The electric car you feel is creating no emissions...

This just in... The electric car you feel is creating no emissions is actually powered by coal in the most inefficient way humanly possible... Movie at 11.



So, how much exactly does it prduce compaired to an internal combution engine?

In order to answer that we need to know where it gets the electricity to recharge its batteries. Also, we need to know where the spent toxic batteries will be disposed of.
This just in... The electric car you feel is creating no emissions is actually powered by coal in the most inefficient way humanly possible... Movie at 11.



So, how much exactly does it prduce compaired to an internal combution engine?

In order to answer that we need to know where it gets the electricity to recharge its batteries. Also, we need to know where the spent toxic batteries will be disposed of.

The batteries are obviously recycled appropriately. They last a long time and are easily identified, they have a car attached. They aren't double A's.

The eia has the info on emissions.

How much carbon dioxide is produced by burning gasoline and diesel fuel? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

"How much carbon dioxide is produced by burning gasoline and diesel fuel?
About 19.64 pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2) are produced from burning a gallon of gasoline that does not contain ethanol. About 22.38 pounds of CO2 are produced by burning a gallon of diesel fuel."

The electric auto produces no emissions.

The eia also has info on co2 per kw for different methods of generation.

How much carbon dioxide is produced per kilowatthour when generating electricity with fossil fuels? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Hydroelectric produces none. So that's an easy calculation.

The others a bit more complicated.

We can rough out the solution without it, though.

An electric car with solar produces none.
An electric car with coal produces some.

The difference betwen the two is the generation method, so it's not the car that is the causal factor.

An inernal combustion engine produces it regardless of how electricit is generated on the grid. It is the causal factor.

I think the idea of the electric vehicle is that it s one link in a chain. It solves one of the issues.
Here is the house and car of a skeptic of AGW:



Here is one of the houses of the leading AGW promoter:

So, how much exactly does it prduce compaired to an internal combution engine?

In order to answer that we need to know where it gets the electricity to recharge its batteries. Also, we need to know where the spent toxic batteries will be disposed of.

The batteries are obviously recycled appropriately. They last a long time and are easily identified, they have a car attached. They aren't double A's.

The eia has the info on emissions.

How much carbon dioxide is produced by burning gasoline and diesel fuel? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

"How much carbon dioxide is produced by burning gasoline and diesel fuel?
About 19.64 pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2) are produced from burning a gallon of gasoline that does not contain ethanol. About 22.38 pounds of CO2 are produced by burning a gallon of diesel fuel."

The electric auto produces no emissions.

The eia also has info on co2 per kw for different methods of generation.

How much carbon dioxide is produced per kilowatthour when generating electricity with fossil fuels? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Hydroelectric produces none. So that's an easy calculation.

The others a bit more complicated.

We can rough out the solution without it, though.

An electric car with solar produces none.
An electric car with coal produces some.

The difference betwen the two is the generation method, so it's not the car that is the causal factor.

An inernal combustion engine produces it regardless of how electricit is generated on the grid. It is the causal factor.

I think the idea of the electric vehicle is that it s one link in a chain. It solves one of the issues.

moving a car requires energy, the energy must be produced by something. If you can recharge your car using solar, great, but it won't work too well at night, and if you charge it during the day and drive at night it won't run as long because some of the charge will be used to run the lights, and don't even think about turning on the A/C.

maybe you can recharge from a windmill, but how will you get to work the next day if no wind is blowing that night?

I do agree with your last sentence, however. one link, but a minor link.
So, how much exactly does it prduce compaired to an internal combution engine?

In order to answer that we need to know where it gets the electricity to recharge its batteries. Also, we need to know where the spent toxic batteries will be disposed of.

The batteries are obviously recycled appropriately. They last a long time and are easily identified, they have a car attached. They aren't double A's.

The eia has the info on emissions.

How much carbon dioxide is produced by burning gasoline and diesel fuel? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

"How much carbon dioxide is produced by burning gasoline and diesel fuel?
About 19.64 pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2) are produced from burning a gallon of gasoline that does not contain ethanol. About 22.38 pounds of CO2 are produced by burning a gallon of diesel fuel."

The electric auto produces no emissions.

The eia also has info on co2 per kw for different methods of generation.

How much carbon dioxide is produced per kilowatthour when generating electricity with fossil fuels? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Hydroelectric produces none. So that's an easy calculation.

The others a bit more complicated.

We can rough out the solution without it, though.

An electric car with solar produces none.
An electric car with coal produces some.

The difference betwen the two is the generation method, so it's not the car that is the causal factor.

An inernal combustion engine produces it regardless of how electricit is generated on the grid. It is the causal factor.

I think the idea of the electric vehicle is that it s one link in a chain. It solves one of the issues.

you say the batteries will be disposed of "appropriately". But there is currently no technology to do that, hell, we can't even dispose of a AA battery "appropriately.
Did not know that. Cool, thanks.
The electric car has an interesting history. It was developed from a locomotive which today are still electric.

I am a bit of a gear head.

Locomotives are diesel/electric. A diesel engine drives a generator which creates electircity, the electricity turns a motor which puts power to the wheels. Many ships are also diesel electric. It makes for a lighter quieter ship with no long propeller shaft.

But they are not "electric" vehicles. They run on diesel fuel, made from OIL.

some streetcars are pure electric using overhead wires to get the electricity to their motors. But something still has to be burned to create the electricity.
Nothing is pure electric. Even electric cars are coal or nuclear electric. The only difference between a locomotive and an electric car is that the locomotive produces it's own electricity. The diesel engine is just a generator. I actually believe fuel electric cars havea viable future. Not hybrids because they aren't fuel electric, they are synergistic.
Jeeebus what a bunch of stupid a-holes...Does your computer, microwave, or lightbulbs produce emissions? Electric cars produce NO SMOG, dumbasses, cut energy use greatly, and keep the air clean in cities and everywhere else. Of course liberals know that electricity being produced may cause emissions. THAT'S WHY WE"RE CHANGING COAL PLANTS IN FOR HEALTHIER ALTERNATIVES.

But thanks for the total bs about great cars....shytteheads. see sig for more of your total, brainwashed IDIOCY.
About 7% of US power is now clean, so why do haters go on about coal, a dying segment until clean coal is many silly Rushbot arguments...
That's great if you want to go to a Nissan dealership and wait for 3 hours.

Electric cars:

Wait to go to work
Wait to go home
Wait to go the grocery store.

Yeah, great cars.

He's had the car for almost a year and has never had to wait once, not at a dealership and not at work.

Why are you so opposed to reducing our dependence on oil?

Do you use a windmill to recharge it? If you plug it in to your house to recharge it, then you are using coal, oil, or gas to run your car. And the conversion from oil to electricity to battery to motor to wheels is not very efficient, some energy is lost in every conversion step.

Clearly you forget Nuclear and Damn Water power but whatever, you don't care because Fox News didn't tell you this.
Welcome to News at 11. Solar Electric growth has led to more Jobs than What the Coal industry currently produces.

On to jeff for the weather forecast...
About 7% of US power is now clean, so why do haters go on about coal, a dying segment until clean coal is many silly Rushbot arguments...

Because people that don't want to spend time THINKING about politics look for a "BUS" that can escort them. Many of them are single toping voters and others put total faith in their party thinking all problems will be solved if I just rely on them.

The result is an America too busy with Family and Work to think about politics and just adhere to a news station such as MSNBC or Fox News and ride it out thinking they know about politics because they heard the "conversation of the day" that ONE PERSON Rupert Merdoch controls.

I worry about Americans that hate Dictatorship yet never raise a question about anything one man controls. Fox News "patriots" are actually dangerous cultists. They don't know the first thing about Politics, they just know about PROFIT that Merdoch drives.
In order to answer that we need to know where it gets the electricity to recharge its batteries. Also, we need to know where the spent toxic batteries will be disposed of.

The batteries are obviously recycled appropriately. They last a long time and are easily identified, they have a car attached. They aren't double A's.

The eia has the info on emissions.

How much carbon dioxide is produced by burning gasoline and diesel fuel? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

"How much carbon dioxide is produced by burning gasoline and diesel fuel?
About 19.64 pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2) are produced from burning a gallon of gasoline that does not contain ethanol. About 22.38 pounds of CO2 are produced by burning a gallon of diesel fuel."

The electric auto produces no emissions.

The eia also has info on co2 per kw for different methods of generation.

How much carbon dioxide is produced per kilowatthour when generating electricity with fossil fuels? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Hydroelectric produces none. So that's an easy calculation.

The others a bit more complicated.

We can rough out the solution without it, though.

An electric car with solar produces none.
An electric car with coal produces some.

The difference betwen the two is the generation method, so it's not the car that is the causal factor.

An inernal combustion engine produces it regardless of how electricit is generated on the grid. It is the causal factor.

I think the idea of the electric vehicle is that it s one link in a chain. It solves one of the issues.

moving a car requires energy, the energy must be produced by something. If you can recharge your car using solar, great, but it won't work too well at night, and if you charge it during the day and drive at night it won't run as long because some of the charge will be used to run the lights, and don't even think about turning on the A/C.

maybe you can recharge from a windmill, but how will you get to work the next day if no wind is blowing that night?

I do agree with your last sentence, however. one link, but a minor link.
My God, what an effort to convince yourself that wind or solar won't work. However you didn't make any sense.
The electric car has an interesting history. It was developed from a locomotive which today are still electric.

I am a bit of a gear head.

Locomotives are diesel/electric. A diesel engine drives a generator which creates electircity, the electricity turns a motor which puts power to the wheels. Many ships are also diesel electric. It makes for a lighter quieter ship with no long propeller shaft.

But they are not "electric" vehicles. They run on diesel fuel, made from OIL.

some streetcars are pure electric using overhead wires to get the electricity to their motors. But something still has to be burned to create the electricity.
Nothing is pure electric. Even electric cars are coal or nuclear electric. The only difference between a locomotive and an electric car is that the locomotive produces it's own electricity. The diesel engine is just a generator. I actually believe fuel electric cars havea viable future. Not hybrids because they aren't fuel electric, they are synergistic.

I actually believe fuel electric cars have a viable future

i do to

that is really the only method that solves a lot of problems

i personally like the hydrogen fuel cell

which converts hydrogen into electricity
Welcome to News at 11. Solar Electric growth has led to more Jobs than What the Coal industry currently produces.

On to jeff for the weather forecast...

so what you are saying is that solar energy is much

more labor intense then coal energy
Wind, Solar, Wave and Tital turbines can power Electric Cars that do not pollute (by today's measures)

The argument that "It takes oil or coal to power electric cars and oil/coal pollute!" is a bit ironic and funny.

Jacques Fresco has been talking about free energy for decades but "free" is why we attack so many things in our Capitalist Society. If things are free, many people lose jobs so Corporations buy politicians who use their power to keep free things illegal.
Welcome to News at 11. Solar Electric growth has led to more Jobs than What the Coal industry currently produces.

On to jeff for the weather forecast...

so what you are saying is that solar energy is much

more labor intense then coal energy

He never said anything of the sort and to project that he was saying that is absolute ignorance...

Coal Plants are causing "smog days" in China. Much like our "snow days" they get out of school because they have so much smog it's not safe to go there in their FREE coal plant towns.

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Welcome to News at 11. Solar Electric growth has led to more Jobs than What the Coal industry currently produces.

On to jeff for the weather forecast...

so what you are saying is that solar energy is much

more labor intense then coal energy

Not one bit.

But if it was, would you be against more legitimate jobs being made?

Sounds like you are just to get your way.
So, here we have a automobile, made right here in America, by American workers averaging well above the average pay, that has no match in the rest of the world, yet out "Conservatives" absolutely hate it. Very interesting. Perhaps a real insight into how their minds work, or fail to.

No one 'hates' it. We only ask that you be reasonable in your expectations of what it can do. Remember, all electric cars have to be recharged. The electricity to recharge them does not just magically appear, it has to be generated.

You DO realize that every car that runs on gasoline needs to be "recharged" in the fact that it needs it's fuel tank refilled to be able to run, right?

Recharging an electric car is the same thing as filling the gas tank on your current car.
Welcome to News at 11. Solar Electric growth has led to more Jobs than What the Coal industry currently produces.

On to jeff for the weather forecast...

so what you are saying is that solar energy is much

more labor intense then coal energy

Not one bit.

But if it was, would you be against more legitimate jobs being made?

Sounds like you are just to get your way.

it certainly is much more labor intense
So, here we have a automobile, made right here in America, by American workers averaging well above the average pay, that has no match in the rest of the world, yet out "Conservatives" absolutely hate it. Very interesting. Perhaps a real insight into how their minds work, or fail to.

No one 'hates' it. We only ask that you be reasonable in your expectations of what it can do. Remember, all electric cars have to be recharged. The electricity to recharge them does not just magically appear, it has to be generated.

You DO realize that every car that runs on gasoline needs to be "recharged" in the fact that it needs it's fuel tank refilled to be able to run, right?

Recharging an electric car is the same thing as filling the gas tank on your current car.

You DO realize that every car that runs on gasoline needs to be "recharged" in the fact that it needs it's fuel tank refilled to be able to run, right?


when i can recharge an electric car in five minutes or less

and get 400 or more miles out of that recharge

i would be all for it

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