The Face of our next President - 2012

if he paired up with sarah palin right now... they would be an unalienable, undeniable force in american political history.

If he is as smart as ya'll believe him to be (I haven't really taken a real look, so I venture no opinion at this time), he will stay clear of any mention of teaming up with Sarah Palin.
The NEGRO who leads your bankrupt nation today will lead it in 2012. He will bring even more of his close NEGRO friends into the inner cabinet of Government. When the Negro Obama is finished you wont know your country.
Why can't people just let things play out? "Fear"?? Not yet.

It may come as a surprise to younguns new to politics that most mature adults thoroughly vet presidential candidates in their own minds, regardless of party, and vote accordingly. So if this man Cain proves to be a viable candidate, depending on other circumstances in 2011/12, he might have a lot of our votes that aren't necessarily "conservative" votes you would expect. But I can tell you right now, if the campaign gets down and dirty by conservatives already jumping in by accusing the left of "fear" and all sorts of other silly projections, you will lose votes just out of spite.
AMEN on that! :clap2:


you need to see his birth certificate.
the long form. each on of you, personally.

No prob. Sitting here in the filing cabinet on the left side of my desk. Where you want me to send it?

Post the address here in THIS THREAD and I'll send it to you.

NO PO BOXES OR MAIL SERVICES ALLOWED---YOUR PERSONAL HOME ADDRESS posted IN THIS THREAD will get you a copy of my original, State of XXXXXXXX certified birth certificate.

Got the guts to back up that request, L.K. ?? Yeah, didn't think so. Dumbass! :cuckoo:

Ohhhh, so much anger, so little time. But wait. Two years is a LOT of which to get this guy shoved off the radar by your screams (which are sure to be matched by louder screams), to the point there will be all sorts of websites calling for his destruction and the loons on the left will believe it all get the gist. It won't be perty, but you guys should have thought of the repercussions for your own vile activities against first Hillary Clinton and then Barack Obama.

And by the way, just a hint. If Mr. Cain does have class, I don't think he will enjoy being called "The Herminator."
Make our day, Herman..Run!!

AMEN on that! :clap2:


Run, Herman, Run!!

Keep scaring the SHIT out of the lefties, Obama and his disbarred lawyer wife. :lol:

Gotta love it.... :lol:

"I saw it on the Internets, so it must be true!!" Jeny, you are such a gullible fruitfly.

Michelle Obama was licensed to practice law in 1989 by the State of Illinois Supreme Court. In 1993, she became voluntarily inactive.

Illinois Registration Status: Voluntarily inactive and not authorized to practice law – Last Registered Year: 1993

There were no disciplinary proceedings against her license of any kind:

Public Record of Discipline and Pending Proceedings: None

(in other words, she chose a different career, that is the only reason why she no longer practices law)
What? As opposed to the young, unqualified, unexperienced KENYAN in office?

Yeah ARE shitting your pants, just like everyone on the left is shtting their pants over the Hermanator!

He IS a force to be reckoned with for 2012!! And the funny part is, YOU LEFTIES KNOW IT!...leaving you in shitty pants with zero clues how to cope and save your Messiah.. :lol: :clap2:

What is in the water you are drinking?

The guy is not even a blip on the radar. Seems like a nice guy...but not a prayer

His resume is uninspiring. He is not even a top CEO

I guess you didn't read my opening post, did you?

I also guess you're not a big Neal Boortz fan either.

Honey it aint ME who's clueless. Nope. That'd be YOU!!

Herman Cain has been on the political scene in GA a long time, he is coming to national prominence due to his talk show on WSB (that's Welcome South Brother to ya'll who don't know what WSB stands for) and Neal Boortz.

Boortz (also on WSB) has a HUGE following and he's touting Herman from the hilltops.

The Hermanator's got a serious shot at the office. Mark my words.

What's so great about Neal Boortz? Except that he's just another Andrew Breitbart.
What is in the water you are drinking?

The guy is not even a blip on the radar. Seems like a nice guy...but not a prayer

His resume is uninspiring. He is not even a top CEO

I guess you didn't read my opening post, did you?

I also guess you're not a big Neal Boortz fan either.

Honey it aint ME who's clueless. Nope. That'd be YOU!!

Herman Cain has been on the political scene in GA a long time, he is coming to national prominence due to his talk show on WSB (that's Welcome South Brother to ya'll who don't kniow what WSB stands for) and Neal Boortz. Boortz has a HUGE following and he's touting Herman from the hilltops.

The Hermanator's got a serious shot at the office. Mark my words.

OH My goodness......I stand corrected

Neil Boortz

Run him and see how many republicans vote for him.

I bet he will get no where with the R base.

I can't agree or disagree. I am interested in hearing more of the man. I certainly don't know enough about him to make a decision today. But I see no reason why the republican base and the conservative community would quickly discount him. He has an interesting background, but I dont know enough about him yet.

Unlike those that jumped on the Obama bandwagon based on strictly his words and vision, with very little concern about his lack of governing experience and even less concern about who he suirrounded himself with as he developed his vision, I am one that properly vets my candidates of choice.

I am you believe what you say based on the fact that you beleive the GOP base to not have trust in an African American candidate?

I was frankly surprised that Obama made it through the primaries. Although I always liked what he had to say, I really hadn't followed his career at all. But he got where he did in the primaries because of a near-perfect campaign strategy which brought in tons of money to keep him going. Then, of course, when it came down to the wire between him and Hillary, Obama squeaked out the final votes that put him over the top. After that, he was the candidate for 2008 for the Democratic Party and he would therefore get their votes. There was nothing fishy about it at all. He was the party's choice, period. If Hillary had won, the right would have been trashing her 24/7 as well.

But if Obama could pull it out, there's no reason to believe someone like Cain couldn't as well. Everything depends on the condition of the country at the time, and in 2008, the country was ready for a major change in leadership. If they're ready for another change by 2012, so be it.
The NEGRO who leads your bankrupt nation today will lead it in 2012. He will bring even more of his close NEGRO friends into the inner cabinet of Government. When the Negro Obama is finished you wont know your country.

Ya know if I had 3 red dots by my rep column, I think I'd Just slink on outa here.
Hey Maggie......Charles Bass actually had medals for being a prick. Get enough red dots and you get a big red star that looks like an explosion.

I think Bass was up to 3 before he took a break and came back as Bass 2.0.
i too love sarah palin, can't wait till she runs those crooks out of town

I hope Palin doesn't run. I want the next Presidential election to be about IDEAS and the differences in political philosophy being presented to voters. NOT another race about personalities when the media is already itching to set her up and embarrass her while pretending that proves how "stupid" she is.

She isn't the best candidate in 2012 and frankly may never be the right person because she already has way too much baggage. But PLEASE, someone darn well better step up to the plate who is better than Romney of all people. Not another RINO please!
Uninspiring resume

There are thousands of Americans better suited for President

Godfathers Pizza sucks...if he was any good he would have figured out how to make a decent pizza

that's really rich, coming from an Obama supporter.
Yeah, the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil has got even MORE baggage to screw with her now....

Seems that Levi Johnson got back together with Bristol, BUT..........during their time apart, he seems to have knocked up Bristol's best friend.

Interestingly enough, there are 2 other dudes in contention for the prize.

Who says that the Wasilla Chihuahua's family isn't a bunch of slow rednecks? Shit........Obama did a stint on the View.

Looks like Palin is gonna go Jerry Springer...........

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