The feds are handing out voter registration forms to migrants. Can the GOP stop it?


I particularly like fingerprint identification because it helps to convict felons who were pretending to be a legal voter

Because as felons their fingerprint is already in the criminal records

So thats a two-fer

It invalidates an illegal vote and sends a democrat back to prison
In only some states, lawmakers will not allow illegals to vote in local elections, but every state will allow illegal aliens to vote in national elections, including the presidential election. This is because of provisions in the federal Voting Rights Act, which allow you to vote without proving identity.

As of June 2024, the following seven states included language explicitly prohibiting noncitizen voting in their state constitutions.[33]
Still, in Arizona and other states, you are not required to prove citizenship to receive a federal-only ballot, will allow anyone to vote in federal elections, including presidential elections. You must only check a box affirming you are a citizen and a box affirming you will be 18 or older on or before election day, put a name–any name–and an address to have your ballot mailed if you would like. The “proof of citizenship or last four digits of Social Security Number” box on the federal voter registration form, which is accepted in all 50 states, is not a required field.

Next, all that you must do is sign and date the form and “swear/affirm that:

  • I am a United States Citizen
  • I meet the eligibility requirements of my stater and subscribe to any oath required
  • The information I have provided is true to the best of my knowledge under penalty of perjury. If I have provided false information, I may be fined, imprisoned, or (if not a U.S. citizen) deported from or refused entry to the United States.”

After Arizona enacted its proof of citizenship law in 2004, it began rejecting all voter registration applicants that didn’t include documented proof of citizenship.
Then, in 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that, under the Voting Rights Act — which doesn’t require documentation — Arizona had to let these voters vote in federal elections. The state created a system in which it rejected any state voter registration application that didn’t have documents proving citizenship, but if the voter used a federal form, they would be registered as a federal-only voter. Because few voters use the federal form, the federal-only list was relatively small at the time.

After groups sued, in 2018, the state agreed to start adding voters to the federal-only list regardless of whether they used the state or federal form. That caused the list to grow, and fast.

As of October 2019, there were about 17,000 federal-only voters, according to state data. By October 2020, there were about 36,000.

***all Stain pole smokers lie
Welfare offices and other federal offices are now routinely providing everybody who comes in, including migrants, with voter registration forms. The people apparently are not asked if they are citizens and no proof of citizenship or residency is mentioned. The GOP is doing what they can to fix it.


Reps are useless cucks.

America is over!!

Secession or die under perpetual commie rule.

reps dems shark.jpeg

I particularly like fingerprint identification because it helps to convict felons who were pretending to be a legal voter

Because as felons their fingerprint is already in the criminal records

So thats a two-fer

It invalidates an illegal vote and sends a democrat back to prison
I was rather hoping that Harpy Eagle would be a mensch and respond

But I guess he’s off bashing America and repubs somewhere else
They are not voting.

This is just another one of those deceptive bs alarms sounded by the rightwing.
Nobody could say that in 2020. You had ballots going out to 'registered voter' with no verification, reduced or eliminated standards when counting, and a slew of last second changes to make voting 'easier'. A lot of that has been fixed, but not all.

Anyone paying attention can see 'bird flu' could become the next Covid. All those folks you say can't vote, will.
Republican poll watchers can complain to the polling judge at each polling location

Who is also a democrat and in on the scam
In an ideal situation in which voter integrity is as verifiable and trustworthy as possible, the ballots will be hand counted with bipartisan poll watchers observing the count up close and personable. The ballots will be counted at the location they are cast and a tally of the vote is provided to the poll watchers before the ballots are fed into any electronic device for tallying or before the ballots are transported anywhere else. The ballots to be transported will be sealed in a tamper proof box than can be opened for further examination only in the presence of bipartisan watchers.

Because the poll watchers have the tally of voters for each precinct they will know if those totals are reported differently by officials or the media.
Then we should do it for all votes, that way a person can check to see if their vote was tallied the way they voted.
The poll watchers ensure that by watching the count and receiving a tally before the votes leave the place they were cast. Those who mail in ballots give up their right to an anonymous vote.
The poll watchers ensure that by watching the count and receiving a tally before the votes leave the place they were cast.

How can we trust the poll watchers? Let's just start recording the vote of every individual to ensure honesty .

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