The GOP is Livid...


And if he had missed the chance to bring Bergdahl home, they would have ripped him for that.

Nope. Bergdahl is a traitor and most people could care less about his sorry ass. He should be court marshalled and spend the rest of his life in Leavenworth.

As for your assinine thread? Kinda funny how you always pull up some perceived wrong doing by a Rep to justify the bullshit actions of your messiah.

Apparantly in your little world perceived wrongs are A O K as long as everyone is doing them.

LMAO your an idiot.

Cut them a little slack... their Messianic Wonder Boy is a complete failure on the world stage, and pretty much any other stage. Defending him now demands abject ridiculousness. The man that was to "rebuild our standing on the world stage" has fucked everything up.. from Libya to Egypt to Syria...... he's a disaster.
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The 5 detainees were scheduled to be transferred out of Gitmo anyway.

I could not care less whether they were or not. Five "commanders" of a tribal faction operating in remote provinces of a country on the other side of the world are worth more than a US soldier? What kind of mindless, cowardly thinking is that? No matter what anyone might think he did (and he is innocent until proven guilty, remember?) he volunteered to go and put his butt in harms way to defend us, and people think we should have left him there to rot because they are afraid of what these five clowns might do? He is a United States soldier and we don't leave our people behind.

"Support Our Troops!" What bullshit.

And if he had missed the chance to bring Bergdahl home, they would have ripped him for that.

Uhm, he'd been in captivity for five years, no one said shit... until Barry Obumbler made a deal with the devil to get the traitor back.

Care to try again birdbrain?

What, wait?

Conservatives Have Hilariously Forgotten How Badly They Wanted Bergdahl Home
GOP Urged White House To 'Do All It Can' To Get Bowe Bergdahl
Lawmakers Change Their Minds After Demanding 'Every Effort' Be Made To Free Bergdahl | ThinkProgress
Republicans on Sgt. Bergdahl: Then & Now | The Daily Banter


The "Consistency" of conservatives.

Right here. You betcha.
obama traded five high value commanders for one deserter and traitor.

That's the difference.

The last time obama released a commander we got ISIS.

And you did not condemn the dangerous 151 detainees released by Bush who went back to the fight.

You are hypocrite.
The Towers were still standing in 1985.

And fell just as soon a conservative chickenhawk frat flyboy drydrunk, more interested in pissing off Russians and Chinese than swatting "mosquitoes" sat his ass in the President's chair.

Boy oh boy that George W.

We hardly miss ye..
The 5 detainees were scheduled to be transferred out of Gitmo anyway.

I could not care less whether they were or not. Five "commanders" of a tribal faction operating in remote provinces of a country on the other side of the world are worth more than a US soldier? What kind of mindless, cowardly thinking is that? No matter what anyone might think he did (and he is innocent until proven guilty, remember?) he volunteered to go and put his butt in harms way to defend us, and people think we should have left him there to rot because they are afraid of what these five clowns might do? He is a United States soldier and we don't leave our people behind.

"Support Our Troops!" What bullshit.

could not care less whether they were or not.

The 5 detainees were scheduled to be transferred out of Gitmo anyway.

I could not care less whether they were or not. Five "commanders" of a tribal faction operating in remote provinces of a country on the other side of the world are worth more than a US soldier? What kind of mindless, cowardly thinking is that? No matter what anyone might think he did (and he is innocent until proven guilty, remember?) he volunteered to go and put his butt in harms way to defend us, and people think we should have left him there to rot because they are afraid of what these five clowns might do? He is a United States soldier and we don't leave our people behind.

"Support Our Troops!" What bullshit.

could not care less whether they were or not.


Sorry for the confusion. I do not care whether or not they were going to be transferred out anyway.
The Towers were still standing in 1985.

And fell just as soon a conservative chickenhawk frat flyboy drydrunk, more interested in pissing off Russians and Chinese than swatting "mosquitoes" sat his ass in the President's chair.

Boy oh boy that George W.

We hardly miss ye..

Blame Bush 8 months into his presidency, and 6 years into Obama's presidency.





And if he had missed the chance to bring Bergdahl home, they would have ripped him for that.

Nope. Bergdahl is a traitor and most people could care less about his sorry ass. He should be court marshalled and spend the rest of his life in Leavenworth.

As for your assinine thread? Kinda funny how you always pull up some perceived wrong doing by a Rep to justify the bullshit actions of your messiah.

Apparantly in your little world perceived wrongs are A O K as long as everyone is doing them.

LMAO your an idiot.

Look at that review...Free from scorn, 1500 missles is just like 5 guys. Its all the same to Claudette. Look she doesnt even say its wrong....she says its PERCEIVED wrong that way she can excuse Regan while shes begging for fairness.


And if he had missed the chance to bring Bergdahl home, they would have ripped him for that.

Uhm, he'd been in captivity for five years, no one said shit... until Barry Obumbler made a deal with the devil to get the traitor back.

Care to try again birdbrain?

What, wait?

Conservatives Have Hilariously Forgotten How Badly They Wanted Bergdahl Home
GOP Urged White House To 'Do All It Can' To Get Bowe Bergdahl
Lawmakers Change Their Minds After Demanding 'Every Effort' Be Made To Free Bergdahl | ThinkProgress
Republicans on Sgt. Bergdahl: Then & Now | The Daily Banter


The "Consistency" of conservatives.

Right here. You betcha.

Did we know he was a traitor for all that time? Did anyone come out and publicly say how he got 6 men killed looking for him, or that he had writings and letters explaining his premeditated desertion?

And if he had missed the chance to bring Bergdahl home, they would have ripped him for that.

Uhm, he'd been in captivity for five years, no one said shit... until Barry Obumbler made a deal with the devil to get the traitor back.

Care to try again birdbrain?

Lots of people said shit. So you are a liar or just real uninformed. Every veterans group in America called for the return of Bergdahl. His name was featured at the Rolling Thunder Rally every year. That's about 750,000 citizens demanding his return every year since his capture converging on Washington DC. His parents were invited guest and spoke at some of the demonstrations.
Uhm, he'd been in captivity for five years, no one said shit... until Barry Obumbler made a deal with the devil to get the traitor back.

Care to try again birdbrain?

What, wait?

Conservatives Have Hilariously Forgotten How Badly They Wanted Bergdahl Home
GOP Urged White House To 'Do All It Can' To Get Bowe Bergdahl
Lawmakers Change Their Minds After Demanding 'Every Effort' Be Made To Free Bergdahl | ThinkProgress
Republicans on Sgt. Bergdahl: Then & Now | The Daily Banter


The "Consistency" of conservatives.

Right here. You betcha.

Did we know he was a traitor for all that time? Did anyone come out and publicly say how he got 6 men killed looking for him, or that he had writings and letters explaining his premeditated desertion?

We knew all about his case. People like you just didn't have the balls to call a captured POW being held by the enemy a traitor until a group of professional public relation experts and Republican political consultants began their effort at demonizing Bergdahl and his family for political gain. Now that that has been done the cowards like can pretend to be outspoken and brave.
It's been awhile but I"m guessing the left reacted about the same way to 1500 missiles as the right has to five high ranking commanders.

The right reacted the same way the left did over Iran/Contra. The only thing that kept Reagan from being impeached was that his crew fell on their own swords for him.

And if he had missed the chance to bring Bergdahl home, they would have ripped him for that.

Nope. Bergdahl is a traitor and most people could care less about his sorry ass. He should be court marshalled and spend the rest of his life in Leavenworth.

As for your assinine thread? Kinda funny how you always pull up some perceived wrong doing by a Rep to justify the bullshit actions of your messiah.

Apparantly in your little world perceived wrongs are A O K as long as everyone is doing them.

LMAO your an idiot.

Look at that review...Free from scorn, 1500 missles is just like 5 guys. Its all the same to Claudette. Look she doesnt even say its wrong....she says its PERCEIVED wrong that way she can excuse Regan while shes begging for fairness.


Again LMAO. You wouldn't know fair if it hit you in your fat ass. You take anything a Rep does just so you can justify your boy Barry's actions. Perhaps you should take a good look at your messiah. He sucks in case you haven't noticed.

Those five guys were high value Taliban and they were released for one deserter. A deserter even his men had nothing good to say about. Sure hope that dirtbag gets court marshalled.

Oh and I don't excuse Reagan for anything. Unlike you who excuse Barry for EVERYTHING.
The 5 detainees were scheduled to be transferred out of Gitmo anyway.

No they weren't.

Well no.

Yes they were.

Unlike what you folks THINK should happen.

Once we are out of Afghanistan, unless there is a charge for the folks in gitmo and they could be tried?

They are getting cut loose.

We have laws here.

And now that an actual lawyer is President, those laws will be followed.

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