The Forgotten Demographic: Should States Be Forced To Adopt Orphans To These People?

Should States Be Forced To Adopt To People Like In The 1st Photo in the OP?

  • Yes, once gay marriage is in stone, states such as Utah must allow gay adoptions.

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • Maybe, but only in states without strong religious traditions like Utah

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, absolutely not. We have federal laws requiring protection of children.

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • Children don't matter in the debate on gay marriage.

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
    11 are calling all gay people child abusers. Nice.

Your reading comprehension scores in school were what, like "D minus"? Read it again bodecea:

"These people"?

So, you found a picture of one homosexual deviant (Which I see you use a lot, it must your favorite picture on your hard drive), and you're then attributing the actions of that one deviant to an entire demographic? I don't think you could get any more ignorant or bigoted if you tried.

Tell you what, sit back and wait a minute while I find some pictures of pedophile priests, married republicans who had gay affairs, and various heterosexuals who engaged in deviant behavior.

The difference is again that what's done on the down-low is disapproved of as a general cutlural trend in the hetero group. Whereas open sex acts in front of kids at "pride" parades are encouraged and a matter of "pride".
The respetive group's value systems are what's in question here, not rebuked individuals deviating from the norm.

Again, you have to understand the premise that LGBTs are behaviors, and ergo, a de facto cult. Then understanding what I'm saying is the essence of simplicity.
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The only cult is that of hetero-fascism

Marriage equality is no threat to children.

Wanting to protect children is not "hetero-fascism". However, wanting to force children as a matter of law to celebrate a documented sex-predator of minor teens [Harvey Milk], or practicing sexual exhibitionism as a matter of sober "pride" where you expect children to be [main street USA/broad daylight/public thoroughfare] ...while hog-tying their guardians legally from protecting them from this ...ARE examples of fascism...

Tell me Jake. Do you believe that the civil rights of children to be protected from expected inappropriate sexualization trump the "civil rights" of the LGBT group? Which ones trump when it comes to marriage, in your opinion? Read the question carefully and don't create a strawman and attempt to dodge by answering an unrelated question.
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Silhouette, do you support allowing catholics to adopt?

Only if they don't support pedophilia or pedophile priests. While catholic leaders suffer from an epidemic of pedophila [confirmed as socially-transmittable mental illness...see Mayo Clinic info below] they see it as a problem. The don't emulate pedophile priests as 'representative of the catholic church around the nation and the world' [see last quote below]

The question for this thread is the overt, expressed, unapologetic and public promotion of sex with or around the view of children as something LGBTs as a culture are "proud" of.

...and seek in no way to rebuke, correct, punish, remedy, counsel or otherwise suppress in their ranks.

In other words, "yes" LGBTs have a lot in common with the priesthood of the catholic church. The difference is LGBTs are PROUD of sex acts in public around kids and making kids celebrate pedophile's sexuality and the catholic church is NOT PROUD of it in their ranks.

Though the genesis is the same for both groups.

Mayo Clinic 2007

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child
This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”
or “abused-abusers phenomena.”

why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor,
in which the abused child is trying to gain a new
identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual
arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse
leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

Altar boys are inducted by inappropriate contact. They in turn become priests and contact young altar boys in turn and the cycle entrenches itself through the generations.

Likewise, gays are molested as boys, they in turn molest other boys who grow up "gay" as an imprinted result and in turn via the "abused-abuser" phenomenon, molest youngsters and they grow up to do the same...etc...

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Clinical intervention would stop these cycles. And of course that has been halted in California and New Jersey by ...drum politicians... It's an addiction and they don't want the "supply" stopped...until they're too old to turn back to normal.

So...I hope that answers your question. The difference is one of "embodiment and pride" of the culture's values vs "distance and shame" in the catholic church from the same etiology of the same identical social-disease...

(a) Harvey Bernard Milk was born on May 22, 1930, in Woodmere, New York. He was the first openly gay man to be elected to public office in a major city of the United States. He was assassinated in 1978 at San Francisco’s City Hall by a political rival. Perhaps more than any other modern figure, Harvey Milk’s life and political career embody the rise of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) civil rights movement in California, across the nation, and throughout the world....

...4) May 22 of each year as Harvey Milk Day.
(b) On each of the days designated in subdivision (a), all public schools and educational institutions are encouraged to observe those days and to conduct suitable commemorative exercises as follows: Bill Text - SB-572 Harvey Milk Day: official designation.

From Harvey Milk's biography: "Harvey Milk always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems" page 180 of The Mayor of Castro Street; The Life and Times of Harvey Milk.

And of the "young waifs" Milk plucked off the streets as an orphan on drugs was a minor in New York. He sodomized him and officiated as this boy's "father figure/guardian" at the same time.

LGBTs know this and they CELEBRATE and defend it. And in California as a matter of law they require kids to celebrate and defend it. When catholics find this out about one of their own, they groan, issue apoligies, cash settlements and shame the man responsible.

BIG DIFFERENCE. Hope that answers your question.
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In fact, I'm searching my memory here trying to remember the last time I saw footage of a catholic pride parade going down mainstreet with priests wearing white speedos with crosses on them posing in "do me" spread in front of kids on the sidelines of the steet.

If you can find that footage, send me a link, OK?
The only cult is that of hetero-fascism

Marriage equality is no threat to children.

Marriage equality for whom? Specifically? I'd like you to name exactly who you're talking about, who you are excluding and why you are excluding them?
There are currently no federal laws that specifically regulate homosexual adoption. States, however, may have laws that regulate adoptions options for gays and lesbians. For the most part, state laws are vague enough to leave interpretation of adoption laws for gays and homosexuals open. Other states, however, have chosen to create laws that explicitly address homosexual adoption. Florida, for example bans any form of gay or lesbian adoption...

...Laws about homosexual adoption are usually formed out of pressure to define or resist defining what a perfect family could be. Although American society is changing and more laws are in favor of less traditional ideals, there are still plenty of birth mothers, private agency case workers and organizations that will not choose to place a child with a gay or lesbian couple or individual. Gays and lesbians should always consult and attorney about their state's laws or, if pursuing an international adoption, the laws of a specific country regarding homosexual adoption. Homosexual Adoption - Adoption -

Will the "right" to adopt children be on the appeals docket next? [Another rhetorical question]
There is no LGBT cult, except in the mind of a few hetero-fascists.

All humans matter, all children matter.

No one ignores dangers of adults to children.

Except in the case of people like in the OP. Then the open sex acts in front of kids don't seem to enter into the equation. You don't give that a pass in screening people to qualify to adopt orphans.
You mean this post, right?

Silhouette, do you support allowing catholics to adopt?
Only if they don't support pedophilia or pedophile priests. While catholic leaders suffer from an epidemic of pedophila [confirmed as socially-transmittable mental illness...see Mayo Clinic info below] they see it as a problem. The don't emulate pedophile priests as 'representative of the catholic church around the nation and the world' [see last quote below]

The question for this thread is the overt, expressed, unapologetic and public promotion of sex with or around the view of children as something LGBTs as a culture are "proud" of.

...and seek in no way to rebuke, correct, punish, remedy, counsel or otherwise suppress in their ranks.

In other words, "yes" LGBTs have a lot in common with the priesthood of the catholic church. The difference is LGBTs are PROUD of sex acts in public around kids and making kids celebrate pedophile's sexuality and the catholic church is NOT PROUD of it in their ranks.

Though the genesis is the same for both groups.

Mayo Clinic 2007

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child
This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”
or “abused-abusers phenomena.”

why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor,
in which the abused child is trying to gain a new
identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual
arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse
leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

Altar boys are inducted by inappropriate contact. They in turn become priests and contact young altar boys in turn and the cycle entrenches itself through the generations.

Likewise, gays are molested as boys, they in turn molest other boys who grow up "gay" as an imprinted result and in turn via the "abused-abuser" phenomenon, molest youngsters and they grow up to do the same...etc...

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Clinical intervention would stop these cycles. And of course that has been halted in California and New Jersey by ...drum politicians... It's an addiction and they don't want the "supply" stopped...until they're too old to turn back to normal.

So...I hope that answers your question. The difference is one of "embodiment and pride" of the culture's values vs "distance and shame" in the catholic church from the same etiology of the same identical social-disease...

(a) Harvey Bernard Milk was born on May 22, 1930, in Woodmere, New York. He was the first openly gay man to be elected to public office in a major city of the United States. He was assassinated in 1978 at San Francisco’s City Hall by a political rival. Perhaps more than any other modern figure, Harvey Milk’s life and political career embody the rise of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) civil rights movement in California, across the nation, and throughout the world....

...4) May 22 of each year as Harvey Milk Day.
(b) On each of the days designated in subdivision (a), all public schools and educational institutions are encouraged to observe those days and to conduct suitable commemorative exercises as follows Bill Text - SB-572 Harvey Milk Day: official designation.

From Harvey Milk's biography: "Harvey Milk always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems" page 180 of The Mayor of Castro Street; The Life and Times of Harvey Milk.

And of the "young waifs" Milk plucked off the streets as an orphan on drugs was a minor in New York. He sodomized him and officiated as this boy's "father figure/guardian" at the same time.

LGBTs know this and they CELEBRATE and defend it. And in California as a matter of law they require kids to celebrate and defend it. When catholics find this out about one of their own, they groan, issue apoligies, cash settlements and shame the man responsible.

BIG DIFFERENCE. Hope that answers your question.
Dude post #24 is awful. Please don't ask anyone to re-read it.

Why, because it tells the truth about the cyclical etiology of the socially-transmitted phenomenon of pedophila within and outside the catholic church?

And because it outlines that the key difference between the catholic church and the church of LGBT is that catholics feel shame about it and want to correct it while LGBTs do it in front of kids on main street?

The question was if I feel catholics should be able to adopt. My response was to point out that the catholic culture puts pressures [if not always successful] on its fold to NOT perform sexs acts with or around children. The stark contrast of course in LGBT cult is that doing so is "perfectly natural" and something they're "proud" of.

So if two couples walked into my adoption agency wanting access to my wards, one a catholic couple and one a gay couple, I would turn the gay couple down and consider the catholics. The reason for my logic is that I would know that in the case of the catholic couple, there will be pressure by their peers brought daily to bear to not do creepy things to or around my wards. In the case of the gay couple I would know they worship Harvey Milk and perform sex acts on main street in front of kids. Or that their cult will daily bring pressure upon them to do these things. And so they would be flatly denied access to my orphans.

Clean, clear, easy logic. It's what I like best. Childrens' civil rights first. Adults second. Always in that order.
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So if you saw any of these folks on the street as a matter of 'pride' with kids looking on doing this and the next day they were in your adoption agency, would you let orphans go home with them? It really is a simple "yes or no" question. And if the answer is "no", the answer is "no" for Utah and all the other states....




Do you suppose any of those people are mentally ill?
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I'm so glad I have Silly on ignore. That said, and viewing her quoted posts, I'll repeat comfortably what I've said before. [MENTION=44514]Silhouette[/MENTION] is a demented sociophobe who was obviously so traumatized as a child through abuse of a parent or relative that we can only feel empathy for her words.

I don't even think intense inpatient psychological counseling would help. Maybe a lobotomy.
A.P. Bell and M.S. Weinberg, in their classic study of male and female homosexuality, found that 43 percent of white male homosexuals had sex with 500 or more partners, with 28 percent having 1,000 or more sex partners." [1]

"In their study of the sexual profiles of 2,583 older homosexuals published in Journal of Sex Research, Paul Van de Ven et al., found that only 2.7 percent claimed to have had sex with one partner only. The most common response, given by 21.6 percent of the respondents, was of having a hundred-one to five hundred lifetime sex partners." [2] What is the average number of sex partners a gay man has in a lifetime

Does an orphan child belong in a home with a man like that? With the LGBT penchant for worshipping Harvey Milk, who sodomized minor teen boys he also was officiating as "father figure/guardian" to and this disturbing statistitic above, can we not predict that one of those sex partners of the hundreds or thousands that 43 % of gay men have won't be their own adopted mean child?
I'm so glad I have Silly on ignore. That said, and viewing her quoted posts, I'll repeat comfortably what I've said before. [MENTION=44514]Silhouette[/MENTION] is a demented sociophobe who was obviously so traumatized as a child through abuse of a parent or relative that we can only feel empathy for her words.

I don't even think intense inpatient psychological counseling would help. Maybe a lobotomy.

So you're saying that the photo in the OP shows "normal good folks" and by comparison I am a demented sociophobe? Great. I'll take that as the compliment it is coming from your perspective. :eusa_clap:
Everyone should go through the same process and requirements in order to adopt.

Gay relationships should also have equal opportunity.
Everyone should go through the same process and requirements in order to adopt.

Gay relationships should also have equal opportunity.

Not if they're expressing "sober pride" on main street doing sex acts and acts of depravity in front of kids.

Here's the order of preference in American civil rights:

1. Children's civil rights.

2. All others.

In that order, always.
Silhouette, do you support allowing catholics to adopt?

Only if they don't support pedophilia or pedophile priests.

By worshiping and giving money to an organization that refuses to oust pedophile priests, isn't that exactly what catholics are doing?

No. The catholic church does not condone sex acts in front of or with children. It is not proud of that disease within its ranks and seeks to punish those involved in such despicable acts. The LGBT church does condone these acts, in contrast. They reward and lionize officials in their ranks for such behaviors. They do these things soberly and with "pride" in front of children on main street where they anticipate children will be to see them. See the OP for details.

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