The FACTS on Food Stamps

Are you really this stupid? Tell you what, find me a case where someone bought caviar with SNAP funding. Otherwise, shut up.

Caviar & food stamps ? Brooklyn Daily

Steak and Lobster too: Food Stamps Steak Receipt


thanks for the caviar link!

Lol oh come on. How long did it take you to find this story? This article is about a letter from some average Joe about what he may or may not have seen in a supermarket. There is no proof in this article that a welfare recipient bought caviar.

Oh lord. You people are really reaching.
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come on [MENTION=33739]Billy000[/MENTION]. This is your thread about facts.....

coffee.... can you buy expensive coffee with food stamps?
All of these stories are anecdotal. You are conveniently ignoring the stats in my thread. The stats on SNAP fraud are relatively low, especially since SNAP is not enough for many people.

I'm not ignoring the statistics you posted. I'm saying that the program is so large and mismanaged that fraud is rampant. Then I posted evidence that shows it's rampant.

$5 million in fraud from one person? That should be huge, but it's just a drop in the bucket.

he wished to speak about "THE FACTS ON FOOD STAMPS"

it would appear he either does not know all of the facts, is ignoring all of the facts...or only wants to cherry pick the "facts" that suit his agenda.


The facts show it's a terribly mismanaged program. Instead of trying to expose and root out fraud, it's wished away. Most fiscal conservatives object to the program because of the rampant fraud.

Lol oh come on. How long did it take you to find this story? This article is about a letter from some average Joe about what he may or may not have seen in a supermarket. There is no proof in this article that a welfare recipient bought caviar.

Oh lord. You people are really reaching.

5 seconds on google.

You asked for an anecdotal link and that's what you got.
Inspired by Pete's asinine rant on the poor, here is the no-spin facts on SNAP (food stamps). Maybe now you will stop listening to the bullshit propaganda that comes from the Republican party. I put what I consider to be the most important facts in bold, but I do encourage you to read all of it.

SNAP (Food Stamps): Facts, Myths and Realities

(Their sources are straight from government data)
way to build up a false premise.

Tell Me then, oh purveyor of government propaganda, why is it that we face a hunger issue in this country but are the fattest fuckers on the planet?

Children in poverty and who have parents accepting food stamps seem to have the most fat kids.

Any clue as to why that is? Because I know why, but I doubt you'd believe it because you will only accept the progressive view point.

That would be because you can purchase fast food with snap... you want McD's... snap. You want kentucky fried... snap... you want burger king... snap. You want starbucks coffee drinks... snap.

AND all the expensive luxury junk food you can stuff your face with.....

Which is fraud in itself.

If you're fat, you don't need that much public assistance for food.

come on..... coffee.... expensive coffee..... lets talk some facts

yes or no?
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way to build up a false premise.

Tell Me then, oh purveyor of government propaganda, why is it that we face a hunger issue in this country but are the fattest fuckers on the planet?

Children in poverty and who have parents accepting food stamps seem to have the most fat kids.

Any clue as to why that is? Because I know why, but I doubt you'd believe it because you will only accept the progressive view point.

That would be because you can purchase fast food with snap... you want McD's... snap. You want kentucky fried... snap... you want burger king... snap. You want starbucks coffee drinks... snap.

AND all the expensive luxury junk food you can stuff your face with.....

Which is fraud in itself.

If you're fat, you don't need that much public assistance for food.

being able to buy fast food with other peoples hard earned money is wrong on so many levels it is not even funny.

though to the ones enjoying the fast food...i am sure they are laughing their asses off.
I'm not ignoring the statistics you posted. I'm saying that the program is so large and mismanaged that fraud is rampant. Then I posted evidence that shows it's rampant.

$5 million in fraud from one person? That should be huge, but it's just a drop in the bucket.

he wished to speak about "THE FACTS ON FOOD STAMPS"

it would appear he either does not know all of the facts, is ignoring all of the facts...or only wants to cherry pick the "facts" that suit his agenda.


The facts show it's a terribly mismanaged program. Instead of trying to expose and root out fraud, it's wished away. Most fiscal conservatives object to the program because of the rampant fraud.

You just believe what you want to believe. The facts and statistics are staring you right in the face.
We are the fattest country because 15% of us eat fast food on a DAILY basis. Fast food is cheap. Healthy food is not.

Seem to have the fattest kids? You pulled that out of your ass.

This isn't a "progressive viewpoint". These are facts. Get used to it.
It is propaganda, understand that. This is what you are peddling.

Now, as to your reply. No one begrudges people food stamps. However, with largess comes a set of expectations. People using food stamps for fast food is one of the things wrong with the program. Buying non-nutritious, calorie dense foods that have no nutritional value is another. Perhaps you should learn a little bit about nutrition, eating habits and proper shopping.

The moron Doomblerg wanted to take away 32 oz sugar drinks from adults who could pay for it, but ignores the poor purchase habits of people who use government handouts as a means of feeding themselves and then.....and THEN....they want to pass laws on those of us who CAN support our families limiting OUR freedoms while allowing the food stamp people to continue to sell food stamps for drugs and cigarettes, purchase unhealthy foods, and abuse the system.

Now, I know you don't think any of that happens, ANYWHERE, but the truth is, I can see this abuse on a daily basis. I have seen this abuse in 7 states and I have no doubt that I can find it in the other 43, (50 for you progressives).

Don't give Me the hunger meme.....Kids that are going hungry or have to rely upon schools to feed them need to be taken away from parents who are using their government handouts for anything OTHER than feeding their kids.

And don't even get Me started on adults who don't have the fucking pride to work multiple jobs to support the offspring they bring into this world.

You progressives just dismiss it and make excuses for people who can barely get by having more and more kids and then call us heartless when we say enough, we are not going to take ALL of your responsibility for YOUR life.

Tell me, when a parent has to work multiple jobs, who is watching their kids? They either have to apply for day care support, or hire a full time babysitter. All of that costs MONEY.

You see abuse on a daily basis? You and I both know that is bullshit. Again, anecdotal evidence is insignificant against actual statistics.
They have no family that can help? This nonsense about "I can't work because I can't afford childcare" has been around for generations. These same people, when asked probably couldn't tell you where their children are at any given moment and they stay at home!

I do see abuse every day. I have seen it in California, Oregon, Nevada, Arizona, Iowa, Pensylvania, and New York. All withe exact same attitudes toward their benefactors, which is to say, nothing but contempt and give me more.

This is no longer anecdotal evidence. It gets reported by millions of people yearly. The fact that you don't think it happens is just proof that you argue from a blind partisan position and DON"T want to know the truth. The only bullshit going on here is yours.

I don't want to end food programs for the needy. I never have. I do know people who have fallen on hard times and needed the hand up to get back on their feet. But they did JUST THAT. They took the assistance, many of them with tears in their eyes, and worked to get off as soon as they could.

What I, and just about 95% of conservatives are demanding is that there are limits placed upon what the assistance can be used for. You cannot go and load up on garbage to feed your children, all the while pumping out more for a bigger payday.

You cannot use government food stamps, OR ANY OTHER GOVERNMENT ASSISTANT PROGRAM, as a means to enrich yourself. People on assitance for food should be required to shop for only APPROVED staples, and cannot use assitance for anything considered a luxury, such as phones, cable TV, top end food stuffs.

ONLY those items needed to survive while they work....WORK...on bettering their situation.

There is only one caveat. If they are disabled through no fault of their own and cannot or do not have the ability to support themselves. This means a physical handicap or a mental disability. If you are able and capable of working to support yourself, by GOD, get busy.

All of these stories are anecdotal. You are conveniently ignoring the stats in my thread. The stats on SNAP fraud are relatively low, especially since SNAP is not enough for many people.

Not saying those stats are wrong, but tell me, do you believe them because the government is responsible for printing them? If you ask me, that is a very good reason to question them.


coffee billy.... come one, its not that hard to answer the expensive coffee question is it?

yes or no...can you buy expensive coffee on snap?
he wished to speak about "THE FACTS ON FOOD STAMPS"

it would appear he either does not know all of the facts, is ignoring all of the facts...or only wants to cherry pick the "facts" that suit his agenda.


The facts show it's a terribly mismanaged program. Instead of trying to expose and root out fraud, it's wished away. Most fiscal conservatives object to the program because of the rampant fraud.

You just believe what you want to believe. The facts and statistics are staring you right in the face.
You refuse to believe the facts that do not fit your narrative. You peddle propaganda on the basis of a false premise, driven by the twisting of what others say.
he wished to speak about "THE FACTS ON FOOD STAMPS"

it would appear he either does not know all of the facts, is ignoring all of the facts...or only wants to cherry pick the "facts" that suit his agenda.


The facts show it's a terribly mismanaged program. Instead of trying to expose and root out fraud, it's wished away. Most fiscal conservatives object to the program because of the rampant fraud.

You just believe what you want to believe. The facts and statistics are staring you right in the face.

I believe the facts.

$2.5 Billion in fraud in 2010.

Billions more in transactions not considered fraud used at convenience stores and for luxury foods.

The facts show it's a terribly mismanaged program. Instead of trying to expose and root out fraud, it's wished away. Most fiscal conservatives object to the program because of the rampant fraud.

You just believe what you want to believe. The facts and statistics are staring you right in the face.
You refuse to believe the facts that do not fit your narrative. You peddle propaganda on the basis of a false premise, driven by the twisting of what others say.

Oh really? A false premise. I am the only one in this thread who has provided statistical evidence. Anecdotal evidence is what a false premise is.

The facts show it's a terribly mismanaged program. Instead of trying to expose and root out fraud, it's wished away. Most fiscal conservatives object to the program because of the rampant fraud.

You just believe what you want to believe. The facts and statistics are staring you right in the face.

I believe the facts.

$2.5 Billion in fraud in 2010.

Billions more in transactions not considered fraud used at convenience stores and for luxury foods.

The title of that article is misleading. The article clarifies that the 2.5 billion is "misplaced". Which means error is the other major contributing factor.

Again, 1/5 of welfare recipients get less than $133 a month. Much less than $1.25 per meal. That evens out wouldn't you say?
You just believe what you want to believe. The facts and statistics are staring you right in the face.
You refuse to believe the facts that do not fit your narrative. You peddle propaganda on the basis of a false premise, driven by the twisting of what others say.

Oh really? A false premise. I am the only one in this thread who has provided statistical evidence. Anecdotal evidence is what a false premise is.
Do you even know what a premise is?

You cannot cherry pick data and then use that to support your position. That is called a false premise.

So, lets start one more time.

The MAJORITY OF CONSERVATIVES DO NOT want to end food stamps.....That is the first assumption you made which is what forms the false premise.

So, get past that first.

Or are you going to use a few people here on this forum (anecdotal evidence anyone?) as a blanket that everyone wants to end food stamps?

Your second failed premise is that the stats you posted is in any way germane to the question at hand. There MUST BE controls on how the assistance is used. This does NOT include your poorly constructed notion of compassion. Compassion is not giving aid to someone in perpetuity, but in giving them aid in getting them out of their condition. Take away the incentive to remain, and you've taken the first step to real compassion.

Your final failed premise is that abuse of the assistance is not real.. Yet, in post after post, there have been people asking you what can be had with these programs. You have ignored them completely.

So, tell Me again about the stats you have posted?
You refuse to believe the facts that do not fit your narrative. You peddle propaganda on the basis of a false premise, driven by the twisting of what others say.

Oh really? A false premise. I am the only one in this thread who has provided statistical evidence. Anecdotal evidence is what a false premise is.
Do you even know what a premise is?

You cannot cherry pick data and then use that to support your position. That is called a false premise.

So, lets start one more time.

The MAJORITY OF CONSERVATIVES DO NOT want to end food stamps.....That is the first assumption you made which is what forms the false premise.

So, get past that first.

Or are you going to use a few people here on this forum (anecdotal evidence anyone?) as a blanket that everyone wants to end food stamps?

Your second failed premise is that the stats you posted is in any way germane to the question at hand. There MUST BE controls on how the assistance is used. This does NOT include your poorly constructed notion of compassion. Compassion is not giving aid to someone in perpetuity, but in giving them aid in getting them out of their condition. Take away the incentive to remain, and you've taken the first step to real compassion.

Your final failed premise is that abuse of the assistance is not real.. Yet, in post after post, there have been people asking you what can be had with these programs. You have ignored them completely.

So, tell Me again about the stats you have posted?

the poor boy gave up on answering simple questions about what was allowed and not allowed to purchase on snap.....

so much for him wanting to talk about facts.

You just believe what you want to believe. The facts and statistics are staring you right in the face.
You refuse to believe the facts that do not fit your narrative. You peddle propaganda on the basis of a false premise, driven by the twisting of what others say.

Oh really? A false premise. I am the only one in this thread who has provided statistical evidence. Anecdotal evidence is what a false premise is.

And this is why you aren't going to sway anyone. You diminish and deny evidence of rampant fraud and then claim you're the only one providing statistical evidence.

What about the $2.5 Billion in fraud that you called "minor" is anecdotal?

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