The economics of Universal Income

I heard on the radio today, that someone is running for congress on the issue of universal income. I'm sorry that I do not have the name. I do know he wanted to give every adult in Amreica 1000 dollars basic income. I've heard people bring this up a bunch lately, and it makes no sense to me. Wouldn't this mean that many people would just quit their jobs and raise unemployment? It also seems pretty clear that something like this couldn't be paid for. Inflation would also go crazy. Impossible spending, raised unemployment, and inflation for a country that is fast becoming Super Greece. Is there any way this makes sense economically? Is it even possible? I'm not going to laugh it off because I see big trouble coming. I had someone tell me his daughter couldn't find a job, and she was a pharmacist. They are being replaced right and left by robots. Businesses know that after an expensive 7 yr program, that these kids are desperate for work and are low balling them into 50 or 60k salaries. People are rightly concerned about robotic factories and the new kiosks in fast food places, but it is truly horrifying when you think about self driving vehicles replacing truckers. How many truckers do you think there are? That's a lot of people, and once they're replaced, they won't even be able to work at McDonald's. To me, universal income seems silly, but I really am interested in hearing the argument for it. Something inovative has to happen, because the storm is already here and it is going to get worse at an incredible rate.

Good topic.

Switzerland toyed with UI. It was voted down, but they did the calculations.

By eliminating all social programs, it would have saved the country money. In US dollars, it would be (if I remember correctly) $1,600 a month for every adult, and it could solve a lot of problems we have today.

Most would not be able to live on $1,600 a month, but some could. It would create a demand for workers because of people leaving the work force. Supply and demand dictates the less supply, the higher the price, so pay increases would certainly be on the way.

For those that want to continue to work, that $1,600 could go towards purchasing a health care plan. Another problem is college expenses. If the parents used their $1,600 for their children's college, that's a problem solved as well, because between the parents and the adult student, there is more than enough money to cover all college expenses. But even if a loan were needed, the adult student getting his or her $1,600 a month could cover dorm costs.

Welfare is a huge problem in our country. For instance I get so pissed off because I live in the suburbs, and I have HUD people living right next door. There is no equity when I have to go to work everyday to live here, and they just move in living on my tax dollars. UI would eliminate that because there would be no HUD. They would have to move somewhere else, and I could finally get some sleep at night.

Our social programs reward people for having kids they can't afford. That wouldn't happen with UI. If you can feed your family on that, fine. But raising kids is expensive, and more poor people would practice birth control. Less poor people is always a good thing because the apple usually doesn't fall far from the tree.

So often you read or hear of people complaining of food stamps. What we see these lowlifes buy in the store sickens us. UI would eliminate that because there would no longer be food stamps. Buy whatever you like in the store, because it's coming out of your $1,600 a month.

Housing, housing prices, rents are all increasing faster than income. If you continue to work, you could use your stipend to pay off your mortgage much faster. That's a hell of a lot of money you could save in interest rates.

So UI is a great idea. I would love to see it. While there are some disadvantages, there are ten times more advantages. It would eliminate the jealousy of people on social programs, it would reduce poverty, it would teach responsibility, and it would solve many financial problems most Americans currently deal with. The best part? It would be cheaper in the long run for our government.

If you crunch the numbers in the US, i'm guessing it is nowhere close to being paid by the elimination of welfare programs. Especially when more people drop out of the work force. Where is the money going to come from? How does encouraging able bodied people not to work teach responsibility? If welfare is a bomb, then increasing the amount of people who don't work is an atom bomb. The problem would just grow exponentially. The only way I can see universal income working is towards the very end with the complete elimination of a workforce. Sadly, that is fast approaching. The whole thing seems perverse. It relies on production increasing without a workforce. That just doesn't sound right.

To be honest, I don't know if there is much we can do about that. I believe Americans had the same concerns about the horse breeders, the horse shoe people, the vets when we came out with cars. I'm sure the same concern took place when we replaced the ice man with the refrigerator. Or perhaps natural gas furnaces that replaced the coal men. Convenient stores that replaced the milk man, chips man, juice man. The backhoe that replaced ditch diggers.

What do we do to halt progress, and do we really want to halt it?

But as a professional driver for the last few decades, I can assure you that you won't be seeing manless semi's anytime in the near future. The only vehicles they have now cost nearly a million dollars, and you still need a licensed driver in case the unit stops. A computer cannot navigate main roads or side streets. It can't calculate turns or give emergency vehicles right of way. It can't listen to directions by a road crew worker in construction zones. A computer will never be able to back a trailer into a dock. It just isn't feasible.

It takes more than just driving to safely pilot a tractor-trailer. You need instinct and experience. For instance when I see an asshole on the highway weaving in and out of traffic, I have to back down if he gets near me because he's liable to cutoff my safety distance and hit the brakes. A computer could never calculate assholes. If I hear something fall over in the trailer, I have the ability to stop and see what happened and correct the problem. A manless truck would keep on going which would be dangerous because at times, we haul carts that are on wheels. A cart that broke free of load locks or straps could easily bust through the back doors of the trailer. And even if there was some miraculous way to address those concerns, there is an insurance issue to consider. Insurance premiums are huge for trucks unlike cars. Insurance would be unaffordable for a manless truck. But I digress:

We are not just talking about the elimination of welfare programs, but all social programs. That means no Social Security, no Medicare, No VA. Medicaid has many states in the red and costs keep rising. Even with our economy, we spend over 74 billion dollars a year on food stamps alone. Unemployment? Another program that would be eliminated.

I don't have the ability or time to run all the numbers, but I think there are too many benefits to UI to not consider it. Plus the best part is it would disable the Democrats talking points because we would create our own welfare programs based on our individual needs.

Yeah the benefits are nice, but damn we're talking about giving free money to some 160 million adults aren't we? We're talking a shit load of money here, a couple thousand a month isn't going to do it if all the social programs are gone. There's not going to be enough discretionary money around to keep our economy going and growing.
The dems will get their dream of a completely government run society. They will completely control every aspect of a person's life as well as the future direction of society. The individual would be even more powerless than they are now.
the "left" is the on tinkering with the income but that is out of necessity due to the "right" trying to do away with a human work force [think about it, no payroll, no sick days, no epenses of any kind, just pure production] and the left will no longer be able to, or want to ask the question "are workers allowed to deny business their labor?"
Yeah the benefits are nice, but damn we're talking about giving free money to some 160 million adults aren't we? We're talking a shit load of money here, a couple thousand a month isn't going to do it if all the social programs are gone. There's not going to be enough discretionary money around to keep our economy going and growing.
what are businesses laying out for those 160 million now? if it averages out to more than 1600 a month they will be making money
I heard on the radio today, that someone is running for congress on the issue of universal income. I'm sorry that I do not have the name. I do know he wanted to give every adult in Amreica 1000 dollars basic income. I've heard people bring this up a bunch lately, and it makes no sense to me. Wouldn't this mean that many people would just quit their jobs and raise unemployment? It also seems pretty clear that something like this couldn't be paid for. Inflation would also go crazy. Impossible spending, raised unemployment, and inflation for a country that is fast becoming Super Greece. Is there any way this makes sense economically? Is it even possible? I'm not going to laugh it off because I see big trouble coming. I had someone tell me his daughter couldn't find a job, and she was a pharmacist. They are being replaced right and left by robots. Businesses know that after an expensive 7 yr program, that these kids are desperate for work and are low balling them into 50 or 60k salaries. People are rightly concerned about robotic factories and the new kiosks in fast food places, but it is truly horrifying when you think about self driving vehicles replacing truckers. How many truckers do you think there are? That's a lot of people, and once they're replaced, they won't even be able to work at McDonald's. To me, universal income seems silly, but I really am interested in hearing the argument for it. Something inovative has to happen, because the storm is already here and it is going to get worse at an incredible rate.

Yeah, that is what this country needs, another entitlement program to add to the debt. We pay for health care, retirement, disability, and now some quack wants pay a living wage. UNBELIEVABLE!
I heard on the radio today, that someone is running for congress on the issue of universal income. I'm sorry that I do not have the name. I do know he wanted to give every adult in Amreica 1000 dollars basic income. I've heard people bring this up a bunch lately, and it makes no sense to me. Wouldn't this mean that many people would just quit their jobs and raise unemployment? It also seems pretty clear that something like this couldn't be paid for. Inflation would also go crazy. Impossible spending, raised unemployment, and inflation for a country that is fast becoming Super Greece. Is there any way this makes sense economically? Is it even possible? I'm not going to laugh it off because I see big trouble coming. I had someone tell me his daughter couldn't find a job, and she was a pharmacist. They are being replaced right and left by robots. Businesses know that after an expensive 7 yr program, that these kids are desperate for work and are low balling them into 50 or 60k salaries. People are rightly concerned about robotic factories and the new kiosks in fast food places, but it is truly horrifying when you think about self driving vehicles replacing truckers. How many truckers do you think there are? That's a lot of people, and once they're replaced, they won't even be able to work at McDonald's. To me, universal income seems silly, but I really am interested in hearing the argument for it. Something inovative has to happen, because the storm is already here and it is going to get worse at an incredible rate.

Most of these proposals remove all other social safety nets so there is no welfare or unemployment or food stamps and the like. That is how they are paid for.

Not saying it is a good idea, just offering information

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Link that, if you would.
I heard on the radio today, that someone is running for congress on the issue of universal income. I'm sorry that I do not have the name. I do know he wanted to give every adult in Amreica 1000 dollars basic income. I've heard people bring this up a bunch lately, and it makes no sense to me. Wouldn't this mean that many people would just quit their jobs and raise unemployment? It also seems pretty clear that something like this couldn't be paid for. Inflation would also go crazy. Impossible spending, raised unemployment, and inflation for a country that is fast becoming Super Greece. Is there any way this makes sense economically? Is it even possible? I'm not going to laugh it off because I see big trouble coming. I had someone tell me his daughter couldn't find a job, and she was a pharmacist. They are being replaced right and left by robots. Businesses know that after an expensive 7 yr program, that these kids are desperate for work and are low balling them into 50 or 60k salaries. People are rightly concerned about robotic factories and the new kiosks in fast food places, but it is truly horrifying when you think about self driving vehicles replacing truckers. How many truckers do you think there are? That's a lot of people, and once they're replaced, they won't even be able to work at McDonald's. To me, universal income seems silly, but I really am interested in hearing the argument for it. Something inovative has to happen, because the storm is already here and it is going to get worse at an incredible rate.

Good topic.

Switzerland toyed with UI. It was voted down, but they did the calculations.

By eliminating all social programs, it would have saved the country money. In US dollars, it would be (if I remember correctly) $1,600 a month for every adult, and it could solve a lot of problems we have today.

Most would not be able to live on $1,600 a month, but some could. It would create a demand for workers because of people leaving the work force. Supply and demand dictates the less supply, the higher the price, so pay increases would certainly be on the way.

For those that want to continue to work, that $1,600 could go towards purchasing a health care plan. Another problem is college expenses. If the parents used their $1,600 for their children's college, that's a problem solved as well, because between the parents and the adult student, there is more than enough money to cover all college expenses. But even if a loan were needed, the adult student getting his or her $1,600 a month could cover dorm costs.

Welfare is a huge problem in our country. For instance I get so pissed off because I live in the suburbs, and I have HUD people living right next door. There is no equity when I have to go to work everyday to live here, and they just move in living on my tax dollars. UI would eliminate that because there would be no HUD. They would have to move somewhere else, and I could finally get some sleep at night.

Our social programs reward people for having kids they can't afford. That wouldn't happen with UI. If you can feed your family on that, fine. But raising kids is expensive, and more poor people would practice birth control. Less poor people is always a good thing because the apple usually doesn't fall far from the tree.

So often you read or hear of people complaining of food stamps. What we see these lowlifes buy in the store sickens us. UI would eliminate that because there would no longer be food stamps. Buy whatever you like in the store, because it's coming out of your $1,600 a month.

Housing, housing prices, rents are all increasing faster than income. If you continue to work, you could use your stipend to pay off your mortgage much faster. That's a hell of a lot of money you could save in interest rates.

So UI is a great idea. I would love to see it. While there are some disadvantages, there are ten times more advantages. It would eliminate the jealousy of people on social programs, it would reduce poverty, it would teach responsibility, and it would solve many financial problems most Americans currently deal with. The best part? It would be cheaper in the long run for our government.

You’re not going to do away with all the other social programs by giving people $1000 per month. Many of the people that depend on those social programs are not going to budget for food, clothing, housing, healthcare and retirement for a $1000 per month. And when they don’t have money ahalf way thru the month there will be a cry for more, more more.
I heard on the radio today, that someone is running for congress on the issue of universal income. I'm sorry that I do not have the name. I do know he wanted to give every adult in Amreica 1000 dollars basic income. I've heard people bring this up a bunch lately, and it makes no sense to me. Wouldn't this mean that many people would just quit their jobs and raise unemployment? It also seems pretty clear that something like this couldn't be paid for. Inflation would also go crazy. Impossible spending, raised unemployment, and inflation for a country that is fast becoming Super Greece. Is there any way this makes sense economically? Is it even possible? I'm not going to laugh it off because I see big trouble coming. I had someone tell me his daughter couldn't find a job, and she was a pharmacist. They are being replaced right and left by robots. Businesses know that after an expensive 7 yr program, that these kids are desperate for work and are low balling them into 50 or 60k salaries. People are rightly concerned about robotic factories and the new kiosks in fast food places, but it is truly horrifying when you think about self driving vehicles replacing truckers. How many truckers do you think there are? That's a lot of people, and once they're replaced, they won't even be able to work at McDonald's. To me, universal income seems silly, but I really am interested in hearing the argument for it. Something inovative has to happen, because the storm is already here and it is going to get worse at an incredible rate.
Russian propaganda? Who knows? Jobs are coming back at an incredible rate. Meaningful bonuses are back. Construction and higher salaries are back. No longer frozen from the failures of Obama.
Yeah the benefits are nice, but damn we're talking about giving free money to some 160 million adults aren't we? We're talking a shit load of money here, a couple thousand a month isn't going to do it if all the social programs are gone. There's not going to be enough discretionary money around to keep our economy going and growing.
what are businesses laying out for those 160 million now? if it averages out to more than 1600 a month they will be making money

Can't imagine how you came up with that. Who's going to have any money left after paying the bills, 1600 a month isn't going to get you very far.
I heard on the radio today, that someone is running for congress on the issue of universal income. I'm sorry that I do not have the name. I do know he wanted to give every adult in Amreica 1000 dollars basic income. I've heard people bring this up a bunch lately, and it makes no sense to me. Wouldn't this mean that many people would just quit their jobs and raise unemployment? It also seems pretty clear that something like this couldn't be paid for. Inflation would also go crazy. Impossible spending, raised unemployment, and inflation for a country that is fast becoming Super Greece. Is there any way this makes sense economically? Is it even possible? I'm not going to laugh it off because I see big trouble coming. I had someone tell me his daughter couldn't find a job, and she was a pharmacist. They are being replaced right and left by robots. Businesses know that after an expensive 7 yr program, that these kids are desperate for work and are low balling them into 50 or 60k salaries. People are rightly concerned about robotic factories and the new kiosks in fast food places, but it is truly horrifying when you think about self driving vehicles replacing truckers. How many truckers do you think there are? That's a lot of people, and once they're replaced, they won't even be able to work at McDonald's. To me, universal income seems silly, but I really am interested in hearing the argument for it. Something inovative has to happen, because the storm is already here and it is going to get worse at an incredible rate.

Good topic.

Switzerland toyed with UI. It was voted down, but they did the calculations.

By eliminating all social programs, it would have saved the country money. In US dollars, it would be (if I remember correctly) $1,600 a month for every adult, and it could solve a lot of problems we have today.

Most would not be able to live on $1,600 a month, but some could. It would create a demand for workers because of people leaving the work force. Supply and demand dictates the less supply, the higher the price, so pay increases would certainly be on the way.

For those that want to continue to work, that $1,600 could go towards purchasing a health care plan. Another problem is college expenses. If the parents used their $1,600 for their children's college, that's a problem solved as well, because between the parents and the adult student, there is more than enough money to cover all college expenses. But even if a loan were needed, the adult student getting his or her $1,600 a month could cover dorm costs.

Welfare is a huge problem in our country. For instance I get so pissed off because I live in the suburbs, and I have HUD people living right next door. There is no equity when I have to go to work everyday to live here, and they just move in living on my tax dollars. UI would eliminate that because there would be no HUD. They would have to move somewhere else, and I could finally get some sleep at night.

Our social programs reward people for having kids they can't afford. That wouldn't happen with UI. If you can feed your family on that, fine. But raising kids is expensive, and more poor people would practice birth control. Less poor people is always a good thing because the apple usually doesn't fall far from the tree.

So often you read or hear of people complaining of food stamps. What we see these lowlifes buy in the store sickens us. UI would eliminate that because there would no longer be food stamps. Buy whatever you like in the store, because it's coming out of your $1,600 a month.

Housing, housing prices, rents are all increasing faster than income. If you continue to work, you could use your stipend to pay off your mortgage much faster. That's a hell of a lot of money you could save in interest rates.

So UI is a great idea. I would love to see it. While there are some disadvantages, there are ten times more advantages. It would eliminate the jealousy of people on social programs, it would reduce poverty, it would teach responsibility, and it would solve many financial problems most Americans currently deal with. The best part? It would be cheaper in the long run for our government.

You make a great case for it
I heard on the radio today, that someone is running for congress on the issue of universal income. I'm sorry that I do not have the name. I do know he wanted to give every adult in Amreica 1000 dollars basic income. I've heard people bring this up a bunch lately, and it makes no sense to me. Wouldn't this mean that many people would just quit their jobs and raise unemployment? It also seems pretty clear that something like this couldn't be paid for. Inflation would also go crazy. Impossible spending, raised unemployment, and inflation for a country that is fast becoming Super Greece. Is there any way this makes sense economically? Is it even possible? I'm not going to laugh it off because I see big trouble coming. I had someone tell me his daughter couldn't find a job, and she was a pharmacist. They are being replaced right and left by robots. Businesses know that after an expensive 7 yr program, that these kids are desperate for work and are low balling them into 50 or 60k salaries. People are rightly concerned about robotic factories and the new kiosks in fast food places, but it is truly horrifying when you think about self driving vehicles replacing truckers. How many truckers do you think there are? That's a lot of people, and once they're replaced, they won't even be able to work at McDonald's. To me, universal income seems silly, but I really am interested in hearing the argument for it. Something inovative has to happen, because the storm is already here and it is going to get worse at an incredible rate.
where will the money come from; from millionaires that didn't make it to billionaire puppet master.

I can't recall the exact quote from Ben Franklin; The worst thing you can do for the poor is to make them comfortable in poverty.

It's all about making us subjects. The left thinks it's some kind of freedom, but it's just slavery w/o actual chains and whips
If you crunch the numbers in the US, i'm guessing it is nowhere close to being paid by the elimination of welfare programs. Especially when more people drop out of the work force. Where is the money going to come from? How does encouraging able bodied people not to work teach responsibility? If welfare is a bomb, then increasing the amount of people who don't work is an atom bomb. The problem would just grow exponentially. The only way I can see universal income working is towards the very end with the complete elimination of a workforce. Sadly, that is fast approaching. The whole thing seems perverse. It relies on production increasing without a workforce. That just doesn't sound right.

I think you vastly overestimate the number of people that would leave the workforce for $1600 a month. That is less than 20 grand a year, that is nothing. My daughter who works part time and goes to school made more than that last year and she still needed our help with school and occasionally rent.

Also, the Fed Govt spent 1.03 trillion on all forms of assistance last year. There are 240 million adults in the US, at $1600 the cost of a UI comes to a tad over 390 billion. So you could double the UI and still save money.
I heard on the radio today, that someone is running for congress on the issue of universal income. I'm sorry that I do not have the name. I do know he wanted to give every adult in Amreica 1000 dollars basic income. I've heard people bring this up a bunch lately, and it makes no sense to me. Wouldn't this mean that many people would just quit their jobs and raise unemployment? It also seems pretty clear that something like this couldn't be paid for. Inflation would also go crazy. Impossible spending, raised unemployment, and inflation for a country that is fast becoming Super Greece. Is there any way this makes sense economically? Is it even possible? I'm not going to laugh it off because I see big trouble coming. I had someone tell me his daughter couldn't find a job, and she was a pharmacist. They are being replaced right and left by robots. Businesses know that after an expensive 7 yr program, that these kids are desperate for work and are low balling them into 50 or 60k salaries. People are rightly concerned about robotic factories and the new kiosks in fast food places, but it is truly horrifying when you think about self driving vehicles replacing truckers. How many truckers do you think there are? That's a lot of people, and once they're replaced, they won't even be able to work at McDonald's. To me, universal income seems silly, but I really am interested in hearing the argument for it. Something inovative has to happen, because the storm is already here and it is going to get worse at an incredible rate.
Russian propaganda? Who knows? Jobs are coming back at an incredible rate. Meaningful bonuses are back. Construction and higher salaries are back. No longer frozen from the failures of Obama.

Job growth was slower last year than the previous 6. We have to average 145,000 new jobs a year just to keep up with population growth
I heard on the radio today, that someone is running for congress on the issue of universal income. I'm sorry that I do not have the name. I do know he wanted to give every adult in Amreica 1000 dollars basic income. I've heard people bring this up a bunch lately, and it makes no sense to me. Wouldn't this mean that many people would just quit their jobs and raise unemployment? It also seems pretty clear that something like this couldn't be paid for. Inflation would also go crazy. Impossible spending, raised unemployment, and inflation for a country that is fast becoming Super Greece. Is there any way this makes sense economically? Is it even possible? I'm not going to laugh it off because I see big trouble coming. I had someone tell me his daughter couldn't find a job, and she was a pharmacist. They are being replaced right and left by robots. Businesses know that after an expensive 7 yr program, that these kids are desperate for work and are low balling them into 50 or 60k salaries. People are rightly concerned about robotic factories and the new kiosks in fast food places, but it is truly horrifying when you think about self driving vehicles replacing truckers. How many truckers do you think there are? That's a lot of people, and once they're replaced, they won't even be able to work at McDonald's. To me, universal income seems silly, but I really am interested in hearing the argument for it. Something inovative has to happen, because the storm is already here and it is going to get worse at an incredible rate.
where will the money come from; from millionaires that didn't make it to billionaire puppet master.

I can't recall the exact quote from Ben Franklin; The worst thing you can do for the poor is to make them comfortable in poverty.

It's all about making us subjects. The left thinks it's some kind of freedom, but it's just slavery w/o actual chains and whips

If you replaced all Fed Welfare with a UI it would save the Fed Govt $639,600,000,000.00 per year.
$1000 a month? Everybody, kids too? And would we get rid of all our entitlement programs? SS? Medicare/Medicaid? Food stamps, UE, everything? Free education too? There's a lot of places where $1000/month doesn't pay the bills, what then? If anybody wants to expound on the idea in a positive way, maybe they could also provide information about who gets it and who doesn't and how to pay for it.

They said just adults on the radio. Even if you get rid of all current social programs, it wouldn't come close to every adult 1 grand a month. Plus, would that mean the poor would no longer get Medicare or Medicaid? Does this stuff make sense to anyone? I'm sorry I don't have specifics, I'd be open to any kind of implementation that is even possible.

This site looks a many of the different UI ideas being thrown around

Here is the link...
What is basic income? | BIEN

need more coffee
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I heard on the radio today, that someone is running for congress on the issue of universal income. I'm sorry that I do not have the name. I do know he wanted to give every adult in Amreica 1000 dollars basic income. I've heard people bring this up a bunch lately, and it makes no sense to me. Wouldn't this mean that many people would just quit their jobs and raise unemployment? It also seems pretty clear that something like this couldn't be paid for. Inflation would also go crazy. Impossible spending, raised unemployment, and inflation for a country that is fast becoming Super Greece. Is there any way this makes sense economically? Is it even possible? I'm not going to laugh it off because I see big trouble coming. I had someone tell me his daughter couldn't find a job, and she was a pharmacist. They are being replaced right and left by robots. Businesses know that after an expensive 7 yr program, that these kids are desperate for work and are low balling them into 50 or 60k salaries. People are rightly concerned about robotic factories and the new kiosks in fast food places, but it is truly horrifying when you think about self driving vehicles replacing truckers. How many truckers do you think there are? That's a lot of people, and once they're replaced, they won't even be able to work at McDonald's. To me, universal income seems silly, but I really am interested in hearing the argument for it. Something inovative has to happen, because the storm is already here and it is going to get worse at an incredible rate.
where will the money come from; from millionaires that didn't make it to billionaire puppet master.

I can't recall the exact quote from Ben Franklin; The worst thing you can do for the poor is to make them comfortable in poverty.

It's all about making us subjects. The left thinks it's some kind of freedom, but it's just slavery w/o actual chains and whips

If you replaced all Fed Welfare with a UI it would save the Fed Govt $639,600,000,000.00 per year.
mind proving that with links.

and then explain why I get my money taken from me, just to have a portion of it returned. I'll let you skip over the cost of taking my money and giving it back to me.
I've got to admit, I've never taken automation to the point of no human production. I always thought of universal income as some kind of bandaid for a struggling work force. I never thought there wouldn't be a workforce. In a strange way it makes a kind of sense if people no longer have any production. I'm trying to think of a job that can't be replaced by a robot, and there can't be that many. I'm not sure it's as far off as we'd think. Self driving vehicles would be a huge next step of eliminating a human work force. I have a hard time seeing how the transition would work from proud self employed people to what exactly? I have a feeling quite a few eggs will be broken before humans workers are eliminated. The dems will get their dream of a completely government run society. They will completely control every aspect of a person's life as well as the future direction of society. The individual would be even more powerless than they are now.

You are right there are not many jobs that cannot be replaced with automation. My wife is an RN and my daughter is in nursing school and I would say their jobs are automation proof. I am a data analyst and I feel safe for the foreseeable future, while programs do most of the number crunching, there is still a need for human intuition to turn the data into usable information.
I heard on the radio today, that someone is running for congress on the issue of universal income. I'm sorry that I do not have the name. I do know he wanted to give every adult in Amreica 1000 dollars basic income. I've heard people bring this up a bunch lately, and it makes no sense to me. Wouldn't this mean that many people would just quit their jobs and raise unemployment? It also seems pretty clear that something like this couldn't be paid for. Inflation would also go crazy. Impossible spending, raised unemployment, and inflation for a country that is fast becoming Super Greece. Is there any way this makes sense economically? Is it even possible? I'm not going to laugh it off because I see big trouble coming. I had someone tell me his daughter couldn't find a job, and she was a pharmacist. They are being replaced right and left by robots. Businesses know that after an expensive 7 yr program, that these kids are desperate for work and are low balling them into 50 or 60k salaries. People are rightly concerned about robotic factories and the new kiosks in fast food places, but it is truly horrifying when you think about self driving vehicles replacing truckers. How many truckers do you think there are? That's a lot of people, and once they're replaced, they won't even be able to work at McDonald's. To me, universal income seems silly, but I really am interested in hearing the argument for it. Something inovative has to happen, because the storm is already here and it is going to get worse at an incredible rate.
where will the money come from; from millionaires that didn't make it to billionaire puppet master.

I can't recall the exact quote from Ben Franklin; The worst thing you can do for the poor is to make them comfortable in poverty.

It's all about making us subjects. The left thinks it's some kind of freedom, but it's just slavery w/o actual chains and whips

If you replaced all Fed Welfare with a UI it would save the Fed Govt $639,600,000,000.00 per year.
mind proving that with links.

and then explain why I get my money taken from me, just to have a portion of it returned. I'll let you skip over the cost of taking my money and giving it back to me.

Oh, shit. Sorry. That is what I get for doing math before my coffee. I forgot to multiply the monthly number by 12.

Ok, I am an idiot, sorry.
I heard on the radio today, that someone is running for congress on the issue of universal income. I'm sorry that I do not have the name. I do know he wanted to give every adult in Amreica 1000 dollars basic income. I've heard people bring this up a bunch lately, and it makes no sense to me. Wouldn't this mean that many people would just quit their jobs and raise unemployment? It also seems pretty clear that something like this couldn't be paid for. Inflation would also go crazy. Impossible spending, raised unemployment, and inflation for a country that is fast becoming Super Greece. Is there any way this makes sense economically? Is it even possible? I'm not going to laugh it off because I see big trouble coming. I had someone tell me his daughter couldn't find a job, and she was a pharmacist. They are being replaced right and left by robots. Businesses know that after an expensive 7 yr program, that these kids are desperate for work and are low balling them into 50 or 60k salaries. People are rightly concerned about robotic factories and the new kiosks in fast food places, but it is truly horrifying when you think about self driving vehicles replacing truckers. How many truckers do you think there are? That's a lot of people, and once they're replaced, they won't even be able to work at McDonald's. To me, universal income seems silly, but I really am interested in hearing the argument for it. Something inovative has to happen, because the storm is already here and it is going to get worse at an incredible rate.
where will the money come from; from millionaires that didn't make it to billionaire puppet master.

I can't recall the exact quote from Ben Franklin; The worst thing you can do for the poor is to make them comfortable in poverty.

It's all about making us subjects. The left thinks it's some kind of freedom, but it's just slavery w/o actual chains and whips

If you replaced all Fed Welfare with a UI it would save the Fed Govt $639,600,000,000.00 per year.
mind proving that with links.

and then explain why I get my money taken from me, just to have a portion of it returned. I'll let you skip over the cost of taking my money and giving it back to me.

Oh, shit. Sorry. That is what I get for doing math before my coffee. I forgot to multiply the monthly number by 12.

Ok, I am an idiot, sorry.
np, I looked it up for you

How much does the government spend on welfare?
It shows up in this recent report from the Cato Institute, which argues that the federal government spends $668 billion dollars per year on 126 different welfare programs (spending by the state and local governments push that figure up to $1 trillion per year).
No, we don’t spend $1 trillion on welfare each year - …
There are 330 million Americans, lets say 240 million are adults (just under 75%)

that means you would have to collect and send 240 trillion, each month or 2.88 Quadrillion a year.

maybe I have been up to long, but my math looks solid.

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