The difference

Tim Wise: ‘White America’ does not understand the racial realities of America

Is this a racist rant?

I suppose you miss the irony of a white guy essentially suggesting he does not have a clue what he is talking about ... :thup:

George Carlin on white people

George Carlin - White Fascist America

Some of my best friends are black – so there is no way I am racist!
If I treat people of all racists equally, and therefore have friends of various racists, then yes that is proof that I am not a racist.

you should not be required to have friends of another race to prove you are not racist. The requirement to do so is against the constitution and morally reprehensible. It is also racist because it is a requirement for white people only.
That is not the purpose for which I have friends of another race. It just happens. I do not know where you got the idea of it being a "requirement". It is more of a byproduct.
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The Truth About Republicans by George Carlin

How to argue like a white racist

Here in one place is the list of the most common arguments that white racists use:

  1. Anything but race – Racism is over. There must be some Logical Explanation that has nothing to do with race.
  2. Blame-shifting – Blacks like to use the race card, crying racism and blaming whitey, but blacks are to blame for their own mess. Racism is so 1968.
  3. ad hominem – question a commenter’s intelligence, character, age or motives.
  4. Whites are individuals – so you cannot make general statements about whites. Besides, that would be racist.
  5. “Blacks are racist too” – but they do not like to admit it. Find a case where a black person did something just as bad as what they are pointing out.
  6. “You are the racist one” – turn the tables.
  7. “I am offended” – how dare they call you a racist! You do not see a person’s colour – they could be purple for all you care!
  8. Arab trader argument – whites are not as evil as black people like to think. For example, it was not just white people who traded slaves: Arabs did it too! Few blacks know that, so make sure to point that out whenever you can.
  9. “But that happened to me too!” – whatever blacks complain about, try to find a case where a white person – you, a friend, someone in the news – experienced the same thing.
  10. Point out how “ghetto” and disagreeable black people are – because they are and it needs pointing out. No wonder no one gets along with them!
  11. Talk down to them – they are imagining things, they do not know what they are talking about. How dare blacks tell us what we are like. What do they know? Are they white?
  12. straw man – argue against some stock position that is kind of like the post. That way you can copy your comments from another blog. Or from Ann Coulter.
  13. Blacks need to be colour-blind – if they just stopped seeing race and talking about it so much then racism would go away!
  14. Start quoting rape statistics – out of the blue, if necessary. Rates of imprisonment are good too.
  15. The white inventor argument – whites invented everything so shut up already.
  16. Demand proof – Make them prove it beyond a reasonable doubt with facts and figures. Find holes in whatever facts they present. Find counter-facts.
  17. Make it about the past – and point out that your family never owned slaves. When are they going to stop living in the past?
  18. Go back to Africa – if it is so bad here, then go back to Africa already!
  19. Bootstrap – I made it on my own without help from anyone. Blacks expect something for nothing!
  20. Some of my best friends are black – so there is no way I am racist!
  21. Might makes right – all through history.
Most of these arguments take neither the truth nor the experience of black people seriously – because what matters most is white people and their feelings, particularly about feeling good living in a racist society.
I have addressed many of the arguments on this list. Although this list provides a negative spin, many of the arguments listed are logical, valid arguments. The author is arguing against using logic and reason.

No, the author is showing white racists what they believe is illogical, lacks reason and fact. The claim about how racism is so small is crazy therefore your so called "addressing" is proof of the illogical nature of the white racist.
The author (and you) do not have a grasp on what logic is. That list is evidence of black racism. And with that I will leave this thread for awhile. It is counterproductive to debate/discuss things with people that are unreasonable/illogical. I may come back from time to time purely for entertainment purposes.
George Carlin describes Rush Limbaugh

How to argue like a white racist

Here in one place is the list of the most common arguments that white racists use:

  1. Anything but race – Racism is over. There must be some Logical Explanation that has nothing to do with race.
  2. Blame-shifting – Blacks like to use the race card, crying racism and blaming whitey, but blacks are to blame for their own mess. Racism is so 1968.
  3. ad hominem – question a commenter’s intelligence, character, age or motives.
  4. Whites are individuals – so you cannot make general statements about whites. Besides, that would be racist.
  5. “Blacks are racist too” – but they do not like to admit it. Find a case where a black person did something just as bad as what they are pointing out.
  6. “You are the racist one” – turn the tables.
  7. “I am offended” – how dare they call you a racist! You do not see a person’s colour – they could be purple for all you care!
  8. Arab trader argument – whites are not as evil as black people like to think. For example, it was not just white people who traded slaves: Arabs did it too! Few blacks know that, so make sure to point that out whenever you can.
  9. “But that happened to me too!” – whatever blacks complain about, try to find a case where a white person – you, a friend, someone in the news – experienced the same thing.
  10. Point out how “ghetto” and disagreeable black people are – because they are and it needs pointing out. No wonder no one gets along with them!
  11. Talk down to them – they are imagining things, they do not know what they are talking about. How dare blacks tell us what we are like. What do they know? Are they white?
  12. straw man – argue against some stock position that is kind of like the post. That way you can copy your comments from another blog. Or from Ann Coulter.
  13. Blacks need to be colour-blind – if they just stopped seeing race and talking about it so much then racism would go away!
  14. Start quoting rape statistics – out of the blue, if necessary. Rates of imprisonment are good too.
  15. The white inventor argument – whites invented everything so shut up already.
  16. Demand proof – Make them prove it beyond a reasonable doubt with facts and figures. Find holes in whatever facts they present. Find counter-facts.
  17. Make it about the past – and point out that your family never owned slaves. When are they going to stop living in the past?
  18. Go back to Africa – if it is so bad here, then go back to Africa already!
  19. Bootstrap – I made it on my own without help from anyone. Blacks expect something for nothing!
  20. Some of my best friends are black – so there is no way I am racist!
  21. Might makes right – all through history.
Most of these arguments take neither the truth nor the experience of black people seriously – because what matters most is white people and their feelings, particularly about feeling good living in a racist society.
I have addressed many of the arguments on this list. Although this list provides a negative spin, many of the arguments listed are logical, valid arguments. The author is arguing against using logic and reason.

No, the author is showing white racists what they believe is illogical, lacks reason and fact. The claim about how racism is so small is crazy therefore your so called "addressing" is proof of the illogical nature of the white racist.
The author (and you) do not have a grasp on what logic is. That list is evidence of black racism. And with that I will leave this thread for awhile. It is counterproductive to debate/discuss things with people that are unreasonable/illogical. I may come back from time to time purely for entertainment purposes.

lol! .You are running away from a truth you aren't man enough to deal with. 'm quite sure we'll see you in threads where you can freely express your racism against blacks. (gratuitous insult removed)
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Michael Eric Dyson accuses ALL white people of what he does himself. He is a self-righteous hypocrite

Wrong. But as usual none of you whites have the guts to look at yourselves and what YOU do. However you are sure willing to tell everyone else how they should do things.

Fuck off. You are a self righteous hypocrite as well.

No, saying Race doesn't exist is a Leftist construct.
People will cite high violent crime as a problem in black communities and cannot understand that if we recognize the pattern of coping behaviors, aggression is one of the methods used to cope with stress.

That "stress" is caused by little black minds poisoned to believe that EDUCATION and learning is "too white". And they choose a Thug Culture that promotes killing, drugs, misogyny, and crime as their "cultural role model". Those cities choose to LOWER the academic expectations in their schools and ALLOW about 70% to graduate essentially uneducated and illiterate.

Those cities ABUSE working people just getting by sucking them up into a judicial system that's too rigid, not innovative and responsive to their plight and unconcerned with their tenuous economic situations. And they TAX everything to death. They are of NO HELP to fixing a damn thing. These leaders are MORE concerned about butchering the statistics to make them look good. Both academic statistics and crime statistics.

I didn't have a role in any of that. I'm part of the process to invent new ways of providing public services to the working class poor. What are YOU doing about it -- other than calling every white person a racist for not understanding the situation?

Wrong answer son. You've improved nothing. I've got racist policies changed that helped communities. I've helped blacks start and build businesses. I took kids out of gangs and helped then get post secondary educations. That just a few of the things I've done. I call you a racist because you are a racist.

Whites invented the thug culture bigot.

These people don't look black to me. They look as white as hell and they are thugs, misogynists, drug dealers who are criminals all promoted by white culture to the point of an award wining TV series. Now shut the fuck up.

All whites like you are is good for excuses. You're a loser.

You're wasting your time, social cons/white nationalists will double speak you to death. They sit here talking about "per capita" because that is the only argument they can make to support their agenda, but when the conversation is about police killing blacks at a rate of two times that of whites, then they want to forget about "per capita" and focus on total number. There is too many here with the same agenda to even attempt to discuss it. They just want you to smile and dance for them.

Do you have any evidence that Blacks aren't more likely to meet up with Cops, or to be Aggressive towards Cops?

So sorry, but the rate at which Blacks commit violent crime is at about the rate they get shot by Cops.

I see that an insult against a white person has been removed. Yet we have entire threads insulting blacks that remain here. Even in this thread there have been insults about backs that have not been removed.
Thank you White America for f**king yourself

This thread was created to show there are differences in thinking about race by whites. That is what was to be discussed. Instead we don't get that and even a person who has responsibility in this forum trolled and attempted to take this thread off topic. If this is going to be the race and racism section, then criticism of all races should be allowed. If not then name this the white bigot section or close the section entirely.
White America, It’s YOUR Harvest Time

White America, It’s YOUR Harvest Time

"White America has been living by the sword"? What are black and Hispanic gang members using, Nerf guns?

Attempting to divert from what the man was referring to only shows how much you desire to deny reality. For who did these guys get the guns from? I don't think either one of these groups has anyone owning a gun manufacturing plant.
White America, It’s YOUR Harvest Time

"White America has been living by the sword"? What are black and Hispanic gang members using, Nerf guns?

Attempting to divert from what the man was referring to only shows how much you desire to deny reality. For who did these guys get the guns from? I don't think either one of these groups has anyone owning a gun manufacturing plant.

If a gun manufacturer puts a gun in your hand, are you obligated to murder someone with it? Besides, Civilian Force Arms, is a black-owned gun manufacturer. Among other products, they produce AR-15 and AK-47 type "assault" rifles.
White America, It’s YOUR Harvest Time

"White America has been living by the sword"? What are black and Hispanic gang members using, Nerf guns?

Attempting to divert from what the man was referring to only shows how much you desire to deny reality. For who did these guys get the guns from? I don't think either one of these groups has anyone owning a gun manufacturing plant.

If a gun manufacturer puts a gun in your hand, are you obligated to murder someone with it? Besides, Civilian Force Arms, is a black-owned gun manufacturer. Among other products, they produce AR-15 and AK-47 type "assault" rifles.

This man was talking about how whites came to control this country. Neither black or Hispanic gangs control this nation.

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