The GOP is exposing the nation to Hispanic caused degradation.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Make no mistake about it...thats what's got Democrats and Liberals paranoid...the Hussein administration and Liberal media has sold Hispanics as amazing, positive contributing human beings..."real pillars in their communities".....which is completely misleading to the American citizens who don't know any better.
REAL Americans in Loon York, Mexifornia, Texas and Arizona are aware of the truth but Middle America has no clue...they only know what Liberal media and Hollyweird tells them.
I can remember when only 20% of our population here in Mexifornia was Hispanic...they blended in and well and we thought they were awesome....traffic wasn't horrible, jobs were easy to come by, emergency rooms weren't packed full, streets in poor neighborhoods weren't littered with trash and stray animals, public schools were still teaching academics, American kids were able to get college grants and courses they needed...No one really felt like Hispanics we're invading and taking from REAL Americans.....HOLY SHIT HAS THAT ALL CHANGED. Good luck Middle America....the infestation is headed your way.
Make no mistake about it...thats what's got Democrats and Liberals paranoid...the Hussein administration and Liberal media has sold Hispanics as amazing, positive contributing human beings..."real pillars in their communities".....which is completely misleading to the American citizens who don't know any better.
REAL Americans in Loon York, Mexifornia, Texas and Arizona are aware of the truth but Middle America has no clue...they only know what Liberal media and Hollyweird tells them.
I can remember when only 20% of our population here in Mexifornia was Hispanic...they blended in and well and we thought they were awesome....traffic wasn't horrible, jobs were easy to come by, emergency rooms weren't packed full, streets in poor neighborhoods weren't littered with trash and stray animals, public schools were still teaching academics, American kids were able to get college grants and courses they needed...No one really felt like Hispanics we're invading and taking from REAL Americans.....HOLY SHIT HAS THAT ALL CHANGED. Good luck Middle America....the infestation is headed your way.
Take responsibility for yourself and stop blaming your personal failures on others, inbred.
You know a lot of the Mexicans in the southwest live there because their ancestors lived there before the United States took that land from Mexico, right? They're not just a bunch of border hoppers. They just live in the same area they always have.
Make no mistake about it...thats what's got Democrats and Liberals paranoid...the Hussein administration and Liberal media has sold Hispanics as amazing, positive contributing human beings..."real pillars in their communities".....which is completely misleading to the American citizens who don't know any better.REAL Americans in Loon York, Mexifornia, Texas and Arizona are aware of the truth but Middle America has no clue...they only know what Liberal media and Hollyweird tells them.I can remember when only 20% of our population here in Mexifornia was Hispanic...they blended in and well and we thought they were awesome....traffic wasn't horrible, jobs were easy to come by, emergency rooms weren't packed full, streets in poor neighborhoods weren't littered with trash and stray animals, public schools were still teaching academics, American kids were able to get college grants and courses they needed...No one really felt like Hispanics we're invading and taking from REAL Americans.....HOLY SHIT HAS THAT ALL CHANGED. Good luck Middle America....the infestation is headed your way.

Dude, take a 'chill pill."
Make no mistake about it...thats what's got Democrats and Liberals paranoid...the Hussein administration and Liberal media has sold Hispanics as amazing, positive contributing human beings..."real pillars in their communities".....which is completely misleading to the American citizens who don't know any better.
REAL Americans in Loon York, Mexifornia, Texas and Arizona are aware of the truth but Middle America has no clue...they only know what Liberal media and Hollyweird tells them.
I can remember when only 20% of our population here in Mexifornia was Hispanic...they blended in and well and we thought they were awesome....traffic wasn't horrible, jobs were easy to come by, emergency rooms weren't packed full, streets in poor neighborhoods weren't littered with trash and stray animals, public schools were still teaching academics, American kids were able to get college grants and courses they needed...No one really felt like Hispanics we're invading and taking from REAL Americans.....HOLY SHIT HAS THAT ALL CHANGED. Good luck Middle America....the infestation is headed your way.
Take responsibility for yourself and stop blaming your personal failures on others, inbred.

That's a super clever response and all but how is it relevant to my post?
If I "take responsibility for myself" will that decrease traffic? Will it empty the Hispanics from emergency rooms? Will it cause Hispanics to drive with insurance? Will they clean up their filthy communities? Will my daughter be able to enroll in the college courses she needs?
I'm me understand how me being "responsible" changes the negative impact that Hispanics have on American society. HELP!
Nobody wants to hear you spew your bullshit about Hispanics. If you don't like where you live, move. All there is to it.
Make no mistake about it...thats what's got Democrats and Liberals paranoid...the Hussein administration and Liberal media has sold Hispanics as amazing, positive contributing human beings..."real pillars in their communities".....which is completely misleading to the American citizens who don't know any better.
REAL Americans in Loon York, Mexifornia, Texas and Arizona are aware of the truth but Middle America has no clue...they only know what Liberal media and Hollyweird tells them.
I can remember when only 20% of our population here in Mexifornia was Hispanic...they blended in and well and we thought they were awesome....traffic wasn't horrible, jobs were easy to come by, emergency rooms weren't packed full, streets in poor neighborhoods weren't littered with trash and stray animals, public schools were still teaching academics, American kids were able to get college grants and courses they needed...No one really felt like Hispanics we're invading and taking from REAL Americans.....HOLY SHIT HAS THAT ALL CHANGED. Good luck Middle America....the infestation is headed your way.
I am actually in the Midwest now and I can assure that many here are already aware that there is a major problem. Anyone that hangs with working class people generally know that. The problem is we have a lot of corruption throughout the country and the people themselves throughout ignore the whole beast until now.
You know a lot of the Mexicans in the southwest live there because their ancestors lived there before the United States took that land from Mexico, right? They're not just a bunch of border hoppers. They just live in the same area they always have.

The Aztlan Nationalist are racist latinos who not accept that America is a sovereign country
Make no mistake about it...thats what's got Democrats and Liberals paranoid...the Hussein administration and Liberal media has sold Hispanics as amazing, positive contributing human beings..."real pillars in their communities".....which is completely misleading to the American citizens who don't know any better.
REAL Americans in Loon York, Mexifornia, Texas and Arizona are aware of the truth but Middle America has no clue...they only know what Liberal media and Hollyweird tells them.
I can remember when only 20% of our population here in Mexifornia was Hispanic...they blended in and well and we thought they were awesome....traffic wasn't horrible, jobs were easy to come by, emergency rooms weren't packed full, streets in poor neighborhoods weren't littered with trash and stray animals, public schools were still teaching academics, American kids were able to get college grants and courses they needed...No one really felt like Hispanics we're invading and taking from REAL Americans.....HOLY SHIT HAS THAT ALL CHANGED. Good luck Middle America....the infestation is headed your way.
I am actually in the Midwest now and I can assure that many here are already aware that there is a major problem. Anyone that hangs with working class people generally know that. The problem is we have a lot of corruption throughout the country and the people themselves throughout ignore the whole beast until now.

I'm also in the midwest, and I'm fully aware that 90% of the midwest population consists of complete morons. So their opinions aren't worth jack shit, really.
Make no mistake about it...thats what's got Democrats and Liberals paranoid...the Hussein administration and Liberal media has sold Hispanics as amazing, positive contributing human beings..."real pillars in their communities".....which is completely misleading to the American citizens who don't know any better.
REAL Americans in Loon York, Mexifornia, Texas and Arizona are aware of the truth but Middle America has no clue...they only know what Liberal media and Hollyweird tells them.
I can remember when only 20% of our population here in Mexifornia was Hispanic...they blended in and well and we thought they were awesome....traffic wasn't horrible, jobs were easy to come by, emergency rooms weren't packed full, streets in poor neighborhoods weren't littered with trash and stray animals, public schools were still teaching academics, American kids were able to get college grants and courses they needed...No one really felt like Hispanics we're invading and taking from REAL Americans.....HOLY SHIT HAS THAT ALL CHANGED. Good luck Middle America....the infestation is headed your way.

As the demographics of the nation change, there will be less and less support for the things about which conservatives claim to care.

For example, in the debate of gun control versus gun rights, blacks favor the former, 73-25, as do Hispanics, 69-28. A majority of blacks and nearly half of all non-whites also support banning semiautomatic rifles. A majority of blacks also thinks they should receive cash payments as well as special education and job training programs as “reparations” while the vast majority of whites reject reparations in any form.

More than two-thirds of blacks and Hispanics support “immigration reform,” and Hispanics overwhelmingly support a path to citizenship for illegals. Blacks and Hispanics also overwhelmingly support criminalizing “hate speech,” but 3-in-4 blacks supports black athletes protesting during the national anthem.

Over the last century of presidential elections, Jews have disproportionately voted for the left-wing candidate in every, single election. A slight majority (51%) of Muslims in America believe they should be able to live according to Sharia law, and 1-in-4 believe “violence against Americans here in the United States can be justified as part of the global jihad.”
You know a lot of the Mexicans in the southwest live there because their ancestors lived there before the United States took that land from Mexico, right? They're not just a bunch of border hoppers. They just live in the same area they always have.
Those people that are ready lived here are called Americans and they are citizens not illegal border jumping Mexicans or other border jumping South Americans.
Make no mistake about it...thats what's got Democrats and Liberals paranoid...the Hussein administration and Liberal media has sold Hispanics as amazing, positive contributing human beings..."real pillars in their communities".....which is completely misleading to the American citizens who don't know any better.
REAL Americans in Loon York, Mexifornia, Texas and Arizona are aware of the truth but Middle America has no clue...they only know what Liberal media and Hollyweird tells them.
I can remember when only 20% of our population here in Mexifornia was Hispanic...they blended in and well and we thought they were awesome....traffic wasn't horrible, jobs were easy to come by, emergency rooms weren't packed full, streets in poor neighborhoods weren't littered with trash and stray animals, public schools were still teaching academics, American kids were able to get college grants and courses they needed...No one really felt like Hispanics we're invading and taking from REAL Americans.....HOLY SHIT HAS THAT ALL CHANGED. Good luck Middle America....the infestation is headed your way.
Take responsibility for yourself and stop blaming your personal failures on others, inbred.

That's a super clever response and all but how is it relevant to my post?
If I "take responsibility for myself" will that decrease traffic? Will it empty the Hispanics from emergency rooms? Will it cause Hispanics to drive with insurance? Will they clean up their filthy communities? Will my daughter be able to enroll in the college courses she needs?
I'm me understand how me being "responsible" changes the negative impact that Hispanics have on American society. HELP!
Pay no attention to him. He is always drunk. When life is miserable some tries to cope with it by being tranquilized all the time.
You know a lot of the Mexicans in the southwest live there because their ancestors lived there before the United States took that land from Mexico, right? They're not just a bunch of border hoppers. They just live in the same area they always have.

Aww...poor you. You know nothing about American history. This is your lucky day...I love to enlighten the confused and ignorant. The British conquered this land, those were the times...that's what badass armies did...consequently a little document called the US Constitution was written
which banned third world filth from entering the US illegally. TA-DA!
What else can I teach you?

p.s.- You should be thankful that white men conquered and built this country...imagine if Mexicans would have...would you want to live here? Have you been to that filthy shithole Mexico lately? You certainly wouldn't be getting all that free shit you get now...right?
Make no mistake about it...thats what's got Democrats and Liberals paranoid...the Hussein administration and Liberal media has sold Hispanics as amazing, positive contributing human beings..."real pillars in their communities".....which is completely misleading to the American citizens who don't know any better.
REAL Americans in Loon York, Mexifornia, Texas and Arizona are aware of the truth but Middle America has no clue...they only know what Liberal media and Hollyweird tells them.
I can remember when only 20% of our population here in Mexifornia was Hispanic...they blended in and well and we thought they were awesome....traffic wasn't horrible, jobs were easy to come by, emergency rooms weren't packed full, streets in poor neighborhoods weren't littered with trash and stray animals, public schools were still teaching academics, American kids were able to get college grants and courses they needed...No one really felt like Hispanics we're invading and taking from REAL Americans.....HOLY SHIT HAS THAT ALL CHANGED. Good luck Middle America....the infestation is headed your way.
I am actually in the Midwest now and I can assure that many here are already aware that there is a major problem. Anyone that hangs with working class people generally know that. The problem is we have a lot of corruption throughout the country and the people themselves throughout ignore the whole beast until now.

I'm also in the midwest, and I'm fully aware that 90% of the midwest population consists of complete morons. So their opinions aren't worth jack shit, really.
You must be among that 90% that you describe yourself as. I am originally from California and have lived and traveled throughout the country in my better years.
Make no mistake about it...thats what's got Democrats and Liberals paranoid...the Hussein administration and Liberal media has sold Hispanics as amazing, positive contributing human beings..."real pillars in their communities".....which is completely misleading to the American citizens who don't know any better.
REAL Americans in Loon York, Mexifornia, Texas and Arizona are aware of the truth but Middle America has no clue...they only know what Liberal media and Hollyweird tells them.
I can remember when only 20% of our population here in Mexifornia was Hispanic...they blended in and well and we thought they were awesome....traffic wasn't horrible, jobs were easy to come by, emergency rooms weren't packed full, streets in poor neighborhoods weren't littered with trash and stray animals, public schools were still teaching academics, American kids were able to get college grants and courses they needed...No one really felt like Hispanics we're invading and taking from REAL Americans.....HOLY SHIT HAS THAT ALL CHANGED. Good luck Middle America....the infestation is headed your way.
I am actually in the Midwest now and I can assure that many here are already aware that there is a major problem. Anyone that hangs with working class people generally know that. The problem is we have a lot of corruption throughout the country and the people themselves throughout ignore the whole beast until now.

I'm also in the midwest, and I'm fully aware that 90% of the midwest population consists of complete morons. So their opinions aren't worth jack shit, really.
You must be among that 90% that you describe yourself as. I am originally from California and have lived and traveled throughout the country in my better years.

Maybe I am. Who knows? But I'm not a frothing bigot, so at least I have that going for me.
Make no mistake about it...thats what's got Democrats and Liberals paranoid...the Hussein administration and Liberal media has sold Hispanics as amazing, positive contributing human beings..."real pillars in their communities".....which is completely misleading to the American citizens who don't know any better.
REAL Americans in Loon York, Mexifornia, Texas and Arizona are aware of the truth but Middle America has no clue...they only know what Liberal media and Hollyweird tells them.
I can remember when only 20% of our population here in Mexifornia was Hispanic...they blended in and well and we thought they were awesome....traffic wasn't horrible, jobs were easy to come by, emergency rooms weren't packed full, streets in poor neighborhoods weren't littered with trash and stray animals, public schools were still teaching academics, American kids were able to get college grants and courses they needed...No one really felt like Hispanics we're invading and taking from REAL Americans.....HOLY SHIT HAS THAT ALL CHANGED. Good luck Middle America....the infestation is headed your way.
Take responsibility for yourself and stop blaming your personal failures on others, inbred.

That's a super clever response and all but how is it relevant to my post?
If I "take responsibility for myself" will that decrease traffic? Will it empty the Hispanics from emergency rooms? Will it cause Hispanics to drive with insurance? Will they clean up their filthy communities? Will my daughter be able to enroll in the college courses she needs?
I'm me understand how me being "responsible" changes the negative impact that Hispanics have on American society. HELP!

Why is it always white conservatives who blame minorities because they don't make enough money or can't afford college for their own kids?

Get a second job, dipshit.
Make no mistake about it...thats what's got Democrats and Liberals paranoid...the Hussein administration and Liberal media has sold Hispanics as amazing, positive contributing human beings..."real pillars in their communities".....which is completely misleading to the American citizens who don't know any better.
REAL Americans in Loon York, Mexifornia, Texas and Arizona are aware of the truth but Middle America has no clue...they only know what Liberal media and Hollyweird tells them.
I can remember when only 20% of our population here in Mexifornia was Hispanic...they blended in and well and we thought they were awesome....traffic wasn't horrible, jobs were easy to come by, emergency rooms weren't packed full, streets in poor neighborhoods weren't littered with trash and stray animals, public schools were still teaching academics, American kids were able to get college grants and courses they needed...No one really felt like Hispanics we're invading and taking from REAL Americans.....HOLY SHIT HAS THAT ALL CHANGED. Good luck Middle America....the infestation is headed your way.
I am actually in the Midwest now and I can assure that many here are already aware that there is a major problem. Anyone that hangs with working class people generally know that. The problem is we have a lot of corruption throughout the country and the people themselves throughout ignore the whole beast until now.

I'm also in the midwest, and I'm fully aware that 90% of the midwest population consists of complete morons. So their opinions aren't worth jack shit, really.
You must be among that 90% that you describe yourself as. I am originally from California and have lived and traveled throughout the country in my better years.

Maybe I am. Who knows? But I'm not a frothing bigot, so at least I have that going for me.

Is the delayed destruction and erasure of white peoples, their cultures, and Western Civilization as a whole really worth avoiding some possibly uncomfortable conversations with non-white drinking buddies?
Make no mistake about it...thats what's got Democrats and Liberals paranoid...the Hussein administration and Liberal media has sold Hispanics as amazing, positive contributing human beings..."real pillars in their communities".....which is completely misleading to the American citizens who don't know any better.
REAL Americans in Loon York, Mexifornia, Texas and Arizona are aware of the truth but Middle America has no clue...they only know what Liberal media and Hollyweird tells them.
I can remember when only 20% of our population here in Mexifornia was Hispanic...they blended in and well and we thought they were awesome....traffic wasn't horrible, jobs were easy to come by, emergency rooms weren't packed full, streets in poor neighborhoods weren't littered with trash and stray animals, public schools were still teaching academics, American kids were able to get college grants and courses they needed...No one really felt like Hispanics we're invading and taking from REAL Americans.....HOLY SHIT HAS THAT ALL CHANGED. Good luck Middle America....the infestation is headed your way.
It's to be expected.....the more Mexicans that come here the more we resemble Mexico......ever been to Mexico and seen how the poor live?
Make no mistake about it...thats what's got Democrats and Liberals paranoid...the Hussein administration and Liberal media has sold Hispanics as amazing, positive contributing human beings..."real pillars in their communities".....which is completely misleading to the American citizens who don't know any better.
REAL Americans in Loon York, Mexifornia, Texas and Arizona are aware of the truth but Middle America has no clue...they only know what Liberal media and Hollyweird tells them.
I can remember when only 20% of our population here in Mexifornia was Hispanic...they blended in and well and we thought they were awesome....traffic wasn't horrible, jobs were easy to come by, emergency rooms weren't packed full, streets in poor neighborhoods weren't littered with trash and stray animals, public schools were still teaching academics, American kids were able to get college grants and courses they needed...No one really felt like Hispanics we're invading and taking from REAL Americans.....HOLY SHIT HAS THAT ALL CHANGED. Good luck Middle America....the infestation is headed your way.
I am actually in the Midwest now and I can assure that many here are already aware that there is a major problem. Anyone that hangs with working class people generally know that. The problem is we have a lot of corruption throughout the country and the people themselves throughout ignore the whole beast until now.

I'm also in the midwest, and I'm fully aware that 90% of the midwest population consists of complete morons. So their opinions aren't worth jack shit, really.
Guess that Democrap edumacation system is having its effect.....

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