They accuse this of anyone in their party that wants compromise and is willing to work for the betterment of America over partisan politics.

And then accuse the Democrats of Group think.

The hypocrisy is great!

Liberal gun reference targeting Ted Cruz

You can tell a political party has no good ideas when they feel they have to start flinging insults the moment a candidate announces he will be running for president. With Ted Cruz it began with silly accusations about scaring 3 year olds.

The wailing by Democrats is deafening. Calling Ted Cruz crazy, scary, dangerous, you name it. I think he's the right guy for the job. Nothing causes liberals to lose their minds like a genuine candidate that scares the shit out of them, meaning somebody that is a real conservative, not a fake conservative that can be manipulated. I figure they're going to be Palinizing him for the next year or so. They even have their bought and paid for Spanish station Univision trashing Cruz. Chris Matthews called him a hijacker, alluding to his Cuban ancestry, a Cruise missile aimed at the U.S. Capital. This insanity is a direct reflection of Democrats that feel they need to trash their opposition rather than give voters a reason to vote for their shitty candidate of choice, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

It's absolutely priceless some of the accusations they're using.

  1. He's not qualified because he doesn't have a valid birth certificate
  2. He's never accomplished anything
  3. He's inexperienced
  4. His ideas on Global Warming are crazy

Jesus......this sounds just like Barack H. Obama.


Donny Deutsch Attacks Scary Dangerous Slimy Ted Cruz
On Day Cruz Announces for President Hardball s Matthews Spends Much of Program Blasting Him As Latter-Day McCarthy
Satirist Andy Borowitz Blogger Charles Pierce Welcome Disturbed Extremist Fanatic Ted Cruz to Presidential Race
From the Get-Go Univision Hammers Cruz
Crushing Cruz The Media s Worst Attacks on the GOP Presidential Candidate

When I come to USMB I read posts from all sides. That being said, I see a ton of posts and quips from partisan sources slamming the opposing sides leaders.
Another common thing I notice is hyper-partisans pointing fingers at the other side for, doing things that he/she does as well.
This is a typical hypocritical thread by someone who can dish it out but is such a wimp, he can't take it. :crybaby:

no, you little fuzzy green fruit man. This is about the FACT that the dems and libs can only win by denigrating and lying about the opposition, That they can never win on their ideology and that liberalism has been a miserable failure every place and time that it has been tried.

I can read bucko! I have read plenty of disgusting posts/threads by both sides and if you deny that, you are blind as a bat. I just love it when people like you who claim it's just the other side that does it when all one has to do is go to just about any thread and find that train of thought is BS. I call that being your typical partisan hack.

I'm sure that because both sides do it .... that's a valid excuse. Right?

Nope, an individual on a msg board doing it is one thing, but when nearly the entire media starts lying like bloggers there's something out of wack here.

No doubt the Dems use fear too, fear of GOP policies regarding the elderly and poor makes for good propaganda, you know.
But conservatives, well it's in their genes, literally.
Conservatives Big on Fear, Brain Study Finds
Conservatives Big on Fear Brain Study Finds Psychology Today
Look on the bright side, when people accuse the right of fear tactics, conservatives can honestly say, "we can't help it, it's in our genes".
ABC News distorted his remarks in their "news cast" last night. Is it any wonder many on the Left are terribly uninformed and propagandized?

ABC anchor David Muir: “Off and running. The first major candidate announcing he's running for president. Promising no abortion, no gay marriage, no gun control, no IRS.” - See more at: Networks Cruz Campaign Could Face Some Rough Sledding Wants No Abortion or Gun Control
What is untrue about any of that?
Read his remarks. He did not promise no abortion, gay marriage, gun control, or IRS.

Instead of a federal government that works to undermine our values, imagine a federal government that works to defend the sanctity of human life...

... and to uphold the sacrament of marriage.

... imagine a federal government that protects the right to keep and bear arms of all law-abiding Americans.

Imagine abolishing the IRS.

Transcript Ted Cruz s speech at Liberty University - The Washington Post

Yeah, imagine it.

Now point out where he said he would eliminate them.
What part of "Abolishing the IRS" do you not understand?

And when he says "uphold the sacrament of marriage", what do you think he means?

Sens. Cruz and Lee Introduce State Marriage Defense Act Ted Cruz U.S. Senator for Texas
Yeah. Only Moochelle should be picked on!
If the bitch were to shut the fuck up and be a first lady maybe it would stop.

Instead she forces schools to feed kids shitty lunches.

So its not dispicable then? lol

This is why no one believes your cry wolf routine.

And you speak for everyone now?


Yes and no one believes your cries for better treatment when you excuse others for the same
Quit whining and provide a fucking link to it and let me read and decide for myself....


Why are we so angry today? I thought Cruz wasn't a pussy...

Honestly, Mud what your problem.

You blame everything on liberals. It is quite funny but it actually seems a mental problem now. You fail to listen to anything and just answer everything with insults, if you don't like something you call them liars.

The general rule of any discussion is when one side just resorts to insults and unfounded accusations, they lost.
ABC News distorted his remarks in their "news cast" last night. Is it any wonder many on the Left are terribly uninformed and propagandized?

ABC anchor David Muir: “Off and running. The first major candidate announcing he's running for president. Promising no abortion, no gay marriage, no gun control, no IRS.” - See more at: Networks Cruz Campaign Could Face Some Rough Sledding Wants No Abortion or Gun Control
What is untrue about any of that?
Read his remarks. He did not promise no abortion, gay marriage, gun control, or IRS.

Instead of a federal government that works to undermine our values, imagine a federal government that works to defend the sanctity of human life...

... and to uphold the sacrament of marriage.

... imagine a federal government that protects the right to keep and bear arms of all law-abiding Americans.

Imagine abolishing the IRS.

Transcript Ted Cruz s speech at Liberty University - The Washington Post

Yeah, imagine it.

Now point out where he said he would eliminate them.
What part of "Abolishing the IRS" do you not understand?

And when he says "uphold the sacrament of marriage", what do you think he means?

Sens. Cruz and Lee Introduce State Marriage Defense Act Ted Cruz U.S. Senator for Texas

He said imagine it. He was posing a question, not saying he was going to get rid of it and not replace it with something better or more rational
If the bitch were to shut the fuck up and be a first lady maybe it would stop.

Instead she forces schools to feed kids shitty lunches.

So its not dispicable then? lol

This is why no one believes your cry wolf routine.

And you speak for everyone now?


Yes and no one believes your cries for better treatment when you excuse others for the same
Quit whining and provide a fucking link to it and let me read and decide for myself....


Why are we so angry today? I thought Cruz wasn't a pussy...

Honestly, Mud what your problem.

You blame everything on liberals. It is quite funny but it actually seems a mental problem now. You fail to listen to anything and just answer everything with insults, if you don't like something you call them liars.

The general rule of any discussion is when one side just resorts to insults and unfounded accusations, they lost.

Then you guys lost long ago. We are, after all, talking about that very thing coming from both sides. From liberals and RINOS, but particularly from the liberals' media.
So a RINO is like...whatever you want it to be.

RINO is a textbook No True Scotsman Fallacy.

Nope, a RHINO is clearly defined chiefly because it is an acronym. Republican in name only.

Nuff said.

In the same thread they try to accuse people in the GOP as RINOS. They accuse this of anyone in their party that wants compromise and is willing to work for the betterment of America over partisan politics.

And then accuse the Democrats of Group think.

The hypocrisy is great!

Yet compromise to a Democrat is essentially capitulation.

There is no compromise when it comes to Barack Obama and his cohorts.
What is untrue about any of that?
Read his remarks. He did not promise no abortion, gay marriage, gun control, or IRS.

Instead of a federal government that works to undermine our values, imagine a federal government that works to defend the sanctity of human life...

... and to uphold the sacrament of marriage.

... imagine a federal government that protects the right to keep and bear arms of all law-abiding Americans.

Imagine abolishing the IRS.

Transcript Ted Cruz s speech at Liberty University - The Washington Post

Yeah, imagine it.

Now point out where he said he would eliminate them.
What part of "Abolishing the IRS" do you not understand?

And when he says "uphold the sacrament of marriage", what do you think he means?

Sens. Cruz and Lee Introduce State Marriage Defense Act Ted Cruz U.S. Senator for Texas

He said imagine it. He was posing a question, not saying he was going to get rid of it and not replace it with something better or more rational

gerund or present participle: abolishing
  1. formally put an end to (a system, practice, or institution).
Thats getting rid of.
So a RINO is like...whatever you want it to be.

RINO is a textbook No True Scotsman Fallacy.

Nope, a RHINO is clearly defined chiefly because it is an acronym. Republican in name only.

Nuff said.

In the same thread they try to accuse people in the GOP as RINOS. They accuse this of anyone in their party that wants compromise and is willing to work for the betterment of America over partisan politics.

And then accuse the Democrats of Group think.

The hypocrisy is great!

Yet compromise to a Democrat is essentially capitulation.

There is no compromise when it comes to Barack Obama and his cohorts.

You mean the democratically elected President?

So you are you against Democracy or just when you don't get your own way?
So its not dispicable then? lol

This is why no one believes your cry wolf routine.

And you speak for everyone now?


Yes and no one believes your cries for better treatment when you excuse others for the same
Quit whining and provide a fucking link to it and let me read and decide for myself....


Why are we so angry today? I thought Cruz wasn't a pussy...

Honestly, Mud what your problem.

You blame everything on liberals. It is quite funny but it actually seems a mental problem now. You fail to listen to anything and just answer everything with insults, if you don't like something you call them liars.

The general rule of any discussion is when one side just resorts to insults and unfounded accusations, they lost.

Then you guys lost long ago. We are, after all, talking about that very thing coming from both sides. From liberals and RINOS, but particularly from the liberals' media.

Obama is in the White House last time I checked.
Yet compromise to a Democrat is essentially capitulation.

There is no compromise when it comes to Barack Obama and his cohorts.

Manufacturing lies about Obama and slandering his family is not honorable and is not the Right way.

This is something you tards have never gotten through your heads. The truth was much more than sufficient to sink Obama, but you chose instead to invent straw men and throw punches at imaginary shadows as he skated across the finish line virtually unscathed.
Yeah. Only Moochelle should be picked on!
If the bitch were to shut the fuck up and be a first lady maybe it would stop.

Instead she forces schools to feed kids shitty lunches.

So its not dispicable then? lol

This is why no one believes your cry wolf routine.

And you speak for everyone now?


Yes and no one believes your cries for better treatment when you excuse others for the same
Quit whining and provide a fucking link to it and let me read and decide for myself....

So you can ignore it like the GOP support for Trump? No thanks
Read his remarks. He did not promise no abortion, gay marriage, gun control, or IRS.

Instead of a federal government that works to undermine our values, imagine a federal government that works to defend the sanctity of human life...

... and to uphold the sacrament of marriage.

... imagine a federal government that protects the right to keep and bear arms of all law-abiding Americans.

Imagine abolishing the IRS.

Transcript Ted Cruz s speech at Liberty University - The Washington Post

Yeah, imagine it.

Now point out where he said he would eliminate them.
What part of "Abolishing the IRS" do you not understand?

And when he says "uphold the sacrament of marriage", what do you think he means?

Sens. Cruz and Lee Introduce State Marriage Defense Act Ted Cruz U.S. Senator for Texas

He said imagine it. He was posing a question, not saying he was going to get rid of it and not replace it with something better or more rational

gerund or present participle: abolishing
  1. formally put an end to (a system, practice, or institution).
Thats getting rid of.
He said imagine it.

Show me where he said he was going to do it.

Liberal gun reference targeting Ted Cruz

You can tell a political party has no good ideas when they feel they have to start flinging insults the moment a candidate announces he will be running for president. With Ted Cruz it began with silly accusations about scaring 3 year olds.

The wailing by Democrats is deafening. Calling Ted Cruz crazy, scary, dangerous, you name it. I think he's the right guy for the job. Nothing causes liberals to lose their minds like a genuine candidate that scares the shit out of them, meaning somebody that is a real conservative, not a fake conservative that can be manipulated. I figure they're going to be Palinizing him for the next year or so. They even have their bought and paid for Spanish station Univision trashing Cruz. Chris Matthews called him a hijacker, alluding to his Cuban ancestry, a Cruise missile aimed at the U.S. Capital. This insanity is a direct reflection of Democrats that feel they need to trash their opposition rather than give voters a reason to vote for their shitty candidate of choice, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

It's absolutely priceless some of the accusations they're using.

  1. He's not qualified because he doesn't have a valid birth certificate
  2. He's never accomplished anything
  3. He's inexperienced
  4. His ideas on Global Warming are crazy

Jesus......this sounds just like Barack H. Obama.


Donny Deutsch Attacks Scary Dangerous Slimy Ted Cruz
On Day Cruz Announces for President Hardball s Matthews Spends Much of Program Blasting Him As Latter-Day McCarthy
Satirist Andy Borowitz Blogger Charles Pierce Welcome Disturbed Extremist Fanatic Ted Cruz to Presidential Race
From the Get-Go Univision Hammers Cruz
Crushing Cruz The Media s Worst Attacks on the GOP Presidential Candidate

Except with Obama, it was actually true.
So a RINO is like...whatever you want it to be.

RINO is a textbook No True Scotsman Fallacy.

Nope, a RHINO is clearly defined chiefly because it is an acronym. Republican in name only.

Nuff said.

In the same thread they try to accuse people in the GOP as RINOS. They accuse this of anyone in their party that wants compromise and is willing to work for the betterment of America over partisan politics.

And then accuse the Democrats of Group think.

The hypocrisy is great!

Yet compromise to a Democrat is essentially capitulation.

There is no compromise when it comes to Barack Obama and his cohorts.

You mean the democratically elected President?

So you are you against Democracy or just when you don't get your own way?

Compromising principles and the Democratic process are not the same.

In a real democracy mob rule wins.

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