The End of America

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Best-selling author Naomi Wolf (The Beauty Myth) makes a chilling case that American democracy is under threat

Well it's a good thing that we are not a Democracy.
We are a Republic. That is why our founding Father's made us a Republic because they knew that democracies do not last and that they eventually fall.
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Best-selling author Naomi Wolf (The Beauty Myth) makes a chilling case that American democracy is under threat

Well is a good thing that we are not a Democracy.
We are a Republic. That is why our founding Father's made us a Republic because they knew that democracies do not last and that they eventually fall.

Naomi Wolf is an extremist biased shill.
Two party system set in place by the puppet masters in in order to keep the people squabbling with eachother while being enslaved. Of course they will always have their yes men robots to defend them. ~BH
Naomi Wolf? How can anyone take her seriously? She is either a walking contradiction or a political hack fool. Even the NY Times panned her book "beauty myth" calling it " a sloppily researched polemic". In her book she claimed that about 150,000 American women die each year of anexoria but the real figure according to experts is around 200. Wolf offers an opinion that feminists would be better off if they accepted the fact that abortion is a form of homicide and defend it. 30 years after she graduated from Yale she claimed that the university engaged in sexual harassmnet but she defends the treatment of women in Islamic countries claiming that "it is not rooted in sexual repression".
Naomi Wolf? How can anyone take her seriously? She is either a walking contradiction or a political hack fool. Even the NY Times panned her book "beauty myth" calling it " a sloppily researched polemic". In her book she claimed that about 150,000 American women die each year of anexoria but the real figure according to experts is around 200. Wolf offers an opinion that feminists would be better off if they accepted the fact that abortion is a form of homicide and defend it. 30 years after she graduated from Yale she claimed that the university engaged in sexual harassmnet but she defends the treatment of women in Islamic countries claiming that "it is not rooted in sexual repression".

When it comes to anti-American scumbags; content=credibility regardless of the brain-damaged nutjob that puts that bullshit out there.

Its true with Naomi...

as with the twoofers
as with the deathers
as with the birthers
Naomi Wolf? How can anyone take her seriously? She is either a walking contradiction or a political hack fool. Even the NY Times panned her book "beauty myth" calling it " a sloppily researched polemic". In her book she claimed that about 150,000 American women die each year of anexoria but the real figure according to experts is around 200. Wolf offers an opinion that feminists would be better off if they accepted the fact that abortion is a form of homicide and defend it. 30 years after she graduated from Yale she claimed that the university engaged in sexual harassmnet but she defends the treatment of women in Islamic countries claiming that "it is not rooted in sexual repression".

When it comes to anti-American scumbags; content=credibility regardless of the brain-damaged nutjob that puts that bullshit out there.

Its true with Naomi...

as with the twoofers
as with the deathers
as with the birthers

Yeah? I think the truth of the matter is, is that there will always be robot yes men like yourself who never question a fucking thing. No matter what it is, oh no god forbid you question anything.

You close your blind eyes to it and then you idiots go and give it a childish label like "Birthers" or "Truthers" like you're on a fucking school bus. I don't agree with everything alot of these kooks say, but people like you don't believe shit unless it's sent to you from the one way sewer pipe into your home by the mass media. You do their dirty work well. They depend on weak minded sheople slaves like yourself. Just some advice here, You need to wake the fuck up bro. Maybe be a little more open minded. ~BH
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Naomi Wolf? How can anyone take her seriously? She is either a walking contradiction or a political hack fool. Even the NY Times panned her book "beauty myth" calling it " a sloppily researched polemic". In her book she claimed that about 150,000 American women die each year of anexoria but the real figure according to experts is around 200. Wolf offers an opinion that feminists would be better off if they accepted the fact that abortion is a form of homicide and defend it. 30 years after she graduated from Yale she claimed that the university engaged in sexual harassmnet but she defends the treatment of women in Islamic countries claiming that "it is not rooted in sexual repression".

When it comes to anti-American scumbags; content=credibility regardless of the brain-damaged nutjob that puts that bullshit out there.

Its true with Naomi...

as with the twoofers
as with the deathers
as with the birthers

Yeah? I think the truth of the matter is, is that there will always be robot yes men like yourself who never question a fucking thing. No matter what it is, oh no god forbid you question anything.

You close your blind eyes to it and then you idiots go and give it a childish label like "Birthers" or "Truthers" like you're on a fucking school bus. I don't agree with everything alot of these kooks say, but people like you don't believe shit unless it's sent to you from the one way sewer pipe into your home by the mass media. You do their dirty work well. They depend on weak minded sheople slaves like yourself. Just some advice here, You need to wake the fuck up bro. Maybe be a little more open minded. ~BH

He he he...thanks for the laugh.

Less than zero proof ever existed to give birthers a leg to stand on. My eyes are wide open

Less than zero proof ever existed or will ever exist to give twoofers anything to even provide them an air of legitimacy. My eyes are wide open.

And now you'd have us believe that somehow all of the recent information about Bin Laden being killed by US Navy SEALS is false. I should take your word over that of my President.

Perhaps if you dumbfucks didn't act like kids, youd get a big-boy moniker some day.

Anyway, your righteous indignation is hilarious and quite funny. The internet tough-guy routine is played, stale, old, and does nothing to intimidate anyone. The only people it works on are people like you who think it is an effective tool. So keep it up, or perhaps mature a little bit and try to act like an adult; it doesn't matter to me; the only thing less consequential than your silly act are what you think. And thats saying quite a bit.
Best-selling author Naomi Wolf (The Beauty Myth) makes a chilling case that American democracy is under threat

Well it's a good thing that we are not a Democracy.
We are a Republic. That is why our founding Father's made us a Republic because they knew that democracies do not last and that they eventually fall.
Good thing we're not vertebrates. We're mammals because- wait you're just being stupid.
Sadly she is right.

Even if her work is sloppy, even if she has an ax to grind.

Look, both the right winger AND the left wingers (and let's face it, middle Americans who aren't especially politicial at all) agree that government is becoming increasingly imperious, intrusive and meanacing to what we once thought was our birthright not to be molested by government.

Agree or no?

It doesn't matter which party happens to be in power, this trend toward turning this nation into a police state is obvious and has been happening most of my adult lifetime.

And what has been the NUMKBER ONE EXCUSE for giving our government greater and greater police power?

The WAR ON DRUGS, folks.

That is the number one rationaization for why the government MSUT continue to curtail American's freedom.

Reap what ya sow, Americans.

You got busted for breaking the law, grow up and live with it.
When it comes to anti-American scumbags; content=credibility regardless of the brain-damaged nutjob that puts that bullshit out there.

Its true with Naomi...

as with the twoofers
as with the deathers
as with the birthers

Yeah? I think the truth of the matter is, is that there will always be robot yes men like yourself who never question a fucking thing. No matter what it is, oh no god forbid you question anything.

You close your blind eyes to it and then you idiots go and give it a childish label like "Birthers" or "Truthers" like you're on a fucking school bus. I don't agree with everything alot of these kooks say, but people like you don't believe shit unless it's sent to you from the one way sewer pipe into your home by the mass media. You do their dirty work well. They depend on weak minded sheople slaves like yourself. Just some advice here, You need to wake the fuck up bro. Maybe be a little more open minded. ~BH

He he he...thanks for the laugh.

Less than zero proof ever existed to give birthers a leg to stand on. My eyes are wide open

Less than zero proof ever existed or will ever exist to give twoofers anything to even provide them an air of legitimacy. My eyes are wide open.

And now you'd have us believe that somehow all of the recent information about Bin Laden being killed by US Navy SEALS is false. I should take your word over that of my President.

Perhaps if you dumbfucks didn't act like kids, youd get a big-boy moniker some day.

Anyway, your righteous indignation is hilarious and quite funny. The internet tough-guy routine is played, stale, old, and does nothing to intimidate anyone. The only people it works on are people like you who think it is an effective tool. So keep it up, or perhaps mature a little bit and try to act like an adult; it doesn't matter to me; the only thing less consequential than your silly act are what you think. And thats saying quite a bit.

Now, cc I am gona give you a pass because of our final discussion tonight in that other thread. However, For the record though, your retort was pretty weak.

You said "I should take your word over that of my President"? I say no you should not. How about thinking for yourself and researching things for yourself? Why the hell does the dunce Obama have to be the final straw for you to form your opinions? He has an agenda buddy. Anyone with a brain understands that. Also, You're bringing in other so-called conspiracy theory subjects just like you did in the other thread in order to corrupt this one. Anyway, Like I said over there, Enjoy your Mother's day and no hard feelings bro. ~BH
Two party system set in place by the puppet masters in in order to keep the people squabbling with eachother while being enslaved. Of course they will always have their yes men robots to defend them. ~BH

could not have said it better myself.:clap2:
Naomi Wolf? How can anyone take her seriously? She is either a walking contradiction or a political hack fool. Even the NY Times panned her book "beauty myth" calling it " a sloppily researched polemic". In her book she claimed that about 150,000 American women die each year of anexoria but the real figure according to experts is around 200. Wolf offers an opinion that feminists would be better off if they accepted the fact that abortion is a form of homicide and defend it. 30 years after she graduated from Yale she claimed that the university engaged in sexual harassmnet but she defends the treatment of women in Islamic countries claiming that "it is not rooted in sexual repression".

When it comes to anti-American scumbags; content=credibility regardless of the brain-damaged nutjob that puts that bullshit out there.

Its true with Naomi...

as with the twoofers
as with the deathers
as with the birthers

Yeah? I think the truth of the matter is, is that there will always be robot yes men like yourself who never question a fucking thing. No matter what it is, oh no god forbid you question anything.

You close your blind eyes to it and then you idiots go and give it a childish label like "Birthers" or "Truthers" like you're on a fucking school bus. I don't agree with everything alot of these kooks say, but people like you don't believe shit unless it's sent to you from the one way sewer pipe into your home by the mass media. You do their dirty work well. They depend on weak minded sheople slaves like yourself. Just some advice here, You need to wake the fuck up bro. Maybe be a little more open minded. ~BH

:clap2::clap2::clap2: Whitehall is so brainwashed and in denial its unreal.
Best-selling author Naomi Wolf (The Beauty Myth) makes a chilling case that American democracy is under threat

Well is a good thing that we are not a Democracy.
We are a Republic. That is why our founding Father's made us a Republic because they knew that democracies do not last and that they eventually fall.

Naomi Wolf is an extremist biased shill.

kinda like the shills that have penetrated this site,Gam,Parrot,Candyfag,Gomer Pyle Ollie and Briantroll who you let brainwash you with their lies and propaganda on 9/11.:lol:
Less than zero proof ever existed or will ever exist to give twoofers anything to even provide them an air of legitimacy. My eyes are wide open.
How can you open your eyes with your head stuffed up your own ass? That's a neat trick, but then with a name like "candyCORN" you probably are a little loose down there :lol:

And now you'd have us believe that somehow all of the recent information about Bin Laden being killed by US Navy SEALS is false. I should take your word over that of my President.
You assume that when people post informative links, that it is of their making, when in fact they are just passing along info they might find useful to most reasonable aren't included in that reference. Oh and you're soooo right, we should always believe the president cause he never ever lies, in fact no one who ever held that office has ever lied...right?
Never mind that they have made a laughing stock of themselves and stupid fucks like you, by having to change the story upteen times and used fake photos that only an idiot wouldn't see was faked!
Reasonable people have every reason and every fucking right to question a farce like the FAKE OBL death, and to question known proven lying treasonous fucks that occupy the leadership positions in our government, you pathetic troll.
Now run along, nobody believes what you have to say Candyhotroll, you and your sources are proven to be full of shit and have been caught lying too many times to count.
84 civilazations have come and gone since the garden for only one reason Complete disdain for authority. Complete lack of the Moral Law even before it was written on stone. Man Depravity. Naomi should know this. America is no different. Spud
For this you resurrected a 9 month old thread???

The reason George Lucas made the emperor take over the republic the way he did, is because that's the way it's done in the real world. They start by taking a little, in a time of crisis, and we let the governments do what they do because as individuals we feel and probably are powerless to do anything to stop them once they take all of our liberties away. But then again with what people are doing with their liberties right now aren't exactly what a parental figure would look at as good. Most of the time anyway. I'm not saying there is no good in the world but it's much harder to find than evil. At least varying degrees of evil.
The reason George Lucas made the emperor take over the republic the way he did, is because that's the way it's done in the real world. They start by taking a little, in a time of crisis, and we let the governments do what they do because as individuals we feel and probably are powerless to do anything to stop them once they take all of our liberties away. But then again with what people are doing with their liberties right now aren't exactly what a parental figure would look at as good. Most of the time anyway. I'm not saying there is no good in the world but it's much harder to find than evil. At least varying degrees of evil.

In the real world....Luke Skywalker would have flown to the small hole (no bigger than a womp rat) in a perpendicular manner rather than going down that trench of death. Silliest thing ever in any movie; until this. Love Star Wars...just found the whole trench thing silly.

YouTube - ‪Family Guy - Ultimate Power Universe‬‏
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The party goverment does not work ! All they do is fight over their own party's views and how much bonus money they will get to put in their own pockets and what they can do for the rich, and how they can help the people overseas !!!!!!! The hell with the American, born and raised here !!!!! We have childern living right here on the street ! What about the small family farmer(who was the backbone of the United States), many lose there farm everyday here and the american goverment turn thier heads and look away ! That makes the unemployment rate go up and takes money out of the U.S. . Does the goverment really think spending millions of dollars to fight a war on drugs is working???? From what i've seen it's not ! It's just causing a bigger problem, it's caused hard drug users and filled our jails so full we cann't put real criminals behind bars now. With what the goverment spends on the drug war they could greatly cut the det the U.S. is in !!!! The United States has fallen behind in medicine,technogy,education, and other things that we were the leaders in. It's really sad you have to leave the country to get a medical treatment from a 3rd world country, and when you come back home you know more the the american doctors do!(I just did that with a adult stem cell treatment in Costa Rica,and now my heart doctor here in the United States doesn't know how to treat me anymore!) Our 4 farthers are turning over in the graves in shame,because of what the American goverment has become!!!!!! Because the goverment they set up was for the AMERICAN PEOPLE !!!!!!!! It's time the goverment gets back to what it was set up to be !!!!! Governor Jessy was right in what he said and did ! And Obama is an two face stupid idot, and needs to learn how to keep his word and how to stand behind only one view!!!! He needs to solve our problems and help us before he can help and solve the problems of the world, if he wants to have a chance to succeed in it !!!!!!!!!
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