The Feminine Face Of Tyranny


Sep 23, 2010
The image of any number of men, living or dead, often represent the face of tyranny. Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, and Mao are favorites among the commercial class; i.e., historians, novelists, and movie makers.

On the feminine side of tyranny there are plenty of candidates in today’s America, but for the most part they are wannabes. Hillary Clinton is probably the foulest of all.

Janet Napolitano and Kathleen Sebelius are every bit as vile as Clinton.


Few realize it but they actually hold more tyrannical power in their hands than Hillary Clinton ever held.

Top female Democrats in Congress like Nancy Pelosi, Senator Di Fi and Senator Boxer are as slimy as a woman can get, but their hunger for tyrannical powers is constrained by their office. They cannot issue orders that everyone must follow —— or else.

The names at the bottom of the tyranny list include all of those women exercising an ounce of tyrannical power on the periphery of absolute power. The women Hussein empowered, alongside those women running organizations like Planned Parenthood, dominate the membership list. They should not be dismissed easily. Cecile Richards, Vanessa Cullins, and Lisa David run Planned Parenthood; a moneymaking, tax dollar funded, gold mine that is responsible for the murders of hundreds of thousands of infants every year; many of those brutal murders occur in clinics like the one Kermit Gosnell ran for decades.

Put all of the petty tyrants together with their positions in government, and in society, and they constitute a powerful force for tyranny, as well as unbridled support for a super-tyrant ally like Hussein.

Bottom line: If you are looking for the feminine face of tyranny look no further than Sarah Hall Ingram:


Here is a woman we will need to learn much more about in the coming weeks. Sarah Hall Ingram is a highly valued employee at the IRS. In the last three years she has received $103,390 in bonuses for her excellent work. She was the Commissioner of the Tax-Exempt and Government Entitles Division. Under her leadership, groups that expressed a fear of large, out-of-control government were systematically crushed by her branch of our large, out-of-control government. They were specifically singled out for harassment for political reasons. Secret information about the conservative applicants was leaked to leftist opposition groups to facilitate further harassment.

This was an organized political operation using State power to silence opposition voices. It is part of every tyrant's playbook. It tells you everything you need to know about the current state of our country to see that those who favor a limited government, the explicit goal of our founding documents, are now considered enemies of the State.


The good news is that this woman is no longer in charge of that department. The bad news is that she has been promoted and is now the head of the IRS' Affordable Care Act office. She and her comrades could have access to all your medical records. They will "choose appropriately" who has trouble with the state-controlled medical system and who sails right through. They will decide if it is appropriate to share your medical history with others.

May 18, 2013
This Is What Tyranny Looks Like
Bryce Buchanan

Blog: This Is What Tyranny Looks Like

Ingram’s power cited in the excerpt is nothing compared to what she can do for infanticide, for death panels, for euthanasia, for illegal aliens accessing the free healthcare, and so on. All of the other federal bureaucracies combined cannot muster one-tenth of the political power the IRS enjoys. Anything she does in the name of the IRS will go unchallenged. Neither Congress nor the Courts will overturn anything she does. If you doubt me, look at the arrogance displayed by outgoing IRS chief, Steven Miller, when he was questioned, and he didn’t have the vested interests behind the Affordable Care Act as a backup to IRS power:

[ame=]Steven Miller Shrugs And Sighs Through IRS Scandal Hearing - YouTube[/ame]​

Bottom line: Sarah Hall Ingram will unite the forces of the XVI Amendment, the IRS, and the ACA into one murderous entity enforcing the tax collector’s morality over life itself. I’m beginning to think that was the plan all along.

Finally, it will do no good to ask Ingram if she intends to use the IRS to manipulate unlimited tax dollars going to fund the Left’s culture of death through the ACA. Democrat women are exactly like Hussein. The minute they crawl out from under their rocks you know they are going to lie. Ingram will say whatever Congress and the public demands —— then do as she pleases knowing there is not a thing anybody can do to stop her.

NOTE: Anything Ingram wants to do can be found in the ACA’s 2,800 pages. A sentence, a phrase, a single word, and probably a punctuation mark, too, is all she needs to saturate her goal with the power of the IRS.
Mr. Pfeiffer should be told that the court of public opinion convenes without a government judge ruling on whether or not evidence is admissible:

White House senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer, appearing on four Sunday morning political talk shows, offered strong support for Sarah Hall Ingram, who led the agency’s tax-exempt division as it admittedly targeted conservative groups. She recently was promoted to chief of the health care reform office, tasked with implementing “Obamacare.”

Critics of the administration expect many more heads to roll as the true scope and intent of the IRS actions come to light, but Mr. Pfeiffer on Sunday strongly defended Ms. Ingram.

“No one has suggested that she did anything wrong yet,” Mr. Pfeiffer said on “Fox News Sunday.”

“Before everyone in this town convicts this person in the court of public opinion with no evidence, let’s actually get the facts and make decisions after that. There’s nothing that suggests she did anything wrong,” he said.

White House aide: ‘Nothing that suggests’ IRS official at center of scandal ‘did anything wrong’
By Ben Wolfgang - The Washington Times Sunday, May 19, 2013

White House aide: 'Nothing that suggests' IRS official at center of scandal 'did anything wrong' - Washington Times
Mr. Pfeiffer should be told that the court of public opinion convenes without a government judge ruling on whether or not evidence is admissible:

White House senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer, appearing on four Sunday morning political talk shows, offered strong support for Sarah Hall Ingram, who led the agency’s tax-exempt division as it admittedly targeted conservative groups. She recently was promoted to chief of the health care reform office, tasked with implementing “Obamacare.”

Critics of the administration expect many more heads to roll as the true scope and intent of the IRS actions come to light, but Mr. Pfeiffer on Sunday strongly defended Ms. Ingram.

“No one has suggested that she did anything wrong yet,” Mr. Pfeiffer said on “Fox News Sunday.”

“Before everyone in this town convicts this person in the court of public opinion with no evidence, let’s actually get the facts and make decisions after that. There’s nothing that suggests she did anything wrong,” he said.

White House aide: ‘Nothing that suggests’ IRS official at center of scandal ‘did anything wrong’
By Ben Wolfgang - The Washington Times Sunday, May 19, 2013

White House aide: 'Nothing that suggests' IRS official at center of scandal 'did anything wrong' - Washington Times

Saw the interview with Chris Wallace.....couldn't believe it, but I don't know why not, it was the standard spin we get again and again and again and.............
Saw the interview with Chris Wallace.....couldn't believe it, but I don't know why not, it was the standard spin we get again and again and again and.............

To tipofthespear: I wonder if Pfeiffer got tips from Susan Five Shows.

Have you noticed that IRS tyranny is beginning to look more like a saga about a fictional family than a real life scandal? A wag might even suggest that the tale being told by Hussein & Company is fictional.

If a saga can be said to be matriarchal this one surly qualifies; stuff keeps coming out about different branches of the family. Here are two more “ladies” up to their bloomers in IRS evildoing:


Lois Lerner​

May 16, 2013 4:00 AMThe Nine Lies of Lois Lerner
Notes toward a catalogue
ByKevin D. Williamson

The Nine Lies of Lois Lerner | National Review Online

And a tax lawyer:


Celia Roady - Georgetown Law School​

Here's How The IRS Planted The Question That Sparked The Tea Party Scandal
Brett LoGiurato|May 18, 2013, 1:20 PM

IRS Scandal: Celia Roady Planted Question - Business Insider

Irrespective of new characters in the saga Sarah Hall Ingram is still the feminine face of tyranny. Hussein must have a lot of faith in her medical skills because she was moved over to administer the Affordable Care Act.
The Feminine Face Of Tyranny

Tyrannical thinking isn't something only one gender suffers from.

Does this really surprise any of us?
Congress needs to start waterboarding.

To Defiant1: Lol. Others may disagree if they come from the hot-poker-up-the-rectum school of interrogation.

Tyrannical thinking isn't something only one gender suffers from.

Does this really surprise any of us?

To editec: No, but you should be surprised by the female gender finally being called out as liars in support of tyranny.

Note that exposure started with Hillary Clinton. Before she came along women in government were excused from the charge of lying because they had the mother thing going for them. That went out the window with the fifty million-plus abortions performed since Roe v Wade.

Thanks largely to the Internet it’s different today. Example: First ladies Edith Wilson —— who some call the first female president —— and Eleanor Roosevelt —— the mother of the United Nations —— were never publically called liars when they bent the truth to fit their personal agendas. On the other hand, Hillary Clinton was identified as an accomplished liar soon after she became first lady.

Happily, the foul deeds of Democrat lady liars in government are no longer shrouded in secrecy although men, and conservative women, still have one final glass ceiling to shatter. In short: Men are called out for every sexual misstep, while women are still portrayed as virginal. It’s illogical to think there are no female degenerates, child molesters, etc. among the thousands of Democrat women in high places. That’s why I’m waiting for a female degenerate to be exposed à la Bill Clinton.

Just to be clear on this. Nailing Democrat lady liars is a good thing for the country. Nail them and you nail socialism.

Finally, I can make the case that says America began going downhill the day women got vote. From that day forward the foulest of women were attracted to government. Today’s gaggle of female Democrats solidifies my case. Worse still, Hillary Clinton is using America’s political system to fight for her feminist agenda on a worldwide basis. Nobody in their right mind wants her agenda to go global by empowering the same kind of Socialist scum the 19th Amendment empowered in the US. Thank you democracy for that wonderful contribution to governing.
yes, we all know that republican women are submissive and never stray from walking behind their husbands silent.

To Moonglow: Would you call walking silently behind Hussein submissive:

WASHINGTON – A top IRS official in the division that reviews nonprofit groups will invoke the Fifth Amendment and refuse to answer questions before a House committee investigating the agency’s improper screening of conservative nonprofit groups.

Lois Lerner, the head of the exempt organizations division of the IRS, won’t answer questions about what she knew about the improper screening – or why she didn’t reveal it to Congress, according to a letter from her defense lawyer, William W. Taylor 3rd.


Since Lerner won’t answer questions, Taylor asked that she be excused from appearing, saying that would “have no purpose other than to embarrass or burden her.” There was no immediate word whether the committee will grant her request.

Top IRS official will invoke Fifth Amendment
By Richard Simon and Joseph Tanfani
May 21, 2013, 12:15 p.m.

Top IRS official will invoke 5th Amendment -

I sure hope the committee does not deny the public the pleasure of watching Lerner squirm. That’s about the only thing the public is going to get from IRS officials.
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Here comes another one:


The new State Department spokeswoman, Jen Psaki, has a history of serving as Barack Obama's mouthpiece. People will yearn for the days of Victoria Nuland -- who actually had a long bipartisan and impressive career. She has been replaced by a hack.

May 22, 2013
The State Department's New Mouthpiece
Ed Lasky

Blog: The State Department's New Mouthpiece

Democrats claim conservative Republicans make war on women, yet Benghazi and IRS tyranny tell us that the federal government and the MSM are down by the head with meanspirited liberal women who declared war on everything in sight; children born and unborn, the Constitution, the First and Second Amendment, individual freedoms, working for one’s self and family, and defending America’s sovereignty militarily. To date, the only things Democrat women do not war against are the United Nations, socialism/communism, totalitarian government, their personal power, income taxes, open borders and global warming scams.
yes, we all know that republican women are submissive and never stray from walking behind their husbands silent.

To Moonglow: Would you call walking silently behind Hussein submissive:

WASHINGTON – A top IRS official in the division that reviews nonprofit groups will invoke the Fifth Amendment and refuse to answer questions before a House committee investigating the agency’s improper screening of conservative nonprofit groups.

Lois Lerner, the head of the exempt organizations division of the IRS, won’t answer questions about what she knew about the improper screening – or why she didn’t reveal it to Congress, according to a letter from her defense lawyer, William W. Taylor 3rd.


Since Lerner won’t answer questions, Taylor asked that she be excused from appearing, saying that would “have no purpose other than to embarrass or burden her.” There was no immediate word whether the committee will grant her request.

Top IRS official will invoke Fifth Amendment
By Richard Simon and Joseph Tanfani
May 21, 2013, 12:15 p.m.

Top IRS official will invoke 5th Amendment -

I sure hope the committee does not deny the public the pleasure of watching Lerner squirm. That’s about the only thing the public is going to get from IRS officials.


When did Lerner start working for the IRS?

It doesn’t get any better than this:


Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina noted that Ms. Lerner may well have waived her right not to answer through her earlier testimony in the proceeding and her opening statement today. He is right to press the point. For Ms. Lerner should not be allowed to have it both ways, testifying that she’s done nothing wrong and made no false statements on the one hand, while refusing to answer questions about details on the other. If her prior statements in the proceedings have been incriminating in any way, for example an admission that earlier statements were misleading or untrue, then a court might well rule that she has waived her Fifth Amendment privilege and cannot lawfully decline to answer further questions on the same subjects. It appears that Chairman Darrell Issa agrees that Ms. Lerner has waived her right to refuse to testify, and will call her back before the Committee for further questioning.

Lerner’s Plea
By Ray V. Hartwell, III on 5.23.13 @ 6:09AM
They hate the First and Second Amendments, but they’ll take the Fifth.

The American Spectator : Lerner's Plea

Finally, turnabout is fair play.

After we win this election, it’s our turn. Payback time. Everyone not with us is against us and they better be ready because we don’t forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve. There is going to be hell to pay. Congress won’t be a problem for us this time. No election to worry about after this is over and we have two judges ready to go. Valerie Jarrett just before Hussein’s reelection.

Jail time is greatest tongue lubricant ever invented. Payback time could bite Hussein & Company on the ass if Lerner talks rather than do the perp walk.
  • Thanks
Reactions: 007
Why are so many women today on board with this sort of corruptioin, all for the sake of pushing socialism, and top it off with falling in behind a total POS like Barry Soetoro?
They might be genetically female, but I wouldn't describe any of them as "feminine".

Just sayin'.
Why are so many women today on board with this sort of corruptioin, all for the sake of pushing socialism, and top it off with falling in behind a total POS like Barry Soetoro?

To 007: Possibly penis envy! More likely it’s simply lusting after power.

They might be genetically female, but I wouldn't describe any of them as "feminine".

Just sayin'.

To boedicca: Good catch. Perhaps feminazi is the better description.
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Flanders, just when I think your threads can't get any nuttier you've raised the bar.

To Grandma: You’re too stupid to see that it’s nutty Democrat women in high places who raised the bar. The things they’ve said and done is the only proof I need. In fact, if you tried to defend them instead of attacking me you’d win the Butterfly Net Award for Confused Liberals.

Incidentally, you might compare every Democrat woman I cited in this thread to Sarah Palin. She never did anything to harm the country or taxpayers, yet the Left’s attacks on Sarah and her daughters were vicious and unrelenting.

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