The General Welfare Clause


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Aug 27, 2010
“The Congress shall have the Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States. . .”

How far can the General Welfare go? We know it can be used to tax and take property from citizens, property being coin.

But can it also be used to take other kinds of property? Lets say in order to promote the general welfare the powers that be decide to take our guns. Many would argue that is a proper use of the GWC.

In reality we do not own anything that is being taxed. You are paying house tax or property tax for living in a home you have a partial title to. If you don't pay your rent (taxes), the government will sell your house.

How far will they go? Well it seems the paupers prison is alive and well. You don't pay your government bills or taxes, you are going to the big house.

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Property tax is usually a local tax to fund schools. Find an alternative funding method and you could probably convince the populace to get rid of property taxes.
Property taxes are a good part of the tax system we have.

They are far too often not structured fairly locally, but that is not the flaw of property taxes in theory, that is merely a bad application of a good law in theory.
The General welfare ( supposed) clause is only applicable to the ENUMERATED POWERS in the Constitution. Federalist papers prove it when the Founders all agreed that the Constitution was a LIMITED Power for the Federal Government. The argument was put forth that No Bill of Rights was needed because the base document has only a VERY specific and LIMITED authority in the ENUMERATED powers.

Any supposed General Welfare clause that was a generic clause and enumerated would have NO practical limits what so ever. One could twist anything into being the General Welfare.
“The Congress shall have the Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States. . .”

How far can the General Welfare go? We know it can be used to tax and take property from citizens, property being coin.

But can it also be used to take other kinds of property? Lets say in order to promote the general welfare the powers that be decide to take our guns. Many would argue that is a proper use of the GWC.

In reality we do not own anything that is being taxed. You are paying house tax or property tax for living in a home you have a partial title to. If you don't pay your rent (taxes), the government will sell your house.

How far will they go? Well it seems the paupers prison is alive and well. You don't pay your government bills or taxes, you are going to the big house.


It's so vague, it could encompass all of those things except the guns.

On the other side, just what could it be used for? Today, the GWC provides for Faith Based giving to some religious institutions while ignoring others, the Arts which some would wonder if that really adds to tthe "welfare", grants to scientific research some call questionable, and grants that could be provided by charitable means. Not to mention entitlements. Then there are subsidies...

I do feel if there happens to be a need for an amendment, it would be here to define "General Welfare" what it encompasses and what it could really be used for.
Without the general welfare clause American would never have become the nation it became.

Look, folks, the problem isn't the laws, its the APPLICATION of those laws.

It doesn't matter how good the laws are, if the people we elect to enforce them are criminals.

And our system ENCOURAGES bribery.

Its a drop dead certainty that men of honor are at a disctnct disadvantage to attaining high office if they are not BRIBEABLE.

So what the fuck do we expect when we encourage campaign contributions in the way we allow them to happen?

Of course our government are corrupt!
“The Congress shall have the Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States. . .”

How far can the General Welfare go? We know it can be used to tax and take property from citizens, property being coin.

But can it also be used to take other kinds of property? Lets say in order to promote the general welfare the powers that be decide to take our guns. Many would argue that is a proper use of the GWC.

In reality we do not own anything that is being taxed. You are paying house tax or property tax for living in a home you have a partial title to. If you don't pay your rent (taxes), the government will sell your house.

How far will they go? Well it seems the paupers prison is alive and well. You don't pay your government bills or taxes, you are going to the big house.


s0n..........we had an election this past November. Not sure where you were? Anyway........the redistribution of wealth/class warfare assholes got their clocks cleaned. Politically............your topic is irrelevant.:lol:
“The Congress shall have the Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States. . .”

How far can the General Welfare go? We know it can be used to tax and take property from citizens, property being coin.

But can it also be used to take other kinds of property? Lets say in order to promote the general welfare the powers that be decide to take our guns. Many would argue that is a proper use of the GWC.

The general welfare clause empowers Congress to do fund virtually any service they wish to provide the People of the United States. However, I doubt Congress would use it for the GRAB program:

Gun Recovery And Ban

1. Recovery: Within 30 days of this procedure's implementation, all handguns, or other specified guns, in private possession shall be delivered to a law enforcement agency.

2. Prosecution: Persons found to be in possession of a handgun, or other specified gun, after the expiration of the 30 day Recovery period will be guilty of a Class A felony and shall be prosecuted.

3. Reeducation: Convicted offenders found to be in possession of a handgun, or other specified gun, shall be transported to a reeducation camp for instruction in the community's expectations.

4. Perfection: Persons found to be in possession of a handgun, or other specified gun, after reeducation shall be made harmless.​

More than likely, Congress just would implement GRAB pursuant to the unenumerated powers of the Tenth Amendment reserved to the People.
“The Congress shall have the Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States. . .”

How far can the General Welfare go? We know it can be used to tax and take property from citizens, property being coin.

But can it also be used to take other kinds of property? Lets say in order to promote the general welfare the powers that be decide to take our guns. Many would argue that is a proper use of the GWC.

The general welfare clause empowers Congress to do fund virtually any service they wish to provide the People of the United States. However, I doubt Congress would use it for the GRAB program:

Gun Recovery And Ban

1. Recovery: Within 30 days of this procedure's implementation, all handguns, or other specified guns, in private possession shall be delivered to a law enforcement agency.

2. Prosecution: Persons found to be in possession of a handgun, or other specified gun, after the expiration of the 30 day Recovery period will be guilty of a Class A felony and shall be prosecuted.

3. Reeducation: Convicted offenders found to be in possession of a handgun, or other specified gun, shall be transported to a reeducation camp for instruction in the community's expectations.

4. Perfection: Persons found to be in possession of a handgun, or other specified gun, after reeducation shall be made harmless.​

More than likely, Congress just would implement GRAB pursuant to the unenumerated powers of the Tenth Amendment reserved to the People.

Zero % chance............
“The Congress shall have the Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States. . .”

How far can the General Welfare go? We know it can be used to tax and take property from citizens, property being coin.

But can it also be used to take other kinds of property? Lets say in order to promote the general welfare the powers that be decide to take our guns. Many would argue that is a proper use of the GWC.

The general welfare clause empowers Congress to do fund virtually any service they wish to provide the People of the United States. However, I doubt Congress would use it for the GRAB program:

Gun Recovery And Ban

1. Recovery: Within 30 days of this procedure's implementation, all handguns, or other specified guns, in private possession shall be delivered to a law enforcement agency.

2. Prosecution: Persons found to be in possession of a handgun, or other specified gun, after the expiration of the 30 day Recovery period will be guilty of a Class A felony and shall be prosecuted.

3. Reeducation: Convicted offenders found to be in possession of a handgun, or other specified gun, shall be transported to a reeducation camp for instruction in the community's expectations.

4. Perfection: Persons found to be in possession of a handgun, or other specified gun, after reeducation shall be made harmless.​

More than likely, Congress just would implement GRAB pursuant to the unenumerated powers of the Tenth Amendment reserved to the People.

Zero % chance............

Maybe but how about this:

FIREARM OWNERS ID-INSURANCE HB0687 97th General Assembly

Amends the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act. Provides that any person who owns a firearm in this State shall maintain a policy of liability insurance in the amount of at least $1,000,000 specifically covering any damages resulting from negligent or willful acts involving the use of such firearm while it is owned by such person. Provides that a person shall be deemed the owner of a firearm after the firearm is lost or stolen until such loss or theft is reported to the police department or sheriff of the jurisdiction in which the owner resides. Provides that the Department of State Police shall revoke and seize a Firearm Owner's Identification Card previously issued under this Act if the Department finds that the person to whom such card was issued possesses or acquires a firearm and does not submit evidence to the Department of State Police that he or she has been issued in his or her name a liability insurance policy in the amount of at least $1,000,000 specifically covering any damages resulting from negligent or willful acts involving the use of such firearm while it is owned by such person. Effective January 1, 2010.

It's from Illinois but it could be implemented nationally without too much trouble.
“The Congress shall have the Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States. . .”

How far can the General Welfare go? We know it can be used to tax and take property from citizens, property being coin.

But can it also be used to take other kinds of property? Lets say in order to promote the general welfare the powers that be decide to take our guns. Many would argue that is a proper use of the GWC.

Second Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's so vague, it could encompass all of those things except the guns.

I do feel if there happens to be a need for an amendment, it would be here to define "General Welfare" what it encompasses and what it could really be used for.

Simply not true at all. It's not "vague" and there requires no amendment to "define" it as all of it has been clearly defined already if the entire body of the U.S. Constitution is taken into account. If even that is not enough (and it unquestionably is) then the original writings of our founders further clarifies it. And all of it says the exact same thing - the General Welfare Clause applies only to the 18 enumerated powers of the federal government and nothing else. So it applies to defense, coining money, intellectual property, etc. It does not apply to healthcare, firearms, marriage, etc.

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