The GOP Is Dying, Let’s Pull The Plug

The ability of the left for self delusion is astonishing. They have a candidate that is so universally disliked that she won't even hold a press conference. The last election gave the GOP the biggest mid term win in history. We have a democrat president on the ropes for a dozen scandals and a democrat candidate who is part of a failed administration and is forced to campaign against her own policies and the left still fantasizes about victory..
so just how will the whitey christer party win with just the ever shrinking bitter uneducated
On trade I think that free trade has hurt us not just in terms of deficits, but since alot of manufacturing is no longer here, it allows idea like min wage to grow, because when they increase it, people don't see the inflation in consumer electronics and such. If we had mfg here they would see how bad the min wage is,
The Southern Strategy turned the Deep South from blue to red. The Democratic Party's right wing conservatives began rebelling against the liberal wing of their party during FDR's administration.

FDR's right wing conservative Vice President, John Garner of Texas, was so fed up with FDR's liberal policies that he ran against FDR for the Democratic nomination in 1940. He went down in defeat and returned to Texas. FDR replaced his VP with Henry Wallace.

In the 1948 election, the Democratic Party suffered a three way split, with Strom Thurmond leading the right wing conservatives into forming the States' Rights Democratic Party in direct opposition to Truman's campaign.

States Rights. That right there indicates the conservatism of that wing of the party.

Strom Thurmond later gave up on the Democratic Party's liberalism and became a leading conservative of the Republican Party.

The leader of the Democratic conservative coalition in the Senate was Richard Russell. He kept every piece of civil rights legislation from being passed for decades. And he was as right wing conservative as it gets. The dipshits who focus on the fact these southerners were Democrats are deliberately kept ignorant of the fact they were far right conservatives. And they make themselves look like damned fools in their ignorance every time they reach back into our history of which they know NOTHING to point out the party affiliation of the far right wing southerners.

No one was ever sure what Lyndon Johnson's political bent was. When he was around liberals, he talked like a liberal. When he was around conservatives, he talked like a conservative. He was as weasely and slimy a politician as it gets. But he was also brilliant, and got himself into the good graces of the House Democratic Leader/Speaker (Sam Rayburn), and the leader of the Senate Democrats (Richard Russell).

Russell believed Johnson to be a conservative, and made LBJ the Senate Majority Leader in LBJ's first term. This violated more than a century's tradition of seniority. However, the Majority Leader position at that time was a figurehead position and not one anyone wanted. Majority Leaders were mocked for their ineffectiveness. All the power actually rested with Richard Russell.

Russell groomed LBJ for the Presidency, but LBJ was outmaneuvered by JFK. JFK then picked LBJ as his running mate in order to win the Southern conservative vote, since he knew LBJ was Russell's boy.

JFK proved to be too liberal for the Southerners. This is why JFK traveled to Texas that fateful November of 1963. He went to meet the Governor of Texas, John Connally, because Connally was the leader of the Southern conservative faction that was breaking away from the Democrats.

It was also suspected that JFK was going to dump LBJ for his second term run and was considering Connally for his running mate. Again, to win the conservative Democratic vote.

Anyway, the year 1958 is probably the year when the Republican and Democratic parties had an equal balance of conservatives and liberals in both parties.

After that, the Democrats began shifting left, and the Republicans began shifting right.

Nixon's Southern Strategy was greatly responsible for the acceleration of that shift.
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The GOP is alive and kicking. It's Hillary and the DNC on life support. Hillary needs to release her medical records to prove she isn't dain bramaged.
Democrats just need to take the last step. Only a few are answering the call. All democrats need to step up. Every democrat needs a crowbar in one hand and a gas can in the other.
Oh, one other thing. That link I provided about Nixon's Southern Strategy.

It describes in the first paragraph how that strategy arose from the ashes of the GOP's pounding in the 1964 election.

Everyone was calling the death of the GOP at that time, too. :)

Maybe if Trump gets his ass pounded hard enough, the GOP will begin a Reverse Southern Strategy and start dumping all the bigots and racists and retards and refund them back to the Democrats where they belong.
The GOP is alive and kicking. It's Hillary and the DNC on life support. Hillary needs to release her medical records to prove she isn't dain bramaged.

yeah the GOP is kicking .... each other in the nuts for letting Donnie in the back door ..
The GOP is alive and kicking. It's Hillary and the DNC on life support. Hillary needs to release her medical records to prove she isn't dain bramaged.

yeah the GOP is kicking .... each other in the nuts for letting Donnie in the back door ..
At least they aren't throwing urine at each other and setting themselves on fire while trying to burn the American flag.
I remember 1984. Mondale won one state. Everyone thought the Dems were dead.

It happens.
I remember 1984. Mondale won one state. Everyone thought the Dems were dead.

It happens.
Everyone was convinced that republicans were dead and no one would vote for the amiable dunce.
Then Ronald Reagan was elected.
The repubs are definitely circling the drain.

The country is circling the drain. Of course the republicrats are going with it. The democrooks shit on us all and hit the flush valve.

Could you be more specific in your complaints that you describe as demo crooks "shit on us all." Because I don't feel that way.

I'm not all that high on Obamas foreign policy accomplishments, a mixed bag for sure, but I think he's done very well with domestic issues here at home.
Could you be more specific in your complaints that you describe as demo crooks "shit on us all." Because I don't feel that way.

I'm not all that high on Obamas foreign policy accomplishments, a mixed bag for sure, but I think he's done very well with domestic issues here at home.

I know you've been around the forum for a while, so rehashing every detrimental regressive policy moonbats have enacted since 1929 would be an exercise in redundancy. Regardless if you're talking about the current economic malaise or the current state of racial tension.

The democrooks took a massive shit on us by following the protocols of Cloward/Piven. Their brazen efforts to disarm the proles should be enough.
Could you be more specific in your complaints that you describe as demo crooks "shit on us all." Because I don't feel that way.

I'm not all that high on Obamas foreign policy accomplishments, a mixed bag for sure, but I think he's done very well with domestic issues here at home.

I know you've been around the forum for a while, so rehashing every detrimental regressive policy moonbats have enacted since 1929 would be an exercise in redundancy. Regardless if you're talking about the current economic malaise or the current state of racial tension.

The democrooks took a massive shit on us by following the protocols of Cloward/Piven. Their brazen efforts to disarm the proles should be enough.

Racism is a fact of life. I'm sorry you don't like it but thems are the facts. I used to think racism was a thing of the past until one day, myself, and several others were driving our service trucks loaded up with scrap metal to drop off at the scrap yard. One of the "others" was black, and wouldn't you know it. Las Vegas metro pulled him over & drug him out of the vehicle at gun point. For no reason at all. We were appalled by what we saw. I would describe Metro's behavior as a bunch of out of control thugs. I ran an extensive background check on the guy before I hired him so there was no reason for what they did
to that guy.
Racism is a fact of life. I'm sorry you don't like it but thems are the facts. I used to think racism was a thing of the past until one day, myself, and several others were driving our service trucks loaded up with scrap metal to drop off at the scrap yard. One of the "others" was black, and wouldn't you know it. Las Vegas metro pulled him over & drug him out of the vehicle at gun point. For no reason at all. We were appalled by what we saw. I would describe Metro's behavior as a bunch of out of control thugs. I ran an extensive background check on the guy before I hired him so there was no reason for what they did
to that guy.

Again, it's an issue that's been beaten into the ground every day.

Regressive democrook policies destroyed the cultural and spiritual foundation of black people.

"Thug life" is exalted, honest work is ridiculed. Police are criticized when they do their jobs all the time. Try doing it for a few years and see things from their perspective. The fact that libturd judges let violent felons out of jail without bond after being arrested again for carrying a gun should piss you off.

Leftist radicals who whip up crowds of ghetto rats and get them to destroy millions of dollars worth of other people's property OVER A LIE!!!!

Are a far bigger problem that a few cops who profiled the wrong guy.

Where ever you see a problem you can bet democrook policy caused it.


Predictions of the demise of the Republican Party have been increasing ever since Mitt Romney failed to beat Obama in 2012.

The reasons given include conservatism's resistance to change, the Republican Party’s strict adherence to the Southern Strategy to court the racists of the Deep South, with the added pandering to the homophobes, Islamophobes, misogynists, Evangelicals, and other groups whose ideologies are based in white bigotry and intolerance.

But for all the prognostications of the death of the GOP, people of reason understand philosophies are all but impossible to kill. The Republican Party spent decades carefully developing the agenda of the white bigots in order to gain their loyalty so the GOP would have the necessary voter base to serve the economic needs of the super-rich and Big Business.

By comparison, the Western countries are currently in a war with the Islamic extremists of ISIS. But ISIS is not a nation of people, it is a dangerous religious dogma, and like the intolerance of the white bigots in the U.S. it cannot die or be killed. Yes, individual members can lose their lives, but the repressive foundation of ISIS, like the oppressive doctrine of U.S. conservatism, cannot be destroyed.

So, those who predict the death of the Republican Party are telling the world that an oppressive philosophy is nearing its end. These folks are mistakenly expecting a giant leap in understanding and the evolution of society. It will be a long time before humanity as a whole reaches that level, if ever.

With this in mind, there is no need for right-wingers to worry. Unfortunately, the world is going to be stuck with the GOP for a long, long time.

Mac McCann: The GOP is dying; let's pull the plug

This country needs (at least) two strong, viable, credible parties.

If the anti-cooperation absolutists in the GOP can somehow be marginalized we might be able to get back to that.
The contradictory aspects of conservatism are proving it to be a self-destroying political philosophy. But their own denial blinds the right-wingers to this fact as well.
Such as? Obviously you are a lib, which by default means that you are an immature hate filled asshole, but at least put some pretense forward of having a cogent thought.
Racism is a fact of life. I'm sorry you don't like it but thems are the facts. I used to think racism was a thing of the past until one day, myself, and several others were driving our service trucks loaded up with scrap metal to drop off at the scrap yard. One of the "others" was black, and wouldn't you know it. Las Vegas metro pulled him over & drug him out of the vehicle at gun point. For no reason at all. We were appalled by what we saw. I would describe Metro's behavior as a bunch of out of control thugs. I ran an extensive background check on the guy before I hired him so there was no reason for what they did
to that guy.

Again, it's an issue that's been beaten into the ground every day.

Regressive democrook policies destroyed the cultural and spiritual foundation of black people.

"Thug life" is exalted, honest work is ridiculed. Police are criticized when they do their jobs all the time. Try doing it for a few years and see things from their perspective. The fact that libturd judges let violent felons out of jail without bond after being arrested again for carrying a gun should piss you off.

Leftist radicals who whip up crowds of ghetto rats and get them to destroy millions of dollars worth of other people's property OVER A LIE!!!!

Are a far bigger problem that a few cops who profiled the wrong guy.

Where ever you see a problem you can bet democrook policy caused it.

So you're ok with thugs with badges. And it's dirtbags like you that protect bad cops. Congratulations.
The repubs are definitely circling the drain.
Having forfeited any chance of regaining the WH, they will continue to enjoy local support (Peter Principle), and will be a force to contend with on Capitol Hill. They'll be the burr under the country's saddle for the foreseeable future.
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