The electric car you feel is creating no emissions...

nope, 19th century. There were several manufacturers of electric cars. They were mostly taxis in metropolitan areas. They actually held the land speed record for most of the 19th century. And part of the twentieth.

Did not know that. Cool, thanks.
The electric car has an interesting history. It was developed from a locomotive which today are still electric.

I am a bit of a gear head.

Do you actually know what a locomotive is?
The electric car has an interesting history. It was developed from a locomotive which today are still electric.

I am a bit of a gear head.

Locomotives are diesel/electric. A diesel engine drives a generator which creates electircity, the electricity turns a motor which puts power to the wheels. Many ships are also diesel electric. It makes for a lighter quieter ship with no long propeller shaft.

But they are not "electric" vehicles. They run on diesel fuel, made from OIL.

some streetcars are pure electric using overhead wires to get the electricity to their motors. But something still has to be burned to create the electricity.

If you're moving the vehicle with an electric engine, then it's electric. Regardless how you generate the electricity.

Wrong, asshole. A "diesel" locomotive uses a diesel motor to drive an electric generator which powers the electric motors that drive the wheels.
That's great if you want to go to a Nissan dealership and wait for 3 hours.

Electric cars:

Wait to go to work
Wait to go home
Wait to go the grocery store.

Yeah, great cars.

The entire idea of EVs is, and always has been, to substitute for the local commuting that makes up about 80% of our total driving; the six miles to work, the three miles to the grocery, the seven miles to school. It doesn't even need a halfway charge for that. Keep an ICE (or rent one when you need it) for those trips over 50 miles. Just by doing that you cut out 80% of the personal vehicle gasoline usage.

Or, sit in the corner and hold your breath 'til you turn blue, or until some inventor figures out how to run cars on butthurt and whine.

The only problem is you occasionally have to drive to grandma's house, which is in the next town, or go looking at new homes, which means you're driving all day, or go to the beach, which is 30 miles away. That means you need two cars to do the job that one does now.
The conversation got de-railed by a low IQ...

Clearly if the Electric Cars weren't dangerous to a Monopoly, they wouldn't have been impounded and the blue prints would not have went missing.

electric cars feel out of favor in the mid 19th century due to limitations of batteries. Since batteries have evolved, the tesla basically uses lap top batteries they are coming back around.

Clearly you don't know what we are talking about.. Unless "fell out of favor" means Big Oil controlling the market.

Wrong. It means the public preferred gasoline cars that would go more than 30 miles on a charge and didn't take 12 hours to recharge.

See, not everything turds like you don't like is the result of some sinister plot by evil corporations.
That's great if you want to go to a Nissan dealership and wait for 3 hours.

Electric cars:

Wait to go to work
Wait to go home
Wait to go the grocery store.

Yeah, great cars.

The entire idea of EVs is, and always has been, to substitute for the local commuting that makes up about 80% of our total driving; the six miles to work, the three miles to the grocery, the seven miles to school. It doesn't even need a halfway charge for that. Keep an ICE (or rent one when you need it) for those trips over 50 miles. Just by doing that you cut out 80% of the personal vehicle gasoline usage.

Or, sit in the corner and hold your breath 'til you turn blue, or until some inventor figures out how to run cars on butthurt and whine.

I am all for people buying them for that reason as long as they aren't subsidized by me.
electric cars feel out of favor in the mid 19th century due to limitations of batteries. Since batteries have evolved, the tesla basically uses lap top batteries they are coming back around.

Clearly you don't know what we are talking about.. Unless "fell out of favor" means Big Oil controlling the market.

Wrong. It means the public preferred gasoline cars that would go more than 30 miles on a charge and didn't take 12 hours to recharge.

See, not everything turds like you don't like is the result of some sinister plot by evil corporations.

Interestingly enough, there are now electric vehicles that can go up to 300 miles on just one charge.

Big Oil hates the electric cars, because it means that those who have wind farms and solar plants can catch up to them.

Face it...............big oil is scared of renewables, because it would take a serious bite out of their profits.

Yanno.................I hope that renewables (like solar and wind) take them down.

I like this planet. I grew up on it. I hope it survives with the human race intact.
OP- Then your tv and computer is also emitting...

The Volt can go forever at 30 mpg on ITS gas/electric plant when the juice runs out...too bad the hater dupes don't know bupkis listening to Pub propaganda...
If you drive a Tesla, you can do exactly that.

My co-worker has a Leaf that he is allowed to charge at work...special charging stations set up for it. He also gets a free charge at Nissan dealerships if he needs it. One even stayed open late for him.

That's great if you want to go to a Nissan dealership and wait for 3 hours.

Electric cars:

Wait to go to work
Wait to go home
Wait to go the grocery store.

Yeah, great cars.

He's had the car for almost a year and has never had to wait once, not at a dealership and not at work.

Why are you so opposed to reducing our dependence on oil?
So, here we have a automobile, made right here in America, by American workers averaging well above the average pay, that has no match in the rest of the world, yet out "Conservatives" absolutely hate it. Very interesting. Perhaps a real insight into how their minds work, or fail to.
So, here we have a automobile, made right here in America, by American workers averaging well above the average pay, that has no match in the rest of the world, yet out "Conservatives" absolutely hate it. Very interesting. Perhaps a real insight into how their minds work, or fail to.

They hate it because the oil and gas industry pays Fox pundits to tell them to hate it.
This just in... The electric car you feel is creating no emissions is actually powered by coal in the most inefficient way humanly possible... Movie at 11.
Produced and paid for by those who brought us gas, and put Obama and Bush into office
The electric car has an interesting history. It was developed from a locomotive which today are still electric.

I am a bit of a gear head.

Locomotives are diesel/electric. A diesel engine drives a generator which creates electircity, the electricity turns a motor which puts power to the wheels. Many ships are also diesel electric. It makes for a lighter quieter ship with no long propeller shaft.

But they are not "electric" vehicles. They run on diesel fuel, made from OIL.

some streetcars are pure electric using overhead wires to get the electricity to their motors. But something still has to be burned to create the electricity.

If you're moving the vehicle with an electric engine, then it's electric. Regardless how you generate the electricity.

My co-worker has a Leaf that he is allowed to charge at work...special charging stations set up for it. He also gets a free charge at Nissan dealerships if he needs it. One even stayed open late for him.

That's great if you want to go to a Nissan dealership and wait for 3 hours.

Electric cars:

Wait to go to work
Wait to go home
Wait to go the grocery store.

Yeah, great cars.

He's had the car for almost a year and has never had to wait once, not at a dealership and not at work.

Why are you so opposed to reducing our dependence on oil?

Do you use a windmill to recharge it? If you plug it in to your house to recharge it, then you are using coal, oil, or gas to run your car. And the conversion from oil to electricity to battery to motor to wheels is not very efficient, some energy is lost in every conversion step.
This just in... The electric car you feel is creating no emissions is actually powered by coal in the most inefficient way humanly possible... Movie at 11.
Produced and paid for by those who brought us gas, and put Obama and Bush into office

If you hate gas, sell your car and walk or ride a bike everywhere you go. If you are driving a car, you are a hypocrite.
So, here we have a automobile, made right here in America, by American workers averaging well above the average pay, that has no match in the rest of the world, yet out "Conservatives" absolutely hate it. Very interesting. Perhaps a real insight into how their minds work, or fail to.

They hate it because the oil and gas industry pays Fox pundits to tell them to hate it.

The evil oil and gas industry is at the forefront in the development of all kinds of alternate energy sources. The reality is that for the foreseeable future, the world wil run on fossil fuels. You lefties demonize that very commodity that makes your pathetic lives possible.

you are truly mentally diseased, there is no other logical explanation for your thought processes.
So, here we have a automobile, made right here in America, by American workers averaging well above the average pay, that has no match in the rest of the world, yet out "Conservatives" absolutely hate it. Very interesting. Perhaps a real insight into how their minds work, or fail to.

No one 'hates' it. We only ask that you be reasonable in your expectations of what it can do. Remember, all electric cars have to be recharged. The electricity to recharge them does not just magically appear, it has to be generated.
So, here we have a automobile, made right here in America, by American workers averaging well above the average pay, that has no match in the rest of the world, yet out "Conservatives" absolutely hate it. Very interesting. Perhaps a real insight into how their minds work, or fail to.

No one 'hates' it. We only ask that you be reasonable in your expectations of what it can do. Remember, all electric cars have to be recharged. The electricity to recharge them does not just magically appear, it has to be generated.

where did the envirowackos go? The truth cause you to turn tail and run for the woods?
Ten or fifteen years from now I might buy a used Tesla. I doubt that I will ever buy a brand spanking new car. I plan on never going in debt again, and I'm not eat the depreciation costs of the first couple of years of a new car. When I can get a reliable used electric car for $10,000 or less of today's dollars adjusted for inflation, I might do it.
Ten or fifteen years from now I might buy a used Tesla. I doubt that I will ever buy a brand spanking new car. I plan on never going in debt again, and I'm not eat the depreciation costs of the first couple of years of a new car. When I can get a reliable used electric car for $10,000 or less of today's dollars adjusted for inflation, I might do it.

Great, but thats not the point. The lefties seem to think that electric cars move them around for free. The idiots do not understand that recharging the batteries takes electricity and that electricity will most likely be generated by burning coal, gas, or oil.

an electric car saves nothing. whether you pay the gas station or pay your electric company, you are still paying for fossil fuels in one form or another.
This just in... The electric car you feel is creating no emissions is actually powered by coal in the most inefficient way humanly possible... Movie at 11.



So, how much exactly does it prduce compaired to an internal combution engine?

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