The electric car you feel is creating no emissions...

Release the energy stored in batteries. But cloudy skies do not mean the solar cells produce nothing. There is a reduced amount, granted. But the amount of the reduction is growing less and less with the advances.

British scientists develop solar panels which work better on a cloudy day - Telegraph

Who says there are any batteries in this facility? How do technical advances make more sunlight penetrate the clouds? The fact is they can't, and clouds drastically reduce the amount of sunlight hitting the ground, like by a factor of 10.

Some solar cells are more efficient at using indirect sunlight than in using direct sunlight. It is in the link I posted.

Most solar facilities have some battery capacity for storing the energy generated. Otherwise the electricity generated is either used or wasted.

A 90% reduction in sunlight is a 90% reduction in sunlight, direct or not. Generally the solar systems they install in homes don't come with batteries, so that obviously isn't true.
This just in... The electric car you feel is creating no emissions is actually powered by coal in the most inefficient way humanly possible... Movie at 11.



Nay-sayers have this bad habit of leaving inevitable technological progress out of their glass-half-empty equations. No, solar power is not where it needs to be right now. Yes it will be in less than a life span. If you doubt that let me remind you....

"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers." -- Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943.

"Where a calculator on the ENIAC is equipped with 18,000 vacuum tubes and weighs 30 tons, computers in the future may have only 1,000 vacuum tubes and weigh only 1.5 tons." -- Popular Mechanics, 1949

"I have traveled the length and breadth of this country and talked with the best people, and I can assure you that data processing is a fad that won't last out the year." -- The editor in charge of business books for Prentice Hall, 1957.

"But it good for?" -- Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968, commenting on the microchip.

"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home." -- Ken Olson, president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977.

"640K ought to be enough for anybody." -- Attributed to Bill Gates, 1981

"This 'telephone' has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us." -- Western Union internal memo, 1876.

"The Americans have need of the telephone, but we do not. We have plenty of messenger boys." -- Sir William Preece, chief engineer of the British Post Office, 1876.

"The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular?" -- David Sarnoff's associates in response to his urgings for investment in the radio in the 1920s.

"While theoretically and technically television may be feasible, commercially and financially it is an impossibility." -- Lee DeForest, inventor.

"The concept is interesting and well-formed, but in order to earn better than a 'C', the idea must be feasible." -- A Yale University management professor in response to Fred Smith's paper proposing reliable overnight delivery service. (Smith went on to found Federal Express Corp.)
For an example of one R&D approach to solar power that may go a long way to solve the cloudy day problem check this out;

In a departure from 'blue sky thinking' scientists in Britain have developed solar panels that work better on a cloudy day.
Their material is as thin and flexible as cloth, and can be made in any colour and printed in sheets on a 3D printer.
Although the technology is still at development stage, researchers hope that in future it could be used to make coats or bags which could charge phones or laptops or keep the wearer warm.
It is so lightweight that it could also be fitted to homes cheaply without the need to reinforce roofs and would be virtually invisible so homeowners would not be forced to put up with the eyesore of solar panels.
Car manufactures Fiat and Ford are also testing it to see if it could be added to car roofs to charge electrical circuits and avoid flat batteries. - LINK: Wilbur to Orville - I'm not sure this thing will fly

You guys should worry less about today's limitations and think more of tomorrows possibilities.
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Speak for yourself. I live in California, we get almost none of our power from coal.

California 14.84 cents per kilowatt hr (gas/solar/wind)
Texas 8.6 cents per kilowatt hr (coal)

Califronia has the most rolling blackouts of any state in the US.


They don't get it... They won't get it... What it takes to propell a car with Electricity is Painfully Ineffecient and completely unusable in many areas without continuing to create Nuclear Waste, whatever damage these same asshats claim Natural Gas extraction is doing to the Earth, and an increased need for Coal, not less.

Solar is a fucking joke... Solar doesn't pay for itself, Taxpayers Subsidies do so the bottom line looks good to the Ingorant.

When it's all said and done you have an Ineffcient Power Source and Permanent Land Rape with Solar Panels and Massive Batteries to Dispose of.

Making Coal and Oil MORE Efficient and Clean is the Obvious Answer but they have Demonized it so much to their Base that they can't Acknowledge that Fact.

When we are Dealing with the what the "Clean Energy" Asshats have created in 2 or 3 decades these same Fuckstains will Blame "Big Energy" and "Corporations" for all of the Waste and Contamination and Clean-up, not themselves.

Don't even get me started on what it takes to Produce a Tesla's battery and the Waste and Emissions involved... As long as it's not coming out the tailpipe these Pricklookers are A-OK with it.

Just like they are OK with the Solar Panels that litter the tops of Denver Public Schools because they are EPA Biohazard to remove so they just shut them off and they sit and rot.

Instead of Investing in what works to make it cleaner and better these Shitstains want to throw it all out, go through the same growing pains we did with Coal and Oil for a Century or more and they appear to be perfectly OK with that Absurdity.



Idiot. You damned well better start on all that you mentioned, because the whole of it is nothing but a pack of lies pulled out of your ass. Put in some links to verify that producing a lithium battery is any more environmentally destructive than producing an internal combustion engine.

The whole of your rant is nothing but a skean of ignorance and stupidity.
California 14.84 cents per kilowatt hr (gas/solar/wind)
Texas 8.6 cents per kilowatt hr (coal)

Califronia has the most rolling blackouts of any state in the US.


They don't get it... They won't get it... What it takes to propell a car with Electricity is Painfully Ineffecient and completely unusable in many areas without continuing to create Nuclear Waste, whatever damage these same asshats claim Natural Gas extraction is doing to the Earth, and an increased need for Coal, not less.

Solar is a fucking joke... Solar doesn't pay for itself, Taxpayers Subsidies do so the bottom line looks good to the Ingorant.

When it's all said and done you have an Ineffcient Power Source and Permanent Land Rape with Solar Panels and Massive Batteries to Dispose of.

Making Coal and Oil MORE Efficient and Clean is the Obvious Answer but they have Demonized it so much to their Base that they can't Acknowledge that Fact.

When we are Dealing with the what the "Clean Energy" Asshats have created in 2 or 3 decades these same Fuckstains will Blame "Big Energy" and "Corporations" for all of the Waste and Contamination and Clean-up, not themselves.

Don't even get me started on what it takes to Produce a Tesla's battery and the Waste and Emissions involved... As long as it's not coming out the tailpipe these Pricklookers are A-OK with it.

Just like they are OK with the Solar Panels that litter the tops of Denver Public Schools because they are EPA Biohazard to remove so they just shut them off and they sit and rot.

Instead of Investing in what works to make it cleaner and better these Shitstains want to throw it all out, go through the same growing pains we did with Coal and Oil for a Century or more and they appear to be perfectly OK with that Absurdity.


Aside from the cursing and insults being used, I believe your points are valid ones for sure.

I don't. Let's just take this piece:

Solar is a fucking joke... Solar doesn't pay for itself, Taxpayers Subsidies do so the bottom line looks good to the Ingorant.

--- wonder who he thinks got Nukes online. Or paid for those coal mines and oil rigs.

Yup -- the "Ingorant". The Uswanhed Maseses. Taxpyaer Dylsexics.
These are popping up all over the great state of California too...


Electric is the way to go. Waiting for the Electric Mini...

Go ahead and let me know if that Solar Station is Powering those Cars solo...

Beau Jo's here in Colorado Claims to be off the Grid in their Advertising but in Fact they Feed Excel's Grid and use a Majority of their Power from Excel.

Why do Liberals Lie so much?...

Oh, because if they were Honest, none of their Shit would get passed or implemented.



So, dumb shit, you don't understand what grid parrellel means. My, my, you really are determined to demonstrate the totality of your ignorance.:lol:

^I can't wait until when I am road tripping and this is all I see... Solar Fields Raping the Land and only "Supplementing" the Grid to do it...

Later not Paying for themselves and needing to be Disposed of and Replaced.



And we are to ignore the square miles of forest dead or dying because of acid rain. The lakes that used to have trout in them but no longer do because of acid rain from the coal fired generators.
California 14.84 cents per kilowatt hr (gas/solar/wind)
Texas 8.6 cents per kilowatt hr (coal)

Califronia has the most rolling blackouts of any state in the US.


They don't get it... They won't get it... What it takes to propell a car with Electricity is Painfully Ineffecient and completely unusable in many areas without continuing to create Nuclear Waste, whatever damage these same asshats claim Natural Gas extraction is doing to the Earth, and an increased need for Coal, not less.

Solar is a fucking joke... Solar doesn't pay for itself, Taxpayers Subsidies do so the bottom line looks good to the Ingorant.

When it's all said and done you have an Ineffcient Power Source and Permanent Land Rape with Solar Panels and Massive Batteries to Dispose of.

Making Coal and Oil MORE Efficient and Clean is the Obvious Answer but they have Demonized it so much to their Base that they can't Acknowledge that Fact.

When we are Dealing with the what the "Clean Energy" Asshats have created in 2 or 3 decades these same Fuckstains will Blame "Big Energy" and "Corporations" for all of the Waste and Contamination and Clean-up, not themselves.

Don't even get me started on what it takes to Produce a Tesla's battery and the Waste and Emissions involved... As long as it's not coming out the tailpipe these Pricklookers are A-OK with it.

Just like they are OK with the Solar Panels that litter the tops of Denver Public Schools because they are EPA Biohazard to remove so they just shut them off and they sit and rot.

Instead of Investing in what works to make it cleaner and better these Shitstains want to throw it all out, go through the same growing pains we did with Coal and Oil for a Century or more and they appear to be perfectly OK with that Absurdity.



Idiot. You damned well better start on all that you mentioned, because the whole of it is nothing but a pack of lies pulled out of your ass. Put in some links to verify that producing a lithium battery is any more environmentally destructive than producing an internal combustion engine.

The whole of your rant is nothing but a skean of ignorance and stupidity.

But remember:

I Curse because Deliberately Dishonest people Anger me... Many Liberals are Deliberately Dishonest.

Perhaps it's not "deliberate"... :dunno:[/IMG]

^I can't wait until when I am road tripping and this is all I see... Solar Fields Raping the Land and only "Supplementing" the Grid to do it...

Later not Paying for themselves and needing to be Disposed of and Replaced.



"Supplementing the grid" :lol:

^^ can only think in terms of centralization... :rolleyes:

Didn't know placing something upon land "rapes" it -- let alone that the verb rape gets capitalized; ya learn sump'm every day. Good thing something like, say, blowing the top of a mountain off or storing radioactive waste that will be deadly for longer than humans have existed don't "Rape" the land... :eusa_angel:
These are popping up all over the great state of California too...


Electric is the way to go. Waiting for the Electric Mini...

"Charging an electric vehicle at the station takes about three hours and provides a 30-mile charge. One stall is used as an education resource and for experimental vehicle testing by the UI College of Engineering."

"The cost of construction of the station was approximately $950,000 and was funded by a coalition including the Office of Energy Independence, Department of Energy, UI Facilities Management, UI Office of Sustainability, and UI Parking & Transportation."

Electric Vehicle Charging Station- Solar Energy - Renewable Energy - Facilities Management -The University of Iowa

Fucing Self-Destructive, Shortsighted Idiots.



My, my, what a lying fuck you continue to be. The real story is the Tesla Supercharging Station.

Supercharger | Tesla Motors

Tesla Superchargers allow Model S owners to travel for free between cities along well-traveled highways in North America, Europe and Asia. Superchargers provide half a charge in as little as 20 minutes and are strategically placed to allow owners to drive from station to station with minimal stops.

North America
Today – 104 stations
Complete West and East Coast coverage
Coast-to-coast travel
2014 – 80% of the US population and parts of Canada
2015 – 98% of the US population and parts of Canada
Today – 47 stations
Today – 9 stations

Superchargers are located near amenities like roadside diners, cafes, and shopping centers. Road trippers can stop for a quick meal and have their Model S charged when they’re done.
These 'Conservatives' are the same type of people that used to make fun of the horseless carriages. Anything new that they do not understand, which is about everything, they immediatly start denigrating and making up nonsense concerning the new.


Henry Ford was a Conservative. :up:

So another idiot chimes in. Later in life, maybe. However, the other manufacturers actually sued him for paying his workers too much. Hardly a conservative.
These are popping up all over the great state of California too...


Electric is the way to go. Waiting for the Electric Mini...

Been developed in a prototype, they were leased for a couple of years as a road test...

>> It is a normal Cooper but with electric motor -- maximum power 204hp -- powered by a giant 5088-cell lithium ion battery fitted where you'd normally expect to find the back seat. As electric motors have such wide torque bands -- redline is at 12,500 rpm, and every one of those 12,500 revs produces useful torque -- only a single transmission speed is necessary. Maximum torque is available just after idle, and it only tapers off (gently) after 6000rpm. At 12,000rpm, it's still pulling like a train. <<​
--MINI E First Drive

Anyone who's owned a MINI knows the "back seat" is theoretical anyway. Although I did get a piano into mine. :D

One of those leasers shares his experiences in detail after 54,000 miles - MINI E Still Going Strong After 1000 Recharges
Last edited:
Another Mini prototype;

Electric Mini: 0-60 in 4 Seconds: It Has Motors In Its Wheels : TreeHugger

A British engineering firm has put together a high-performance hybrid version of BMW's Mini Cooper. The PML Mini QED has a top speed of 150 mph, a 0-60 mph time of 4.5 seconds. The car uses a small gasoline engine with four 160 horsepower electric motors &#8212; one on each wheel. The car has been designed to run for four hours of combined urban/extra urban driving, powered only by a battery and bank of ultra capacitors. The QED supports an all-electric range of 200-250 miles and has a total range of about 932 miles (1,500 km). For longer journeys at higher speeds, a small conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) is used to re-charge the battery. In this hybrid mode, fuel economies of up to 80mpg can be achieved.
Explains Martin Boughtwood, PML's MD: "Until now, most electric vehicles have been little more than souped-up milk floats, limited by range and speed, with compromised performance. For those with a green conscience who also value an enhanced motoring experience, there is still something missing.

"Working in partnership with our customer, Synergy Innovations, we set out to demonstrate what our electric wheel technology is capable of. We simply took a standard BMW Mini One, discarded the engine, the disc brakes, the wheels, and the gearbox. These components were replaced by four of our electric wheels, a lithium polymer battery, a large ultra capacitor, a very small ICE with generator (so small it almost fits alongside the spare wheel), an energy management system and a sexy in-car display module."

The benefits of PML in-wheel drive technology are;

* It is adaptable to other vehicle chassis
* It eliminates the need for gearing and mechanical drive train
* It allows more space inside the car
This just in... The electric car you feel is creating no emissions is actually powered by coal in the most inefficient way humanly possible... Movie at 11.



Nay-sayers have this bad habit of leaving inevitable technological progress out of their glass-half-empty equations. No, solar power is not where it needs to be right now. Yes it will be in less than a life span. If you doubt that let me remind you....

"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers." -- Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943.

"Where a calculator on the ENIAC is equipped with 18,000 vacuum tubes and weighs 30 tons, computers in the future may have only 1,000 vacuum tubes and weigh only 1.5 tons." -- Popular Mechanics, 1949

"I have traveled the length and breadth of this country and talked with the best people, and I can assure you that data processing is a fad that won't last out the year." -- The editor in charge of business books for Prentice Hall, 1957.

"But it good for?" -- Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968, commenting on the microchip.

"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home." -- Ken Olson, president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977.

"640K ought to be enough for anybody." -- Attributed to Bill Gates, 1981

"This 'telephone' has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us." -- Western Union internal memo, 1876.

"The Americans have need of the telephone, but we do not. We have plenty of messenger boys." -- Sir William Preece, chief engineer of the British Post Office, 1876.

"The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular?" -- David Sarnoff's associates in response to his urgings for investment in the radio in the 1920s.

"While theoretically and technically television may be feasible, commercially and financially it is an impossibility." -- Lee DeForest, inventor.

"The concept is interesting and well-formed, but in order to earn better than a 'C', the idea must be feasible." -- A Yale University management professor in response to Fred Smith's paper proposing reliable overnight delivery service. (Smith went on to found Federal Express Corp.)
For an example of one R&D approach to solar power that may go a long way to solve the cloudy day problem check this out;

In a departure from 'blue sky thinking' scientists in Britain have developed solar panels that work better on a cloudy day.
Their material is as thin and flexible as cloth, and can be made in any colour and printed in sheets on a 3D printer.
Although the technology is still at development stage, researchers hope that in future it could be used to make coats or bags which could charge phones or laptops or keep the wearer warm.
It is so lightweight that it could also be fitted to homes cheaply without the need to reinforce roofs and would be virtually invisible so homeowners would not be forced to put up with the eyesore of solar panels.
Car manufactures Fiat and Ford are also testing it to see if it could be added to car roofs to charge electrical circuits and avoid flat batteries. - LINK: Wilbur to Orville - I'm not sure this thing will fly

You guys should worry less about today's limitations and think more of tomorrows possibilities.

None of those technical advances required anyone to violate the laws of thermodynamics.
These are popping up all over the great state of California too...


Electric is the way to go. Waiting for the Electric Mini...

"Charging an electric vehicle at the station takes about three hours and provides a 30-mile charge. One stall is used as an education resource and for experimental vehicle testing by the UI College of Engineering."

"The cost of construction of the station was approximately $950,000 and was funded by a coalition including the Office of Energy Independence, Department of Energy, UI Facilities Management, UI Office of Sustainability, and UI Parking & Transportation."

Electric Vehicle Charging Station- Solar Energy - Renewable Energy - Facilities Management -The University of Iowa

Fucing Self-Destructive, Shortsighted Idiots.



My, my, what a lying fuck you continue to be. The real story is the Tesla Supercharging Station.

Supercharger | Tesla Motors

Tesla Superchargers allow Model S owners to travel for free between cities along well-traveled highways in North America, Europe and Asia. Superchargers provide half a charge in as little as 20 minutes and are strategically placed to allow owners to drive from station to station with minimal stops.

North America
Today – 104 stations
Complete West and East Coast coverage
Coast-to-coast travel
2014 – 80% of the US population and parts of Canada
2015 – 98% of the US population and parts of Canada
Today – 47 stations
Today – 9 stations

Superchargers are located near amenities like roadside diners, cafes, and shopping centers. Road trippers can stop for a quick meal and have their Model S charged when they’re done.

I'm not lying about anything, hammerhead... I posted what California is building, what they cost and how long a charge takes... And who's paying for it.

It's painfully inefficient... Solar has never paid for itself and anytime it has appeared to is because it is Subsidized by the taxpayer.


And once again you lie.

Short-Term Energy Outlook - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

EIA projects total renewables use for electricity and heat generation will grow by 2.9% in 2014. Conventional hydropower generation is projected to fall by 0.8%, while nonhydropower renewables rise by 4.9%. In 2015, total renewables consumption for electric power and heat generation increases by 4.0%, as a result of a 3.5% increase in hydropower and a 4.2% increase in nonhydropower renewables.

EIA projects that wind power capacity will increase by 8.6% in 2014 and 13.9% in 2015. Electricity generation from wind is projected to contribute 4.5% of total electricity generation in 2015.

EIA expects continued robust growth in solar electricity generation, although the amount of utility-scale generation remains a small share of total U.S. generation at about 0.5% in 2015. While solar growth has historically been concentrated in customer-sited distributed generation installations, utility-scale solar capacity doubled in 2013. EIA expects that utility-scale solar capacity will increase by 88% between the end of 2013 and the end of 2015; about 70% of this new capacity is being built in California. However, customer-sited photovoltaic capacity growth, which the STEO does not forecast, is expected to exceed utility-scale solar growth between 2013 and 2015, according to EIA's Annual Energy Outlook 2014.
This just in... The electric car you feel is creating no emissions is actually powered by coal in the most inefficient way humanly possible... Movie at 11.



Nay-sayers have this bad habit of leaving inevitable technological progress out of their glass-half-empty equations. No, solar power is not where it needs to be right now. Yes it will be in less than a life span. If you doubt that let me remind you....

For an example of one R&D approach to solar power that may go a long way to solve the cloudy day problem check this out;

In a departure from 'blue sky thinking' scientists in Britain have developed solar panels that work better on a cloudy day.
Their material is as thin and flexible as cloth, and can be made in any colour and printed in sheets on a 3D printer.
Although the technology is still at development stage, researchers hope that in future it could be used to make coats or bags which could charge phones or laptops or keep the wearer warm.
It is so lightweight that it could also be fitted to homes cheaply without the need to reinforce roofs and would be virtually invisible so homeowners would not be forced to put up with the eyesore of solar panels.
Car manufactures Fiat and Ford are also testing it to see if it could be added to car roofs to charge electrical circuits and avoid flat batteries. - LINK: Wilbur to Orville - I'm not sure this thing will fly

You guys should worry less about today's limitations and think more of tomorrows possibilities.

None of those technical advances required anyone to violate the laws of thermodynamics.

I've got an ancient solar powered calculator that's been kicking around in one of my junk drawers for years. I still use it in a pinch. If you did a cost/use analysis it's probably paid for itself many times over. And as far as I know it hasn't caused Helmholtz, Clausius or any other late great physicist to roll over in his grave.
You get it from Magic Fairies like Howey in Hollywood?... :rofl:

Electricity is a PAINFULLY Inefficient Source for Power for moving something that weighs as much as a car. :thup:

So if it's Nuclear that is the source for your plug or whatever it is, it's still a REALLY Stoo-pit use of Power.

And for the Record... Cali's Energy Sources for Electricity:

Natural Gas 46.5%
Nuclear 14.9%
Large Hydro 9.6%
Coal 15.5%
Renewables 13.5%

Again... Plug in Cars are Stoo-pit.



As far as I've read, electric engines are actually significantly more efficient in every measurable way than internal combustion engines. Do you have a source for your claims?

Electric engines don't lose all that heat energy lost in internal combustion.

stop reading those liberliar publications and you just might learn something..... , like the truh. :lmao:

Yeah, who needs science when you can have an ideology? Keep believing the Shell answer man.
"Charging an electric vehicle at the station takes about three hours and provides a 30-mile charge. One stall is used as an education resource and for experimental vehicle testing by the UI College of Engineering."

"The cost of construction of the station was approximately $950,000 and was funded by a coalition including the Office of Energy Independence, Department of Energy, UI Facilities Management, UI Office of Sustainability, and UI Parking & Transportation."

Electric Vehicle Charging Station- Solar Energy - Renewable Energy - Facilities Management -The University of Iowa

Fucing Self-Destructive, Shortsighted Idiots.



My, my, what a lying fuck you continue to be. The real story is the Tesla Supercharging Station.

Supercharger | Tesla Motors

Tesla Superchargers allow Model S owners to travel for free between cities along well-traveled highways in North America, Europe and Asia. Superchargers provide half a charge in as little as 20 minutes and are strategically placed to allow owners to drive from station to station with minimal stops.

North America
Today – 104 stations
Complete West and East Coast coverage
Coast-to-coast travel
2014 – 80% of the US population and parts of Canada
2015 – 98% of the US population and parts of Canada
Today – 47 stations
Today – 9 stations

Superchargers are located near amenities like roadside diners, cafes, and shopping centers. Road trippers can stop for a quick meal and have their Model S charged when they’re done.

I'm not lying about anything, hammerhead... I posted what California is building, what they cost and how long a charge takes... And who's paying for it.

It's painfully inefficient... Solar has never paid for itself and anytime it has appeared to is because it is Subsidized by the taxpayer.



Damn straight. Why, nukes were never subsidized by the taxpayer!

Oh wait...

OK well fossil fuels aren't subsidized by the taxpayer!

Ruh roh...
Oh shit...

Well at least taxpayers didn't have to pay for the highways to use those fossil fuels on... :doubt:

OK I got it -- the whole electrical grid these technologies feed --- taxpayer free, right?

Really gotta wonder how some wags think the world works... :rolleyes:

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