The electric car you feel is creating no emissions...

No, it will release considerably more.

The molar mass of O2 is 32 grams/per mole.
The molar mass of C is 12 grams per mole.

So burning 14,000 tons of pure carbon will produce (32+12)/12 *14,000 or 51,333 tons of CO2

I think you need to rework this.

A ton is a set unit of weight. You are claiming that starting with a certain weight of coal, by burning it you create enough gas to weigh over 3 times what the coal did?

That's right, because CO2 also contains Oxygen. Over 2/3s of the weight of CO2 is from the Oxygen.

I understand that. But I am questioning the unit of measure.

Suppose all this was done in a vacuum. We burn 14,000 tons of coal. You say we will then have over 51,000 tons of CO2? So by burning it we INCREASE the weight by 3.6x?
These are popping up all over the great state of California too...


Electric is the way to go. Waiting for the Electric Mini...

What happens on a cloudy day?

Release the energy stored in batteries. But cloudy skies do not mean the solar cells produce nothing. There is a reduced amount, granted. But the amount of the reduction is growing less and less with the advances.

British scientists develop solar panels which work better on a cloudy day - Telegraph
These are popping up all over the great state of California too...


Electric is the way to go. Waiting for the Electric Mini...

What happens on a cloudy day?

Release the energy stored in batteries. But cloudy skies do not mean the solar cells produce nothing. There is a reduced amount, granted. But the amount of the reduction is growing less and less with the advances.

British scientists develop solar panels which work better on a cloudy day - Telegraph

Who says there are any batteries in this facility? How do technical advances make more sunlight penetrate the clouds? The fact is they can't, and clouds drastically reduce the amount of sunlight hitting the ground, like by a factor of 10.
These are popping up all over the great state of California too...


Electric is the way to go. Waiting for the Electric Mini...

What happens on a cloudy day?

Production is reduced by 50%. Still producing...

Germany and the UK are really known for all their sunshine aren't they? :lol:

UK and Germany break solar power records

California is

It reduces production by a lot more than 50%. It's more like 90%. Germany and the UK suffer from numerous power blackouts and they are bankrupting themselves paying for all this "renewable" energy.
Speak for yourself. I live in California, we get almost none of our power from coal.

California 14.84 cents per kilowatt hr (gas/solar/wind)
Texas 8.6 cents per kilowatt hr (coal)

Califronia has the most rolling blackouts of any state in the US.


They don't get it... They won't get it... What it takes to propell a car with Electricity is Painfully Ineffecient and completely unusable in many areas without continuing to create Nuclear Waste, whatever damage these same asshats claim Natural Gas extraction is doing to the Earth, and an increased need for Coal, not less.

Solar is a fucking joke... Solar doesn't pay for itself, Taxpayers Subsidies do so the bottom line looks good to the Ingorant.

When it's all said and done you have an Ineffcient Power Source and Permanent Land Rape with Solar Panels and Massive Batteries to Dispose of.

Making Coal and Oil MORE Efficient and Clean is the Obvious Answer but they have Demonized it so much to their Base that they can't Acknowledge that Fact.

When we are Dealing with the what the "Clean Energy" Asshats have created in 2 or 3 decades these same Fuckstains will Blame "Big Energy" and "Corporations" for all of the Waste and Contamination and Clean-up, not themselves.

Don't even get me started on what it takes to Produce a Tesla's battery and the Waste and Emissions involved... As long as it's not coming out the tailpipe these Pricklookers are A-OK with it.

Just like they are OK with the Solar Panels that litter the tops of Denver Public Schools because they are EPA Biohazard to remove so they just shut them off and they sit and rot.

Instead of Investing in what works to make it cleaner and better these Shitstains want to throw it all out, go through the same growing pains we did with Coal and Oil for a Century or more and they appear to be perfectly OK with that Absurdity.


These are popping up all over the great state of California too...


Electric is the way to go. Waiting for the Electric Mini...

Go ahead and let me know if that Solar Station is Powering those Cars solo...

Beau Jo's here in Colorado Claims to be off the Grid in their Advertising but in Fact they Feed Excel's Grid and use a Majority of their Power from Excel.

Why do Liberals Lie so much?...

Oh, because if they were Honest, none of their Shit would get passed or implemented.


Solar produces 60% as much when cloudy these days...zzzzzzzzzz. You don't get to have another set of "facts", Pub dupe.


Check it out, numskull:

Clouds also have a major role in reflecting some of the Sun's short wavelength (visible light) radiation back into space. The proportion of incident radiation reflected by a substance is called its albedo. The albedo of low thick clouds such as stratocumulus is about 90 percent.
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What happens on a cloudy day?

Release the energy stored in batteries. But cloudy skies do not mean the solar cells produce nothing. There is a reduced amount, granted. But the amount of the reduction is growing less and less with the advances.

British scientists develop solar panels which work better on a cloudy day - Telegraph

Who says there are any batteries in this facility? How do technical advances make more sunlight penetrate the clouds? The fact is they can't, and clouds drastically reduce the amount of sunlight hitting the ground, like by a factor of 10.

Some solar cells are more efficient at using indirect sunlight than in using direct sunlight. It is in the link I posted.

Most solar facilities have some battery capacity for storing the energy generated. Otherwise the electricity generated is either used or wasted.

^I can't wait until when I am road tripping and this is all I see... Solar Fields Raping the Land and only "Supplementing" the Grid to do it...

Later not Paying for themselves and needing to be Disposed of and Replaced.


These are popping up all over the great state of California too...


Electric is the way to go. Waiting for the Electric Mini...

"Charging an electric vehicle at the station takes about three hours and provides a 30-mile charge. One stall is used as an education resource and for experimental vehicle testing by the UI College of Engineering."

"The cost of construction of the station was approximately $950,000 and was funded by a coalition including the Office of Energy Independence, Department of Energy, UI Facilities Management, UI Office of Sustainability, and UI Parking & Transportation."

Electric Vehicle Charging Station- Solar Energy - Renewable Energy - Facilities Management -The University of Iowa

Fucing Self-Destructive, Shortsighted Idiots.


California 14.84 cents per kilowatt hr (gas/solar/wind)
Texas 8.6 cents per kilowatt hr (coal)

Califronia has the most rolling blackouts of any state in the US.


Rolling blackouts are Texas' future without reform, generators say
Because of EPA restrictions :eusa_whistle:
To solve it all, would be to solve the illegal immigration crisis, and the welfare and dependency crisis going on in this nation. First we need to down size the baby making factories that are being built all over this nation, and then put people back to work or get them to work as so they don't have as much time to make babies by the dozens for the government through our wallets to take care of. I mean how do you all think that those nations who are over populated and are bass akwards still, get as big as they get in that way ? It's by the same thinking that is going on in this nation today by those who are running the show....How about lets get a grip on our borders, and make it more harder for people to just flock here like birds heading to the U.S. to make baby birds by the dozens. All we need is more people without a realization of what it means to be conservative, budget conscious, responsible, and to at least be a legal working person or citizen in this nation, and we are through being a nation.

All this out of control mess just means more energy needs to take care of all these liberals they are creating in this nation, and then they want to attack the very thing that takes care of them all (the energy sector?), then to over run, and to over whelm all the other resources in which we have deployed trying to control all this chaos in which they are creating ? Remember folks it's all created by whom, and then they blame whom for it all ? Must be nice to be able to fool most of the people most of the time, instead of a small amount of people almost none of the time. It's sad that the former is taking place instead of the latter, so rolling stupidity I guess is gonna be what it's gonna be then.
Speak for yourself. I live in California, we get almost none of our power from coal.

California 14.84 cents per kilowatt hr (gas/solar/wind)
Texas 8.6 cents per kilowatt hr (coal)

Califronia has the most rolling blackouts of any state in the US.


They don't get it... They won't get it... What it takes to propell a car with Electricity is Painfully Ineffecient and completely unusable in many areas without continuing to create Nuclear Waste, whatever damage these same asshats claim Natural Gas extraction is doing to the Earth, and an increased need for Coal, not less.

Solar is a fucking joke... Solar doesn't pay for itself, Taxpayers Subsidies do so the bottom line looks good to the Ingorant.

When it's all said and done you have an Ineffcient Power Source and Permanent Land Rape with Solar Panels and Massive Batteries to Dispose of.

Making Coal and Oil MORE Efficient and Clean is the Obvious Answer but they have Demonized it so much to their Base that they can't Acknowledge that Fact.

When we are Dealing with the what the "Clean Energy" Asshats have created in 2 or 3 decades these same Fuckstains will Blame "Big Energy" and "Corporations" for all of the Waste and Contamination and Clean-up, not themselves.

Don't even get me started on what it takes to Produce a Tesla's battery and the Waste and Emissions involved... As long as it's not coming out the tailpipe these Pricklookers are A-OK with it.

Just like they are OK with the Solar Panels that litter the tops of Denver Public Schools because they are EPA Biohazard to remove so they just shut them off and they sit and rot.

Instead of Investing in what works to make it cleaner and better these Shitstains want to throw it all out, go through the same growing pains we did with Coal and Oil for a Century or more and they appear to be perfectly OK with that Absurdity.


Aside from the cursing and insults being used, I believe your points are valid ones for sure.

^I can't wait until when I am road tripping and this is all I see... Solar Fields Raping the Land and only "Supplementing" the Grid to do it...

Later not Paying for themselves and needing to be Disposed of and Replaced.


Reminds me of those big satellites dishes that were used years ago, and how people put them things in their yards all over the place, and how they stayed there it seemed forever after they were deemed out of date or useless when the smaller ones took over. Now all you see is the smaller ones being left everywhere also, because these companies don't want them back I guess, or how else would they be littering the landscapes or the roof tops like they do now ? We are becoming a corporate garbage dump is what we are becoming anymore, and the fast buck making wars just continue onward...LOL

We are simply guinea pigs for the wealthy corporate junk making idealist, who want to play with us to their huge benefit, and it works wonders for them due to the fact that we are never catching up with them until they got us and got us good.
  • Thanks
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California 14.84 cents per kilowatt hr (gas/solar/wind)
Texas 8.6 cents per kilowatt hr (coal)

Califronia has the most rolling blackouts of any state in the US.


They don't get it... They won't get it... What it takes to propell a car with Electricity is Painfully Ineffecient and completely unusable in many areas without continuing to create Nuclear Waste, whatever damage these same asshats claim Natural Gas extraction is doing to the Earth, and an increased need for Coal, not less.

Solar is a fucking joke... Solar doesn't pay for itself, Taxpayers Subsidies do so the bottom line looks good to the Ingorant.

When it's all said and done you have an Ineffcient Power Source and Permanent Land Rape with Solar Panels and Massive Batteries to Dispose of.

Making Coal and Oil MORE Efficient and Clean is the Obvious Answer but they have Demonized it so much to their Base that they can't Acknowledge that Fact.

When we are Dealing with the what the "Clean Energy" Asshats have created in 2 or 3 decades these same Fuckstains will Blame "Big Energy" and "Corporations" for all of the Waste and Contamination and Clean-up, not themselves.

Don't even get me started on what it takes to Produce a Tesla's battery and the Waste and Emissions involved... As long as it's not coming out the tailpipe these Pricklookers are A-OK with it.

Just like they are OK with the Solar Panels that litter the tops of Denver Public Schools because they are EPA Biohazard to remove so they just shut them off and they sit and rot.

Instead of Investing in what works to make it cleaner and better these Shitstains want to throw it all out, go through the same growing pains we did with Coal and Oil for a Century or more and they appear to be perfectly OK with that Absurdity.


Aside from the cursing and insults being used, I believe your points are valid ones for sure.

I Curse because Deliberately Dishonest people Anger me... Many Liberals are Deliberately Dishonest.

Stupid people Anger me also... The rest of them are that thing. :thup:


These are popping up all over the great state of California too...


Electric is the way to go. Waiting for the Electric Mini...

"Charging an electric vehicle at the station takes about three hours and provides a 30-mile charge. One stall is used as an education resource and for experimental vehicle testing by the UI College of Engineering."

"The cost of construction of the station was approximately $950,000 and was funded by a coalition including the Office of Energy Independence, Department of Energy, UI Facilities Management, UI Office of Sustainability, and UI Parking & Transportation."

Electric Vehicle Charging Station- Solar Energy - Renewable Energy - Facilities Management -The University of Iowa

Fucing Self-Destructive, Shortsighted Idiots.


If a new grid plan were to come into play (as to have a new city planning panel formed, in which is comprised of our best creators and thinkers, where as we would do this in order to create a super plan for our great cities in which would use resources where resources are to be used best), then all this would make sense to me. Otherwise if cities were recreated as not to allow large vehicles or trucks inside the city limits, but instead would only accommodate small electric vehicles within the inner city sectors, (and a sophisticated rail system would be used to shuttle in the goods and services from the border stations created that are located on the city borders), it would all make sense to me.

The mini rail would bring into the inner city limits, the goods that are needed to supply the businesses and stores that are operating within the inner city limits. Mingling all this new technology together in my opinion, is what is causing the grand confusion and competitive fighting that is going on within it all.

Some of these theme parks in which so many people enjoy across America, and are laid out in such a unique way, could be studied actually in order to recreate the cities that we have in the same ways. Ever heard the people who visited certain places on vacation say, as to how they wish that they could just live in these places ? Well we could actually create such plans and places where all this technology could be applied in the smartest way possible for all, but it would take a huge re-evaluation of the entire set up that is what we have now in each major city, and then to think outside of the box like Walt Disney did when creating in order to realize these dreams again, and for what can actually be done to create the most modern cities in the history of the world.
First of all, an electric motor is a MORE efficient one than an internal combustion engine.

Also, many places use electricity generated by hydro-electric plants.

Also, unless you have a means of comparing the pollution from a coal powered electric plant to the pollution from the number of internal combustion engines equal to the number of electric engine powered, you have no claim.

In other words, if a coal plant can provide power for 5,000 electric cars while putting out X amount of pollution, how many individual combustion engines can you run without creating more than X amount of pollution.

Electric cars are the future.

is X the Roman numeral for 10 ? :lmao:

Sometimes, most times you see it though it'll be the mark beside your answer.
These 'Conservatives' are the same type of people that used to make fun of the horseless carriages. Anything new that they do not understand, which is about everything, they immediatly start denigrating and making up nonsense concerning the new.


Henry Ford was a Conservative. :up:

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