The FACTS on Food Stamps

You just believe what you want to believe. The facts and statistics are staring you right in the face.

I believe the facts.

$2.5 Billion in fraud in 2010.

Billions more in transactions not considered fraud used at convenience stores and for luxury foods.

The title of that article is misleading. The article clarifies that the 2.5 billion is "misplaced". Which means error is the other major contributing factor.

Again, 1/5 of welfare recipients get less than $133 a month. Much less than $1.25 per meal. That evens out wouldn't you say?

No it doesn't even out. Fraud should never be tolerated and a program that can't track it should be severely reformed.
Oh really? A false premise. I am the only one in this thread who has provided statistical evidence. Anecdotal evidence is what a false premise is.
Do you even know what a premise is?

You cannot cherry pick data and then use that to support your position. That is called a false premise.

So, lets start one more time.

The MAJORITY OF CONSERVATIVES DO NOT want to end food stamps.....That is the first assumption you made which is what forms the false premise.

So, get past that first.

Or are you going to use a few people here on this forum (anecdotal evidence anyone?) as a blanket that everyone wants to end food stamps?

Your second failed premise is that the stats you posted is in any way germane to the question at hand. There MUST BE controls on how the assistance is used. This does NOT include your poorly constructed notion of compassion. Compassion is not giving aid to someone in perpetuity, but in giving them aid in getting them out of their condition. Take away the incentive to remain, and you've taken the first step to real compassion.

Your final failed premise is that abuse of the assistance is not real.. Yet, in post after post, there have been people asking you what can be had with these programs. You have ignored them completely.

So, tell Me again about the stats you have posted?

the poor boy gave up on answering simple questions about what was allowed and not allowed to purchase on snap.....

so much for him wanting to talk about facts.

Aye. It seems, if the facts are not messaged enough and come from government, they don't really count.

I am 52 years old. I have seen people on food stamps and general welfare My entire life. In the states I have listed, I have spoken with many people who take assistance. In My opinion, when I, and just about everyone I have ever talked to, report the exact same thing, from just about every state in the Union, I don't think they are anecdotal at all..

A person can go anywhere in this country and discover the same thing. 2.5 billion dollars in fraud covers a lot of territory.
You refuse to believe the facts that do not fit your narrative. You peddle propaganda on the basis of a false premise, driven by the twisting of what others say.

Oh really? A false premise. I am the only one in this thread who has provided statistical evidence. Anecdotal evidence is what a false premise is.
Do you even know what a premise is?

You cannot cherry pick data and then use that to support your position. That is called a false premise.

So, lets start one more time.

The MAJORITY OF CONSERVATIVES DO NOT want to end food stamps.....That is the first assumption you made which is what forms the false premise.

So, get past that first.

Or are you going to use a few people here on this forum (anecdotal evidence anyone?) as a blanket that everyone wants to end food stamps?

Your second failed premise is that the stats you posted is in any way germane to the question at hand. There MUST BE controls on how the assistance is used. This does NOT include your poorly constructed notion of compassion. Compassion is not giving aid to someone in perpetuity, but in giving them aid in getting them out of their condition. Take away the incentive to remain, and you've taken the first step to real compassion.

Your final failed premise is that abuse of the assistance is not real.. Yet, in post after post, there have been people asking you what can be had with these programs. You have ignored them completely.

So, tell Me again about the stats you have posted?

Lol you crack me up.

I never said anything about cons wanting to end it, nor did I say anything about "compassion".

Explain to me how i cherry picked data. You haven't done that.

There are controls on this program. Just because the system isn't perfect, it doesn't mean it needs to be reformed. It is within the best interests of the government to keep fraud from happening.
I got food stamps when I was in college and working part time a few years ago. I wasn't eating lobster and steak. I could barely pay my bills let alone blow my food stamps.

I don't get the war on the poor. Most people getting food stamps are working families that are just trying to make it. Why the hate for the poor?

you were one of the few then who did not abuse the system. You are the type of person it is there for to help...

but... if you wanted that lobster... you could have bought it.

you cant deny that the system is rife with entailment whores who are in it for ever cent they can scam out of it. .


Come on is it fair to say the vast majority of recipients are abusing the system? Wouldn't it be more accurate to turn that around and say most recipients have a legitimate need, but there is a relatively small percentage of people who abuse it?

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I got food stamps when I was in college and working part time a few years ago. I wasn't eating lobster and steak. I could barely pay my bills let alone blow my food stamps.

I don't get the war on the poor. Most people getting food stamps are working families that are just trying to make it. Why the hate for the poor?

you were one of the few then who did not abuse the system. You are the type of person it is there for to help...

but... if you wanted that lobster... you could have bought it.

you cant deny that the system is rife with entailment whores who are in it for ever cent they can scam out of it. .


Come on is it fair to say the vast majority of recipients are abusing the system? Wouldn't't it be more accurate to turn that around and say most recipients have a legitimate need, but there is a relatively small percentage of people who abuse it?


in my opinion...yes, the VAST majority are abusing what the system is for...

poor billy wont even answer the simple questions about the facts... that should indicate something right there.

ill try the coffee question on you since billy is scared to answer

can you or can you not buy expensive coffee with snap?
Oh really? A false premise. I am the only one in this thread who has provided statistical evidence. Anecdotal evidence is what a false premise is.
Do you even know what a premise is?

You cannot cherry pick data and then use that to support your position. That is called a false premise.

So, lets start one more time.

The MAJORITY OF CONSERVATIVES DO NOT want to end food stamps.....That is the first assumption you made which is what forms the false premise.

So, get past that first.

Or are you going to use a few people here on this forum (anecdotal evidence anyone?) as a blanket that everyone wants to end food stamps?

Your second failed premise is that the stats you posted is in any way germane to the question at hand. There MUST BE controls on how the assistance is used. This does NOT include your poorly constructed notion of compassion. Compassion is not giving aid to someone in perpetuity, but in giving them aid in getting them out of their condition. Take away the incentive to remain, and you've taken the first step to real compassion.

Your final failed premise is that abuse of the assistance is not real.. Yet, in post after post, there have been people asking you what can be had with these programs. You have ignored them completely.

So, tell Me again about the stats you have posted?

Lol you crack me up.

I never said anything about cons wanting to end it, nor did I say anything about "compassion".

Explain to me how i cherry picked data. You haven't done that.

There are controls on this program. Just because the system isn't perfect, it doesn't mean it needs to be reformed. It is within the best interests of the government to keep fraud from happening.
it is the very reason that it DOES need to be reformed.

Your entire purpose of starting this thread is because someone pissed you off about food stamps and wanting to end it. I read the thread you mentions and didn't comment because I didn't agree with the person who ranted against food stamps. I don't bother to post in every thread, after all.....

Be that as it may....

Lets start a real conversation on food stamps and government aid to the poor.

I like to start at the basics......That means that you prioritize those things that will kill you the quickest if you don't have them. In the order you die the fastest is:


Without either, you die in minutes and days.


Without food, you die in a month...maybe two.

So, which foods will keep a person alive.

Remember, this is a discussion not on what people like to eat. But on what will keep them alive until they can fend for themselves.

So, what do you consider a necessity and what do you think is a luxury?
Billy had his ass kicked so hard, he's going to be able to whistle through his hemorrhoids .
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I got food stamps when I was in college and working part time a few years ago. I wasn't eating lobster and steak. I could barely pay my bills let alone blow my food stamps.

I don't get the war on the poor. Most people getting food stamps are working families that are just trying to make it. Why the hate for the poor?

you were one of the few then who did not abuse the system. You are the type of person it is there for to help...

but... if you wanted that lobster... you could have bought it.

you cant deny that the system is rife with entailment whores who are in it for ever cent they can scam out of it. .


Come on is it fair to say the vast majority of recipients are abusing the system? Wouldn't't it be more accurate to turn that around and say most recipients have a legitimate need, but there is a relatively small percentage of people who abuse it?


Why are food stamps even allowed in fast food restaurants? Why are they even given to people who don't need them? Why is the system so easily gamed like allowing use at gas stations that charge $1 for a banana when they are 50¢ per pound at the grocery store across the street?

These problems could all very easily go away, if not for the incompetence, laziness, and fraud built into the program.

you were one of the few then who did not abuse the system. You are the type of person it is there for to help...

but... if you wanted that lobster... you could have bought it.

you cant deny that the system is rife with entailment whores who are in it for ever cent they can scam out of it. .


Come on is it fair to say the vast majority of recipients are abusing the system? Wouldn't't it be more accurate to turn that around and say most recipients have a legitimate need, but there is a relatively small percentage of people who abuse it?


in my opinion...yes, the VAST majority are abusing what the system is for...

poor billy wont even answer the simple questions about the facts... that should indicate something right there.

ill try the coffee question on you since billy is scared to answer

can you or can you not buy expensive coffee with snap?

How many times are you going to bring up stuff one can buy with food stamps? Let me guess - you found an article about someone buying expensive coffee with SNAP? The stupidity of a person using their benefits irresponsibly is completley insignificant. People are adults. If that person wants to starve, then so be it. That person is not representive of all SNAP recipients.
Do you even know what a premise is?

You cannot cherry pick data and then use that to support your position. That is called a false premise.

So, lets start one more time.

The MAJORITY OF CONSERVATIVES DO NOT want to end food stamps.....That is the first assumption you made which is what forms the false premise.

So, get past that first.

Or are you going to use a few people here on this forum (anecdotal evidence anyone?) as a blanket that everyone wants to end food stamps?

Your second failed premise is that the stats you posted is in any way germane to the question at hand. There MUST BE controls on how the assistance is used. This does NOT include your poorly constructed notion of compassion. Compassion is not giving aid to someone in perpetuity, but in giving them aid in getting them out of their condition. Take away the incentive to remain, and you've taken the first step to real compassion.

Your final failed premise is that abuse of the assistance is not real.. Yet, in post after post, there have been people asking you what can be had with these programs. You have ignored them completely.

So, tell Me again about the stats you have posted?

Lol you crack me up.

I never said anything about cons wanting to end it, nor did I say anything about "compassion".

Explain to me how i cherry picked data. You haven't done that.

There are controls on this program. Just because the system isn't perfect, it doesn't mean it needs to be reformed. It is within the best interests of the government to keep fraud from happening.
it is the very reason that it DOES need to be reformed.

Your entire purpose of starting this thread is because someone pissed you off about food stamps and wanting to end it. I read the thread you mentions and didn't comment because I didn't agree with the person who ranted against food stamps. I don't bother to post in every thread, after all.....

Be that as it may....

Lets start a real conversation on food stamps and government aid to the poor.

I like to start at the basics......That means that you prioritize those things that will kill you the quickest if you don't have them. In the order you die the fastest is:


Without either, you die in minutes and days.


Without food, you die in a month...maybe two.

So, which foods will keep a person alive.

Remember, this is a discussion not on what people like to eat. But on what will keep them alive until they can fend for themselves.

So, what do you consider a necessity and what do you think is a luxury?

lol... he wont answer me... what makes you think he will answer you on all of that?

Come on is it fair to say the vast majority of recipients are abusing the system? Wouldn't't it be more accurate to turn that around and say most recipients have a legitimate need, but there is a relatively small percentage of people who abuse it?


in my opinion...yes, the VAST majority are abusing what the system is for...

poor billy wont even answer the simple questions about the facts... that should indicate something right there.

ill try the coffee question on you since billy is scared to answer

can you or can you not buy expensive coffee with snap?

How many times are you going to bring up stuff one can buy with food stamps? Let me guess - you found an article about someone buying expensive coffee with SNAP? The stupidity of a person using their benefits irresponsibly is completley insignificant. People are adults. If that person wants to starve, then so be it. That person is not representive of all SNAP recipients.
Incorrect. If you have kids and your are spending the assistance on luxury items while your kids are starving, that is called criminal behavior.

Abetted by government.

Come on is it fair to say the vast majority of recipients are abusing the system? Wouldn't't it be more accurate to turn that around and say most recipients have a legitimate need, but there is a relatively small percentage of people who abuse it?


in my opinion...yes, the VAST majority are abusing what the system is for...

poor billy wont even answer the simple questions about the facts... that should indicate something right there.

ill try the coffee question on you since billy is scared to answer

can you or can you not buy expensive coffee with snap?

How many times are you going to bring up stuff one can buy with food stamps? Let me guess - you found an article about someone buying expensive coffee with SNAP? The stupidity of a person using their benefits irresponsibly is completley insignificant. People are adults. If that person wants to starve, then so be it. That person is not representive of all SNAP recipients.

try answering the question

coffee....yes or no?

Come on is it fair to say the vast majority of recipients are abusing the system? Wouldn't't it be more accurate to turn that around and say most recipients have a legitimate need, but there is a relatively small percentage of people who abuse it?


in my opinion...yes, the VAST majority are abusing what the system is for...

poor billy wont even answer the simple questions about the facts... that should indicate something right there.

ill try the coffee question on you since billy is scared to answer

can you or can you not buy expensive coffee with snap?

How many times are you going to bring up stuff one can buy with food stamps? Let me guess - you found an article about someone buying expensive coffee with SNAP? The stupidity of a person using their benefits irresponsibly is completley insignificant. People are adults. If that person wants to starve, then so be it. That person is not representive of all SNAP recipients.

If they are using public assistance to buy coffee, gas station food, steak, lobster, and fast food they don't need public assistance.

That's the part you don't seem to get.
Lol you crack me up.

I never said anything about cons wanting to end it, nor did I say anything about "compassion".

Explain to me how i cherry picked data. You haven't done that.

There are controls on this program. Just because the system isn't perfect, it doesn't mean it needs to be reformed. It is within the best interests of the government to keep fraud from happening.
it is the very reason that it DOES need to be reformed.

Your entire purpose of starting this thread is because someone pissed you off about food stamps and wanting to end it. I read the thread you mentions and didn't comment because I didn't agree with the person who ranted against food stamps. I don't bother to post in every thread, after all.....

Be that as it may....

Lets start a real conversation on food stamps and government aid to the poor.

I like to start at the basics......That means that you prioritize those things that will kill you the quickest if you don't have them. In the order you die the fastest is:


Without either, you die in minutes and days.


Without food, you die in a month...maybe two.

So, which foods will keep a person alive.

Remember, this is a discussion not on what people like to eat. But on what will keep them alive until they can fend for themselves.

So, what do you consider a necessity and what do you think is a luxury?

lol... he wont answer me... what makes you think he will answer you on all of that?
Mostly so I can say to Myself, "I tried to have a reasoned conversation."

Then I'll likely put him on ignore where he can join the who's who of progressive morons I have there.
Do you even know what a premise is?

You cannot cherry pick data and then use that to support your position. That is called a false premise.

So, lets start one more time.

The MAJORITY OF CONSERVATIVES DO NOT want to end food stamps.....That is the first assumption you made which is what forms the false premise.

So, get past that first.

Or are you going to use a few people here on this forum (anecdotal evidence anyone?) as a blanket that everyone wants to end food stamps?

Your second failed premise is that the stats you posted is in any way germane to the question at hand. There MUST BE controls on how the assistance is used. This does NOT include your poorly constructed notion of compassion. Compassion is not giving aid to someone in perpetuity, but in giving them aid in getting them out of their condition. Take away the incentive to remain, and you've taken the first step to real compassion.

Your final failed premise is that abuse of the assistance is not real.. Yet, in post after post, there have been people asking you what can be had with these programs. You have ignored them completely.

So, tell Me again about the stats you have posted?

Lol you crack me up.

I never said anything about cons wanting to end it, nor did I say anything about "compassion".

Explain to me how i cherry picked data. You haven't done that.

There are controls on this program. Just because the system isn't perfect, it doesn't mean it needs to be reformed. It is within the best interests of the government to keep fraud from happening.
it is the very reason that it DOES need to be reformed.

Your entire purpose of starting this thread is because someone pissed you off about food stamps and wanting to end it. I read the thread you mentions and didn't comment because I didn't agree with the person who ranted against food stamps. I don't bother to post in every thread, after all.....

Be that as it may....

Lets start a real conversation on food stamps and government aid to the poor.

I like to start at the basics......That means that you prioritize those things that will kill you the quickest if you don't have them. In the order you die the fastest is:


Without either, you die in minutes and days.


Without food, you die in a month...maybe two.

So, which foods will keep a person alive.

Remember, this is a discussion not on what people like to eat. But on what will keep them alive until they can fend for themselves.

So, what do you consider a necessity and what do you think is a luxury?

Why is my personal opinion on what is a necessity and what is a luxury item relevant to the statistical evidence about SNAP?
it is the very reason that it DOES need to be reformed.

Your entire purpose of starting this thread is because someone pissed you off about food stamps and wanting to end it. I read the thread you mentions and didn't comment because I didn't agree with the person who ranted against food stamps. I don't bother to post in every thread, after all.....

Be that as it may....

Lets start a real conversation on food stamps and government aid to the poor.

I like to start at the basics......That means that you prioritize those things that will kill you the quickest if you don't have them. In the order you die the fastest is:


Without either, you die in minutes and days.


Without food, you die in a month...maybe two.

So, which foods will keep a person alive.

Remember, this is a discussion not on what people like to eat. But on what will keep them alive until they can fend for themselves.

So, what do you consider a necessity and what do you think is a luxury?

lol... he wont answer me... what makes you think he will answer you on all of that?
Mostly so I can say to Myself, "I tried to have a reasoned conversation."

Then I'll likely put him on ignore where he can join the who's who of progressive morons I have there.

i tried to have a reasoned conversation with him too..... simple questions about what was and was not allowed.... and he melted down.

so much for wanting to talk about facts and food stamps.
Lol you crack me up.

I never said anything about cons wanting to end it, nor did I say anything about "compassion".

Explain to me how i cherry picked data. You haven't done that.

There are controls on this program. Just because the system isn't perfect, it doesn't mean it needs to be reformed. It is within the best interests of the government to keep fraud from happening.
it is the very reason that it DOES need to be reformed.

Your entire purpose of starting this thread is because someone pissed you off about food stamps and wanting to end it. I read the thread you mentions and didn't comment because I didn't agree with the person who ranted against food stamps. I don't bother to post in every thread, after all.....

Be that as it may....

Lets start a real conversation on food stamps and government aid to the poor.

I like to start at the basics......That means that you prioritize those things that will kill you the quickest if you don't have them. In the order you die the fastest is:


Without either, you die in minutes and days.


Without food, you die in a month...maybe two.

So, which foods will keep a person alive.

Remember, this is a discussion not on what people like to eat. But on what will keep them alive until they can fend for themselves.

So, what do you consider a necessity and what do you think is a luxury?

Why is my personal opinion on what is a necessity and what is a luxury item relevant to the statistical evidence about SNAP?

i am not asking about your personal opinion...

i am asking about the facts...remember.... the facts about food stamps.

is coffee allowed....yes or no?

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