The GOP Is Dying, Let’s Pull The Plug

This country needs (at least) two strong, viable, credible parties.
I think that by 2020 or 2024 the electorate will be itching for a change from our middle-of-the-road course, and a Liberal or Progressive Party would offer a lot more promise than a return to the remnants of the regressive GOP.
Trump now owns the Republican Party...the GOP'ers no longer control anything.....
This country needs (at least) two strong, viable, credible parties.
I think that by 2020 or 2024 the electorate will be itching for a change from our middle-of-the-road course, and a Liberal or Progressive Party would offer a lot more promise than a return to the remnants of the regressive GOP.
that there is some funny stupid shit....:lol:
This country needs (at least) two strong, viable, credible parties.
I think that by 2020 or 2024 the electorate will be itching for a change from our middle-of-the-road course, and a Liberal or Progressive Party would offer a lot more promise than a return to the remnants of the regressive GOP.
I guess it will depend on the fallout from Trump. What these people don't see (because talk radio never mentions this) is that their behavior is making it easier for the Dems to move the country Left. They're so proud of the smoking rubble they can't see the big picture.
This country needs (at least) two strong, viable, credible parties.

If the anti-cooperation absolutists in the GOP can somehow be marginalized we might be able to get back to that.

What about the anti-cooperation absolutists in the DNC? Furthermore when republicrats allow democrooks to advance their agenda, the "solutions" to the problems....

(A problem likely CREATED by democrook big government failure)

Are often worse than the problem. I see no value in "compromising" with people who's goals are sometimes obviously detrimental to the country.

This country needs (at least) two strong, viable, credible parties.
I think that by 2020 or 2024 the electorate will be itching for a change from our middle-of-the-road course, and a Liberal or Progressive Party would offer a lot more promise than a return to the remnants of the regressive GOP.
I guess it will depend on the fallout from Trump. What these people don't see (because talk radio never mentions this) is that their behavior is making it easier for the Dems to move the country Left. They're so proud of the smoking rubble they can't see the big picture.
If not for Trump, then shrub....

So, you tell us, who already won?
that there is some funny stupid shit....:lol:


Bed wetting libturds have been promoting failed policies that have created brutal homicidal despotic regimes, massive poverty, genocide all over the world. From Detroit to Caracas and Moscow to Havana leftist policies make once prosperous people equally impverished at the hands of criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths that eat caviar and Kobe Beef while people starve.

There is NOTHING more regressive than the DNC.

This country needs (at least) two strong, viable, credible parties.
I think that by 2020 or 2024 the electorate will be itching for a change from our middle-of-the-road course, and a Liberal or Progressive Party would offer a lot more promise than a return to the remnants of the regressive GOP.
I guess it will depend on the fallout from Trump. What these people don't see (because talk radio never mentions this) is that their behavior is making it easier for the Dems to move the country Left. They're so proud of the smoking rubble they can't see the big picture.
If not for Trump, then shrub....

So, you tell us, who already won?
I have no idea what that means.
The repubs are definitely circling the drain.
Having forfeited any chance of regaining the WH, they will continue to enjoy local support (Murphy's Law), and will be a force to contend with on Capitol Hill. They'll be the burr under the country's saddle for the foreseeable future.

I'd describe repubs more like a boil on Americas ass.
Then you should lance it. Stand up, take it to the streets. Voter registration is a public record. In a matter of hours you could have the home address of every republican in your state. Then you could start paying home visits.
So you're ok with thugs with badges. And it's dirtbags like you that protect bad cops. Congratulations.

It's sniveling jerkoffs like you who elect judges and DA's who keep pieces of shit like this on the street


According to public records, McCray has multiple burglary convictions and served time in jail. He was recently arrested for unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon in June and released on $6,000 bail, according to Hays County court records.

6th Street shooting suspect arrested near Atlanta

But it's THE COP's fault this piece of shit was on the streets. It's MY fault he keeps getting his hands on guns right?

It's amazing how people as stupid as you survive childhood without walking into some sort of machinery. If you grew up on a farm you'd be fertilizer by now.

So you're ok with thugs with badges. And it's dirtbags like you that protect bad cops. Congratulations.

It's sniveling jerkoffs like you who elect judges and DA's who keep pieces of shit like this on the street


According to public records, McCray has multiple burglary convictions and served time in jail. He was recently arrested for unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon in June and released on $6,000 bail, according to Hays County court records.

6th Street shooting suspect arrested near Atlanta

But it's THE COP's fault this piece of shit was on the streets. It's MY fault he keeps getting his hands on guns right?

It's amazing how people as stupid as you survive childhood without walking into some sort of machinery. If you grew up on a farm you'd be fertilizer by now.

You're full of shit

Predictions of the demise of the Republican Party have been increasing ever since Mitt Romney failed to beat Obama in 2012.

The reasons given include conservatism's resistance to change, the Republican Party’s strict adherence to the Southern Strategy to court the racists of the Deep South, with the added pandering to the homophobes, Islamophobes, misogynists, Evangelicals, and other groups whose ideologies are based in white bigotry and intolerance.

But for all the prognostications of the death of the GOP, people of reason understand philosophies are all but impossible to kill. The Republican Party spent decades carefully developing the agenda of the white bigots in order to gain their loyalty so the GOP would have the necessary voter base to serve the economic needs of the super-rich and Big Business.

By comparison, the Western countries are currently in a war with the Islamic extremists of ISIS. But ISIS is not a nation of people, it is a dangerous religious dogma, and like the intolerance of the white bigots in the U.S. it cannot die or be killed. Yes, individual members can lose their lives, but the repressive foundation of ISIS, like the oppressive doctrine of U.S. conservatism, cannot be destroyed.

So, those who predict the death of the Republican Party are telling the world that an oppressive philosophy is nearing its end. These folks are mistakenly expecting a giant leap in understanding and the evolution of society. It will be a long time before humanity as a whole reaches that level, if ever.

With this in mind, there is no need for right-wingers to worry. Unfortunately, the world is going to be stuck with the GOP for a long, long time.

Mac McCann: The GOP is dying; let's pull the plug

Don't worry when the moderates, undecideds & independent voters don't show up in 2018 Republicans will take seats back.

Predictions of the demise of the Republican Party have been increasing ever since Mitt Romney failed to beat Obama in 2012.

The reasons given include conservatism's resistance to change, the Republican Party’s strict adherence to the Southern Strategy to court the racists of the Deep South, with the added pandering to the homophobes, Islamophobes, misogynists, Evangelicals, and other groups whose ideologies are based in white bigotry and intolerance.

But for all the prognostications of the death of the GOP, people of reason understand philosophies are all but impossible to kill. The Republican Party spent decades carefully developing the agenda of the white bigots in order to gain their loyalty so the GOP would have the necessary voter base to serve the economic needs of the super-rich and Big Business.

By comparison, the Western countries are currently in a war with the Islamic extremists of ISIS. But ISIS is not a nation of people, it is a dangerous religious dogma, and like the intolerance of the white bigots in the U.S. it cannot die or be killed. Yes, individual members can lose their lives, but the repressive foundation of ISIS, like the oppressive doctrine of U.S. conservatism, cannot be destroyed.

So, those who predict the death of the Republican Party are telling the world that an oppressive philosophy is nearing its end. These folks are mistakenly expecting a giant leap in understanding and the evolution of society. It will be a long time before humanity as a whole reaches that level, if ever.

With this in mind, there is no need for right-wingers to worry. Unfortunately, the world is going to be stuck with the GOP for a long, long time.

Mac McCann: The GOP is dying; let's pull the plug

This guy is full of shit...know how I know? HE starts with this

It all began with the Southern Strategy.

Complete bullshit. I destroyed starkey on the southern strategy myth.

Can you post a link to that?
This country needs (at least) two strong, viable, credible parties.
I think that by 2020 or 2024 the electorate will be itching for a change from our middle-of-the-road course, and a Liberal or Progressive Party would offer a lot more promise than a return to the remnants of the regressive GOP.

A "promise" of what, economic collapse? Entrenched poverty? Starvation?

Take a look at Venezuela if you want to observe the benefits of Progressivism.
This country needs (at least) two strong, viable, credible parties.
I think that by 2020 or 2024 the electorate will be itching for a change from our middle-of-the-road course, and a Liberal or Progressive Party would offer a lot more promise than a return to the remnants of the regressive GOP.
I guess it will depend on the fallout from Trump. What these people don't see (because talk radio never mentions this) is that their behavior is making it easier for the Dems to move the country Left. They're so proud of the smoking rubble they can't see the big picture.
Which people, the establishment douche bags?

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