The FBI has infiltrated the Catholic church

Why? It is not to catch pedo priests, no, no, no. We all know the Left could care less about children.

They are looking for domestic terrorists.

How many domestic terrorists have there been from the Catholic church?


When was this plan devised?
"Come on. Do not infringe on the priest's right to molest those children in peace", conservatives replied in unison.
The numbers say you’re far more likely to be a child molester than any priest.

Care to explain?
Maybe that is God's way to get FBI agents to go to church. Today's conservatives/evangelicals are clowns.
Somebody should go to jail but who investigates the investigators or prosecutes the prosecutors during a corrupt democrat administration? Meanwhile we have at least two mass killings from trannie terrorists and the Biden administration says that normal people deserve it.
We're paying FBI agents to go to church, and investigate parents who yell at school board meetings instead of real crimes, like the ones described in Hunter's laptop?

Defund the FBI.

Why? It is not to catch pedo priests, no, no, no. We all know the Left could care less about children.

They are looking for domestic terrorists.

How many domestic terrorists have there been from the Catholic church?

Radical-Traditionalist Catholic?

According to MSNBC's Sarah Posner, the controversial Ohio Republican is rebooting an accusation against the FBI based upon "... a single internal intelligence memo, dated Jan. 23 and written by the bureau’s Richmond, Virginia, field office,assessing far-right extremist threats stemming from 'Radical-Traditionalist Catholic' ideology.'"

Earlier in the week Jordan subpoenaed the agency accusing it of targeting Catholic churches in Richmond, Virginia.

According to Axios, "Jordan claims in the subpoena that based on 'limited information' provided to the committee, the FBI 'relied on at least one undercover agent to produce its analysis' and 'proposed that its agents engage in outreach to Catholic parishes to develop sources among the clergy and church leadership to inform on Americans practicing their faith.'"

Why? It is not to catch pedo priests, no, no, no. We all know the Left could care less about children.

They are looking for domestic terrorists.

How many domestic terrorists have there been from the Catholic church?

which "catholic church"?

the vatican fake catholic sect or the REAL one?

It's probably both, though... because the govt hs been weaponized and all Christians and probbly all citizens are suspect if "they" say they are

Why? It is not to catch pedo priests, no, no, no. We all know the Left could care less about children.

They are looking for domestic terrorists.

How many domestic terrorists have there been from the Catholic church?


A LOT of anti-abortion domestic terrorists are members of the Catholic Church. The bombing the the Morganthaler Clinic in Toronto was carried out by a Catholic priest.

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